The International Cities of Refuge Network (ICORN) is a non-governmental organisation established in 2006 and based in Stavanger, Norway.

Our vision: Improved conditions for freedom of expression worldwide.

Our mission: To enable cities around the world to provide safe havens for persecuted writers and artists, working together to advance freedom of expression, defend democratic values, and promote international solidarity.

The yearning for self-expression is a force that no authority body can subdue, and the tools of free speech and a free press possess the power to dismantle the machinery of even the most oppressive regimes.
Safaa Khalaf (Investigative Journalist)

Writers & Artists on the front line

The right to freedom of expression is crucial to living in a free, fair, and open society where people can access justice and exercise their human rights. Yet, the number of people living in democracies has rapidly decreased over the last ten years, and freedom of expression remains the worst affected component of democracy.

In a global wave of rising authoritarianism, disinformation, and misinformation, the space for free expression is shrinking. Under the pretext of national security, counter terrorism, defamation and health precautions, these freedoms come under regular attack from governments and powerful institutions that wish to control information flows and stifle criticism, hence restricting people’s rights and freedoms. It is happening everywhere, making even traditionally strong democracies volatile.  

Civil society plays a crucial role in protecting and promoting human rights and democracy. On the frontline, we find writers, artists, journalists, and activists working tirelessly to uncover and document social injustice and rights violations. Through their reporting, artistic expressions, and their ability to imagine a different world, these changemakers challenge dominant narratives and structures, mobilising support for social and political change.

From uncovering the effects of fossil fuel companies in Iraq, exposing ethnic cleansing and sexual violence in Ethiopia, to drawing attention to the forgotten conflicts of Sudan and Yemen, writers, artists, and journalists counter disinformation and propaganda, protect cultural and linguistic rights, lobby for change, and confront oppressive structures and legacies through art, music, literature.

Their endeavours often make them the first targets of censorship and reprisal by both state and non-state actors. This repression manifests itself through a variety of measures, including surveillance, censorship, physical and online threats, trolling, internet shut-downs, legal action, financial constraints, travel and work bans, abductions, imprisonment, physical assaults, and killings.

Protecting and promoting freedom of expression

ICORN builds on a strong tradition of protecting human rights and freedom of expression, as stated in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Article 19 of the UDHR, which safeguards the right to free expression, opinion, and information, is foundational to ICORN.

As part of a worldwide network dedicated to the protection of human rights and those who defend them, the ICORN programme offers relocation and residencies for two years to writers, journalists, and artists at risk who cannot safely continue their work in their home countries or regions. In ICORN residencies, they can find respite and continue their work in a safe environment with access to relevant professional and social networks.

Since 2006, more than 80 cities across Europe, the United States and Latin America have joined the network. 300 writers, journalists and artists have found safety and inspiration to continue to work in an ICORN City of Refuge.

Culture and Human Rights

ICORN is both a literature and arts, and a human rights and freedom of expression organisation. We interact with local initiatives and authorities in our member cities, national arts councils and migration authorities, and internationally with a wide range of arts, literature and journalism institutions and organisations, human rights and freedom of expression organisations, as well as residency and support networks.

We work actively with PEN International and PEN centres, Reporters without Borders (RSF), ProtectDefenders (PD), Arts Right Justice, Al Mawred, Artists at Risk Connection (ARC), Scholars at Risk, Frontline Defenders, DefendDefenders, Freemuse, UNESCO and many more.

ICORN continues to develop relationships with existing and new partners and supporters, to increase the capacity to protect and promote writers, artists and journalists at risk around the world. Since 2010, ICORN has been involved with relevant projects at the European Parliament and the European Commission and particularly with the EU’s determined initiative to set up a global system of shelter for those who defend human rights. 

ICORN is a member of the following organisations: ECREIFEXEUTRPJID

Community for change

Our member cities’ diverse programme structures involving local government and partnerships with grassroots and civil society organisations, offer opportunities that cater to the various needs and professions of the applicants to the ICORN programme.

Together with our colleagues and partners around the world, we become a powerful community with the ability to hold authorities and powerful actors to account, to raise awareness of human rights violations worldwide, and be a collective voice for the preservation and promotion of free expression, cultural rights, and to be mediators of stories that risk being forgotten or erased.


ICORN is led by a Board of Representatives, the ICORN Secretariat is responsible for the daily running of the organisation.

ICORN Board of Representatives

ICORN is headed by the Board of Representatives between the general assemblies. It consists of six Board Members representing the ICORN membership, covering the geographic spread of the ICORN Network.

The Board for 2024-2026 consists of: 

Annika Strömberg, Uppsala, Chair

Sabine Gimbrère, Amsterdam, Vice Chair

Marianne Borgen, Oslo, Board Member

Dominika Kasprowicz, Krakow, Board Member

Henry Reese, Pittsburgh, Board Member

Adi Blum, Bern, Board Member

ICORN Secretariat

Located in Stavanger, Norway, the Secretariat acts as the central hub for the network and programme worldwide. It consists of currently 10 secretariat staff and 4 consultants.

ICORN Members

Each City of Refuge runs the ICORN programme independently, in cooperation with and with support from the ICORN Secretariat. Financing and running an ICORN City of Refuge varies from city to city, depending on the national and local legislation, regulations, partnerships, cultural and funding opportunities.

General Assembly

Every year, ICORN organises a network meeting where more than 300 writers, artists, activists, city representatives, sister networks and experts from around the globe meet, hosted by one of the member cities in the network. The General Assembly is held every 2 years.

Funders and Supporters

As an independent, non-profit membership organisation,ICORN is most grateful for the support of the trusts, foundations, public andprivate donors who make our work possible. Main funders: 

-         MFA Norway / NORAD

-         Swedish Arts Council (SAC)

-         Stavanger Municipality

-         Sølvberget Library & Culture Centre

-         Fritt Ord (Free Word Foundation)

-         County of Rogaland

-         Open Society Foundations

-         ICORN Members