Spaceman (2024) Poster

(I) (2024)

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A man being honest with himself - My answer to "Was Hanush real?"
leonidasoriginal2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Adam Sandler does a good job in this drama, but you're probably asking yourself "Why the spider"? Well, It is the most common fear among people (Arachnophobia). But do you know what are people even more afraid of? Accepting the truths about themselves and being completely honest with yourself. Now, combine all that and you get answers to everything about this, actually decent movie. That is why the spider crawls out of him in his dreams (subconscious), which is the beginning of his transformation and self-learning, self-knowledge. To realize you are selfish, a coward, and victim-mentality, it takes strength, but most of all "no filters about yourself". Are you a bad person? Can you go that deep into your mind to fight your demons? Just as a spider (at the beginning) so is self-learning. It is ugly and hard until you finally reach the goal - wanting to and eventually changing your wrong ways and also shedding parts of you (selfishness, bitterness, anger, victim mentality). Most people never reach this transformation, but he did. It started as an "ugly" huge spider, one, you later get to love. It is the TRUTH - The truth is ugly at the beginning but eventually, it sets you free, you start to love it, admire it, and learn. The truth about who you are, what, and why you did wrong. It is the ultimate goal and the beginning of a new life to overcome that battle and become fully honest with yourself. IS THE SPIDER REAL? I think not. I think Hanush is not real, it is Adam's (Jakob) projection of his subconscious, guilt, anger, and bitterness, but also all good inside, like love, acceptance, and understanding. That deep need to change what later becomes truth and ultimately the realization of his mistakes. It sets him free to open up and become a selfless, better man. At the same time, he ends battles within, he lets go of guilt, sadness, regret, and bitterness... they are all gone in the nebula, and that is why clear skies open.
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Casual movie fans need not apply.
rdavisq2 March 2024
This is not a film for fans of Adam Sandler movies. I have seen every Sci-fi movie of note. This isn't really a science fiction movie, it just happens to take place in outer space. It seems cliche to say a film is dreamlike but there is no other way to describe Spaceman. Imagine watching an entire movie through a Kaleidoscope. Not just through the lens of said scope, but also the lens of childlike wonder.

This is a heavy film that asks a lot of the audience. Anyone who sticks with it the whole way will be rewarded with a nice story of friendship and hope. Spaceman drags at points, can feel a bit claustrophobic and is honestly hard to wrap your head around. All in all good job by everyone involved. Again at least semi-pro movie fans only. Operaman-O Bye Bye!
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Can't understand the low ratings?
Darkskynet2 April 2024
As far as entertaining sci-fi film goes, this one hits the nail on the head in many ways.

Adam Sandler coming out with another respectable performance since UncutGems, his appearance and mental health is something to be believed in the film.

The various camera/editing choices they decided to make emphasises the sense of uneasy-ness, something you can assume Sandler's character must feel during the film.

The connection between characters as well is one that may pull on heart strings. It certainly did for me!

However, this isn't by no means a blockbuster of a hit. Story wise it's not very original and reminded me of the films Ad Adstra and Interstellar. I'd also say the ending could have been cut shorter, but I suppose the alternative wouldn't have made much of a difference for a viewing.

Overall, it's a very dark, artistic sci-fi film, that often leaves you questioning what's real and what isn't.
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Adam and the Arachnid
steveinrowg29 March 2024
I'll say it countless times: Adam Sandler is a good actor, even a great one. When refocusing from raunchy buddy comedies with his usual crew of 90's comedian friends, he finds projects that he can truly and unequivocally blossom. With these projects becoming more prevalent for the legendary star, it only made sense to make the lateral move into sci-fi.

Spaceman is something else. Soft around the edges, chillingly isolated, and moody to an almost uncomfortable degree, this film has a peculiarity that I can't quite put my finger on. Spaceman Jakub grapples with hardships that are equal parts relatable yet unimaginable. It's clear that he has been on this mission an agonizingly long time - literally floating in an emotional limbo that is ironically heavy. Aside from the harsh void, there is an internal vortex of pain, loneliness, and aimlessness that is heavy on Jakub's heart away from his partner, Lenka (Carey Mulligan). Denis Villeneuve's film Enemy comes to mind when we meet a large space spider (which Jakub names Hanus) voiced by Paul Dano, an English-speaking extraterrestrial who guides Jakub through his psyche, painstakingly examining what Jakub is truly after.

The darkness is a mirror emotion of interpersonal turmoil that exists in the claustrophic tin can they inhabit would be more effective if it didn't feel like the weirdest therapy session you can think of. The effect that is desired of us feels almost forced. However, this is made up for by stellar performances by the main cast. Believability and authenticity are the main ingredients of this unusual space oddyssey. This, combined with visuals that are breathtakingly beautiful, culminate into a third act that firmly holds your heart in a moment that intersects the beauty and vastness of a universe yet to be fully embraced.

Spaceman is not as complicated of a movie as it wants you to believe. Complexity of emotions and the pressures of Jakub's world almost act as a smokescreen of feelings that at times feel artificial, but the strength of the drama and cresendo of internal exploration make up for this to create a film that reminds you of Adam Sandler's potential.
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Opera, space & hazelnut
asarunangshusen7 April 2024
We are all like a blink of an eye, very transient, yet our emotions are rare. This movie is a psychological thriller in which a man fights with his own guilt and how he overcomes it. However, the audience may have a hard time resonating with the title of the movie, "SPACEMAN". This movie fails to create the tension of a space travel movie and is heavy on dialogue. It may not cater to the whole mass, but it is a movie for those who have a hard time letting go of their thoughts, fears, or not addressing their emotions. Anyway, I am happy that I watched this movie and hope to rewatch it soon. Hazelnut.
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With, or without the space, it's the same old story.
johnnysokko2 March 2024
I've seen this movie before; it's called Ad Astra. Ambitious, but emotionally absent(and inconsiderate, I guess) husband leaves perfect wife behind to go on vital space mission. In both movies, the man is plagued by memories of a deeply flawed father, leaving them emotionally scarred and unable to reciprocate their perfect wives' love.

While in Ad Astra, Brad Pitt's character discovers his shortcomings pieces at a time: though memory, experience, and various encounters - here, they forgo all nuance. We simply have a spider companion who directly and endlessly tells Adam Sandler what an ass he is to his wife. But both movies share one emotional theme: fathers suck and their sons are not much better. Relationships are all about men needing to open up more. This is not so bad by itself. But I've seen this in so many movies and TV shows by now it's starting to get tiresome. With all the fancy camera-work, heavy performances, and ambient music, this story still just beats you over the head with it's message without offering anything other than an overused cliché.

Other movies in the past have a truly more nuanced approach. Try Solaris(either version), for example. I appreciate the production of this film, really. It's just that this come off as a feminist fantasy rather than good science fiction.
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When Project Hail Mary comes out...
andrewwhite-327491 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
When Project Hail Mary comes out people who don't read will say that it's a copy of that Adam Sandler movie. Seems like this script was written with Project Hail Mary as a template, there are many similarities between this movie and that book. From the Spider like alien, to the spider like alien race having an existential threat to their race, much like the space algae in Project Hail Mary. It's an enjoyable movie though, I like me some Adam Sandler and I like me some slow sci-fi. So I recommend that enjoyers of either of those two, and really enjoyers of project hail mary to give this movie a shot as they wait for the project hail mary movie to release.
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Lengthy and pretentious
sziami3 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Astronaut decides that he made the wrong decision when he agreed to come to a mission exploring the origins of the universe because he has a wife at home who cannot wait one year for him, and marriage and having kids is more important than going on a mission that could expand the knowledge of humanity about the universe. This realization comes to him as a result of a new friendship he makes with a spider-like alien which suddenly appears on his spaceship and asks inquisitive questions about his relationship to his wife, because this is the only topic that the alien is interested in. The alien finally convinces the astronaut that he is a bad husband and should have stayed at home with his emotionally unstable wife.

This movie pretends to be deep but is in fact shallow, slow, boring, and sends a ridiculous message.
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A Visual Odyssey Hindered by Heavy-handed Narration
merlpe22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Spaceman, a Netflix production directed by Johan Renck and featuring Adam Sandler as Jakub, is a visually distinctive space drama that swaps futuristic gloss for a gritty, plastic aesthetic. Set aboard a Czech space mission, the film explores Jakub's solitary journey, 500 million kilometers from Earth, as he investigates the Chopra Cloud near Jupiter. The narrative delves into Jakub's personal crisis, exacerbated by the silence of his pregnant wife, Lenka, portrayed by Carey Mulligan, who has left him unbeknownst to him.

While the movie benefits from Sandler's nuanced performance, capturing the weariness and occasional humor of a man isolated in space, it struggles under the weight of its own ambitions. Spaceman attempts to tackle profound themes such as love, personal growth, and existential musings, often feeling heavy-handed in its delivery. The appearance of an alien entity, offering esoteric wisdom, aims to guide Jakub towards introspection and emotional enlightenment but instead veers into cliché.

Despite its attempts at depth, the film is bogged down by an overly explanatory script and a sentimental score, leading to a viewing experience that lacks the subtlety and nuance necessary for its lofty goals. Overall, Spaceman earns points for its unique visual style and Sandler's performance, but falls short in its narrative execution and thematic exploration.
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Space Spider Marriage Counseling
mesaxi3 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was hoping for some sci-fi fun here and man was this movie a drag. Adam Sandler moping about how he's a bad husband for following his lifelong career towards the razors edge of discovery instead of suddenly dropping everything and staying home with his pregnant wife. It's indistinct just how much she knew going into their relationship about his career path, likely intentional because a little thought makes it extremely unlikely that she'd be in any position to object by the time a mission like that is undertaken.

The movie is filled with little nitpicks like that, which will drive an actual sci-fi fan crazy. This isn't real sci-fi, it's nonsense. Do they introduce an alien? Sure. Does it's being an alien matter in any way? No, it might as well have been a ghost. In fact, it could be interpreted that it was a hallucination all along when you think about it. Did his being in space matter in any way? No, it could have been any job that caused the husband to be away instead of at home with his wife. Soldier, oil rig worker, some sort of arctic scientist, etc. All of the "sci-fi" elements were nonsensical and only served to push the plot in the direction the writer wanted, they didn't make any real sense.

This felt like a bad version of Project Hail Mary, if you thought this had potential but failed on an intellectual level I recommend that book.
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Pure, old-school, trippy sci-fi
I understand that a lot of people probably rated this low because they saw that it starred Adam Sandler and came into it expecting Happy Gilmore. I did not. I am a sci-fi enthusiast, and I cut my teeth on some of the great, old masterpieces of the '50s and '60s -- many of them by Czech authors, just like this one was! These novels and films were ones that modern audiences might see as "dry" these days, but they were hard-core sci-fi that packed an emotional punch while telling a story of speculative fiction -- a world that "advanced the timeline" from our own to see how the human psyche, human morality, human frailty, would cope with advances in technology. And that's exactly what we have here -- a Czech astronaut put in an extraordinary circumstance, even fantastical by the standards of our "real world." And yet, the actual story isn't fantastical at all -- it's a simple question of the human heart, and the meaning of life. In that way, it's not so different from a one-act, heavy-dialogue drama... but by framing it as a science fiction film, we can strip out any modern-day distractions and just focus on human nature in its purest form.

And maybe enjoy Paul Dano's absolutely riveting performance as a giant arachnid alien!

This is a must-see for any lover of "pure" sci-fi or "old-school" sci-fi. 8/10.
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Adam Sandler is best in serious roles
griffithxjohnson23 March 2024
An abstract look at themes of love, loneliness, & the meaning of life. More of a character study than a big story but that makes it uniquely meaningful. It's very bizarre yet beautiful with stunning visuals & emotional dialogue.

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. An abstract look at themes of love, loneliness, & the meaning of life. More of a character study than a big story but that makes it uniquely meaningful. It's very bizarre yet beautiful with stunning visuals & emotional dialogue.

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. An abstract look at themes of love, loneliness, & the meaning of life. More of a character study than a big story but that makes it uniquely meaningful. It's very bizarre yet beautiful with stunning visuals & emotional dialogue.
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hug a spider
ferguson-61 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. Have you hugged a spider today? Adam Sandler has. Well, technically it's his character who does the hugging. Jakub Prochazka, is a Czech astronaut 189 days into his year long mission. He's flying solo on "the outskirts of Jupiter" to explore the Chopra cloud which is expected to reveal the beginning of time. Honestly, it feels like a job worthy of more than one man, however, that's what the source material provides. Based on the 2017 book "Spaceman of Bohemia" by Jaroslav Kalfar, Johan Renck directs the adapted screenplay by Colby Day. Mr. Renck is not one that jumps to mind when thinking of an Adam Sandler movie. His previous credits include the excellent mini-series "Chernobyl", as well as multiple episodes of acclaimed series, "Breaking Bad" and "Bloodline".

The reality is that Adam Sandler is a solid dramatic actor, as evidenced by his roles in PUNCH-DRUNK LOVE (2002), and more recently, THE MEYEROWITZ STORIES (2017) and UNCUT GEMS (2019). In fact, many of us much prefer heavy-drama Sandler to goofy-comedy Sandler. In this latest, he goes low-key extreme. In fact, Jakub is rapidly sinking into depression, though it has little to do with the loneliness and solitude of space. That's right ... it's a woman. His pregnant wife, Lenka (the always stellar Carey Mulligan) is missing and won't communicate with her galactic husband. We know what's going on with her, but the mission Commander (Isabella Rossellini) refuses to tell Jakub due to his fragile mental state. On top of that, his deteriorating spacecraft is preventing him from sleeping properly.

Soon, that rickety old space toilet is the least of Jakub's worries. He's sharing the claustrophobic space with a giant talking spider. Jakub is unsure if this is a figment of his imagination or some alien creature. Passively voiced by Paul Dano, Hanus the arachnid initially appears to be a manifestation of Jakub's subconscious, but as time goes on, it appears he's a creature with knowledge of the universe. The low-key vocals from Jakub and Hanus don't generate much excitement for us viewers, but the therapy Hanus provides, allows Jakub to better understand himself ... and also drives Hanus to binge eat. There are no Sandler tantrums or screaming moments ... instead his sad eyes and droopy face tell us much about Jakub.

Hanus calls Jakub "skinny human" so many times, it feels like that should be the film's title. It gets old pretty quickly. Other supporting work comes from Kunal Nayyar as Jakub's virtual doc, and Lena Olin as Lenka's mother, although the film struggles to give anyone beyond Jakub much definition (including the underutilized Mulligan). It's a bit baffling to look at this cast and associate them with the Czech Republic space program, but it's Hollywood, where the 20-year age cap between Sandler and Mulligan also matters little. The film spent almost three years in post-production for reasons I don't know, but it's safe to say it's one of the better talking spider movies you'll see, yet not one of the finest lonely astronaut flicks.

Begins streaming on Netflix on March 1, 2024.
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I wanted so badly for the spider to eat Sandler
pita-404825 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was an insipid movie that was a total waste of time. First, it was NOT a Si-Fi movie. It could have taken place anywhere. The writing was dull and monotonous with Sandler mumbulling his way through his lines. I don't blame him. He didn't have anything to work with. He was probably embarrassed.

The whole premise of a universe exploring spider that speaks English and can read the astronauts mind while walking through walls is just plain weak at best. The long, warped lense, flashback scenes were confusing and annoying. There was no fullness to the wife's character. Her lines were flat.

I would, however, like to know where they got their Nutella in those giant canisters. I would love to buy it in bulk like that.
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Hints of Swiss Army Man and Castaway ... with Nutella
ivantumajr3 March 2024
No spoilers .... with Paul Dano involved, I couldn't help feeling this movie was influenced by Swiss Army Man. That's not a bad thing, however for Sci-Fi, it ventures into the meta-physical with an open-ended conclusion. Also, given Johan Renck's bio, you see influences of Tarkovsky's Solaris. Overall the movie is intriguing, but lacking scientific accuracy. That said, many people seem to have missed that CzechNet was using quantum entanglement to get around the limits of faster-than-light communications - something scientists have been working on - albeit without any success (you can entangle photons, you just can't measure their individual state without breaking their entanglement). Regardless, this was a respectable attempt to explain Jakub's real-time communications with Earth. Props to Adam Sandler for taking on this unlikely role and to Johan Renck for taking on this project after reading the the Jaroslav Kalfar's book and seeing his own life reflected in its main character. My favorite character was Isabela Rossellini's Commissioner Tuma because it's the first time I've ever seen my family name represented in any major production :)
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A Marriage Story
justahunch-705493 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Despite a beginning that showed some promise, this is a mess. It begins with Adam Sandler as an astronaut traveling towards a mysterious purple cloud to see what's what with that, but instead of a space drama we get a marital drama involving Sandler's character and his pregnant wife (Carey Mulligan in the least interesting performance I've ever seen her give) on Earth who has decided that while he is alone in space is a good time to announce she's leaving him! During this flight the astronaut suddenly has a companion who looks very much like a gigantic multi-legged, multi-eyed speaking spider who may or may not be a hallucination. The spider and the astronaut talk endlessly about a variety of things but mainly his negligence to what matters the most in life, his wife and his life on Earth. Now, one can understand why she would not want to be married to a man who leaves her behind to go out into space, but she kind of signed up for this to begin with so that didn't make much sense to me, especially given it's only a one year trip that he is halfway through. It also didn't make sense to me that the astronaut is so depressed and perhaps hallucinatory after those first 6 months. This seems an awfully short time for an experienced astronaut trained for this to start unraveling. How does it end? Well, you'll have to watch it to find that out, but trust me, you will be bored with a film that only gets worse as it goes along.
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Interesting Film But Slightly Underwelming
The premise and execution of the film is what kept me engaged but the overarching story felt a little played out and predictable. I found the choice to keep the characters rooted in Czech origins an interesting one in light of the fact that none of them attempted any sort of accent. Knowing the director of "Chernobyl" was behind this film made that a little easier to accept but even in that masterpiece it took me a little while to accept the non-accurate accents of the characters that made way for some truly outstanding performances.

Sandler does just fine, but I did wonder at one point what another, more experienced dramatic actor could have done with the role. His voice, inflections and mannerisms are so recognizable that it took me out of the moment in a few instances. I will say you do feel his despair as his loneliness and self-doubt take hold and he questions his own sanity when encountering the spider. However as he goes through his own process of self-discovery, its hard to identify a real change of heart in the man on the screen. Perhaps with more epilogue that could have happened, more on the ending later.

The spider itself was a somewhat confusing and unsettling element to drive forward his own self-analysis but I grew to accept it and feel the bond there between Sandler and his companion (Paul Dano did a great job, I felt, with the voice acting). But we never got an explanation of how he got there, whether he was real or imagined, or why the character was what he was, chosen or otherwise. I'm ok with a little ambiguity there, but it seemed like a wasted opportunity to add some bite to the premise to draw people in more than it did.

As for the ending, I was just hoping for a more impactful moment or series of moments than the one we got. It reminded me of Kubrick's "2001" in some ways and "Interstellar" in some others and really felt like it was building toward something more profound but ultimately there was not much of a payoff or anything terribly unique about how it was landed at the end of the story. We can assume where the titular character's life goes next but only based on a a few minutes of visuals absent of any meaningful dialogue.

I think some people will really love this film for some pretty good sci-fi world-building and the realism it delivers in that vein. I also think some people will really love the message delivered so I would recommend it to people for a watch for them to draw their own conclusions. But for me, I won't likely watch it again as it didn't bring much new to the table in terms of filmmaking based on what else I've seen. I will say that the movie has stuck with me somewhat in the days since I saw it, something I really value in a film, but mostly because it left me wanting just a bit more.
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An hour in and I have had to give up
stevelivesey-371835 March 2024
Don't get me wrong, this is a very well made film with decent acting, good CGI, some beautiful cinematography and an interesting premise about loneliness, loss and mental illness. However the script, the plot and the pacing simply kill any momentum that the movie tries to have.

It is definitely a cure for insomnia.

The movie ends up being a series of moments of Adam Sandlers life that an imaginary spider whispers to him. Seriously.

The first 15 minutes are at least vaguely interesting, but all the bits with Carey Mulligan are dull.

I love grown up sci-fi, but this movie definitely jumps the shark, or in this case the spider.
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A lovely little movie which may do wonders for the occasional viewer
armencho-392-52449917 April 2024
Let's be honest, the theme of Spaceman has been done at least once before -- Steven Soderbergh's "Solaris" comes to mind. The macro-microcosm, the struggle of the masculine outer vs. Feminine inner or however you want to label it -- it's not new on film.

However, in the opinion of this reviewer, a lover of slow-burn cinema, transcendental and timeless themes of space, the Universe and our place in it, this movie has still managed to offer something original and breathe some soul into the otherwise rehashed theme.

Sandler pulls off the role easily and I found the set and the setting of the movie refreshing (I won't spoil it), let me just say... Chechoslovakia?

I don't _really_ understand people who say they love science fiction but who complain this was too slow, too stupid, too predictable and too... unrealistic (not suspending their disbelief). Science fiction is a very broad brush, and we haven't actually colonized even anything in the solar system, so let's dial back the arguing on what is feasible and possible and what is ridiculous.

The important thing this movie did for me is keep me thinking and feeling about the human condition, which is the holy grail of sci-fi in a way -- to get the reader or the viewer reach into the mysterious inner world through outer allegories, which often are about outer space or the extraterrestrial etc.

The fact this movie burns rather slowly is actually what did much of the trick for me. I am very tired of movies that think they have to have something happening all the time. The irony is that while things are happening, not much can be happening, if you know what I mean? And correspondingly when things slow down, through being affected by the \[slowly\] moving image, some kind of reaction between what I am thinking and what I am seeing, produces interesting form of entertainment for me.

Give "Spaceman" a chance, and it may reward you, depending on your mood and predisposition to slow cinema and a bit of the unexpected, if not entirely original.

I loved this movie, which I know by the simple fact that a day after I am still thinking about it and some feeling remains. This is more than I can say about a lot of other supposedly great stuff I watched and have all but forgotten about.

And then there is Hanusz... but Hanusz will introduce themselves.
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sybernaut5 March 2024
In 1:47 minutes they have captured what half a year on a solo mission to deep space would feel like....mind numbingly boring. A cure for the hardcore insomniac. It tries, at something and fails miserably. It has earned a place in my five most boring movies I've ever watched. With a 40,000,000 budget I feel so many opportunities were lost. They could have fed the homeless, saved some whales or invaded a small island nation. All would have been money better spent.

If you decide to crack on here's what you can expect...slow motion, slow dialog, monitone deliveries, as much action as watching white noise.
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Truly a interesting, beautiful, unique, clever, deep and well put together psychological sci fy drama! Pure art!
alexanderliljefors1 March 2024
Been wanting to watch this since the first teaser trailer got out some months ago!

Adam Sandler in a psychological drama sci fy sounded very interesting. As its not really those films he's usually in. And he makes it even better then i think he would do.

I've always liked these "wierd", artsy, space themed, deep and psychological films focusing on our mind, our perception of our reality, the meaning of life and on the fear of the unknown.

A very well put together film, with a really really good and beautiful soundtrack aswell. Filming is also very well made!

Excellent manuscript!

A really unique and beautiful sci fy! A very clever film! That i totally recommend! Pure art! A special and poetic space adventure that explores ourselves and the unknown.
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not as bad as most of the reviews
mathomas-280532 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not at all bad, even fairly good, for the first 3/4 of its run. It is well written, well directed, and well shot; and raises interesting (even vital) questions about love, loss, relationships, loneliness, mental illness, time travel, space travel, the size of the universe, the shape of the universe, "are we alone?", abandonment, goals, ambition, difficult decisions, etc. It has interesting twists, even mind-blowing shocks, along the way!

And yes, Adam Sandler can work his way through a serious role, although he is no George Clooney!

However, in my opinion it has two shortcomings in the last half hour.

First, it climaxes with the common assumptions (misconceptions) "love conquers all," and "true love lasts forever." As any of you know who have been deserted, or have been in an abusive relationship, neither of these common misconceptions is true. The movie assumes that being married and having a family is the best, even the only way, to live happily. In real life, love often dissolves and disappears.

Second, "Spaceman" gives you the impression that it is is going to FINALLY answer, for all time, the ultimate questions about life listed above. However, since there IS no final answer to all these ultimate questions, it cannot possibly deliver, and so the ending is not as promised, comes up short, and ultimately disappoints.

It is interesting for the first 90 minutes, but watch the documentary "My Octopus Teacher" because it is ultimately a better film.
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Tedious sci fi that plays as a character study.
cruise017 March 2024
2 out of 5 stars.

Spaceman is a bad science fiction drama film that puts Adam Sandler into another serious sci fi drama. Sadly, the film is very boring and slow. It is no Space Odyssey, or interstellar or the Abyss with some ideas from all of them.

Plot is dull. Adam Sandler is travelling through the far reaches of space to investigate a storm cloud. While he is being affected psychologically. Until he meets a spider like alien that helps him through it. While he remembers his past about his wife.

Script is dull. And direction is tedious and dry. There is not one exciting moment or something that will be worth talking about. Adam Sandler did his best. The film is not memorable.
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This worked for me
carlcasso2 March 2024
This was not at all what I was expecting.

It's essentially a love story in the setting of a a space craft.

Sandler does a good job in a straight role.

I'm used to seeing him in-comedy roles

Carey Mulligan dips in and out as his Wife who has lost all faith in him.

The real star of the movie tough is Hanus played by Paul Dano.

At first I didn't think the character would work but by the end of the movie we fall in love him Hanus.

There are parts of the movie that I wish they hadn't included but it all works .

They could have set the story in any setting but the space craft was a nice touch .

The ending was a let down for me but they made their point .
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Maybe I think too much
thanakritsriwat8 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I find this one very intellectual satisfaction. Spider is super cute. I actually prefer when he is big but polite. I personally believe that Spider is real and he been living long time enough to be able to teach us the truth of the universe and how we should deal with our life better as a human.

"Everything in the universe is forever. Yet nothing is forever" hits me so different. For example, even you dated a girl for one month and she left but actually our feelings, our souls was there in the space and time that it is still very fresh when we track back into our river of memories. Oh my god! May be I think too much.
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