Office of Asset Sales

Office of Asset Sales

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Office of Asset Sales was established in 2001 to coordinate sales of single family, healthcare and multifamily mortgage notes. Over the past 20 years, FHA has assembled a seasoned team of professionals and industry experts who execute sales in support of HUD’s mission while reducing losses for FHA’s insurance funds.



Upcoming Sales and Key Highlights

Upcoming Sales and Key Highlights




August 14, 2024


HUD-Held Vacant Loan Sale  – (HVLS 2025-1)


Announcing the HUD-Held Vacant Loan Sale 2025-1 (“HVLS 2025-1”) On October 16, 2024, HUD will offer multiple residential mortgage loans consisting of approximately 2,700 mortgage loans with an updated loan balance of approximately $746 million.

Bidder qualifications will begin on August 22, 2024. Bidders will receive their approval notification when the data room opens on or about September 11, 2024.

The sale will consist of due and payable HUD-Held loans. The loans are first liens secured by home equity conversion mortgages (HECM’s) securing 1- to 4-unit, vacant residential properties where all borrowers and any non-borrowing spouses are deceased.

Eligible Bidder types for the HVLS 2025-1 loan sale auction are nonprofits, nonprofit joint ventures, nonprofit instrumentalities of government, governmental entities or instrumentalities of government, governmental entity joint ventures, or for-profits.

Entities interested in participating can contact the Office of Asset Sales’ Single Family Transaction Specialist at 1-844-709-0763 or email [email protected] for more information.



July 10, 2024 – Healthcare Loan Sale (HLS 2024-1)


Hello Prospective Loan Sale Purchasers,


The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) has announced Healthcare Loan Sale 2024-1 (“HLS 2024-1”).

On August 21, 2024, HUD will offer 16 due and payable Secretary-Held commercial mortgage loans, consisting of fifteen Section 232 healthcare loans and one Section 242 healthcare loan with a combined total unpaid principal loan balance of approximately $164 million. The mortgage loans are secured by fifteen first liens and one second lien. HUD reserves the right to add or remove loans from HLS 2024-1.

Further details regarding the healthcare loans offered in the HLS 2024-1 sealed bid auction can be found at

From time to time, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) conducts loan sales of defaulted healthcare mortgage notes previously insured by FHA through various sale structures. The Healthcare Loan Sale program is intended to support maintaining access to healthcare in communities, reduce FHA’s claim costs, minimize the holding costs of defaulted healthcare notes, and maximize recoveries to the FHA insurance fund.

To qualify as a bidder for this sale, navigate to the Mission Capital Website. Select the HUD HLS 2024-1 Loan Sale, click and fill out each qualification document to be considered as a bidder for this sale. Entities interested in participating in the August 21, 2024, HLS 2024-1 sealed bid auction can contact the Office of Asset Sales’ Transaction Specialist at 1-844-709-0763 or email [email protected] for more information.


April 18, 2024


March 2024 Post-Sale Results Report

HVLS Post-Sale Results Report Available (HVLS Creport_March)

The Department has released its latest post-sale results report. This report captures data on the loans sold in the HUD-Held Vacant Loan Sales (HVLS).

The HUD Library Appendices for the March 2024 Post-Sale Results Report (HVLS Creport Library file


April 1, 2024


HUD-Held Vacant Loan Sale  – HVLS 2024-2


Hello Prospective Loan Sale Purchasers,

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) has announced HUD-Held Vacant Loan Sale 2024-2 (“HVLS 2024-2”).

On May 7, 2024, HUD will offer multiple residential mortgage loans consisting of approximately 1,265 notes and updated loan balance of approximately $346 million. The sale will consist of due and payable HUD-Held loans. The loans are first liens secured by home equity conversion mortgages (HECM’s) securing 1- to 4-unit, vacant residential properties where all borrowers and any non-borrowing spouses are deceased.

Eligible Bidder types for the HVLS 2024-2 loan sale auction are non-profits, non-profit joint ventures, non-profit instrumentalities of government, governmental entities or instrumentalities of government, governmental entity joint ventures, or for-profits.

Further details regarding the HUD-Held Vacant loans for offer in HVLS 2024-2 can be found at

To qualify as a bidder for this sale, navigate to the Mission Capital Website. Select the HUD HVLS 2024-2 Loan Sale, click and fill out each qualification document to be considered as a bidder for this sale.

Entities interested in participating can contact the Office of Asset Sales’ Transaction Specialist at 1-844-709-0763 or email [email protected] for more information.


October 27, 2023

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) has announced HUD-Held Vacant Loan Sale 2024-1 (“HVLS 2024-1”).

  • On December 5, 2023, HUD will offer multiple residential mortgage loans consisting of approximately 1,558 loans and updated loan balance of approximately $394 million. The sale will consist of due and payable HUD-Held loans. The loans are first liens secured by home equity conversion mortgages (HECM’s) securing 1- to 4-unit, vacant residential properties where all borrowers and any non-borrowing spouses are deceased.
  • Up to fifty percent of the mortgage loans being offered in HVLS 2024-1 may be awarded on a priority basis to nonprofit organizations and governmental entities with a documented housing mission.
  • HVLS 2024-1 will include a single asset pool consisting of a HECM loan secured by a New York single family property (“Mark House”) in Albany County that was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on August 29, 2022.  This single asset pool loan sale will have a separate CAA with representations and a breach provision specifying that the Purchaser may not present a derivative breach associated with the listing on the National Register of Historic Places.

Further details regarding the HUD-Held Vacant loans for offer in HVLS 2024-1 can be found at

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Asset Sales HUD-Held Vacant Loan Sales seek to increase affordable housing supply, expand opportunities for homeownership and rental housing, and revitalize communities through encouraging the disposition of these loans in a manner that achieves mission outcomes, including:

  • Selling properties to low- to moderate-income homebuyers at a price affordable to households earning less than 120 percent of the Area Median Family Income; and
  • Leasing properties at rents affordable to households earning less than or equal to 80 percent of the Area Median Family Income.

Entities interested in participating can contact the Office of Asset Sales’ Transaction Specialist at 1-844-709-0763 or email [email protected] for more information.


October 27, 2023

September 2023 Post-Sale Results Report


HVLS Post-Sale Results Report Available (HVLS Creport_September)

The Department has released its latest post-sale results report. This report captures data on the loans sold in the HUD-Held Vacant Loan Sales (HVLS).

The HUD Library Appendices for the September 2023 Post-Sale Results Report (HVLS Creport Library file)


October 27, 2023

Post-Sale Outcome Report Training - August 11, 2023 (YouTube video)


July 13, 2023

Multifamily and Healthcare Loan Sale – MHLS 2023-2

On August 30, 2023, HUD will conduct the sale of 10 multifamily and healthcare defaulted mortgage notes – nine notes secured by nine healthcare assets and one note secured by one multifamily asset. For more information on the August 30, 2023 MHLS 2023-2 sale please contact Falcon Capital Advisors at 1-844-709-0763, by email at [email protected] or visit their sales website at: Qualification information can be found at


May 19, 2023

Expanding Opportunities for Affordable Housing Through HUD Loan and Property Sales (YouTube video)  /  (Power Point slide deck)


May 2, 2023

March 2023 Post-Sale Results Report


HVLS Post-Sale Results Report Available (HVLS Creport_March)

The Department has released its latest post-sale results report. This report captures data on the loans sold in the HUD-Held Vacant Loan Sales (HVLS).

The HUD Library Appendices for the March 2023 Post-Sale Results Report (HVLS Creport Library file)


April 14, 2023

Announcing the HUD-Held Vacant Loan Sale (“HVLS 2023-1”)

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) has announced HUD-Held Vacant Loan Sale 2023-1 (“HVLS 2023-1”)

On May 23, 2023, HUD will offer multiple residential mortgage loans consisting of approximately 1,237 notes and loan balance of approximately $319 million. The sale will consist of due and payable HUD-Held loans. The loans are first liens secured by home equity conversion mortgages (HECM’s) securing 1- to 4-unit, vacant residential properties where all borrowers and any non-borrowing spouses are deceased.

Up to fifty percent of the mortgage loans being offered in HVLS 2023-1 may be awarded on a priority basis to nonprofit organizations and governmental entities with a documented housing mission.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Asset Sales HUD-Held Vacant Loan Sales seek to increase affordable housing supply, expand opportunities for homeownership and rental housing, and revitalize communities through encouraging the disposition of these notes in a manner that achieves mission outcomes, including:

  • Selling properties to low- to moderate-income homebuyers at a price affordable to households earning less than 120 percent of the Area Median Family Income; and
  • Leasing properties at rents affordable to households earning less than or equal to 80 percent of the Area Median Family Income.

Entities interested in participating can contact the Office of Asset Sales’ Transaction Specialist at 1-844-709-0763 or email [email protected] for more information.


September 2022 Post-Sale Results Report

HVLS Post-Sale Results Report Available

The Department has released its latest post-sale results report. This report captures data on the loans sold in the HUD-Held Vacant Loan Sales (HVLS).

The HUD Library Appendices for the September 2022 Post-Sale Results Report


October 5, 2022

Announcing the HUD-Held Multifamily Healthcare Loan Sale 2023-1

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) has announced Multifamily Healthcare Loan Sale 2023-1 (“MHLS 2023-1”).

On November 16, 2022, HUD will offer sixteen due and payable Secretary-Held commercial loans consisting of one Section 221(d)(4) MKT multifamily loan and fifteen Section 232 healthcare loans with a total unpaid principal loan balance of approximately $100.9 million. Loans are secured by 15 first liens and 1 second lien. HUD reserves the right to add or remove loans from MHLS 2023-1.

The Transaction Specialist for the sale is Falcon Capital Advisors: Interested parties may contact: Transaction Specialist at 1-844-709-0763 or email [email protected]

Additional information about the sale can be found at


View Sales Notice




Asset Sales Resources



Whether you’re a non-profit organization, a unit of local government, or a for-profit entity, find out more about how to participate in HUD asset sales, upcoming sales, and post-sale results below. Our competitive bid asset sales programs provide unique opportunities for the purchase of single family vacant property mortgage notes, and other distressed single family properties, multifamily assets, and healthcare program properties. Stay up to date on the latest FHA and Office of Housing program information by subscribing to our email updates.