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Unique horror with good directing, cinematography, acting... and a scary monster!
sbash228 February 2021
This is quite a unique movie because it's based on the book Thor which tells it's story from the perspective of a dog called Thor. The movie doesn't do this for the most part, but the dog Thor remains an important character in the story. So sometimes it feels almost like a horror movie interpretation of Lassie.

The cinematography, acting, directing is top notch for a 90s horror and I'd say those elements are actually superior to many newer, more recent, horror movies. One early birds eye view shot for example is just as good as the opening shot of the classic movie The Shining.

The monster, obviously a big werewolf, is at times quite menacing and horrific and not the predictable CGI that we often see in modern films but instead the old school animatronics/puppet type. I'm not sure how younger audiences will react to it since they're so accustomed to CGI these days. To me, CGI often looks fake and lacking substance, density and textural reality. But with a puppet of this nature, while you can easily tell it's fake, it just has more substance to it because it's made of real material, moving in real space, as opposed to CGI emptiness.

This movie is only let down by a slightly weak story. It starts off very well and carries on being fairly gripping up until the third act when certain plot holes and weaknesses in the script come into play. The final scenes unfortunately are probably the biggest let down and that's where this movie loses most of it's points for me. If it had a stronger third act and much better ending I think it would have possibly been regarded as an all-time horror classic instead of the cult classic that it still remains. But it's still very much worth watching for any horror movie fan and I'd definitely recommend it for some guaranteed horror movie fun.
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And the Oscar goes to - Thor the German Shepherd!
PatrickPlantana9 September 2019
I'm always on the fence when it comes to the 90's horror underground/B list films. I always enjoy the one liners from 80s slasher classics, but for some reason the 90's always had those lines that seemed kinda forced in their cheesiness. They seemed to have a lot of political and current issues fueled behind them. Fortunately, there are only a couple of those lines in this movie and it only bothers me just a little.

This movie has a great opening scene and I like the movements and the aggressiveness of the werewolf. The family's German Shepherd is hands down the smartest character in the film and there is even a line towards the end that gives credit to this. Considering the supernatural take of the whole werewolf concept, this movie has a good bit of realism surrounding the nature of the beast. I won't say too much, but it briefly explores the psychological effect of the man plagued by this curse with a few select scenes. A few broken rules for the genre also help put a slight twist on what would otherwise be an average werewolf flick. My most memorable scenes include the power struggle between the two alphas. There is some great symbolism and well placed humor within this dynamic. Don't expect anything too mind blowing, but if you enjoy the finer threads of a movie check this one out!
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Werewolf vs. Lassie???
philip_vanderveken10 December 2004
Despite what you might think after reading my title, I quite liked Bad Moon. It's good for a werewolf movie even though I sometimes had the feeling I was watching an episode of "Lassie" rather than a movie about a werewolf.

A man and his girlfriend, both American scientists on an expedition somewhere in the jungle of India, were attacked by a werewolf. He manages to survive the attack and knows to kill the animal, but his girlfriend has already been ripped to pieces and died a horrible death. Even though he survived the werewolf wounded him badly and now he's a werewolf himself. Despite popular believe, the man doesn't only turn into a werewolf at full moon. He becomes one every night and there is no cure. His only hope is his sister and her son. He hopes that the love of his family will cure him from his "disease".

As I already said Bad Moon is an enjoyable movie. Especially the morphing technique (when you actually see him turn into a werewolf) is cool to watch. The story may not always be the very original, it still does the trick. The same for the acting. There is nothing spectacular about it, but it is very decent and believable. I give this movie a 6,5/10.
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Decent Werewolf Film
claudio_carvalho10 October 2019
While researching in the jungle with his girlfriend Marjorie (Johanna Marlowe Lebovitz) and a group of natives, Ted (Michael Pare) and the group are attacked by a beast and only the wounded Ted survives. When his sister Janet (Mariel Hemingway) learns that Ted is back home, she invites him to bring his trailer to her real property and spend some time with his nephew Brett (Mason Gamble) and her. Ted accepts the invitation when the police find several corpses attacked by an animal nearby his trailer. Ted is welcomed by Janet and Brett but their dog Thor estranges him. Soon Janet suspects and finds evidences that Ted is a werewolf and her family is in danger.

"Bad Moon" is a decent werewolf film, with reasonable story. In this film, Ted turns into a werewolf every night, and not only in the full moon. He comes closer to his beloved sister and nephew expecting that the love of his family heals or at least help him to control the beast within as his last chance. The dog Thor (Primo) steals the movie. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Lua Negra" ("Black Moon")
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Werewolf thru Dog's look!!!
elo-equipamentos13 May 2019
Despite useless to say but somehow how I've really enjoy the Werewolf legendary tales, even it was been made recently, almost without any help from those graphic computers usually done on latest, this picture was saw in my early Cable TV experience and impact me mainly over such priceless sequence thru Dog's look, almost freeze, how it was done is quite insane, many hours shooting to catch a three seconds or something, what a takes!!! The storyline is another meaningful thing to expose, quite often has a romantic pair on the plot, in this it wasn't happened, Mariel Hemingway and Paré are brothers, offering a different plate to savour for a change, further the werewolf supply my taste in another point, as on golden days the Werewolf was made by animatronic process on the wolf's head, inside a stunts making all body moves, just in the mutation was used graphic computer, pretty bad by the way, but enough for me, this picture has just 5,7 from IMDB's users, very underrated !!!


First watch: 1998 / How many: 2 / Source: Cable TV-DVD / Rating: 7.5
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Not bad, not bad at all
melsen30 June 2002
Honestly, I don't know what some people expect from werewolf movies these days. -They can't be as good as "The Howling" or "An American Werewolf In London" all of them, you know. This one at least tries to give us a decent werewolf film, and I think it (largely) succeeds. Some reviewers complain about there being too much CGI in this movie, but as far as I can tell, there is only a tiny bit. When the werewolf is seen full body, hey, that's not CGI it's real hairy make-up !. -Isn't that what we're all screaming we want back in movies ?. Sure it is, and here it is. As werewolf movies go this is a pretty good little movie. "Little" actually being the keyword there, because if there's a problem with this movie it's the running time. -I mean, 79 minutes, come on !. That's way too short. It doesn't look to me like it was cut down though, I fear they just didn't shoot anymore than what's on screen otherwise the DVD would've included outtakes, I'm sure. I wonder why it's so short, it doesn't make any sense, afterall you want beastly action in a creature feature like this. What this movie needs to be really great, are some more werewolf attack scenes, alas, we get only a couple when just a single one more kill would've done the trick. Oh well, it's still a good werewolf movie and there's even a clip on a TV-screen from Universal's "Werewolf Of London" (1935) with Henry Hull. The beast itself in "Bad Moon" is great looking, a bit like the creature in "Silver Bullet". All in all a fine flick, we should be happy they even make werewolf movies anymore. I guess it's true what they say; legends never die, no matter how oldfashioned the subject. -Just stay away from CGI; a guy in a suit will do nicely, thank you.
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Imagine a dog or a big fat rat getting bit by a werewolf n they transform.
Fella_shibby7 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this for the first time recently n i agree that it was an ok werewolf film for the late 90s but the movie cant hold up due to the bad effects n lousy ending.

I even showed the werewolf to my seven year old nephew n he dismissed it as a soft toy.

Michael Pare was in good shape, the family house is picturesque but the tension n suspense is totally lacking.

How Ted was able to get the same shoes after his shoes gets torned everytime he transforms is beyond me and it is an expensive affair man.

Also Ted handcuffing himself so close to his sister's house is plain stupid.

Another ridiculous stuff they added is that Ted transforms into a werewolf every single nite thereby removing the concept of full moon.

Even the nudity n sex scene is lousy cos the makers were confused whether to make it a mild movie involving a family n their dog or go full out.
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Interesting twist on standard werewolf tale
revere-726 October 2008
You have a good life. Nice home, nice yard. But one day a relative comes to visit, and you know something's not right about him. You come to find out he's a werewolf. The only problem is, you're the only one who knows. And you're a dog.

Werewolves are one of those monsters that come and go in films. After a decade which saw the release of many good werewolf films (the 1980s), there just weren't many films about them in the 1990s. Bad Moon is one of the few good ones that were made during this period. Not an outstanding film by any stretch, but a fun film nonetheless. It features an excellent performance by a German Shepherd as the protagonist, Thor. Worth a look if you're a fan of the genre. Probably not very exciting if you're not.
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Could have been a lot better.
elwyn515030 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers

This film had some interesting ideas such as the protective family dog and the brother's search for recovery through his family.

The dog was cool and that scene where Thor gets taken away to the pound was *really* sad... then later the film gets cutesy and the dog wasn't put down afterall, the boy rescues it and the dog rescues the family.

I liked how the sister wasn't a standard horror film female: she was neither screamer or tank-top heroine. She was intelligent and everyday.

I felt really let down near the end by the characterisation of the brother. I felt like there was a huge and sudden transition from the anguished cure-searching self-restraining man to the guy who calls his sister a "b**ch" and doesn't take the effort to cuff himself anymore. In the end, he's not a nice guy anymore - that justifies how it's okay for him to die - that justifies how there can be a big fight scene. I would have thought it would be better drama if he asked him sister to put him down.

Other areas where it was terrible was the special effects. When you have special effects that mediocre, the director will usually take the effort to use more shadows and the "more is less" technique.

In some ways, this film reminded me of "Alien" (eg where there's drooling before the victim gets killed and the sensitive animal).
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This was spectacular...
paul_haakonsen27 December 2021
Wow. How did this 1996 horror movie "Bad Moon" manage to elude me up until now late in 2021? That was just a grave mistake on my account, because I have really been missing out on a great movie here.

Oddly enough with my fascination and admiration of the horror genre, then I actually never have stumbled upon this movie from writer and director Eric Red before now in 2021, 25 years after the movie was initially released. And boy had I been missing out.

The storyline told in "Bad Moon" was good. It was a nicely composed story that felt wholesome, interesting and engaging. And I will actually say that "Bad Moon" is one of the better werewolf movies that I have seen in a long, long time. So if you enjoy werewolf movies, then you most certainly should sit down to watch "Bad Moon", if you haven't already.

The movie was nicely carried by the performance of lead actor Michael Paré (playing Ted) and actress Marial Hemingway (playing Janet). I have to say that I was really impressed with Michael Paré's performance in "Bad Moon". And also the dog Primo (playing Thor) in the movie was really putting on a spectacular performance. Talk about a very well-trained dog.

Now, for a movie from 1996, then the special effects in "Bad Moon" were still holding their ground here in 2021. I was really impressed with the special effects and the design of the werewolf and how it was made to look. Actually, this is how werewolf movies should be made.

I was more than genuinely entertained by "Bad Moon".

My rating of "Bad Moon" lands on a well-deserved seven out of ten stars.
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Bad Moon (5/10)
skybrick73629 August 2015
There aren't a lot of horror movies, if any, with this children's premise of having an animal be the strong, sympathetic, main lead character. No joke too, the storyline was based around the pooch, the dog having the most screen time, a defiant personality and interaction with all the characters in the movie. Although the movie feels like a kid's movie at points, it's definitely not, having a graphic sex scene and some very gory kill shots. This odd fusion of genres is probably why Bad Moon hit theaters with such moderate success.

Bad Moon is also different for its incredibly short run-time of just being over eighty minutes long, it does go by quickly and scenes that are shown are meaningful. The introduction is great, starts to fall apart in the middle but eventually saves itself close to the end. What is absolutely disgusting about the film is the horrible transformation scene that is quite possibly the worst I have ever seen in a werewolf movie, it was really, really bad. Bad Moon is certainly original but by no means a great werewolf film, probably wise to skip it.
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Highly Underrated Werewolf Film
Rainey-Dawn19 June 2014
Bad Moon is a sorely underrated werewolf film that is like hidden treasure for werewolf and horror movie enthusiasts.

I watched Bad Moon a few years back and did not expect it to become one of my favorite werewolf films - but it did. Maybe it helped because I like both Michael Paré (Eddie and the Cruisers) and Mariel Hemingway (Star 80) but maybe anyone could have acted out the parts and I would have still enjoyed Bad Moon anyway.

If you are looking for modern-day, high dollar movie with tons of CGI effects - then this movie may not be for you. Bad Moon uses "old school" special effects that I still love to this very day.

This is one of those movies I would enjoy watching again on a dark, rainy night with popcorn in hand.

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Canine vs Lycanthrope.
BA_Harrison29 October 2012
Wildlife film-maker Ted (Michael Paré) and his tasty girlfriend Marjorie (Johanna Marlowe) are happily having it off in their jungle tent when they are rudely interrupted by a massive werewolf that proceeds to savage the naked woman with its massive jaws and slash at the poor bloke with its razor-sharp claws. Too late to save his lover, a wounded Ted grabs his shotgun and blows the creature's head off in a welter of gore.

Sexy, bloody, and with one hell of an impressive looking monster, writer/director Eric Red's opening scene to Bad Moon is a real corker, which makes it all the more frustrating when the film settles into a more mundane mode, Ted having a hairy time of it coming to terms with being a lycanthrope while putting those he loves most in mortal danger. Thankfully, a couple of cool kills by the gnarly werewolf keep the film ticking along until the fun finalé, in which loyal hound Thor (talented German Shepherd Primo, who puts in the best performance of the film) risks his life to protect Ted's sister Janet (Mariel Hemingway) and her son Brett (Mason Gamble) from being eaten alive by the beast.
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jesse_beach12 April 2002
I saw this film from the TV some time ago. I didnt wait anything but the film was pretty entertaining. The plot wasnt great (Man chancing in to a Werewolf... Have seen this before...??!!) but the movie had couple of really spooky scenes. Spooky enough to make me keep on watching anyway.

But "Bad Moon" still is nothing else but a normal horror film with little creeps. When I turned out the TV I had already forgotten what the movie was about! There just arent anything... that would amaze you or... something that would make it "unforgettable". Everything feels familiar and already seen. Nothing else but entertainment for rainy Saturday evenings. 4/10
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Underrated Gem
Michael_Elliott27 February 2008
Bad Moon (1996)

*** (out of 4)

Highly entertaining film from writer-director Eric Red has Janet (Mariel Hemingway) allowing her brother Ted (Michael Pare) to move in with her and her young son Brett (Mason Gamble). Everyone is happy about the idea except for her German Shepard dog who seems to have something against Ted. What Janet doesn't realize is that her brother was attacked by a werewolf and is now one himself.

I didn't see BAD MOON when it was originally released even though I love werewolf movies. I finally caught up with it on DVD and really enjoyed the movie so I decided to revisit it yet again on Blu-ray and I think it has gotten even better. Is the movie flawless? Of course not but at the same time there's no question that it's an entertaining horror film.

What I enjoyed most about the film is that there's not a tremendous amount of dialogue as the main "action" takes place between the uncle and the dog. I really loved this aspect of the story and it was fascinating watching the dog and his reaction to the Uncle. I loved the way the dog could see the dnager that his owners were in and this aspect of the film brought an original touch to a genre that has had countless movies in it.

The werewolf effects were quite good and I'd consider them old-fashion, which certainly isn't a bad thing. Some of the violence is quite graphic for its time and there's no question that the three leads are a lot of fun and work well together. The real star has to be Primo the dog who plays THor. He is such a great dog actor and you can't help but say he's one of the best in the history of cinema. Yeah, that's high praise but he's really that great and his reactions to things going on around here was just flawless.

BAD MOON isn't going to win any major awards but there's no doubt that it's a very good and highly entertaining film.
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Werewolf Movie for Dog Lovers
ChilledGhosty19 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I watched this on Shudder as a late night movie to just have on in the background. Like many have said, it's nothing new. However, if you're a gore/horror hound there's quite a bit to enjoy here. We were both surprised. There's 2 scenes of God awful 90s CGI but the rest is good old fashioned practical effects. By far the greatest part of the movie is that the family dog not only lives but is the hero of the movie! Loved that!
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Good movie
Andres243 December 2004
The movie is very entertaining and has the look shared by Thor the dog (Primo) and uncle Ted played by Michael Pare. Good action, very good opening and better ending.

The movie itself is the story of a man by day, wolf at night and the consequences that this cause. It is not new, was done before but is entertaining, short and has a scene of sex.

The dog is far the best of the film. Good performances delivered Pare, Mariel Hemingway and Mason Gamble (Janet the mother and Brett the son). 7/10.

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Makes Little Sense
JoeytheBrit11 April 2010
Reinforcing that tired old horror cliché that equates sex with death, Ted Harrison (Michael Pare) is enjoying a spot of rumpy with a comely lass in his tent in the middle of some jungle when she is rudely uprooted and shredded to pieces by a 7ft werewolf. Why Ted and his inamorata – or the werewolf, for that matter – are there in the jungle is never really satisfactorily explained, but that pretty much sums up this movie. Things don't happen for a logical reason, they simply happen to drive the narrative along, regardless of any diversions from rational storytelling they may take. Hence a full moon rises at least three nights in a row, and the stricken Ted seeks to cure his lycanthropy by simply moving in with his sister and nephew.

While Ted is being wounded by werewolves, big sister Janet (Mariel Hemingway) is displaying her gutsiness by seeing off a 'flopsy' (Hrothgar Matthews) – a type of grifter who provokes people's pets into attacking them then sues the owner. Unluckily for flopsy, he makes the mistake of trying his scam on her without realising she is a lawyer. A single-mum lawyer at that, who never seems to work and who never talks with her son (Mason Gamble) about his father, or what became of him. But then nobody in this movie has a history outside of its narrow parameters – their lives seem to have begun only with their first scene. The family pet upon which the hapless flopsy tries to work his scam, is Thor, a beautiful German Shepherd who probably gives the best performance of the film, and who has everything worked out a couple of reels before his less observant owner..

Director Eric Red, whose better works include The Hitcher and Body Parts stated that the film was intended as a metaphor for schizophrenia, which seems a little like stating the obvious. Every werewolf story ever created has been a metaphor for schizophrenia – in fact, the nature of the story means they can't help be anything else, so, if you're going to toil over familiar ground you need to dig up something a little fresher than the stale offering given here. The cast numbers only a handful, but there is little attempt to create any feeling of claustrophobia or friction amongst them as Janet slowly begins to realise who is responsible for the grisly deaths. And Red fails to create any measure of suspense as Ted begins to lose his struggle with both the beast inside and any consistency of character. Even Lon Chaney's Larry Talbot indulged in more introspection than Uncle Ted. All he seems to do is fret mildly over the safety of the two people in whose garden he has parked his trailer and handcuff himself to a tree to prevent himself from attacking them – even though he must have a key on his person somewhere to free himself when the transformation is over.

The acting is passable, as you would expect from journeymen like Pare and Hemingway, and Primo, the dog who plays Thor, is terrific, but the actors have little meat to their lines and are given little upon which to build believable or sympathetic characters. These are actors playing parts, and you never once forget the fact. But then, it is a horror flick, and the development of character has never been a major facet of the genre. In that respect, in relation to the mountain of trashy horror pics out there in DVDland, Bad Moon stands up pretty well; it's well-made and good-looking, and flashes of Red's talent are (all too) briefly discernible. But, in an age when the old horror icons have been replaced by lunatics in hockey masks or stripy jumpers, that isn't really much of an endorsement.
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"What'd you do, spit in his Alpo?"
Hey_Sweden18 June 2017
A man named Ted (Michael Pare) comes to stay with his protective older sis Janet (Mariel Hemingway) and her young son Brett (Mason Gamble). What they don't know is that good old Uncle Ted is in actuality the werewolf that has been savaging hikers and other people in the local wilderness. However, the family dog Thor, a handsome German Shepherd, is the one member of the household that can sense something odd about the visitor.

An adaptation of the Wayne Smith novel "Thor", scripted by director Eric Red ("Cohen & Tate", "Body Parts"), this is not a great story but it is an entertaining one. It may hit closest to home for the dog lovers in the audience, especially those people who know their beloved canines would go to any lengths to protect their masters. Primo, who plays Thor, is an exceptionally well trained and endearing pooch, and it's not hard to root for him.

Hunky co-star Pare also does a creditable job as our tragic antagonist, a man who tried every scientific / medical method possible of combating his disease, and thought that the love of family would be his salvation. Some people in the audience will be pleased with the amount of beefcake moments involving Pare.

The whole cast is good, although some viewers may grow impatient waiting for Janet and Brett to realize the severity of their situation. Reds' direction and sense of pace are fine (this only clocks in at around 80 minutes), there is a sufficient amount of gore, the werewolf effects are pretty good (transformations involve morphing), and Daniel Licht supplies a lovely score. Location shooting in the British Columbia woods also helps a lot.

The script is predictable, but ultimately Red does send you away with a warm feeling in your heart. The only question one has to ask is, "Why does the dog not get infected whenever it's bitten or scratched?".

Stunt co-ordinator Ken Kirzinger (Jason in "Freddy vs. Jason") plays the werewolf incarnation of Ted.

Seven out of 10.
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Eddie Cruiser is The Wolf Man
richeysj10 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Eddie Cruiser is a werewolf! Mariel Hemingway's forehead was freaking me out! I preferred the werewolves from An American Werewolf in London or The Howling!
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An ok horror movie, only because the main star is adog!
cLoNe10 August 1999
The premise of a horror movie starring a dog is great, but the movie isn't. Still, its watchable and enjoyable most of the time.

The special effects are crappy compared to the great stuff around, but the trained dog actor is extremely cute and talented. He should get a little Dogscar (I know, it's lame, but dogs should also get prizes for acting!!!).

The drama in the movie is also nice, even though it seems to be going nowhere sometimes.
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Bad wolf
108YearsOld13 July 2021
The movie is well done and entertaining, would be great if the story is further developed. However it may appear less exciting to horror fans, this werewolf is sadly among the weakest of all in stereotypical werewolf flicks.
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An enjoyable hour and twenty minutes
kenhe9 December 2004
I was positively impressed with just how well done the transformation into the werewolf was done. I am very familiar with werewolf movies from the ones done by Lon Chaney Jr. to the present day and this one was pretty effective.

The plot was standard, but just how much can one change the werewolf saga? A good man is against his will unfortunately transformed into a murderous creature of the night, and even though he tries his best to control his urges, it is all to no avail, and in the end someone close to him has to end his bloody reign of terror.

The acting by the principles was reasonable, and yes the German Shepherd, Thor, did steal the show, but again, so what? I would even enjoy watching it again!
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A Boy and His Dog... And a Werewolf
LanceBrave8 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Whenever "Bad Moon" comes to mind, I always surprised to read it was made in 1996. The early nineties, maybe, the late eighties, more likely, I think. Yet, there is it. Release date: 1996. The film feels much older then that, a deliberate throwback to early eighties creature features, when Rick Baker, Rob Bottin, and Stan Winston redefined monster effects. The film was ignored upon release and remains somewhat obscure to this day. Open-minded horror fans who take a chance on it might find a likable, eccentric werewolf thriller.

Based on the novel "Thor" by Wayne Smith, "Bad Moon" is a story about a boy and his dog… And a werewolf. Attorney Janet lives with preteen son Brett in a big house on the edge of the Pacific Northwest forest. Seems the only company the family of two has is Thor, their loyal German Shepherd. That is until Janet's brother Ted comes to stay. Unbeknownst to the family, Ted was bitten by a werewolf while in Nepal. Changing every night, he struggles with his animal tendencies, handcuffing himself to a tree when he transforms. Neither Janet nor Brett connect Ted's reappearance to the vicious mauling deaths in the area. Thor, on the other hand, senses something off about the uncle. The dog keeps a close eye on the man and his nightly rituals. It's not much longer until Ted realizes that Thor is on to his secret.

Perhaps the reason the film has never been well-received, besides it generic title, is that "Bad Moon" seems to be a movie with two minds. The films open with a steamy sex scene that ends with a werewolf tearing a woman apart and then having its head blown off. The film then transitions to a little boy playing catch with his dog. The whole film slingshots between those two tones. The gore is fairly explicit, the werewolf crushing a construction worker's head in its jaws, strewing his body parts through a tree. Later, the wolf tears a con man apart with his claws, the blood spraying through the air. When the movie isn't focused on graphic werewolf violence, it's a film about family, including the beloved pet Thor. This schizophrenic tone is most obvious in the final act. While Ted confronts Janet about his lycanthropy, chasing her through the house, Brett sneaks off on his bike, rescuing Thor from the local pound. The hard horror content doesn't always co-exist easily with the Spielbergian family drama.

Yet it almost doesn't matter because veteran genre screenwriter turned genre director Eric Red nails the heart of the story. The soul of the film rests behind Thor's vivid eyes and the love his family has for him. If they gave out Oscars to dogs, Primo, the shepherd who plays the part, would have won. I'm only being partially facetious when I say he's the best actor in the film. Any animal lover is bound to have their heart-strings tugged by the scene where Thor is separated from his boy. The last act, where Thor and the werewolf fight, would have been ridiculous if the audience didn't care about Thor as much as the characters do. The movie successfully endears the dog to the viewer, investing "Bad Moon" with far more emotion then it otherwise would have had.

The human cast is a bit more mixed. Mariel Hemingway does very well as the single mom, never reduced to a screaming female. She's strong in the face of a petty con men and remains strong when being chased by a werewolf. Mason Gamble as the young boy is less impressive. It's a good thing that the kid is pushed towards the sideline for most of the film because he's not quite convincing. Michael Pare's performance is a bit harder to read. He conveys a threatening attitude subtly, especially when only a blink frightens Thor into attacking. However, moments of bigger emotions seem unconvincing coming out of Pare's mouth. A brief voice-over narration especially doesn't work, Pare given melodramatic dialogue about "the restorative power of love," for goodness' sake.

The center piece of any werewolf movie is its werewolf. "Bad Moon" doesn't feature the most original design, your standard up-right dire wolf. However, the effects are convincing. Some might consider them cheesy but I like the close-ups of the drooling, snarling face. The film's relatively small cast keeps the body count low but gore hounds might still find effects of note here. The dismembered body mentioned earlier is especially gruesome. The only effect in the movie that doesn't work is a nightmare sequence featuring a were-dog. It's a silly moment and luckily one the film doesn't focus on. "Werewolf of London" is briefly seen and the film outright pays homage too, with its werewolf vulnerable to regular bullets and Nepal-set opening.

Red's direction is handsome and makes good use of its lush shooting location. The score balances frights and lovely orchestral nicely. I'm not surprised that "Bad Moon" bombed in theaters as a post-"Scream" audience probably didn't have much interest in an eighties-style creature feature. The movie's unlikely to blow anyone's socks off but it's a solid werewolf flick nevertheless.
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Read the book instead
severin7222 November 2006
Eric Red wrote "The Hitcher" and "Near Dark" so, given the excellence of Wayne Smith's highly original source novel "Thor", there was some reason for optimism about Bad Moon. It also boasted a splendidly scary theatrical preview. What we actually get suggests Red should stay away from adapting novels. In "Thor" Smith tells the story primarily from the eponymous dog's perspective. Although the author himself disagrees, I don't think this would have been impossible to do on the screen and given the wonderful way Smith used it to create a sense of dimly understood dread in the book, it was well worth a try. Red either didn't have the nerve or couldn't sell the idea to the suits and so we lose all the queasy references to Thor's mounting and uncommunicable anxiety about "the bad thing" lurking inside Uncle Ted. Ted (Pare) returns from a trip abroad minus his girlfriend and increasingly reclusive and withdrawn. His sister (Hemmingway, for some reason converted to a single mother in the film) wants to help him. She lets Ted move in to a trailer behind her house but he continues to act strangely and Hemmingway's dog, Thor, starts to develop a very uneasy relationship with him. Here's a sentence I never thought I'd write; "Michael Pare is excellent in this movie". He's very good at being subtly evil and canine. His problem is the script doesn't know if Ted's a tormented victim or raging psychopath so ultimately the character makes no sense. Mason Gamble is perfectly fine as Hemmingway's brave young son and as for Mariel herself, well, she has nice legs. No other character rises above the level of plot device. The werewolf looks good here. The integration of CGI and animatronic/man-in-suit shots is more than competent and, to Red's credit, he actually has someone do the unheard-of and run away from it when it's transforming instead of just standing there. I think I might have applauded when I saw that. On the other side of the ledger is a truly gratuitous early scene where a naked woman is dragged out of a tent and ripped apart. It's a cheap and sleazy moment that belongs (for want of a better word) only in straight-to-video junk. It's particularly bad when compared to a similar but vastly more tasteful scene (at basically the exact same point in the film) in "Dog Soldiers". The ending of "Bad Moon" is essentially ludicrous even without the weird afterthought of a dream sequence. It all feels very rushed, which isn't that surprising as the whole film only runs eighty minutes. The novel itself is only two hundred and thirty two pages but it's a much better use of your time.
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