Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

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Heineken® History

Heineken's® proud heritage includes generations of family involvement and celebrated beers. Gerard Adriaan Heineken purchased the De Hooiberg brewery and founded Heineken® in 1863. He made the business an immediate success by adhering to the highest quality standards, treating his employees well, and actually offering a money-back guarantee to his customers. Heineken's® success was great with demand spanning across Europe and year after year of growth backed by additional breweries. To share in the secrets behind our beer, explore the Heineken® History.

The red star is an original icon of the brand, used since the very beginning. Its exact origins are unknown but there are a few possible explanations. For example, some people think it was a symbol of European brewers in the Middle Ages, who believed it to have mystical powers to protect their brew. Another explanation is that four points of the star symbolise the elements earth, fire, water and wind and that the fifth point is the unknown, representing an element that brewers in the Middle Ages couldn’t control. A third explanation is that the position of a star on the front door of the brewery indicated the stage of the brewing process. During the Cold War, the original design was altered to avoid association with communism (it was replaced by a white star with a red outline). After the end of the Cold War, the original full red star was restored. For us, the red star's principle association is a festive, warm and cheerful mood.

Please explore our Heineken® history page.

Storing our beer

The best way to store your Heineken® beer is in a cool, dry place out of direct light and heat. Of course, if you’re ready to enjoy it straight away, chill it in the fridge until it’s cooled to around 45°F.

Check the best before date on your Heineken® beer to make sure you’re enjoying fresh, quality beer.

Heineken® worldwide

Heineken® is the world's most international brewer and is available in over 190 countries. It is the leading developer and marketer of premium beer, non-alcoholic malt beverages and cider brands. We operate breweries, malteries, cider plants and other production facilities in more than 70 countries.

Heineken® Original ingredients

Heineken® Original contains water, barley malt and hops.

The alcohol volume of Heineken® Original pilsner is 5%.

Beer contains gluten, which comes from the grain used to brew it. Only a fraction of the gluten in the grain gets into the beer – the exact amount depends on the kind of grain used. Brewing beer with barley leaves only traces of gluten in the beer, while wheat contributes considerably more. The brewing process can also affect gluten content. Generally speaking, the clearer and blonder the beer is, the less gluten it contains. Some people are allergic to gluten and have to follow a diet that minimises or excludes their gluten intake. Whether beer can be part of such a diet or not depends on the extent of the allergy and the type of beer consumed. In many cases, lager beers pose no problem for people who have a gluten allergy. However, it is up to individuals to assess their own sensitivity.

No. Heineken® Original has a policy of not using any GMO raw materials.

No. Heineken® Original is brewed using a natural brewing process with no additives. It contains water, barley malt, hops, and the unique Heineken A-Yeast® for fermentation in the brewing process.

No. The Heineken Company does not fund, conduct, or commission any tests on animals