The Sweetest Thing (2002) Poster

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adult sex comedy
jimakros19 February 2003
This movie is very funny.I laughed out loud a lot.A lot of people here criticize it as if it was supposed to be some serious movie.Its a silly and sexy comedy with a lot of adult language.If you are offended by sex jokes its not the movie for you.I think Diaz and Applegate were great in it and its soooo refreshing to see actresses not being afraid to make fools of themselves on screen.
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Fun but pointless
C-Diggety-Dawg25 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I did actually see this at the cinema when it first came out and remember thinking it was a bit ridiculous then, yet for some reason whenever it's on cable I always find myself re-watching it.

I'm a fan of inappropriate, gross out humour, but I did think it was trying a bit too hard in places, namely the p*nis song.

Still, Diaz and Applegate do have good chemistry, Jason Bateman is hilarious in his few scenes and while I couldn't say it was bust a gut funny I did laugh consistently throughout it.

Can't rate it any higher than 5 though due to the pretty paper thin plot.
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The definition of white trash
kayleighkzimmerman6 April 2021
It was absolutely horrendous and I loved every second of it.
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Awesome chick flick for my generation
nielsenk254 October 2005
I saw this movie with the lowest expectations. I'm not a Cameron Diaz fan nor do I tend to like most chick flicks. However, this one had me consistently laughing and noticing similarities between me and my friends.

Odds are, if you are a straight male, you will not like this movie. The target demographic for this one is definitely girls in their late teens up to women in their mid-thirties. Thats my guess as to why this movie didn't do very well and why some people don't like it. As a twenty something female, this movie is dead on. My friends and I are that blunt with each other about men and relationships, and going out to bars drinking and dancing and having fun in no way makes me, my friends, or the characters in this film "promiscuous" as one user said.

While the acting or directing is by no means great, this is the kind of film that isn't meant to be great. Its light and funny and written by one of the writers of South Park. This is the perfect movie if a girlfriend just got dumped, or a chick flick night, or something like that. If you're looking for a great film with remarkable acting and plot, this isn't it, but if you want something fun that you can laugh at again and again, then by all means.

I'm tired of users ripping movies like this to shreds when they're clearly not the demographic. Sure, there are going to be women in their 20's who think this is movie is dumb and not at all true to life, but for me and so many other women I know, its right on.
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New Low? Not hardly . . .
HammerDoc10 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately this movie does NOT set a new low for trash from Hollywood--although it does try very hard. However, combined with its lack of plot, an almost complete lack of any good humor whatsoever, this movie is one I wouldn't watch again to save my soul.

Three women engage in incredibly boorish and self-indulgent behavior. The song about too-large members was quite gratuitous. The "glory hole" scene was entirely execrable, incredibly unnecessary, completely unrelated to the plot and without redeeming value whatsoever. Its only reason for inclusion seems to be to add to the putrid pile of impurity of which this movie is an absolute wellspring.

Only the fact that this movie flopped at the box office gives me any hope whatsoever for the taste of the movie-going public.
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Just an awful attempt at comedy
jreafilms12 May 2007
I'm a lover of films, especially one that can make me laugh. I try not to be too harsh with my opinions, in that I am a documentary maker myself, but I was shocked to read through the user comments for this movie, and find many of them praising this poor excuse for entertainment. I regrettably sat through this slow, simple, forced comedy, never once so much as cracking a smile. The plot was nonexistent (something to be expected and excused in this genre), but in a comedy, there is typically...comedy. Every gag seemed to be derived from a funny inside joke, like the old food in the car. Nothing is worse than going to a movie and consistently getting that "guess you had to be there" feeling. My only pity of this movie was for the fantastic Jason Bateman, who must have been slipped a mickey to have signed onto this project. Now that the movie has been out of theaters, I don't need to say "don't waste your money"...I can simply say don't waste your time.
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nauseating .....
thatgirl_197419 September 2014
Is it just me, or is Cameron Diaz the most nauseating actress...ever? Lately it seems that every movie she is in that shows her grinning into the camera should insert a sparkling gleam like a gum or toothpaste commercial. That sickening sweet smile and cutesy looks are getting OLD!!!! Honestly, I see no acting talent. All I see is cute smiles and looks into the camera that screams, "Look at me! I'm pretty!". Think I'm kidding? Watch The Holiday with her and Kate Winslet. In fact, Cameron Diaz AND Jude Law are too sugary sweet in that movie that I could do without either one of them and just have the movie with Kate Winslet and Jack Black only featured and it would be a far better movie with far better actors. Also......Cameron Diaz seems to have developed John Travolta's issue of having to dance in almost every movie she is in or that I have seen her in. Honestly, she doesn't dance that great. Does she know it, though? I think she should be told.
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maybe its just me
lauren_peterson0631 January 2006
it could be just me but i really love this movie. i don't know one girl who doesn't have it in their DVD collection and i'm proud to be one of them....the movie is funny, stupid, and all around a good time. so its not gonna win any awards or looked upon as "superior" but come on, don't you remember what its like to watch a movie just for the sake of entertainment? i have a section of my movie collection devoted to those chick flicks that while embarrassing to have are my guilty pleasures and i can't feel bad for that. what more do you want out of a stupid/funny movie? please don't pull some critical analysis on this movie people cause it is what it is. take it for face value and relax...
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beda_sha320 June 2007
A friend told me "You have to watch this movie, it's so so funny, you're going to love it". Since he always suggested very good movies i rented it straight away. Well... going through this movie was PAINFUL!!! I could tell after the first 10 minutes that it was not worth watching it. The plot is so stupid that it makes "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle" look like a Shakespeare's work. The characters are as irritating as a mosquito bite on your butt. I'll erase so many scenes of this movie that in the end you wouldn't even have a video-clip. The first scene in the club is super-annoying, the one in the Chinese restaurant is gross, and so are basically all the scenes with Selma Blair. Everything's terrible!!! The locations, the dialogues, the characters, the actors, the soundtrack! This movie has the worst soundtrack I've ever heard. I cannot believe that a girl would like this movie. And after this movie, Cameron Diaz should be out of work.
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What women want
pri_e31 July 2002
You will always find either women are portrayed as hopelessly romantic or completely sex driven, the difference with "The Sweetest Thing" is that they want to have fun and explore their feminity without going overboard. Cameron Diaz is a classic as Christina Walters, proving again that she's a good actress. It was good to see Christina Applegate again, this time playing a more diverse role as Courtney Rockcliffe. The chemistry the two actresses shared as best friends was great to see, Selma Blair's Jane Burns was funny but not as interesting as the other two.

The movie is fun and a good laugh
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A sad waste of time.
Dolomede26 January 2013
The problem is the first scene - before the opening credits - is amusing, which lures you into the film. It is all watchable - if predictable - as the story develops in the first quarter, but then it becomes completely absurd. It is a collection of tacky, vulgar and anarchic ideas, many of which have been used so many times before in the last 50 years they are worn out. Their solution to this lack of originality was to imbue these scenes with as much verbal and physical sexual shock value as they could muster. It is as if they wrote it as they went along, a tenuous central storyline with a motley collection of disjointed, absurd and - too often - puerile scenes added in. It is not for adults, it is not really funny, it is schoolboy (girl?) humour for 12 year olds merely designed to show what you can get away with under the guise of being comic.
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Underrated Gem!!
treakle_197824 June 2020
Loved this cast and movie. Don't quite understand the hate but to each there own. This is now one of my favorite Romantic Comedies.
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Devastatingly Dumb---and Fun ^_^
Caitlin-Em9 March 2003
While not meant to be taken at all seriously, The Sweetest Thing is a great movie to watch with the gals when you're looking for something light and funny. It's almost like the female There's Something About Mary; it has a lot of bathroom humor, which I usually am not really amused by, but this works, and it's basically just about three best friends just being happy, which is a nice message for a change. I couldn't believe the things in it, though, since I thought the movie was PG-13 the first time I watched it. O_o The best touch is that it's slightly absurd, like Wet Hot American Summer, which brings in more attention and unparalleled amusement. Highly recommended for girls--they'd enjoy it a lot more than's the Rated R Chick Flick.

7/10--rather silly, but cute and feel good all the same ^_^
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one of the worse films ever
acmelita14 January 2008
this is the only film that my husband and I actually stopped watching half-way through and thought about asking for a refund

and we watched The Thirteenth Warrior all the way through so that should give you some indication of our "bad movie threshold"

so bad

I get the gross out comedy genre but this just went beyond the pale. Gross out for gross out sake is just revolting to me.

Songs about blow j*bs and @n@l sex don't require talent to write and don't entertain me when they are performed, poorly I might add.

Perhaps I've just matured past this mindless drivel.
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You've been warned.
gigabyte-me22 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot express in words how bad this movie is but I'm going to try.

First, I can't imagine what demographic this movie was supposed to appeal to. Or are there enough superficial shallow bimbos in their very late twenties whose brains are made of cotton candy walking this earth to actually have caused someone to think this movie could make money?

Christina Applegate and Cameron Diaz in this film are not sexy, not funny, they're simply annoying beyond comprehension. They were what I would imagine their real life counterparts would be like, more so Cameron Diaz. I'm sure she didn't tap into her "acting talent" one bit to perform this role. She just showed up on set and somehow memorized her lines.

I can imagine the executive in Hollywood who approved this script is some old, horny, fat, repulsive swine with a huge cigar in his mouth and whiskey on his desk. Wheezing with laughter as he read the script while his fat lips watered at the thought of either of the two leads getting naked. I'm sure he was incredibly disappointed to find neither of them actually got naked in the film, which in a desperate sort of way, would have been the only thing that could have even remotely made this film worth watching.

I can't remember very many details from this film, probably my subconscious protecting me from mental trauma, but I do remember feeling all the more stupid for having watched this.

Christina Appelgate's character meets Thomas Jane's character in a nightclub which instantly annoyed me. Who the hell goes to a nightclub to meet the man of their dreams? She becomes fond of him, in the only way a superficial tramp can become fond of someone, and decides to chase him down via a road trip to stop his imminent wedding and profess her crush/lust whatever to him.

Thomas Jane is cool though, he starred in a movie called "Thursday", which is a great sleeper of a film. However having him in the film was like putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound, that just wasn't enough to fix it.

You won't enjoy this unless you're a stupid, self centered, shallow, ditsy yet sarcastic and fairly heartless bimbo. Even then if you watch this movie and like it there is absolutely no hope for you, you know who you are.

You've been warned.
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What on earth???
sparkessally9 April 2021
I never write film reviews but this is possibly the worst thing I've ever seen. Why any of the actors did this is beyond my comprehension. They are all so much better than this. It wasn't funny. A total embarrassment.
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The Horrible thing!
dsmgdesign21 April 2002
I usually don't comment on these things, but I felt compelled when I read so many positive reviews about this movie. What movie were those people watching? This one was horrible! In one of the trailers for this movie, they say "If you liked 'Something about Mary' or 'My Best Friend's Wedding' the you will love 'The Sweetest Thing!' Like many here, I liked Cameron Diaz in those movies. 'The Sweetest Thing' , however, was nothing like either of those earlier films. Putting aside for a minute the raunchiness and bad taste, this movie had no story...the characters were shallow and downright disturbing...and the overall production - directing, writing, etc. was incredibly poor. The only redeeming quality about this movie was the brilliant casting of bit players Parker Posey, Jason Bateman and Georgia Engel. If you liked "Something about Mary" or "My best friend's Wedding" then rent 'em again and enjoy. THEY were really funny movies. "The Sweetest Thing", on the other hand, was the biggest waste of time and money. If I only wish I had both back!
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Not too shabby
cafegirl17 September 2002
I've read many of the comments left by previous viewers. If you glance over them, you will notice a pattern. Most of the scathing, heated comments are left by men, while the praising and positive ones are left by women. That should leave you with this logical conclusion. This is not a movie that most men will enjoy. This is a movie primarily aimed at single women (although I'm married and I found it amusing). Also, I realized that for some reason, people just can't seem to resist comparing this to "There's Something About Mary." I could be wrong, but I don't think this is supposed to be a sequel or anything of the sort, so why compare? It's two different movies. If you're a single female, who likes to have fun and not take things so seriously, I would highly recommend this movie. If you're male or of the Ethan Frome-type movie goer--then this is not for you. Enjoy.
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That's why girls go to the bathroom together.....
FlashCallahan18 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
To ease their roommate through a relationship-induced depression, Christina Walters and Courtney Rockcliffe take her out on the town.

During their attempts to find her "Mr. Right Now", Christina meets Peter Donahue.

Missing her opportunity with him that night, Christina is talked into pursuing him to his brother's wedding.....

I've seen a hell of a lot of movies. On this site alone, I've reviewed over 1300 movies, and rated over 4000. But hand on heart, I can honestly say that this poor excuse for a movie is the single most awful film watching experience I have ever had.

Its sexist in more ways that one could explain, but seeing as its three girls, it's okay, after all,the Spice Girls made girl power so immature and abhorrent back in 1996.

Its inconsistent, unfunny, and quite offensive to the senses. If these three characters were support in an American Pie movie, or some other bawdy comedy like Superbad, people would be up in arms declaring the film makers as sexist.

Diaz is awful, as is Blair and that awful scene toward the end must have been so embarrassing for her.

Applegate is bad, but at least she doesn't over do the stupid lines she is given.

Seriously if a film bores me I wouldn't give it a second thought.

But this film, centred around poisonous consumerist articles, make the Sex and the City girls look polite and sensitive. It literally made me angry.

And for a piece of fiction to do that, really grieves me.
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A Woman's movie
mm-393 September 2002
It is nice to see a movie that is totally woman's humor that is based on the male role. Women can be just as bad as their male counterparts. This movie had a lot of toilet humor. Males will find this movie funny also. I think you had to be a woman through to understand some of the jokes or sayings. Overall, it was a great comedy. 7/10
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Oh Christina.. I should've known
jeeper_white26 February 2004
I'll watch anything, I don't usually care about an in-depth plot or an outstanding finale, if it's entertaining i'm happy. Unfortunately, The Sweetest Thing, was not ENTERTAINING it was just pointless drivel that went on-and-on trying to make sense of just WHY exactly Diaz would go to the extremes she did to get her man. So what was the bottom-line: 'Never stop looking for Mr. Right'? 'It's better to have loved and lost'? Surely not, she meet her Mr. Right in a club, she didn't love him and he was never hers to loose in the first place. She was 'hurt' because he never told her he was getting married. No because he only meet her the day before, did she want his life story? Perhaps he thought he'd never see her again. You meet alot of people in clubs that you never see again, right.

Humor. Humor? Oh the sex jokes? That's right, sex jokes and it's the girls having a go at them. It's ok for a girl to make sex jokes, same for boys, but these sex jokes were the bad the worse and the ugly. They weren't funny, just childish and degrading to females. Don't get me wrong, I did get some laughs out of it, but it wasn't clever humor, it was more like pity humor. But hey, I'm not saying everything considered comedy has to have you in stitches, it's just not the kind of thing I laugh at.

The characters. Apart from Jason Bateman, I didn't like any of the characters. Diaz and Applegate try to be funny and outrageous but they just come off as being irritating. Selma Blair's character is the one I disliked the most, even though she wasn't in it as much as some of the others. She seemed very fickle about what she wanted her character to be like. And I found it amazing how quickly she got over her boyfriend of a year. In the last 10 minutes of the film Diaz and Blair had a quick personality change. What's that about? Suddenly they're best friends. Where's Diaz? Out getting the man of her dreams so she can join their little entourage. Like the beginning when Diaz and Applegate were both single party girls, and Blair was the outcast with a (now ex) boyfriend who had to sleep with a complete stranger to fit in. But that was about a month before, people change. I'm sick of movies that make men out to be cheating liars and women out to be desperate tarts.

Now, Bateman and Thomas, I really liked the chemistry they had together. They made believable brothers. Bateman wasn't always in your face with his preaching and philosophies. He seemed like the only 'real' person there, whereas the others were all Hollywood-ish.

It's more for gullible teenagers or the closure of a drinking-binge. If you like cheesy films filled with cheap laughs or watch them because they're so idiotic then it's worth a watch. Think 'Dude, Where's my car?' with Female-leads. Or 'Dumb and Dumber' with annoying actors.
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You'd have to be a woman or whipped to enjoy this movie.
dlermajr20032 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie would be a little funny. I like Cameron Diaz in "My Best Friend's Wedding" - It wasn't all that, but at least it got some chuckles out of me.

I did not like any part of this movie though. I tried to find something funny or interesting, but I just couldn't. The dialogue was ridiculous and lame. Cameron Diaz and Selma Blair really got on my nerves. Christina Applegate was the only one that had some potential to make me laugh, but even she failed to do that. Watch her in "Anchorman." That was a much better film for her career.

The plot was predictable and lame. Thomas Jane, Jason Bateman, and Parker Posey wasted their acting talents in this film. They should be more embarrassed with "The Sweetest Thing" than George Clooney was with "Batman and Robin." You would think that a film about women feeling each other up and talking dirty would be interesting to a guy like me, but this one was just too stupid. That's what I've come to expect from Cameron Diaz's films ever since she did the first "Charlie's Angels" movie. She's definitely lost her talent.

Hopefully not too many dudes wasted their money on it when it was in theaters. If so, they should ask for a refund. Luckily, I just recently rented it for .99 cents and saw it for the first time. Even so, I still wish I could get my money back.

To any guys out there with girlfriends wanting to rent or buy this movie, don't let them. You're supposed to do anything for the girl you love, but this is just too much.
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mledinh1 September 2002
I didn't expect to enjoy this movie but loved it almost from the start. I don't understand the scathing vitriol heaped at this movie from US critics -- how is it more "offensive" or "insulting" than 'American Pie' or 'Animal House'? Is it because in this movie the women are the ones being bawdy and crass and not in their usual roles as naive school girls, there to be played by the male leads? It's not a coincidence that the majority of critics who panned this movie are crotchety old men.

I laughed out loud constantly, the dialogue was pretty good -- there were lots of quote-worthy scenes and the best part was that the girls seemed to have such a good time. I had fun watching them goofing around. The interaction between the female characters and the depth of their friendship was entirely realistic. Women DO sit around being crass, they DO (sometimes) use men for sex and leave them to eat dirt and have fun all the while.

What endeared me forever was the scene where Christinia Applegate is dressed up as Vivian the hooker from 'Pretty Woman' -- her send up of Julia Robert's horsey overlaugh (TM was SPOT. ON. (America's Sweetheart? Gag me with a fork). The scene where Cameron Diaz kisses the male lead was great because the producers allowed her to get her lipstick all messed up. That is such a refreshing change from movies where the makers seem to think it's perfectly normal that a woman who has been skydiving/engaged in mortal combat/enjoyed a night lovin' has not even smudged her makeup.
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quite funny, if uneven
cherold6 January 2004
Blatant attempt to recreate "There's Something About Mary," as Diaz is plopped into another movie that mixes tasteless humor with corny romance. While it's not as good as TSAM, it's quite funny and reasonably sweet. The main problem with the film is one of momentum. It will be skating along on an amusing riff or a sweet moment and then stumble and find itself splayed out on the sidewalk, looking confused. One doesn't feel deeply about the movie's rather sketchily drawn characters, weakening the dramatic moments, and the comedy, while more hit than miss, does miss more than one would like. But while all of these keeps it from being a great movie, it's really quite an enjoyable one.
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What was that????
bonimdb2 February 2008
This is by far one of the worst movies I have ever "tried" to see and by that I mean that I had to stop the movie after about 40 minutes. There was nothing funny about it. I even wanted to throw it in the garbage but I figured I may as well bring it in to Blockbuster since they buy back used DVDs. To portray young professional women or any women in such a disgusting way is beyond comprehension but then, after reading some of the reviews, I can understand why film makers produce such trash. What did it for me was seeing Christina Applegate trying to use the urinal in one of the filthiest bathrooms I had ever seen. And everything that came before that was not much better. I have seen Knocked Up and The Forty-Year-Old Virgin and loved those movies in spite of the crude humor but The Sweetest Thing is nothing like that. All it did was make me cringe. Avoid at all cost.
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