Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) Poster

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Are you freaking kidding me!!?
singingamy0915 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have been counting down the days since they moved this movie from its original release date. As the characters have grown older, the story line gets better, and I was hoping the same would go for the sixth movie. However, I am still completely confused about the decisions made for this movie. The movie is two and a half hours of ridiculousness. Yes, it has fantastic effects, and humor about the raging hormones, but who cares if the integrity of the story is completely diminished. Let's make a list of everything they cut out:

1. The introduction of the new Minister of Magic and all that happens between him and Harry.

2. Dumbledore coming to the Dursley's house to give them a piece of his mind.

3. Harry, Ron and Hermione seeing Draco in the dress shop, and Harry getting his first idea that Draco had been branded into the Death Eaters.

4. The invisibility cloak was absent in almost every important scene besides the train.

5. Slughorn's parties (the first of which that was on the train when Ginny gets her first invite.)

6. Tonks finding Harry on the train.

7. Tonks and Lupin's relationship

8. Several key memories that help Harry find the horcruxes in the 7th book. Also the awkward arguments between Dumbledore and Harry about Dumbledore's whereabouts and what happened to his hand.

9. Hagrid and Thwarp

10. Harry finding out that everything that Sirius owned now belongs to him (including the house that serves as the hiding place in the 7th book)

11. Several of the Quidditch matches and how Harry ends up in trouble and has to miss the final match. THIS is when Harry and Ginny have their first kiss when she becomes the seeker for the team and helps the team win.

12. Harry and Ginny's relationship

13.Fleur and Bill's engagement, and are completely absent in the movie.

13. Madam Rosmerta's role

14. Moaning Myrtle's role

15. THE FIGHT IN THE CASTLE!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! The best part of the book and they cut it out. They deserved to be fired in my opinion. How could Rowling sign off on them doing this!?

16. Dumbledore's funeral

17. Harry telling Ginny he could no longer see her...they couldn't have this scene considering they never showed them to be in a relationship.

I'm sure there is a lot more, but you get the idea. All of these scenes were cut to add those that never even happened in the book. If you are an actual fan of the book, be prepared to be disappointed. If you haven't read the book, I'm sure it'll be great.
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Mixed thoughts
TheREALBunneh17 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The reason I gave this an 8 is because it is truly a sensational film, the best yet out of the whole franchise. The acting is milestones ahead of what it has been in previous HP films (especially from Emma Watson), the storyline and characters are much more layered and 3D, the sets and special effects are breathtaking, and the score is absolutely gorgeous. As a stand-alone film, I would happily give this a 10.

BUT, of course, it is not a stand-alone film - it is the follow up of many other films, and is also based on a book so rich and layered that it could not possibly compete. While this is (IMO) the best film so far, it is also the most unlike the book, and if you know the book and what follows in the Deathly Hallows, you can't help but notice gaping holes in the plot where crucial information has been left out. This film features only 2 of Dumbledore's collected memories - the book shows quite a few more, some of which are important in Harry's hunt for the horcruxes and may have to be dumped somewhere unfitting in the next two films, just to get them out the way (for example, the memory featuring Hepsibar Smith and Hufflepuff's cup). Also, fans of the book will no doubt notice that some of their favourite scenes have been taken out: the funeral at the end, the aftermath of the final Quidditch match (the involvement of Quidditch in this film was entertaining, but seemed pointless as it lead to nothing), and most importantly the battle at Hogwarts between the Death Eaters and The Order/Dumbledore's Army. What I'm trying to say is, if you have not read the book you will probably be able to enjoy this film for the beautiful and intense piece of work it really is - but unfortunately, if you have read the book then the comparisons will come flying at you from the very start, whether you like it or not, and there are definitely more here than there have been in previous instalments.

Half-Blood Prince is definitely the darkest of the books, and this has proved to be the darkest film - the ever present sense of tension or even impending doom is hair-raising, and every scene featuring Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) had me almost breathless, even if he does look about 30 now. He is definitely one of the best actors of the HP films. There are also some painfully tear jerking moments throughout: including a surprise attack on the Burrow, which was heartbreaking, and the scene in the cave where Harry has to force the liquid down Dumbledore's throat - that is the first time, in any film since he started, that I've really appreciated Michael Gambon as Dumbledore, which I imagine will be the same for many of you.

In short, definitely a must see - but book fans must accept that the films have taken their own turn now, and I imagine that the changes in this one will lead to some very major differences in the two Deathly Hallows instalments. The films could never be the masterpieces that the books are, but this one sure comes close.

...mischief managed.
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Love and other wars
kosmasp21 September 2009
If you don't know the book (like me), but watched the trailer before you watched the movie, you could be excused for feeling a bit cheated. The trailer actually promises something that doesn't really happen (real world). But try to free your mind of that. I was a bit confused, but it didn't really throw me off the movie.

Of course, it goes without saying that you should watch the other Harry Potter movies before you watch this. While there is pretty light humor to be found here (and some love stories), it all gets spiced up, by some really dark undertones and some things that happen. I wouldn't say that Harry Potter is getting into an adult phase, but he definitely gets wiser with every movie. Which can't be said, for all his friends. But then again, some are there for comedic relieve, which is pretty obvious. And not a bad thing at all. The effects are great (not that you should have expected less) and the story moves along "fast" (the running time doesn't seem to be a problem or a drag). Of course some might say that he is still too childish (or the whole feeling is childish), but that would be beside the point. The movie does not hide what it's intentions are ...
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Reaches neither the depth nor the complexity of the book but still pretty damn impressive
MairegChernet16 July 2009
HP6 is a dark and emotionally thrilling masterpiece. It combines magical awes that appeal mostly to children as well as mature and dark themes that appeal to almost everyone. It discovers the dark and mysterious past of you-know-who and leaves the audience aching for more as its two and half hours run time go by in a flash. The film contains dazzling visuals and terrific cinematography. It is indeed a satisfying experience that will please just about everyone. One thing is for certain though: in resemblance to the Rowling novels, the film series seems to get darker and more mature with every passing film while keeping an incredible PG rating (in the exception of HP4 & 5). This film not only has some bangs and booms but also explores the theme of teenage love as the three protagonists find themselves tangled in teenage romances. Overall a top notch film worth seeing over and over. Cant wait for the arrival of the Deathly Hallows.
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Darker and Better
SnoopyStyle23 December 2013
Darker than ever, Lord Voldemort has been revealed in the 'Order of the Phoenix'. The forces of darkness are gathering strength. Fear has spread throughout the wizard world. Harry Potter is now investigating Voldemort's plans through his old teacher Professor Horace Slughorn (Jim Broadbent).

Director David Yates returns and will for the remainder of the series. It has a more serious tone. The teenage love drama is heating up especially for Hermione and Ron. It comes to a head in this one in a satisfying melodrama.

The reveal of Voldemort's plan is a bit confusing. More effort is needed to explain what a Horcrux is. A scene with Voldemort creating one of the Hocrux would solve the problem. For the big death climax, the action is rather lacking. It needs more drama. I'm reminded of 'Empire Strikes Back'. In that movie, the big scene gets the most iconic treatment. Something like that is needed here. But it still works while following the book. That's probably more important.
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All The Least Important Parts of the Book in Movie Form.
ZeroCorpse-115 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This film has possibly the worst ending of any HP film, and wandered the furthest from the books. If you are a fan of the books, this is for you:

Remember that cool battle at Hogwart's at the end of the book? It's not here. None of it.

Remember the important plot setup with the tiara? Not here.

Remember all the background and memories about Tom Riddle? Not here.

Remember Bill Weasley? Not here.

Remember Bill getting wounded by a certain werewolf? Not here.

Remember Fleur? Not here.

Remember Snape's important parting words to Harry? Not here.

Remember the funeral? Not here.

Remember the touching conversation Harry had with Ginny at the end? Not here.

Remember Scrimgeour? Not here.

Remember the Burrow burning down? No? Oh, because that IS here.

In short, this film is great if all you took out of the book was the romance and funny bits. If you're more invested in the bigger story, you'll be disappointed.
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Tom Felton deserves so much praise for his performance!
becky-9234618 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) follows Harry as he learns more about Voldemort's dark past in order to finally defeat him. This film really sets up the final films well and has a high level of tension, the atmosphere is incredibly moody!

The film has some really impressive visual effects and some subtle yet impactful cinematography. The quidditch scenes look genuinely realistic! The cinematography reflects the gritty feel of the film, and the lighting is as impressive as always! I like the use of long shots to build up tension and there is also some really good framing. The use of colour is a stand-out in this film, the green tint in the flashbacks was extremely effective, and the black-and-white grading gave the film a depressing and dark feel.

At first I wasn't really a fan of the score for this one, however it gets better as the film goes on! It helps to build up the tension and set quite an ominous and immersive atmosphere. In addition, the sound design is equally as great and you can tell a lot of effort went into it!

The film really takes the time to focus on the characters and their development, which I REALLY like. It adds a lot of interesting lore to Tom Riddle's backstory, and develops the romance between Ron and Hermione well. Ron has a lot of funny lines too, and is highly under-appreciated in this film! By far my favourite character in this film is Draco, Tom Felton's performance is flawless! The mystery surrounding his character is so effective and I love the dark turn the filmmakers take for his character. Draco is highly manipulated by the death eaters and it's heartbreaking to see, but just proves how great the writing is.

This film is fairly slow, but very engaging and still a fun watch! I feel like it balances a lot of sub-plots VERY well and this is impressive! It adds to the lore of horcruxes which is great exposition for the next films! Also, this film is incredibly emotional, Dumbledore's death is so unexpected and the whole scene is shot so well!
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Very anti-climatic, very disappointing.
sixdayssouth15 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'll keep this short and bittersweet. While not without its merits, the sixth film in the HP series was very much a let-down for me.

First of all, I'm a die-hard fan of the books, but I absolutely didn't want or expect the movie to follow the book page-for-page. In fact, some of the creative liberty taken in the film was quite good. One scene in particular was very good, where Bellatrix and Fenrir Greyback attack the burrow, leading to a showdown in the marsh between Harry, Ginny and the two Death Eaters. Or at least it had the potential to be very good. In fact, much of the movie was very anticlimactic. That scene, among many other crucial scenes, fizzles out when nothing happens. There is a short duel, and then the DE's leave. The same thing happens in the end of the movie, which was the biggest let-down of all the films so far. The battle through Hogwarts at the end of the book was the big climax, leading up to Dumbledore's death. In the film, the whole battle is cut out, replaced instead by a very short and mawkish scene in which Snape gives a quick Avada Kedavra, and then everyone goes on their way.

In short, the lack of appropriate emotional content and the lack of any real climax anywhere throughout the film just makes the whole thing a bit lackluster. Bringing David Yates back into the picture was clearly a costly mistake.
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Immensely satisfying for fans who can see the movie behind the book
maritza-1512 July 2009
I was lucky enough to see a preview of Half-Blood Prince three days before opening day. I saw it a second time with my son who is not quite ten, but who is generally mature for his age and doesn't scare easily. The two viewings give me the unique advantage of both the adult and the child perspective on the movie.

I only recently started counting myself a true Harry Potter fan after my son introduced me to the movies a couple of years ago. I finished the last book only three weeks before seeing the movie adaptation of Half-Blood Prince the first time.

With all the book details very fresh in my mind, I had high expectations of the movie. And Yates, the production crew and the cast definitely delivered. The movie impresses on many levels from an artistic point of view. The stripped landscapes and washed out colors convey a constant feeling of dread and foreboding. The standard train trip to Hogwarts was particularly stark, seen against a landscape scorched by a hot summer sun and dotted with dark pools of water. The usual lush greenery and joyous train ride are nowhere to be seen.

Personally, I felt the pace was spot-on and that the movie elegantly made time for all key plot points. But only if you enjoy a plot line driven by character and emotion. For the younger lot, looking for frightening wizard duels and attacks by magical creatures, the first hour and a half of the movie drags on a bit. My son certainly became fidgety, and didn't appreciate the finesse and sophistication of the plot and cinematic approach.

Most of the threatening and darkening tone of the movie was also lost upon him, whereas I reveled in the finer details contributing to a general sense of ever-encroaching darkness. There are worse things in life to be afraid of than big hairy spiders. My son missed seeing those - I was a lot more intrigued by the ominous undercurrents made palpable by the indomitable trio of David Yates (director), Steve Kloves (screenplay) and Delbonnel (photography).

Some people feel that the romantic comedy aspects played too large a role in the movie, but I felt this aspect added some much-needed lightness and human drama to the movie. Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Hermione (Emma Watson) and Ron (Rupert Grint) all find themselves dealing with the vagaries of young love - from dealing with unwanted advances to finding love in unexpected places. The romance was aimed perfectly at the young teen market, and I found myself cringing ruefully at some of Lavender Brown's love-obsessed stunts and smiling wistfully at the tenderness between Harry and Ginny. Haven't we all been there at some stage of our lives?

All in all, Harry Potter is growing up. And so is the market for these movies. If you've seen all the movies up to now or read all the books, and your are at an age to appreciate the adult themes and movie techniques, this movie should fall pitch-perfect on your ear. You are likely to leave the cinema filled with a heart-wrenching sadness for innocence lost.

Purist fans will most certainly complain bitterly about numerous sub-plots, events and characters that were cut from the movie and the odd scene that doesn't exist in the book. But Yates' truly gutsy adaptation really works and brings a depth and clarity to the main themes of the book that is quite extraordinary. He manages to capture the lingering lightness of that time before the serious business of adulthood sets in, alongside the relentless buildup to the final showdown between The Dark Lord and The Chosen One. And the lack of closure at the end of the movie is no accident, I believe. Just like the book, this movie leaves you aching to see how it all ends (never mind the fact that you already know).

I must also commend the acting. The young leads have all matured in pace with the maturing content of the books and their acting shows it. Rupert Grint shines brightly in the somewhat Shakespearean love comedy he finds himself in, and makes the most of his new-found sport hero popularity. Emma Watson hits the spot, portraying Hermione's emotional vulnerability with gentle confidence and softness.

As for Radcliffe, it's easy to miss the evolution he's undergone as Harry, since there are other actors ostensibly given more to do in this outing, like Tom Felton and Bonnie Wright, both of whom get the opportunity to take their characters to a new level. Tom Felton, especially, does a remarkable job. But Radcliffe's task of playing the steadfast and courageous, yet not flashy or arrogant hero, remains a difficult one. Especially on second viewing, it becomes clear how his understated and controlled performance speaks very much to the type of man Harry Potter is shaping up to be. A man who is left with a tremendous responsibility at the end of this movie and takes it up without flinching. The boy-wizard is no more.

Of the older guard, Alan Rickman's Snape was a consummate performance, ... obviously. And Michael Gambon's portrayal of Dumbledore never felt more right than in this movie. Jim Broadbent's Slughorn is deliciously played with just the right mix of off-putting sycophancy and endearing pathos.

All in all - a triumph all around!
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My least favourite hp movie
harrypup-2843620 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie focuses on the relationships too much and not the actual story. There was more of Tom Riddle's backstory in the book and in the film, they could've focused on that instead of the relationships
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The binding is really fragile … Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
jaredmobarak13 July 2009
It's a real shame that I could never give a film featuring Harry Potter the status of a perfect film. Each tale relies so heavily on those that came before or after that one can never be a truly all-encompassing work. Sure, the three-act structure can be utilized, but without the background info, nor the knowledge that more will be coming, watching a middle installment alone will leave you confused and disorientated. The reason I bring this up is the fact that Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is good enough to warrant the praise and to put the idea in my head about whether to call it a masterpiece. The tone is perfect, the laughs are many, the darkness is charcoal black—how could this be the same director as the abysmal—in comparison to the rest of the series—Order of the Phoenix, David Yates? Two words … Bruno Delbonnel.

Who is Delbonnel you may ask? Well, he is the brilliant cinematographer behind the camera. I may have blamed the failures of the fifth film on its screenplay as Steve Kloves was glaringly absent, (he being the writer of each other film, including this new one), but a film is a team effort. Therefore I guess maybe I shouldn't put all the accolades on one man now; I just feel absolutely compelled to do so because so many moments linger in my mind due to the beauty of their composition and use of their environments to stay interesting and exciting at all times. Visually, you cannot be bored. It just goes to show that it is never the director alone, but also the team he or she brings along. I like Yates and was surprised at how much I disliked his first foray in the Potter universe, granted, I felt the book itself was sub-par at best. Thankfully, he did not disappoint with his second of three, (make that four as book seven goes to a two-part finale), because, as it was with the novels, Half-Blood Prince is by far the best of the series—until Deathly Hallows of course. And adding the pedigree of a guy like Delbonnel, with films such as Across the Universe, A Very Long Engagement, and Amelie in his back pocket—all stunning works of art—only makes his job easier.

I can't get over the use of close-ups throughout, or the multiple instances of framing used to hide something on screen. Oftentimes, the camera pans or cuts to reveal something in the fringes, to highlight the focal point when it's not centrally located, or literally move our eyes to exactly where the filmmakers want them to be. The blocking is superb with some scenes blurring the edges and keeping only our main object of interest in focus, timing and positioning executed with aplomb. And did I mention the close-ups? (Yes, I know I did.) One sequence, with Harry and Ginny running through a field of tall grass after intruding Death Eaters, is shot with a high speed pan to keep the characters crisp as the foliage darts and blurs in their wake. I'd be remiss not to mention the special effects as well, especially when dealing with the black smoke trails from Voldemort's flying goons as well as the wispy pensieve. Whether completely computer generated or practical dye clouds in water, the effect is pitch perfect, even dissolving each memory in sections, leaving important pieces, like young Tom Riddle, to be lingered on just a second longer than the rest.

As for the leads, Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson are solid as usual, (Radcliffe showing some solid comedic chops after taking luck elixir), and Rupert Grint's Ron Weasley gets some room to break free. But it is the supporting roles that deserve notice. Helena Bonham Carter will scare children, so kudos to her, and Michael Gambon's Dumbledore will win even more hearts as his leader finally allows Potter into the inner circle of the plan to rid the world of Voldemort, it now being a circle of two. It is newcomer Jim Broadbent, however, as Professor Slughorn who steals the show. Broadbent is known for his many comical expressions and his rubber face is utilized to great effect here. A blowhard and man with many "friends", his jubilant smile and need to collect powerful and famous wizards for his Slug Club are ever-present, bringing some levity as well as effectively hiding the dark secret that lies beneath.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince succeeds in the details. It is an exercise in minimalism and showing only what is necessary to the plot. Condensing the novel better than ever done before, Kloves has given Yates the tools to make a film and not just a visual representation of the words. What had previously been done best by Azkaban's Alfonso Cuaron, this one works better at retaining more subplots and not stripping it quite so bare. Subtle hints are planted so no longwinded exposition is needed to make us, as an audience, feel stupid and lectured to. Instead Yates and crew allow us to show our intelligence and ability to use our eyes and memories to piece things together, making the experience more enjoyable as we believe we are solving the mysteries and not the director who is skillfully guiding us through. I'd say it couldn't get better than this, but my confidence in Yates has been renewed and my hopes that Deathly Hallows is treated with respect is at one hundred percent, so who knows what the future has to offer?
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Key points missing!
zvette92915 July 2009
If you love the series like I do you will know that in every movie they have to cut parts of the book out. Most of the time they manage it without compromising the integrity of the film. This time they fall very short of the mark. For those that have not read the book this movie will impress. The effects are top notch and it is a very engrossing film. I understand the need to cut the movie in order to fit it into a realistic time frame. In doing so, it seems as if they cut key parts in order to allow for more comedy. They also cut out a large action scene at the end of the movie. This scene could have been added if not for the adding of a scene in the middle that was not part of the original book. Furthermore, the scene makes no sense because during which they destroy something that is key to the book in the seventh volume. Not only do they cut scenes, but they change others to suit what purpose you might ask? The unfortunate answer is I don't know. Another minor point that I noticed during the movie is, although there is not as much violence as previous movies the overall film includes adult content that in my opinion warrants the pg-13 rating.

Do not misunderstand me. I recommend seeing the movie as it is enjoyable, but trying to change a masterpiece like J.K. Rowling's book is a mistake and I think this movie suffered from it. If I didn't have the book to reference I would've rated this movie an 8, but the simple fact is I do and it unfortunately falls short.
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The Best Book...The Worst Movie!
xxmonexx15 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
As an avid Harry Potter fan who has read the books multiple times and of course seen the movies repeatedly, I was extremely excited to see this movie at the midnight showing. Half-Blood Prince is my favorite book and other than 7, the darkest book in the series.

That being said, I was so disgusted with this movie. Yates & company literally turned it into Harry Potter comedy hour. I'm not sure how anyone thought this movie was amazingly dark when the theater was cracking up laughing the entire time at trite jokes. The only thing that should have been funny in this entire movie was Lavender & Won Won's obsession w/ each other.

The movie emphasized the unrequited love/snogging/Ron & Lavender romance over the major plot line which was learning about Tom Riddle's background. With the exception of Dumbledore's first meeting w/ Tom & Tom asking about how to make Horcruxes, all of the background was left out. That's essentially three quarters of the book omitted.

What was the point of not having Tonks find Harry on the train? How can you have Tonks call Remus sweetie and not explain all the drama between them and how they got together? How can you leave out Madam Rosmerta's involvement? What was the point of the burning of the Burrow scene? The ending was horrific. It was completely different than the book. So now Dumbledore is the only one who can apparate on Hogwarts grounds? Malfoy spends all this time working on this cabinet only to have the Death Eaters walk through, Bellatrix (who is not present in the book) encourage him to kill Dumbledore, Snape kills Dumbledore, and they kindly saunter off the grounds in no hurry. No battle... no fear of being caught...nothing. What was the point of the cabinet in the movie? It was completely anti-climatic and they didn't even have the funeral scene which is a must-have. The worst part ever was the very end...Harry and Hermione are talking about Dumbledore's death and going searching for horcruxes and she randomly chimes in that Ron is OK w/ Ginny and Harry. WHAT?! It was so awkward.

And can someone please tell me how they are going to explain Dobby and Kreacher in the Deathly Hallows movies when they have essentially been omitted from the subsequent movies after being introduced? I honestly would like a do-over. They really need to re-shoot this movie and try again because it was bad. For the real fan, it leaves you cold and empty, with no tears for Dumbledore because you are so confused, and wondering why Yates and Co. cared about Lavender being funny more than the back story of Tom Riddle.
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Dark, funny, and not weighed down by too much exposition.
joestank1519 July 2009
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - A footnote: Funny thing about Harry Potter reviews. If you peruse enough of them, you'll notice that "lack of nit-picks" is a substitute for praise. Everyone comes from different points of view when they go in to see these films. Some people read the books, some haven't. Everyone has their favorites, or hates the films in general. I have never experienced the films without having read the books first so I cannot comment on how hard it is to follow any of them. For some they are too long, for some not enough. I have enjoyed all of the films to varying degrees all for different reasons. David Yates continues from where he left Order of the Phoenix, arguably the weakest of the seven books but one of the stronger films.

In the sixth Harry Potter, Harry works with Dumbledore to unlock a key secret about Voldemort. To do this, Harry has to get close to Professor Slughorn (played with aplomb by Jim Broadbent). What interested me most about the way this is played out are the quiet similarities presented between Harry and Tom Riddle. Dumbledore actively wants Harry to act more like Tom in an attempt to defeat him. This enhances the idea posited back in the 2nd film and book. The sub-plots surrounding this are delightful. Quidditch has never been done so well. The Slug Party is also delightful. Harry's fancying Ginny and Ron's troubles between Lavender and Hermione round out the film. A small downside of this is there is less room for some of the best talent in the UK, many of whom merely supply the garnish on a good meal.

Michael Gambon is wonderful in this turn as the greatest wizard Dumbledore. He just needed the screen time to shine. I hope this nails the lid on the doubters. Alan Rickman plays Snape to perfection, much as it would have been fun to see him momentarily lose his cool. Maggie Smith and Robbie Coltrane have wonderful cameos. I seem to be the only person that appreciates Daniel Radcliffe post-Equus. I think the young man has really come into his own. Rupert Grint has also become a fine comedic actor. Tom Felton slowly freaks the hell out as a young man given an impossible task. My favorite little scene stealer is Evanna Lynch as Luna Lovegood.

The film plays fast and loose with the source material, and, unlike with Prisoner of Azkaban, the results are not disappointing. On the contrary, this might be, next to Goblet of Fire, my favorite of the films. Part of the reason this time is the film's atmosphere is so appropriate, the characters so well acted and written, that it makes us yearn for more of everything that IS in the film, not lament what was cast aside. I can forgive plot simplification as film is a different medium. I would not have made all the choices Yates has, but he nails the beginning and end of the film, includes many touching character moments, and the movie on the whole is FUNNY damnit! True Potter fans should see that Yates has broken the letter to preserve the spirit of Harry Potter.

One note from the Potter die-hard within the competent film critic: it is disappointing to miss out on one crucial flashback that would have given Ralph Fiennes a terribly awesome scene to do with Michael Gambon. As for the rest. Potter-ites, Yates has this well in hand. Put aside the canon-charts, and enjoy watching small variations on a story you know and love. I know, given the choice, I prefer a story that pops to life over one nailed down to a strict regiment of plot points and exposition. A-
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As a movie it's the most well crafted of the series. But as an adaptation of the book, it was by far the worst.
pgtmatrix19 July 2009
Let me say this. Half Blood Prince as a movie alone was very good. It stands it's ground as a film better than any of the others of the series. But only as a film. And only because there are so many parts to a film. This installment obviously stepped everything up a notch: the cinematography, the special effects, the darker score, the improved acting, etc... But the key element which was boosted this franchise into world-class fame, is the story. And in this one, it's just not there. As a fan of the books and having had no SERIOUS gripes with any of the other films, I must say i HATED the screenplay for this one. Everything that made the book amazing was ripped from the film, and instead replaced by annoying large quantities of romantic subplot. Yes, there is romance in the sixth book but not shoved down your throat. JK Rowling masterfully crafted a novel that was perfectly balanced. The romance was there although it didn't detract from the main plot and at times was intertwined with the larger goings-on at hogwarts. In the movie the romance takes up most of the screen time. Not to mention the ending of the film was brutally butchered.

So much time could have been detracted from the silly romances to focus on more important things which were completely ommitted or deliberately changed. The ending is extremely anti-climactic and once it's over it'll leave you in your seat thinking "it's over?"

My final gripe with this movie is that it really should have been PG-13. If you've read the novel then you know the subject matter is MUCH darker and the story would have been done greater justice with just a higher rating(and a better screenwriter, yes i'm looking at you Steve Kloves).

Overall as a movie i'd give it an 8 out of 10.

But as a HARRY POTTER movie it gets 4 out of 10. And that's pushing it.

Well heres to 2010 to see how they screw up the finale. Oh wait, they already did. I didn't know there were 8 years at hogwarts...
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It's Love Potions That Are Most In Demand
bkoganbing29 August 2011
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince sets a couple of milestones in the film series. Harry and sidekicks Hermione and Ron are coming a bit late into puberty which is understandable considering all the adventures they've had. But they're now starting to see what the opposite sex is all about.

Helping them along is an old colleague that Dumbledore has brought back to the Hogwarts one Professor Slughorn, a new character into the Potter saga played by Jim Broadbent. Slughorn (how I do love J.K. Rowling's use of Dickensian names in the Harry Potter series) is a master of potions and of course when you talk potions, it's love potions that are most in demand. But they do have only a short term effectiveness and at least one of the trio gets overdosed on it. And the cure almost kills as well.

The Half Blood Prince also provides us with some insight into the life of the younger Lord Voldemort back when he was a Hogwarts student named Tom Riddle. Broadbent and he bonded back in the day and that's why Dumbledore wants him back.

The Half Blood Prince keeps up the high standard of film making that the Harry Potter series is known for. It even got a nomination for Cinematography from the Academy. Broadbent is a nice addition to the Hogwarts stock company even if only for the two remaining films in the series.

No sense telling you to see it, you probably have and enjoyed same.
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Great film but key plots from the book missing
jamesrobertfreeman17 July 2009
Like all Harry Potter fans I have read all of the books and seen every film so far. I would have to say that this film is not my favourite so far and leaves you feeling that some vital parts of the book are missing. However this is worth watching and I feel this will only disappoint the most hardcore Harry fans!

With all of the films you can notice that the acting is improving with the maturity of the characters. You can tell that there is a close bond between the actors of which all pull of their roles well. The directing and visual effects, like all of the films to date does not disappoint.

In all a great family film, a pleasure to watch and I would recommend this film to most people. I am glad that the final film will be split into two parts, to be honest they could have done it with this film!

*** For people who have never seen any of the films or read the books I took my friend with me who has not seen or read any of the books and he was completely lost throughout the film (Although he still enjoyed it!). If you wish to see this I would recommend you need to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix first. Otherwise you may find this film a little confusing.
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Harry Potter and the Particularly Pathetic Plot...?
kris838415 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I am going to have to agree with the review stated by Mr Todd above, and for almost all the same reasons...? The battle for Hogwarts was lame, no battle at all. The 'discovery' of just who exactly was the Half-Blood Prince was left out and distilled to a single line at the end in the non-existent battle. The memories from the pensieve were distilled to almost nothing. The memories of Lily and James Potter along with Snape and their time at Hogwarts were left out. The entire memory of Tom Riddles past was left out. Kreature and Dobby were entirely absent.

How are we to feel sorry for the tragedy that is supposed to occur in the following two movies that comprise the seventh book..? There was no character development here, and almost all of the characters whose deaths we are supposed to feel were wooden with no depth and no emotional attachment.

That being said, the actors and director did well with what was obviously a screenplay written by someone who had very little knowledge of the series, and did not bother to educate themselves on the finer points. The screenwriter/scriptwriters should have been fired and replaced.

This movie has been, by far, one of the biggest let downs I have ever had the misfortune to witness. By comparison, "Twilight" was a tour-de-force.
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1 hour and 20 minutes before the first exciting scene
jpheihun15 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It's a good thing I like well-made movies, good acting, and relationship stories, but that's not why I go to Harry Potter movies. I started going to the HP films for the wonder and imagination, my favorites are the day to day magic like making dinner, and scenes where the Hogwarts students are learning magic. There was 1 interesting potions scene, no defense against the dark arts, 1 new discovery by Potter, 1 fun cleaning the house scene, no interesting dining hall magic during dinners, and Voldemort is not in this film. It had some comedic scenes, but nothing to make me laugh long enough to miss anything important.

The sets were again amazing. I LOVED Fred and George's shop scene. The memory scenes were captivating. The quidditch games were good but not as exciting as earlier films. Hermione's brilliance was completely overlooked. The Half-Blood Prince storyline was skipped, Dumbledore's withering hand storyline was skipped. The ending had a twist but was underwhelming.

I would always recommend Harry Potter be viewed on the big screen, some over and over again, but this is one I will not see again until the video comes out.
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So far, the best of the Harry Potter films!
TheLittleSongbird16 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I think people are forgetting that the book is a very complicated one to transcribe to screen, but the film, bearing in mind that it changed the overall structure of the book, missed some very dramatic scenes out, and characters like Rufus Scrimgeur and Rosmerta were left out entirely is definitely the best of the Harry Potter films. The climax was good, but compared to the book's climax, which was much more intense, I felt it could have had more action, and perhaps more explanation. Visually, it is a marvel to look at, especially with the Cave Scene with the dark brooding cinematography and the splendid special effects. But somehow Steve Kloves managed to not only make some genuine scares, namely when the arm of one of those grey creatures comes out the water and grabs Harry, (this made me jump violently) but there were some really funny bits. Like when a student is sick in front of Snape, Snape says "you have just earned yourself a month's worth of detentions", and Ron and Lavender's romance. My favourite has to be Harry and Ron's hilarious conversation about girls' skin, and when Dumbledore is seen holding a Woman's Own magazine! Not to mention, Luna's dress in one scene, what was she wearing? I am just wondering though, whether I was the only one who wept buckets at the end, sorry, seeing Harry crying over Dumbledore's body and everyone staring on helplessly, just started me off on an emotional drainage. Back to the film, the music was beautiful and very haunting as well as noticeably darker in tone to the scores by John Williams and Patrick Doyle, and there was some splendid looking scenery. The acting was excellent, Daniel Radcliffe is likable as Harry, Rupert Grint hilarious as Ron and Emma Watson giving her best performance as the character. Robbie Coltrane was good, but it is a shame he didn't get that much screen time. I never cared much for Michael Gambon as Dumbledore, Richard Harris was more my idea of the character, but Gambon like Watson gives his best performance (as the character that is). Alan Rickman and Maggie Smith were solid as rocks in their roles as Snape and McGonagall, and Tom Felton was remarkably good as Malfoy. Helena Bonham Carter was brilliant as Bellatrix, nobody could play her better. But for me, the scene stealer was Jim Broadbent as Slughorn, maybe not what Rowling intended in terms of figure, but the the performance is wonderfully electric. The direction was competent, overall, the film is no masterpiece, but it is the best of the series, so I thoroughly recommend it. 9/10 Bethany Cox.
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Boring, Boring, Boring!
mccormick6325 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince flat out sucks! It has very little redeeming factors to it, its too long and its boring. I will never understand how the filmmakers turned what was actually an okay book into a film this boring. I read the Half-Blood Prince book, and I actually liked it. I liked the dark turn the books had taken (before f*****g it up with the Deathly Hallows), and the death of Dumbledore was actually dramatic and actually elicited an emotional response from me. It wasn't a great book, I felt that the plot delved a bit too deep into the relationships amongst the characters (or was that the Order of the Phoenix? Either way it slowed things down), and I also didn't really find the book that exciting until the ending, that is where things got good. The movie, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. Things did not get good towards the end, if anything, it got worse! The Half-Blood Prince is what happens when a book that had so much background to it that when turned into a film, the filmmakers need to keep things moving while still telling a good story and have it exciting. This movie didn't do that at all. It was boring, from beginning to end, nothing but boring, dreadfully slow scenes that nearly put me to sleep. Not only that, but the many scenes regarding the relationships were so bad that I didn't feel that the characters didn't actually like each other, the only reason they do is because the plot requires them too. For example: Ginny Weasley is supposedly going to be Harry Potter's girlfriend, but her character is so bland and the actress didn't really do a good enough job to make it look like she actually did like Harry. She stares at him with an uninterested look in her eyes, one that says to me, "Why does the script require me to fall for this guy?" Its painful to watch, and only serves to kill 5 minutes.

The rest of the cast is hit-or-miss. Alan Rickman as Severus Snape, as always, is brilliant. He is the one cool character and I don't think it is because he is well written. It's because it's Alan Rickman! He is always fun to watch on screen! Whether it is Galaxy Quest, or...any of the other Harry Potter films, Alan Rickman always does a great job. However the rest of the cast is nothing spectacular. I already mentioned how bland Ginny Weasley is so I won't talk about her again, but everyone in this movie just doesn't work. Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange is so over the top that she comes off as hilarious! I know she is meant to be psychotic and all that good stuff, but...look at her! Her character isn't subtle at all! She cackles and laughs manically whenever she is on screen and I found her more annoying and funny rather than frightening. The cast of this movie may have good actors/actresses lined up, but it's ultimately the characters that fall flat. They either are completely useless, or so obviously evil that whenever someone thinks they are not one of the death eaters I feel like shaking them relentlessly shouting, "HELLO! HOW STUPID ARE YOU!? Look at this guy! He has no nose, no hair, no visible human traits aside from the fact he looks somewhat human!" In case you didn't know, I was talking about the evil lord snake-face, I mean, Voldemort.

Onto the plot, and trust me, this is where I REALLY started to loathe this film. It does so much yet succeeds at doing nothing at all. I watched this movie in a trance, trying to remember what happened and why. After some time I eventually just gave up, mainly because when I asked myself, "Why," I realized that there was no reason why. Nothing happens in this movie! It was so boring that I almost couldn't believe it. What are they doing now? Oh, absolutely nothing. What now? Oh, they are trying to find this item for reasons I forgot about and didn't really care about in the first place. Why is this drink that Dumbledore is drinking making him progressively weaker? Why are there zombie-like creatures rising up from the water? What is going on? What are those things, why should I care? The answer to the last question is I shouldn't. Only hardcore Potter fans will truly know what is going on, the rest of us is left confused, or was that just me? What's going on now? Oh, the death eaters have invaded Hogwarts, oh no! That should be dramatic, but it really isn't. What just happened, oh wait, Draco Malfoy couldn't grow a pair and kill Dumbledore, he just stood there crying like a little b**** until the only cool character had to do the deed himself. This was the worst insult of all, Dumbledoofus' death wasn't dramatic, period. It happened, was incredibly boring, and went, and that was it.

This is a movie that I just love to hate. I take great joy in ripping this movie to shreds because I feel that I must have revenge. Revenge against having a series of once okay books turned into movies that started off well, then turned to c***. It pains me to see a franchise that I actually once liked (contrary to my review of the Deathly Hallows Part 1 movie) be turned into this. The problem is that while I did like the franchise initially, it's the awful conclusion and the awful recent movies that turned me against Harry Potter. I wanted to like this movie, I really did, but, sadly, the movie failed. Harry Potter, I hate to say this, but you failed!
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My favorite Potter movie (coming from an avid fan)
JohnnyOnAQuest15 July 2009
Let me start off by saying, I am a huge HP fan. I have read the books countless times, am a daily visitor on MuggleNet, and have subscribed to Mugglecast for four years. The books are definitely where it's at, and the movies are so-so. I can still remember storming out of the theatre after OOTP two years ago, yelling the whole way home about how David Yates screwed everything up and how awful of a movie it was altogether, story line and directing style. However, the Half-Blood Prince surpassed each of the last 5 movies greatly in almost aspect.

I came into the movie theater completely stoked because of all of the positive reviews it was getting on Rotten Tomatoes. After seeing all the previews last fall, I thought the general look of the movie was just overall better. And it was. I owe David Yates a huge apology for cursing his name so many times over the last two years. This was a great picture and I know the next two will be great as well. I also owe Michael Gambon a bit of an apology, but WHERE WAS THIS DUMBLEDORE THE LAST 3 MOVIES?? Gambon totally exceeded my expectations, he was so good in HBP! I could not stand him at all in the previous three, he was just a grumpy old gray man. In HBP he was old, wise, with his white shiny hair he was supposed to have the whole time. A great performance out of him, so great I really really wish we had seen this out of him in the other movies.

When I first saw Slughorn in the previews, I was completely irritated. He was supposed to be a largely obese man with a big mustache? But then I got to thinking, how many quality actors are actually really fat? There's only two answers- Richard Griffiths and that fat guy from the Diabetes commercial. Neither of them could play Slughorn. Broadbent made this movie, I love that dang cooky smile he always had on and how his eyes just always looked so crazy...I can't describe it but I loved it. He performed amazingly.

I know people are upset about the omission of the battle and confused on the burrow scene, and I will say I partly agree with you. The Burrow scene was in there to show that the death eaters were f***ing s**t up this whole time. Remember in the book how they read the paper every morning and reading about everythign that was happening? That scene was a lot better than having stupid newspaper flashbacks or whatever they had in OOTP.

For me, it was the little things that made this movie. When they include tiny details from the book, it really makes it special to me. I was ecstatic that they had the whole Aragog burial scene, it was so well done and I was glad to see Hagrid get some screen time. Also, just random little lines that were so similar to the book, it makes the movie that much more special.

For everyone who's complaining about how funny it is- lighten up! This is how it's supposed to be. I catch myself laughing out loud whenever I read the books, they're hilarious. JK just has a writing style that can be so serious at one point and hilarious the next, I was laughing and enjoying myself the whole time, it just really made me feel good.

Overall, really spectacular movie. The people complaining about how they left too much stuff out are also the ones complaining that it jumped around. I liked how they focused on central things and really got deep into them, instead of going ADD and showing every little possible thing for 30 seconds. Whether you liked it or not, you really do have to admire the trio growing and Gambon and Broadbent's performances, they were so outstanding. Go see it again! I know I am.
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The focus is on the fluff.
ANewLeaf16 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is the review of my favorite book of the Harry Potter series and unfortunately the weakest movie of the series to date.

Spoilers will be present.

Much of the focus on this movie is relationships. Snogging and jilted love abounds for the first 2/3 of the movie. Action takes a very small back seat and seems rushed, while any chance to further a emotional moment of jealousy is focused on to the point of boredom. Despite this focus the actual emotional payoff between the characters going through this at the end of the movie is somehow missing.

The last 1/3 of the book is an amazing ride of action, tension, and despair. The movies shift to this moment seems very rushed, it is Harry all of the sudden being made aware of hoar cluxes and wisked away to find one in what seems to be within a whole 2 minutes. The scene of getting the "hoar crux" from the cave which was explained in great detail in the book was rushed.

Probably the worst change from the book, and truly a critical flaw, was that Harry is NOT immobilized by Dumbledore before his fateful confrontation with Malfoy and Snape. In the book Dumbledore knows that Harry would not simply stand by a watch as he is killed, but in the movie this is exactly what he does. He is not immobilized, forced to helplessly watch as Dumbledore is slain. In the book Harry is given no chance to attempt to save Dumbledore, in the movie he has the choice to attempt to save him but chooses not to. This changes the critical scene of the entire book in a huge way. Harry loses complete control at the death of Dumbledore, his enraged attack on the Death Eaters at the moment of his becoming unfrozen, his realization that the breaking of Dumbledore's spell means he has died. This is all destroyed via Harry NOT BEING FROZEN.

The subsequent battle between Death Eaters and the schools teachers is flat out removed, Snape's struggle to remain sane and in control while being called a coward by Harry after his sacrifice he had to make only moments ago. All of this stuff which was critical to the book is flat out gone.

For the amount of fluff this movie focused on it is amazing how many critical aspects of the storyline were rushed and I cannot believe the crucial changes to the story that take place from the time Harry and Dumbledore return to Hogwarts until the end of the movie.
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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, or Ron Weasley and the Half-A**ed Romance?
ddoncila16 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Oh god.

This movie butchered the magic of the book. I seriously wasn't sure if this was the same movie... Why didn't Dumbledore pick Harry up from the Dursleys and give them a piece of his mind? Where was the Slug Club? Why didn't Harry know that Sirius' house was now his? not to mention Kreacher? It plays a big part in the next movies! Why weren't the lessons with Dumbledore fully developed? You find out almost NOTHING about Voldemort's past. Where were Bill and Fleur? Where was the twins' shop? (Blink and you miss it) Where was Hagrid? Where was Neville? Where was Quiditch? Where was Tonks' and Lupin's relationship??? What, am I just supposed to believe that they get married out of nowhere in the next book? Where was Madam Rosmerta's role? Where were apparition lessons? How are the trio meant to move from place to place in the next books? Magic Carpet?!?!?! Where was Dumbledore's funeral? Where was Harry's and Ginny's relationship and break-up? Where was Scrimgeour? Where was the big fight at the end? Where was the set up with the diadem? Where was Fenrir Greyback? WHY for the love of all that's holy, did Harry just STAND there while Snape murdered Dumbledore before his very eyes? He was meant to be PETRIFIED (literally)!!! And not only that, but Snape actually SEES Harry, and does nothing about it. Won't Harry find it kinda odd that a Death Eater sees him, practically defenceless, and doesn't do anything about it? Harry is meant to believe that Snape is a full fledged Death Eater, yet he lets Harry get off scott free? That is a SERIOUS oversight in the plot of the book! All these things listed above, the major plot points, weren't there! I couldn't find them!

What I COULD find however was: The burning down of the burrow...?!? Dumbledore seeming to only JUST realize that Voldemort used Horcruxes even though he was meant to have already destroyed one... and not only that but I also explicitly heard Dumbledore say: "They could be anything"!!! In the book, he clearly points out that they WOULDN'T be just anything, that Riddle liked collecting things. In the movie, he makes out as if it could be any old thing, a shoe, a can, a piece of paper... (better get searching then Harry, I found the ring, because "Magic leaves traces", but when I die, you're screwed!!!) Some random waitress in some random diner... A rock concert tribute to Dumbledore... A revealing of Hermione's love for Ron... and i DEFINITELY found Ron's and Lavender's relationship and... sexual innuendo?? OK, the Ron and Lavender subplot in the book was quite nice and funny but in the movie, it completely shadowed the ACTUAL story! they were snogging all over the place! it was impossible to focus on anything else with them popping up everywhere! It turned the movie into some sickly rom-com! and then I was shocked to find sexual innuendo! yup, believe it or not. And i know I wasn't the only one because i heard laughs and hoots all around the theater. The scene where Ginny bends down to tie Harry's shoelaces... what is up with that? Hey hang on a minute, isn't Harry's cloak meant to be a hallow? Good thing Luna CHARMED it off him then!!!


So, not only did they destroy the capodopera that this movie could have been, but they also didn't set up the next movie/s. How are Harry, Ron and Hermione going to start looking for the Horcruxes if they don't even know what they COULD be? How are the contents of Dumbledore's will going to be passed along if Scrimgeour doesn't even exist? How is Harry going to remember that Xenophilius was wearing the symbol of the Hallows at the wedding if the WEDDING CAN'T EXIST??? And HOW is Voldemort going to get the wand from Dumbledore's tomb if 1. the TOMB Isn't THERE and 2. THE WAND Isn't IN THE TOMB ANYWAY!!! How is Harry meant to remember where the diadem was if he NEVER BLOODY SAW IT!!!! How are they going to use Grimmauld Place and Kreacher, not to mention Dobby if there was never even a whisper about what happened to them???

This movie was thoroughly disappointing, and I really think they should... remake it basically!!! Because not only was THIS movie bad, but it's set to ruin the next ones as well. The only slim ray of hope (because hope springs eternal) left for the next movies is that they include what they missed out in HBP at the start of the first seventh one. They've got like 5 hours for the rest of the Harry Potter story so they could fit it in.
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Funny, Exciting, Scary, THIS is what more summer blockbusters should be like
soundtrackbuff7 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Most everything about the movie is different--the characters have definitely matured, Hooper's score is better (thank goodness), the special effects have improved, and even the castle itself has a different feel to it...cold and covered in shadows. It's a refreshing touch, though. The series NEEDS constant change, or else it would become quite stale...

There are many funny moments in the movie, and the hormones are definitely raging. But, relationships aside, there is also a darker side to the newest Potter entry. Dumbledore and Harry try to unlock the secret to Voldemort's past. Harry must retrieve a precious memory from a long-lost friend of Dumbledore's (an excellent Broadbent).

The last thirty or so minutes are marvelous. In particular, there is a scene in which Harry and Dumbledore must venture into a protected vessel of Voldemort's soul...very creepy, very emotional...it was well-done.

Ending is surprising. Quite sad, really. I don't want to spoil anything.

But it's a wonderful thing to see how much this series has progressed. Epic is definitely a word that may be used to describe Half-Blood Prince. But I'm even more looking forward to the next two installments a must-see.
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