Schindler's List (1993) Poster

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ebiros217 October 2005
The movie started out pretty innocently, and for the first 20 minutes, I was wondering where the movie was going. Then it started to happen. The horrible cruelty of concentration camps. Oskar Schindler is an example of a man that no matter what the situation, there are people who won't go along with the cruelty of society. I'm sure it took courage to do what he did, because one wrong move and you'll be dead.

Movie brought to life this great man who really shouldn't be forgotten, and thanks to Steven Spielberg, I think he'll be remembered for generations to come. Movie like this should be made once in a while. Not that movie should be used for evangelistic purposes but some story should be told well, and movie is still the best vehicle to do so.

I still think that Oskar Shindler's last words in this movie was one of the best dialog in movie history - "Why did I keep this badge ? I could have saved a person. Why did I keep this car ?, I could have saved five more people."
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One of the best movies ever made.
Sleepin_Dragon26 January 2023
Businessman Oskar Schindler saved the lives of many Jews, by employing them in his factories, this saving them from going to The Concentration Camps.

This was, and will forever be, one of the best films ever made, not just the ultimate story of The Holocaust, but truly as masterpiece, one of the best.

If you can sit through it without being moved to the point of tears, you're made of stronger stuff than I am, the atrocities committed on those innocent people will never be forgotten. The realisation here is chilling.

The film's pacing is quite remarkable, it's a three hour film that flashes by quickly, but it's three hours that will live with you forever, some of the scenes will rightly never be forgotten.

What has always struck me, is the way that everything became normalised, people first losing their businesses, their homes, their freedom, and ultimately their lives, it is truly one of the bleakest points in human history, that's what this film details perfectly.

The Cinematography is incredible, it's understated, but perfect, fits the film perfectly, the sheer scale of it is so impressive. The scene with the little girl in the red coat has always been one of the standout moments.

No wonder it won a string of Oscars, the acting is outstanding throughout, I have always regarded this is Liam Neeson's best ever performance, but Ben Kingsley and Ralph Fiennes are remarkable also.

It's a film that informs, moves, and makes you think in equal measures. If you think it's going to be too much, I'd say this, it is very upsetting at times, but it does also give some real glimpses of hope, the remarkable human spirit.

A jaw dropping, powerful movie, it's one of the best ever made.

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Whoever saves one life, saves the world entirely. ⭐
EVON1TY2 March 2023
As you may know there is lots of World War II movies. Some of them shows you the worst parts of war, this one is doing something better.

Shows you the war is bad for everyone. Shows you een the little kindness is the greatest thing. Shows you "Whoever saves one life, saves the world entirely."

I saw so many World War II movies, non of them gave me these feelings. Most of them are just too sided with USA. Some of them just made with fictional characters. And I don't know how but some of them says war is a good thing if you're shooting bad people.

Besides one of the greatest historical Screenplay, the Acting Performances just superb. I don't imagine any better casting for any character. They all chosen well. With Liam Neeson's Schindler, Ben Kingsley's Stern and the great villain Ralp Fiennes' Amon Goth.

Scores is the soul of the movie. John Williams mades you feel that.

Cinematography is too great, watching this movie with these colors makes the movie too much realistic. I don't know how is it doing that. I know some of the movies are trying that when flashback scenes are coming, but most of them are not being successful at.

Art Direction and Set Decoration is also too varied. They managed to do an enormous job. You feel the greatness in the movie with varied places and objects.
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vtburns11 December 2000
I have only ever seen this film once, I only ever want to see this film once and I will only ever need to see this film once. It is etched on my mind. I, like many others, left in silence. I could not imagine inventing a critical analysis of this film, picking small points of detail or of style, or even scoring points off the Director. It stands alone as a monumental piece of cinema, a magnificent accomplishment.
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Bring me the heads of Hitler, Himmler, Eichmann n Mengele.
Fella_shibby9 September 2013
Schindler's List is undoubtedly the best Holocaust film ever made. There just isn't anything like this film. Various other films have tried to show the true horrors of the Holocaust, but none of them succeeded the way that Schindler's List did. Schindler's List is a difficult film to watch. When you see the true atrocities of the Holocaust, your jaw drops. When you see the pain that all of the innocent people were going through, the only thing you can do is cry. The true goal of all Holocaust films is to make you feel sorrowful, and Schindler's List did that to me. If you want to see the best depiction of the Holocaust, make your way towards Schindler's List. Me n my kids cried during the pit scene.
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You don't have to be Jewish to be touched by this response to inhumanity.
mark.waltz29 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
History has proved that the old saying, "God makes mad first whom he intends to destroy", and in the case of Nazi Ralph Fiennes in this Steven Spielberg masterpiece, that is oh, so true. Unfortunately, a lot of innocent people have to pay for that madness in the meanwhile, and that truly adds to the intensity of his madness as it increases and his vileness just gets more and more out of control.

On the other end of the spectrum is Liam Neeson's Oscar Schindler, a businessman who knows by allowing the Nazis to take his Jewish workers away, his productivity will suffer. Selfish motives keep these innocent people from being sent to the death camps, and as Schindler learns the truth about the atrocities going on and becomes closer to the people who work very hard for him, he goes out of his way to keep the Nazis from going through with their evil plans.

The atrocities you see here are things we can't fathom here in America. Innocent children are forced to hide in human waste to avoid discovery. An innocent woman prisoner with a background in architecture is brutally murdered after insisting that a building being constructed is doomed to collapse, after which the evil Fiennes simply orders his men to do what she suggested. Fiennes picks targets and guns them down, and also has Schindler's aged workers killed simply because he considers them too old to contribute. An innocent young girl in a red coat (the only color in this black and white movie) wanders around Warsaw as the ghetto is destroyed. Neeson almost looses his right-hand man (a magnificent Ben Kingsley) because of a paperwork mix-up. This culminates in the most daring of escapes from Nazi persecution, and that is where Neeson realizes the full effect of what's going on, breaking down in a scene that will have you shivering in your seat.

I can't watch these movies without the temptation to scream at the Nazis on screen. Even in the most outlandish propaganda films of the war era, I tended to either applaud loudly or scream in delight "Die, Nazi, Die!" as the villain gets their come-uppance, either through brutal murder or the firing squad after a lengthy trial revealed their shame. Many of those times, my body was shaking so violently as sobs emerged from me that I was unaware I was capable of. You can't call these feelings manipulation by the direction; Spielberg obviously felt a passion for the story he was telling, as if he knows that this can cross over into any race, any culture, any religion.

Rarely in recent movie history has it been so obvious when a film was released that it would sweep the Academy Awards, and "Schindler's List" truly deserved every honor which it received. Some stories are so painful that you can't go back and watch them easily; I find that every so often, I need a movie like "Schindler's List" to remind me of how vile humanity can be, and how one compassionate human being can change the course of history for so many. The finale with real-life "Schindler Jews" honoring their hero is truly awe inspiring and is certainly what you can call triumph over tragedy.
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Best movie
ispaseugen18 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is the best movie i've ever seen.I liked very much how an ethnic German businessman saved the lives of more than a thousand mostly Polish-Jewish refugees from the Holocaust by employing them in his factories during World War II.And the best part is that the movie is black and white with only 1 color for specifically reasons.
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crawdidd4243 May 2002
This Movie was sensational. It was a piece of art along with being informational. It told people about the holocaust, and it also told people about the human spirit. It shows how people can just triumph over anything with just some help from one person The things that Spielberg did with the movie was incredible too. The black and white was genius, and how he had the little girl in red and the fire was phenuminal. I have never seen anything like it, Schindler's List is beyond all words.
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Stunning film, indeed. Without a doubt...
arahansehrawat1 September 2017
Schindler's genius is in bribing, scheming, conning. He knows nothing about running a factory and finds Itzhak Stern, a Jewish accountant, to handle that side of things. Stern moves through the streets of Krakow, hiring Jews for Schindler. Because the factory is a protected war industry, a job there may guarantee longer life. The relationship between Schindler and Stern is developed by Spielberg with enormous subtlety. At the beginning of the war, Schindler wants only to make money... and at the end he wants only to save "his" Jews. We know that Stern understands this. But there is no moment when Schindler and Stern bluntly state what is happening, perhaps because to say certain things aloud could result in death.
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What he hell is wrong with the people that commented on the 1st 4 pages of reviews???
padawanmovies16 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
To all the ppl on the 1st four review pages, u r all idiots... To say that this movie's overrated and one sided makes u all seem naive. This is an emotional movie that emphasizes one of the worst periods in the history of mankind. I'm a big list person so anytime there's a list of the 10, 20, 50 best(fill in the blank) I must check it out. Now usually I'll take a gander at something jus so I can try to understand y it's considered great: 2 in particular I'm not a fan of include Pulp Fiction and Annie Hall. But I digress, this movie was well worth the years it took me to finally watch, had it on the DVR since March. All of the acting is absolutely stellar. I would say I hope an amazing story told on celluloid would encourage people to treat one another better, but given the state of things in parts of the world I'll say we're a long way from that. ONE OF THE MOST GUT WRENCHING MOVIES I'VE EVER SEEN
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shikhargupta-0561327 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
You might not have heard about Oscar Schindler but you will definitely want to know more about him after watching the movie. He is credited with saving the lives of more than a thousand Jews during the Holocaust. He was named Righteous among the Nations by the Israeli Government a few years after the end of the Second World War. Righteous among the Nations is awarded to those non-Jews who helped Jews during the Holocaust in various ways such as providing them food or shelter, arranging escape out of Germany and German- occupied territories, etc.

Schindler's List is based on a 1983 novel, Schindler's Ark. It tells the story of the efforts of Oscar Schindler, a German, to help Jews during the Holocaust. Played by Liam Neeson, Oscar is not an easy character to comprehend. It takes you time to fully understand who he is. He is a person who might come across selfish to you at first. He is an opportunistic businessman. He comes across as one who, even during the wartime, is trying to find opportunities to make money rather than worrying about people's lives. But deep inside, he has a heart bigger than the most and at a time when Jews were struggling to find a helping hand, he helped more than a thousand Jews. He is not a person who will give you sympathy for you are going to lose someone close, but he is one who would take actions to save your closed one and not tell you when he does. You can see this in the movie when a Jewish lady approaches him begging to get her parents out of the concentration camp and into his factory. At first, he not only denies her help but also lashes out at his assistant showing frustration how his for-profit factory has come to be known to people outside as a charitable harbor for Jews. But you can hear the pain he feels for that lady and all the other Jews in his frustrated voice. Later in the scene, the lady's parents are shown being escorted out of the concentration camp into his factory.

The movie starts with how Oscar Schindler, in the midst of the Second World War, sets up a factory manufacturing pots and pans to supply to the German army. Oscar hires a Jewish accountant to manage the factory. While the account runs the factory enormously profitably for Schindler, he hires many Jews who would have otherwise ended up in concentration camps. By getting German SS guards to believe that they have the important skill sets required for the factory, he cleverly sneaks many Jews out of the concentration camps.

As Oscar is setting up his factory, the German SS is brutally evicting all the Jews out of their houses and moving them to ghettos and later to labor camps. As Oscar and his wife helplessly watch eviction of a ghetto from a hill overlooking it, he realizes the dreadfulness of the war and that he needs to look beyond the factory profits and help the Jews. The atrocities that the Jews face will touch your heart. In a scene of a labor camp, as little children are being taken away by German SS guards from their mothers, a child runs away to hide. He tries a few places including outhouses but finding them occupied by other children, he dives through a toilet seat in a toilet pit to hide. The fear of life on the face of the little child as he settles in the toilet pit will bleed your heart.

As the war progresses, the state of the Jews worsens. The SS plans to exterminate all the Jews and hence gradually starts moving them from labor camps to concentration camps. Oscar's pots and pans factory are not considered important enough for the war effort to continue employing the Jews anymore but he is determined to keep the Jews in his factory, by now called Schindler Jews, from the concentration camps as he devises a new plan.

Despite the dark and sad story-line, the movie has many snippets of humour. As Oscar's manager is cleverly hiring Jews in the factory by keeping the SS in dark, he also hires an old man without a left arm as a metal polisher. The state of the old man is sad and the act of the manager is kind. But the subtle humour in the situation is difficult to miss when Oscar comes to know about the old man and frustratingly asks his manager how the old man is useful for the factory.

Overall, Schindler's list is a heart-touching and a powerful movie that will force even a cold heart to warm for a moment. The movie is engaging and will keep you engaged for the entire three hours. It is a must-watch. I give it a rating of 9 out of 10.
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Stunning; Spielberg's Greatest. Top 💯 All Time Best Films
Instant_Palmer10 April 2022
Leaves one speechless - Moving, somber, and horrifying. One of Humankind's worst moments - Something no one should ever forget. This is filmmaking at its finest. Even with 7 Oscars, deserved more. On par with the greatest films ever made. Certainly cemented Steven as one of the greatest filmmakers to walk the planet. A personal labor by Steven, it is clearly something he felt compelled to do, and it shows in the intricate detail of every scene. "Schindler's List" is nearly flawless in every category. A must-see film for reasons beyond entertainment.

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don't take this personally
rhinocerosfive-119 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps I should be shot, but I think four minutes of "Springtime for Hitler" is a more ingenious and powerful argument against anti-Semitism than four hours of "Shoah."

Many Jews attribute the resilience of their culture to a capacity for laughter in the face of catastrophe. As Saul Bellow said, "Oppressed people tend to be witty." Pogroms didn't start with Hitler; by the time the Spanish Inquisition burned a hundred thousand Jews, the story of Jewish oppression already could fill many volumes. Many peoples once multitudinous have perished from the earth: there are no Carthaginians left. There are no more Thracians to speak of. The Celts live only in musical traditions and some old literature, having been subsumed by their conquerors. Their gods are dead, and their languages, or nearly so. But the Jews thrive on. Something kept hope alive under Stalin, under Isabella, under the Caesars. A sense of humor is a great virtue, not to be undervalued.

But in order to make sure I appreciate the horror of the events portrayed, this movie cheats me of a glimpse at real life. The situations don't live as they might, because all the time I'm being flogged with message. There is no even partially redeemable Nazi in this movie, and Schindler's own late-stage change of heart is presented with such suddenness that the movie veers into melodrama. And even melodrama need not be propaganda; Minnelli and Ray always left us with choices. But "Schindler" must be classified as propaganda because it lacks the truth of even gallows humor, which by many reports existed in great abundance in the ghettos and even in the death camps.

The films of Bunuel and Altman are often political but rarely propagandist. The films of Michael Bay and Marcus Nispel are always propagandist and not always political, though they are of course always bad. So propaganda need not be political, and politics need not be propaganda. This shouldn't need saying, but in the modern age of American politics, it's worth remembering. I wish Steven Spielberg remembered it.

One can define propaganda objectively as a sort of forced perspective, a narrow range of potential reactions for the viewer. Propaganda is the use of art to persuade. It turns art into an expository essay. Propaganda is therefore by definition a limited form, limited by its very agenda. The tools of propaganda become less necessary the more inherently obvious the subject matter; the mass extermination of a people would seem to me to fit this category. So I think the style of this movie is unfortunately maudlin, an overkill on the negative. I am not heartless; I hate hate as much as anybody, and I celebrate Jews and all humans as valuable and not for burning. But is there no other way to express a political point than to make me cry for three hours?

The fact is that film as a medium lends itself to propaganda. There is a decision made about every angle; literally, the perspective is chosen for the viewer. This is not the case with other arts, with musical performance, acting, writing, sculpture; but the more visual the medium, the greater its tendency to make statements and the less its potential for ambiguity. It takes a lot of skill to manage a visual art form into something with real depth, into a question rather than an answer.

You can make propaganda about love, like "Love Story" or "English Patient"; you can make propaganda out of character, like "Patton" or "Lawrence of Arabia." The easiest and most common sorts of propaganda are flag-waving and hate-mongering - what's found in state of the union addresses and election campaign ads. At its best, propaganda can remind us of our values, of our responsibilities, of our mythologies and potentials; and so it can be a great good. At its worst, propaganda may contain any of the faults of any medium - it may be bland, dull, predictable. When it is these things, it is not very persuasive, and so it fails at its main intent.

In this light, "Schindler's List" is maybe the second-best type of propaganda. It has real emotion, a compelling story, myriad technical virtues; it leaves me with no choice but to agree with it, but of course I agree with it already insofar as genocide is not a force for good. The movie moves me to an extent. But it lacks comedy, the propagandist's most effective tool; and so when it pretends to explore a range of humanity, it tells a half-truth.

Liam Neeson plays an excellent cad, and Ralph Fiennes' raptor beak was never used to more terrifying effect. (It is among the many faults of the "Harry Potter" movies that they cut off his nose.) But I prefer "The Pianist" as a portrait of Nazi-occupied Poland. Aside from possessing greater artistic powers than Spielberg, Roman Polanski has an immensely deeper capacity for human truth. He does not preach, and he is not strident, and he is not sentimental. And he allows Adrien Brody to make me laugh occasionally, not as often as he makes me cry but sometimes. Shakespeare's trick of contrasting tragedy with comedy is not simply effective storytelling; it is a view to a more realized universe. "Jaws" has it. "E.T." has it. But Spielberg apparently felt that to be funny about the Holocaust would be in bad taste.

As far as propagandist filmmakers go, I'll take Charlie Chaplin or Paul Verhoeven. They are at least funny; the pill of "Great Dictator" or "Starship Troopers" goes down more easily, more persuasively, therefore more effectively, than the pill of "Schindler" or "Private Ryan."
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Schindler's List, or How I Learned to Stop Profiteering and Love the Jews
paladeen2 August 2008
Schindler's List is one of the most overrated films of all time: It won seven Oscars. It is the 6th highest rated film on IMDb. The critics loved it, and the Internet is flooded with reviews where people rave about being "deeply moved" or "touched."

Ultimately, the film is a shallow failure.

A good drama film needs several qualities. Of these, the most important is the exposition of characters and their interactions. Schindler's List flops spectacularly in this respect. We start out following the tale of Oskar Schindler, an opportunistic, profiteering businessman. But midpoint in the film, this Schindler persona has disappeared, and we have a new character clothed in the same flesh -- a self-sacrificing philanthropist who spends his entire amassed fortune to save the Jew workers. How did we get from one to the other? How did Schindler transform from the evil Mr. Hyde to the benevolent Dr. Jekyll? Steven Spielberg certainly doesn't show us -- maybe it happens via magic, like the bicycle ride in ET?

And what about Amon Göth, the representative Nazi? A "grotesque caricature" if there ever was one. He's an evil, sadistic, Jew-hating Nazi bastard -- but do we get to know why he wakes up every morning, takes a swig of booze and snipes Jew prisoners for fun? No. Spielberg thinks the answer is obvious -- he's a Nazi, and Nazis don't have reasons for the things they do. They're just rabid dogs out for blood, utterly devoid of any moral dimension. But this sort of shallow political correctness can't possibly cut any slack with intelligent viewers. We want to know why Göth hates the Jews so much that he fires his pistol into a pile of decimated corpses, but we never get to know. Apparently, he does it because he's an Evil Nazi, and that's all there is to it.

The attempt to add depth to Göth's character by dwelling on his twisted love affair with a Jewish girl is easily seen for what it is -- a cheap exposure of Nazi hypocrisy. How about trying to dwell on real issues here, Spielberg? How about trying to pass these people off as genuine (albeit twisted) human beings?

This shortcoming is not restricted to Spielberg. When will Hollywood own up to the fact that the men who ran the Third Reich were not mindless monsters? Some of them were cultivated intellectuals and scientists, others compassionate family men and devoted friends. Germany was the best educated country in Europe when the Nazis rose to power. The true intrigue of the Holocaust does not lie in the brutality, but rather in Hannah Arendt's "banality of evil". How can a man (or millions of men) arbitrarily narrow the moral sphere to exclude people seemingly no different from neighbours, friends and family? How can a man fall under the sway of a dispassionate and cruel ideology while leading a normal life of compassion?

Needless to say, none of these issues are explored by Spielberg.

Another peeve of mine: Accents. There are English-speaking films and then there are German-speaking films. Schindler's List, on the other hand, does not belong to either of these categories. Instead, Spielberg opted to have the characters speak English with a German accent. What the hell? Listening to Liam Neeson strut about trying to sound like an Anglicised German is just pathetic. : Spielberg's trying to please Hollywood audiences by making the film accessible to them (and hence, no spoken German), but for the love of God! We get the point! They're in Nazi Germany. Yes, Hitler's in charge. Yes, it's a nasty, genocidal regime. Please, no cheesy accents.

One of the truly unforgivable aspects of the film is the ending. A mildly touching speech by Schindler about being a war criminal on the run, wanted by the victors of the war, set just the right mood. It would have been perfect. But no, Spielberg couldn't resist messing it up -- he had to have Schindler break down, bawl and cry, grief-stricken and lashed by pangs of conscience. Spare me the anguish, Spielberg. The grief should have been that of the Jews, not Schindler.

When Schindler took off his gold ring and blubbers out "I could have saved one more", I experienced a feeling of mild revulsion. Look, the guy did a great job, he saved a lot of lives. No point in getting all worked up about the fact that he didn't literally sell the skin of his back to save people he didn't know.

What does this film leave us after 195 minutes of running time? Let's see:

* The Nazis were *Really Evil* * There was a man called Schindler who didn't care about anything but money at first, and then for some reason he started to care about saving the Jews.

Brilliant, Spielberg. Positively brilliant.

All of the above-mentioned flaws are bad enough -- but the way the film manipulates the viewer really takes the cake. Shots of emaciated, shaved potential Holocaust victims starving and screaming, with tragic violin music to boot. It has been done in many films before, and will be done again. It doesn't take skill for a film-maker to coerce the viewer into sorrow -- It takes skill to produce the same feelings without resorting to cheap, melodramatic trickery. The Pianist is a superb counter-example. A journey of the mind is so much more satisfying than a journey of the senses...

Like most of Spielberg's films, Schindler's List is technically outstanding. It captures the mood of wartime Germany perfectly. The sets, costumes and cinematography are all top-notch, and the acting is not too bad either. However, none of these things can overcome the fact that Spielberg is a director of extremely limited vision. His moral and intellectual depth is that of a child.

Stick to making films for children, Spielberg. Stick to making children's films. You're out of your depth.
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A three hour film that feels too short
Gordon-1119 October 2009
This film tells the story of Nazi officer Oskar Schindler, who secretly saved hundreds of Jewish people from concentration camps.

I have wanted to watch "Schindler's List" for years, but could not bring myself to do so because I don't want to be disappointed. "Schindler's List" is phenomenally powerful and effective in portraying the historical atrocities. I believe no one can keep their eyes dry from Schindler's List". The scene involving mothers running after trucks of children is particularly memorable. The final farewell scene is very emotional for me. It is rare achievement, but "Schindler's List" is a three hour film that feels too short.
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Spielberg's most important work
SnoopyStyle23 March 2014
Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson) is a social climbing opportunistic womanizing German businessman. He charms important Nazis, and gets access to limitless Jewish labor. He gets Itzhak Stern (Ben Kingsley) as his right hand man, and Jewish money to pay for his business. He provides the front. Using black market deals and advantageous connections, he becomes rich and powerful. Stern works tirelessly to save people. Even as the Jews are rounded up to Plaszow labor camp under the command of unstable Amon Goeth (Ralph Fiennes), Schindler is able to befriend the mad commander.

This is probably the most important movie of director Steven Spielberg's career. At least it's the most important for him. Based on the true story, Spielberg uses all his movie making skills to create this iconic movie. The black and white provides starkness and thankfully a little bit of distance from the horrible events. Liam Neeson and Ben Kingsley are the perfect duo. Ralph Fiennes gives a complex performance as the mad commander. The shock of the horrors of the Holocaust is expertly done. When I first saw it in the theater, I couldn't help sob a little when Schindler breaks down at the end.
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Thank You Steven Spielberg
Nephertity21 December 1999
Schindler's List is the ever best movie I have seen within my whole life period of time.

Steven Spielberg is the unique man who really does deserve the definition "genius child" of cinema.

Thank you Steven Spielberg, for all the wonderful vision you have brought into cinema world and thus into our lives...
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The masterpiece
tornikesvanidze17 August 2017
Fantastic screening of the bloody history. Watching Schindler's List gives rise to know what means the 'TOP CLASS FILM', it's impossible to make better film in this subject matter. Steven Spielberg is a genius. Liam Neelson and Ralph Fiennes are showing us how talented and great actors are they. Well done to the cast and crew of this film.
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Quite simply the greatest achievement in movie making this century.
Mike-13929 July 1998
Well what can I say? It took Spielberg nearly 20 years before they would acknowledge his brilliance, so he just had to create probably the greatest and most important film that this earth has probably seen. Try and pick a flaw in it, I dare you.
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zaremskya-2376123 October 2017
The Holocaust is a dark and touchy subject for many. Many believed it never happened, despite meticulous records kept by the Nazis themselves. Those who lived through it were scarred forever, and even now can barely bring themselves to discuss its horrors. Despite the controversy around the event, there is one thing for certain, Steven Spielberg created a masterpiece with Schindler's List. It is a film that will find no equal in terms of bleak, crushing drama. It sets out what it intends to do marvelously and leaves the viewer emotionally drained and questioning humanity itself.

The film is in black and white, a very conscious choice by the director that makes the subject matter, already disturbing, even more so bleak and harrowing. Oskar Schindler is known for saving thousands of Jews destined for a grim fate during World War 2. The movie depicts concentration camp life is fairly dismal, with constant brutal oppression by Nazi camp guards and the sadistic Amon Goth, with a terrifying portrayal by Ralph Fiennes.

Yes, this film will not make you cheery or happy. Yes it is about a miserable and dark period in human history, but it is an important film to watch for anyone interested in this historic subject matter and also a beautiful work of art for film lovers. Truly one of Spielberg's finest works. The fact that he is Jewish himself does add a personal touch to the tragic tale, but he never tries to overdo the sympathy or antipathy towards any group in the film.

Everyone is human in this film, the Jews and the Nazis; the tragedy is that humanity itself failed during this period of history, and we will never forget.
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Excellent - Spielberg's Best
ving135 August 1998
Warning: Spoilers
An incredible movie. One thing that stands out in my mind about this classic film is the great characterization of all the players due to superb acting, directing, and scripting. Ralph Fiennes character is especially vile but at the same time human. He may be 95% evil but to not present a stereotypical and archetypical 100% bad character makes him infinately more realistic. Filmed in black and white, this story certainly shows the shades of gray that is the duality of man. This is further exemplified by Schindler's own declaration of being a bad person because he could have done more good and saved more lives.
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Profound Beauty! If you appreciate art, this is a masterpiece.
troy-manatunga29 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers

Evil and indifference we see all around us every day. And there are times when goodness is as rare as lamplight in a howling storm – Michael Wilmington 93'

The brutal realism of WWII, countless crimes against humanity and the darkest journey imaginable is breathed into life in this epic adaptation based on the true story of Oskar Schindler. Directed by renowned veteran director Steven Spielberg this story of morbid ethnic cleansing, is of timeless learning for generations to come. Starring Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler, Ben Kinglsey as Itzhak Stern & Ralph Fiennes as Amon Goeth there isn't a moment of distraction from the matters at hand.

Oskar Schindler an industrialist and an obvious opportunist acquires an enamelware factory in Krakow employing Jews from concentration camps in the region. Hounding prisoners to invest in his industrial venture as he reaps the financial benefits, whilst the Jewish investors are paid their returns in metal ware. As the war comes with the Germany losing, the SS begins moving its prisoners Westward to remaining camps. Oskar Schindler invests heavily on Jewish workforce by bribing the SS for his own interest. As time passes his interests were in-tuned with the well being of his workforce than himself strident towards bankruptcy.

Performances that are brutally surreal and engrossing will break you down, whilst certain artistry of hand held cinematography will place you in the midst of all chaos and tragedy. Shot in black and white with certain exceptions of the odd girl in the red coat for personification, the realism of the morbid drama of the holocaust will never leave the audiences' mind. Up until 1993 Spielberg although is renowned for his creativity behind the camera certainly has not dealt with a screen play with such delicate baggage. A slip of the slightest would have this historical drama crawling, gaping for life at the mercy of its 195 minutes of runtime. Never is it so. With CGI at its minimal and the concentration on the subject, and the subjects' woe within the subject is where Spielbergs' heart is at. Enigmatic is where I am left as the end credits roll up embracing me with its moving score.

What took me so long to watch this? Is something I keep asking my self now.

Profound Beauty! If you appreciate art, this is a masterpiece.

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This is a movie a person could definitely learn from
criticalthinker416 August 2017
This is my all time favorite Spielberg film. Its truthful and reliable in its information and the encounter's at which takes place. I love the dedication to research and the intricate details in the film and how it was put together. This film will make anyone appreciate that which we all take for granted everyday... LIFE
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Thoughts on Schindler's List
Samuel-Shovel3 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is visually stunning. Just the sheer mass of extras, set design, costumes, cinematography, and everything else that went into this movie is breathtaking. Through all this, the movie definitely pulls off a war-time atmosphere, the black & white photography only adds another element to this. The acting is (mostly) great. And the story is a good one and an important one. What Schindler did deserves our recognition, respect, and reverence. I'm glad Spielberg was able to bring it to our attention.

Now for the problems with this movie. First off, the length: I think this movie's 3 hour 15 minute runtime just snuck by Gandhi as the longest theatrically released movie in my viewing history. I try not to make a fuss over the length of a movie; however long the director requires to get their story across to the audience is up to them. What I do take issue with is a movie that has a 3+ hour long runtime that is completely unnecessary… such as this one. This movie contains a story that doesn't need its allotted time. I think a 200 minute cut of this movie would really improve it, maybe even a straight 2 hours if you're pushing it. Too much time is taken replaying the horrors of Nazi-occupied Germany seemingly over and over again. I just want to be clear that I am not trying to diminish what happened or the emotional impact these scenes have, however when we as an audience are bombarded with scene after scene of tyrannical cruelty via the hands of the Germans, the emotional effectiveness of said scenes starts to fall under the law of diminishing returns. At a certain point, I as an audience member have no emotional energy left to invest and the effort Spielberg's putting into causing a mournful tone just becomes fruitless. With most things in life, overexposure will lead to dulling of the senses and emotional desensitization. I am aware that what is occurring on- screen is horrendous but my mind can no longer keep up with what is being presented. Sometimes less is more.

My next issue relates to the treatment of the protagonists and antagonists of this movie. No, there is no excuse for what the Nazis did and defending this party or their belief system is contemptible and disturbing. But as a director making an Oscar-winning Best Picture, please do not make your characters these black and white symbols of good and evil. Not every person in the Nazi regime was 100% certifiably evil; not every person representing the good guys was a sinless angel. It is up to you as a director to show us these characters, their nuances, their grey areas, and their stories as a whole. It is up to us as an audience to take in all of this and make decisions about these stories and their characters. But when a director paints all these characters in broad strokes, labeling everyone as either entirely pure or entirely evil, he or she has taken the decision out of our hands and we as an audience are forced to consume the subject matter from the pre-destined moralistic vantage point that the director has prepared for us. That is exactly what has happened here. Spielberg hold our hand through the entirety of this movie, not leaving anything up to the audience's interpretation or judgment. In Roman Polanski's "The Pianist", we get to see the multiple dimensions to characters from this conflict. Polanski focuses more on the character development of the Nazis and Jews and less on the abhorrent crimes that were occurring. So, when we do see some kind of appalling act taking place on the screen, it is considerably more effect and haunting. But the point is that Polanski treats all characters, whether bad or good, like human beings. And, to me at least, it is much more frightening to see people with humanlike qualities behind these egregious acts of genocide. (See "Downfall" for another great example.) Spielberg's Nazis act more like monsters from some other dimension, far less unsettling.

Another issue I see with this movie is the character arc of our main focus, Oskar Schindler himself. At the beginning of this movie, we see a man who can be labeled as a womanizer, a drunkard, an opportunist, and someone who is self-centered and focused on personal wealth attainment. By the end of the movie we see a family man melodramatically balling his eyes out because he didn't give away enough of his wealth to save more Jews. (Did we really need that scene?) In theory this is a nice beginning and end point, however during the movie itself, we do not see exactly how this man went from being an egoist to a full-fledged humanitarian. Sure, the scenes involving the young girl with the red coat is supposed to represent a pair of epiphanies that Schindler has that alters his mindset similar to a Dickensian Scrooge. However, to me at least, these two scene do not do enough to cause me to buy this change. This movie is 3 hours and 15 minutes. We could spend a little of that time seeing Schindler's subtle changes over the course of the war. Instead we have this dramatic shift seemingly overnight that is difficult to swallow for me as an audience member. The character development just comes across as half-baked.

Despite all the gripes I have with this film, I still think Spielberg made a fine movie here. He told a beautiful story competently and with a few scenes that left me awe-struck. While the length of this film is a bit overwhelming, it is still something that I think everyone should see at least once, a very important piece of film history.
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The most shattering film of all time.
giraffelover29 September 1998
I've seen this film one time in 1994. This is one of the best movies ever made, but many scenes of the film are so brutal, that I'm afraid to see this film for a second time.
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