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Stylish, unique and intense
rivertam263 March 2020
You either love it or you hate it. That's really the effect of any great twist. I was one of those who absolutely loved it and found this creepy, disturbing movie even more terrifying with the reveal. Vera Farmiga (Conjuring) stars as a mother whose just gone through a miscarriage and with her husband played by Peter Sarsgaard (Skeleton Key) decides to adopt a mysterious young girl played by a very creepy Isabel Fuhrman (Hunger Games). At first Esther seems a little off but it's mostly acceptable until people begin having horrific accidents and some go missing. There is a palpable sense of dread that builds throughout the film and so many setpieces are expertly executed. The scene in the playground is an especially effective one. The film culminates in a surprising and edge of your seat fashion and all though there's a small loop hole here and there. Its completely successful at being a stylish, unique, intense piece of genre.

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One word - Impressive
Craig_McPherson25 July 2009
Every once in a while a film seems destined to slip under the radar either by poor promotion or a trailer that makes the viewer go "meh". Orphan is one of those flicks that, while benefiting from a decent studio push, simply didn't impart any compelling reason to check it out based on the trailer, which is too bad because this is actually one tight little thriller.

Directed by Spain's Jaume Collet-Serra (House of Wax), it tells the story of Esther (Isabelle Fuhrman), a 9-year old Russian orphan who is adopted by Kate and John Coleman (Vera Farmiga and Peter Sarsgaard) , a decision motivated in part by the stillborn birth of their third child.

An oddball from the start, Esther at first charms the Colemans with her personality, artistic flair, and independence, however it's apparent that there's more going on with Esther than meets the eye. She quickly forms a bond with Max (Aryana Engineer), the couple's deaf daughter, by learning sign language, but is resented by their son Daniel (Jimmy Bennett) who views her with contempt. All of which forms a basis for familial tension, further compounded by the skeletons of Kate's history of alcoholism and John's past infidelity.

Telling a surprisingly layered story that strays into uncomfortable territory given how it deals with children in peril, the shiniest gem in this entertaining nugget is that of Isabelle Fuhrman, upon whose performance the movie succeeds or fails. While acting is uniformly top notch throughout, Fuhrman spectacularly establishes herself as one of the most remarkable young talents currently working in cinema, and that's a statement not to be taken lightly. This 12-year-old, who had only one prior film credit on her resume, simply blazes her way across the screen in a performance that ranges from sweet to seductive to psychotic. This is her movie and she makes the most of it, and if she doesn't mature into one of Hollywood's premier stars, I'll be most surprised.

Orphan won't win any awards (despite Fuhrman's impressive performance) and might well get passed over by many based on the trailer, all of which is too bad because this is one stray that movie audiences would do well to adopt.
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I enjoyed much of this but there were a few silly moments
christopher-underwood8 February 2020
I enjoyed much of this but there were a few silly moments and I feel if the film had been cut down to 90 minutes we could have got rid of those embarrasing bits and made the whole ting tighter. The acting is fine, especially the two girls and that of Isabelle Fuhrman, who at times seems to be carrying the film, is remarkable. Inevitably, perhaps there are unfortunately those times, as in 'gas lighting' films where we sit frustrated urging those on screen to notice the obvious to no avail and then on we go as everything gets more and more embroiled.
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Worst husband ever!
chirag-saxena14 November 2018
The movie is overall good but the husband in this movie is stupid
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Esther is one bad Mother F!
A_Random_Guy_2224 July 2009
We've seen Orphan many times before (The Bad Seed, The Good Son and, of course, The Omen), yet, somehow, Jaume Collet Serra manages to squeeze something fresh out of an old tale.

There's plenty of shocks and also some laughs and Esther's "secret" is, surprisingly, original.

Orphan doesn't hold a candle to the aforementioned films, but its better than the more recent ones like Joshua (which, coincidentally, Vera Farmiga also starred in, as well as having the same role (mother)).

Don't let the trailer fool you into thinking this is just another "evil kid" movie. Its really much more than that. This is definitely one of the better horror films to come along these days.

My audience loved it, and so did I.
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Finally a GOOD HORROR FILM. Good film period.
theboywhocouldfly25 July 2009
Finally, a horror film about adults. Adults with complex issues and children that act like children and not hyper precocious sex models. The reason to see this film isn't to find out the over advertised " Esther's secret" of the film (a MAJOR misstep in marketing. Too many people now enter the film trying to figure out the "secret" before they normally would have been surprised), but rather to see a well-acted (extremely well acted by Vera F.)slow-building suspense story with excellent direction and cinematography. John Ottman's score also serves the film well, without becoming overpowering in signaling this is a "creepy" film. The actress who plays Esther shows a skill in performance that makes one think we may actually have another Jodie Foster to keep an eye on. This film works because we LIKE the characters (Rob Zombie please take note!) and fear for them and their survival. Dark Castle's best film, and it gives one hope that the horror/suspense genre still can be presented with intelligence and depth. Hollywood take note: we don't want a xerox of this film, but we do want more films that share this films strenghts: good script, likable real characters, excellent acting and nice, tension building direction.
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It's a Hard Knock Life...
Xstal29 August 2022
You've decided to adopt, now the pain's begun to stop, after traumas of the past, have resided at long last, like to increase two to three, making five in this family, there's an orphanage that has one, what could possibly go wrong. Esther makes a perfect fit, extremely charming: we shall commit; welcome her to our abode, open doors to a new road, but soon troubles bubbling, and events are troubling, as you sense there's something wrong, with this girl who's quite headstrong...

A perfectly executed escalating thriller, whose vice like grip will keep your hands upon the tiller, a few twists as you'd expect, there's no gruel I could detect, gets you thinking what you'd do, if these things happened to you.
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Well Made, Well Acted, Surprisingly Great Horror-Thriller!
lork62522 July 2009
Orphan REALLY surprised me. I expected some stupid pg-13 movie that somehow got an R rating. That was not the case. Let me tell you, Orphan is very disturbing at parts, and pretty gruesome. The movie overall is excellent, has some great acting, an amazing script, and excellent execution. The movie really has a lot of suspense and the twist is pulled off very well and packs a big punch to the viewer.

The best thing the film has is the script. What Esther does to the family is brilliant. The movie also has several sub-plots that work very well in the movie and add some complexity to the whole thing. The sub-plots never feel like too much, because they are very subtly put in there.

Overall, if you are tired of bad horror films, and want to see a very intelligent and well made film, i would suggest this. Or if you just want to see a great movie see this! I was very surprised at how excellent this movie turned out, and everyone else will be too! Seriously, if you want great, check it out! 9.5/10
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Good idea, (some) good acting, poor execution
capcanuk31 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this film really wanting to love it. And I can honestly say that certain aspects of it I DID love.

First the good: The basic premise is interesting. Captivating, actually. And the "twist" ending certainly comes as a surprise, thanks in large part to an absolutely stunning performance by the titular child actress. She pulls of a VERY creepy blend of smothered maturity with a sort of innocence.

Most of the acting is more than passable, particularly on the part of the other children in the film.

Where the problems come in is with motivation and plot depth. The writers felt the need to include a "troubled relationship" as the basis for this particular family unit. However, they went overboard and in the end created a completely dysfunctional relationship between the parents.

Where this creates a serious problem is with the supposed adoption. This couple should, and would, have been refused as potential candidates for adoption. The previously lost child, the alcoholism issues in the past, and infidelity, were all serious stumbling blocks to this end.

The writers also felt the need to write the father character as a total jerk... hey, let's not mince words. What happens in the end, well, I almost felt it was well-deserved.

Another problem with the characterizations is that these two adults were so obviously NOT ideal parent material. How many parents could look their child in the eyes and say "are you sure that no one did anything bad to you?" and NOT recognize the look of sheer terror in that child's face?

There are people who WILL be very queasy and uncomfortable towards the end of this film. There is definitely material there that makes you question the sexualization of children in our society.

So a 6 out of 10.
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Remarkably well-acted, darkly humorous, and effectively disturbing
MessyStinkman22 July 2009
Dark, edgy, twisted, effective, clever, intense, and blackly comic - one of the best "evil child" films I've seen. It's brilliantly cast - Vera Farmiga and Peter Sarsgaard are top-notch as usual, but what really stood out where the natural performances director Jaume Collet- Serra was able to get from the child actors. Usually child actors are painful to watch, but 12- year-old Isabelle Fuhrman gives a terrifying, chilling performance that is worthy of praise. Aryana Engineer in her screen debut as the deaf little sister Max is adorable and almost steals the show in every scene. The stylish cinematography, editing, and sound are fantastic as well.

I saw Orphan at a packed advance screening and the audience had a blast. Collet-Serra knows how to pull the strings and engage the audience, as they were screaming and laughing at all the right moments. There are plenty of fun and playful tension-relieving scenes, and several cathartic moments when the audience erupted into cheers. When the credits rolled the audience even applauded.

The second showing I went to was just as receptive - the audience went nuts. They were collectively screaming, cheering, yelling at the screen, cringing, applauding, and enthusiastically welcoming the comic relief. One guy commented afterwards: "I never get scared by movies but that was the scariest movie I've ever seen." Audience participation for both screenings I went to were very high.

The film improves upon second viewing, with the knowledge of the twist. I was able to focus more on details and clues, and the anticipation of my favorite scenes made for a much more rewarding experience. It's even more chilling and cathartic the second time around.

It's far from perfect though - there are way too many predictable jump/false scares, with the soundtrack blaring to try to startle the viewer. The last part of the movie becomes a slasher flick replete with clichés and a one-liner. There is a talky scene where Esther reveals herself to her adoptive mother that is totally unneeded, as well as a crucial line regarding Danny, the older son, which really should've been cut. It's also a bit long at 2 hours - for an exploitative "B" movie this is unusual, although time is devoted to character development. Esther is multi-dimensional and even sympathetic at times - I would love to see a prequel based on her character.

Orphan is definitely not for kids - aside from the "anti-adoption" angle, there is plenty of dangerous imitable behavior. The violence committed by and toward children is shocking, realistic, and brutal. This is a ballsy film that throws kids into horrific ordeals.

It may be a "B" movie, but it's a damn good one that knows its audience. The basic idea is nothing new (except for the unexpected twist), but you knew that from the trailer and synopsis. If you were still interested or if you're a horror fan that is able to look past some clichés and logical jumps in exchange for horrific chills, you'll have a fun time. The phenomenal child performances alone are enough to recommend Orphan.
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Overall very indulging, and well done thriller.
Moviefreak465324 July 2009
"Orphan" was a movie that truly did surprised me. I mean I came into this movie honestly not having any idea which direction it would take me, I mean sure it looked good, but then again the 30 second previews made it seem a bit mediocre. When the movie went off I was very pleased by what I had seen. The things I love most about Orphan is how they present and introduce these characters so well. The minute I saw the main couple I couldn't help but take a liking to them, and Esther who very easily steals the show, is incredibly likable. As a matter of fact the thing I do love a lot about the film is how they take their time in the story, I loved how for the first half or so you see Esther adapting to her new surroundings, and I became extremely indulged into this. I also think they balanced out the character of Esther well. I mean this performance, and character, could have easily been portrayed as this over-the-top, annoying, non-intimidating, and non-believable character, but not once do you ever feel that. Also it is very entertaining, and you're hooked from the moment you see this little girl Esther. It was also clever at times, to where you feel a sense of danger as far as the story goes because it's literally like anything can happen. Even if does begin to make you mad for whatever reason, you still can't help but keep watching and wondering. At times it may feel predictable, but they've already presented these characters so well, that you can't but feel that maybe you haven't predicted it. I will say I wished "Orphan" HAD paced itself a little better, I mean they don't immediately jump into the story, but when they do it feels rushed and as if they fear the audience won't care about the characters, when it's not true. Also towards the end the characters start to lose liking, so much so that I couldn't help but look at these characters(in particular the mom and dad) and say "Who are you, and why are you being such an unlikable stereotype!" As a result of the characters acting stupid and stereotypical at this point in the film it just became predictable to an extent where you knew what was going to happen. Last you know I don't know how I felt about the twist, it was done well enough to where it would fit the storyline, but I feel it defeats the shocking, brutal, and thrilling nature of the film. Anyways, overall "Orphan" is one of the better thrillers you'll probably see this year, and even if you're not too big on these kind of films, I still recommend "Orphan"
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Sorry folks, not hardly
garrysutherland28 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Scary movie yes, but the suspension of belief was not possible. This couple would never have been allowed to adopt a child and were actually lucky still to have their own kids. Mum was a recovering alcoholic who had been guilty of neglect on a previous occasion and had lost a baby of her own just months before?? Father was so dim that it was painful to watch him. He was also an admitted adulterer. The shrink spun nothing but clichés and had already made up her mind about her own patient, er, I think not. She was clearly not a child psychiatrist either.

But the father, just how dim can you be. Lots of accidents, not to mention a frigging murder, going on around the new arrival and yet he still did not twig anything was wrong. Even when the kid tried to seduce him he did not catch on that something might be not quite right about this child. And what is this about faces swimming in and out of focus after a couple of glasses of wine? Puhleeze.

Nope, the scare factor was there, but the movie itself was totally illogical and irrational.
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A little too long, but very creepy!...
ajs-1030 May 2011
I didn't know much about this film before seeing it, but the write-up did intrigue me slightly so I thought I'd give it a go. It's a little too long for my liking, but quite well made if a little cliché in places. I guess I should have done a little more research, but then again I have uncovered the odd 'gem' this way in the past. But I digress; let's have a look at what Orphan is all about.

Kate and John Coleman have just lost their baby, a daughter they were going to call Jessica. She was dead at birth. Needing something to fill the void, they decide to adopt. By the way, they already have two children, a boy, Daniel, and a girl, Max, who is partially deaf and uses sign language to communicate. The family are comfortably off and live in a big house in the countryside. Visiting an orphanage, John meets a nine year old girl called Esther. She is originally from Russia and is delightful. He convinces Kate that she's the one and they bring her home a few weeks later. Unfortunately Esther is not what she seems and the Coleman's are in for a very bumpy ride as she sets about her plan for them. I'm not going to say any more on the plot, I believe that should be enough to intrigue you.

Although it was very well made I did have a bit of a problem sympathising with the Coleman's. It seems they have everything going for them in terms of lifestyle, job, financial security etc., but somehow that isn't enough for them. It's not as if their characters come over as particularly nurturing either, Kate a recovering alcoholic and John has been known to have a roving eye in the past. But if you can get past all that there's a pretty creepy story behind it all.

Decent performances all round, particularly from; Vera Farmiga as Kate, Peter Sarsgaard as John and especially from Isabelle Fuhrman as Esther, she was particularly creepy. Also worth a mention were; CCH Pounder as Sister Abigail, Jimmy Bennett as Daniel and Aryana Engineer as Max.

Putting aside my incomprehension of the reasons for the Coleman's wanting to adopt, I did find the film quite disturbing. Esther particularly so, the way she manipulates situations and how she's always listening in is quite unnerving. As I said at the beginning, it is a little cliché in places and it is way too long but over all quite a sinister tale (glad I watched it in daylight!). Finally a mention for the guys who do the opening and closing credits, very cleverly done IMO, nice work. I guess over all it's recommended, but only just.

My Score: 6.1/10
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Here Be Dragons
JamesHitchcock7 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"Orphan" is sometimes regarded as a horror film, but in my view it is an example of that sub-genre of the thriller which I have come to regard as the "…… from Hell" movie, a type of film which enjoyed great popularity in the late eighties and early nineties following the success of "Fatal Attraction". The basic premise of such films is that the life of the protagonist is turned upside-down by the arrival of a stranger who initially seems friendly but who quickly turns out to be dangerous, generally a murderer or psychopath. In most films this stranger is an adult, but this film brings us the adopted-child-from-Hell. The expression "from Hell", incidentally, is not to be taken literally; "Orphan" might start out like an unacknowledged remake of "The Omen", but the child's evil is explained by a plot twist which has nothing to do with Satan or the supernatural.

Like a number of recent American films, this one was actually shot in Canada, presumably for financial reasons, but owing to the average American cinema-goer's lack of interest in anything that happens north of the forty-ninth parallel the film-makers were forced to pretend, through the use of Connecticut licence plates, that the action is taking place in New England.

After their third child is stillborn, John and Kate Coleman, adopt Esther a 9-year-old Russian girl, from the local orphanage. Unfortunately for them, Esther turns out to be a badly behaved little girl, one whose bad behaviour goes far beyond the normal bounds of childish mischief. By the time the film is over, she will have killed several people and attempted to kill several others.

The film has been criticised for a lack of realism, and it certainly seems strange that John and Kate are permitted to adopt a child in the first place, given their obviously unsuitable background. Kate is recovering from alcoholism, and we learn that she was at fault in an incident when her own daughter, Maxine, nearly drowned in the garden pond. It also seems strange how slow John is to accept that there is anything wrong with the behaviour of his adopted daughter; Kate grows suspicious at a much earlier stage. I was interested by the suggestion of another reviewer that John's reluctance could be explained by the fact that he is, at a subconscious level at least, sexually attracted to Esther, but idea this was, for obvious reasons, something the film-makers were unable to pursue. The idea that an otherwise respectable husband and father might harbour latent paedophile tendencies is something audiences would find extremely disturbing. The final twist (I won't say what it is) has also struck many as implausible, but at least it is a twist which, if one can accept it, helps to make sense of what has gone before. Too many films these days, especially thrillers, end in a surprise twist which makes everything which has preceded it seem like nonsense.

The film does have its good points. The 12-year-old Isabelle Fuhrman is excellent as Esther, in some ways wise beyond her years yet also strange, emotionless and creepy. Incidentally, most of the best villains in "….. from Hell" movies are female, such as Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction", Rebecca de Mornay in "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle" or Jennifer Jason Leigh in "Single White Female". There are films of this type with male villains, ("Pacific Heights", "Bad Influence", "Domestic Disturbance") but they tend to be less memorable. Another good performance comes from another child-actress, eight-year-old Aryana Engineer as the deaf-mute Maxine; both girls, in fact, stand out more than any of the adults.

The film is also suitably atmospheric, being shot against a snowbound winter landscape, even if it does make it seem as though winter in Connecticut lasts all year. (At least it makes a change from all those films, "Housesitter" and The Cider House Rules" being recent examples, which suggest that the New England climate consists of twelve months of permanent autumn).

My own criticism of the film would be of some of the social attitudes revealed in it. The Cold War may be over, but there is still a tendency in America, and to some extent in Britain and Western Europe as well, to regard Eastern Europe with suspicion. Anywhere east of the former Iron Curtain is regarded as a strange, mysterious land whose inhabitants pose some vague threat to the West, whether by stealing our jobs, dragging us into their internecine tribal quarrels or by exporting their criminal elements to us. The film taps into these fears; it is significant that the menacing Esther claims to be Russian and is actually from Estonia, a part of the map which, as far as most Westerners are concerned, might still have "here be dragons" marked on it.

The film also taps into some of our anxieties about adoption, specifically middle-class fears that adopted children, especially if originally from working-class stock, are likely to be contaminated by "bad blood", or inherited criminal propensities. Even if they do not actually suffer from any such genetic taint, there is always a fear that such children will never be able to bond with their adopted parents in the same way as they would with their biological parents.

Overall "Orphan" is a reasonably well-made film, a tense and gripping, if occasionally implausible, thriller, with a couple of good acting performances. The prejudices it reveals, however, are worrying. 6/10
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Good creepy girl
SnoopyStyle1 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Kate (Vera Farmiga) and John Coleman (Peter Sarsgaard) are trying to adopt. She's a recovering alcoholic and they're trying to salvage their family after the death of their baby Jessica. They adopt Russian girl Esther (Isabelle Fuhrman) at the St. Marina Orphanage. At first, the son Daniel (Jimmy Bennett) didn't get along while the deaf daughter Max (Aryana Engineer) loves her. Then Esther's manipulations and threats causes concerns from Kate. John dismisses all of it. The psychologist Dr. Browning (Margo Martindale) keeps questioning her. Then Kate finds out troubling information about Esther.

This starts very slowly. The psycho family dysfunction is well done although John's denial is very annoying. It is extremely frustrating and I wish the movie dials it down a bit. I do love the twist. It fits the movie very well, and it's done smoothly. Isabelle Fuhrman does the role beautifully, and Vera Farmiga is great as the frazzled mother.
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Excellet Horror Thriller
radchuck0326 July 2009
I have not seen a decent horror film in a long time, but this one is definitely worth the money. Be sure to use the restrooms before the start of the movie, as it is very riveting and suspenseful. Except for one sex scene between the husband and wife, this film can be viewed by mature children accompanied by an adult. It is very well written, and well-balanced. Personally I found this film very entertaining, suspenseful, and the plot cleverly written. Without getting into too much detail and ruining it for everyone else, this movie is in a category in which the story could become true in the future. Isabel Furhman did a great job starring as an orphan adopted by a couple who was looking to fill a void in the family due to an earlier tragedy. Her ability to manipulate her siblings as well as her adoptive father, thoroughly frustrates the mother. As the movie progresses, her manipulative abilities become more apparent and deadly. This is a must-see movie and I said money well spent.
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A different kind of horror movie
napierslogs10 July 2010
I don't like horror films, but "Orphan" was different. It was written well enough to be able to hold my sense of disbelief and keep me suspensed.

In this horror film we actually have characters. Kate (Vera Farmiga) and John (Peter Sarsgaard) have two kids, Daniel and Max, and they all have back-stories that are significant to the film, and they each struggle with who they are and how to grow as individuals and as a family. Then they adopt Esther (Isabelle Fuhrman). All we know is that there's something wrong with Esther.

Esther greatly disrupts the family's life - with a lot of violence and psychosis. Don't forget this is a horror film. Although that is easy to forget because the plot is driven by characters - perhaps a first for this genre? The characters are integral to a story that was so well researched that it's actually legit. That fact probably makes it even scarier.

Even if you don't watch horror films, you could start with "Orphan".
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Simply A Good Thriller
wandeljw24 July 2009
I had been reading a lot about this film. Internet rumors made "Orphan" sound depraved. Advocacy groups protested that the film is offensive to adoption. "Orphan" is neither depraved nor offensive if you watch it as a thriller.

The plot development and character development are on the same level as most Hitchcock films. Vera Farmiga and Peter Sarsgaard are excellent as the parents. The three child actors also do a good job. Expert direction by Jaume Collet-Serra and first-rate production values also make this film worth seeing.

"Orphan" is not a film where you can take your children. However, it is a decent film if you approach it as a thriller.
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Very disturbing, and thrilling!
hiroito-com2 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the movie, it's just so disturbing and thrilling and suspenseful, the opening scene is very perturbing as the baby covered in blood and the husband taping her as the poor woman miscarriages is disgusting and chills me. Now I really loved Esther and I really clapped in the theater when she dumped the bratty girl down the slide. The fluorescent paint is a good touch. Now people should realize the movie has a whole sexual climax and the movie's theme is about Esther trying to find her sexuality. We find that out on the twist when we realize she was a 35 year old girl with dwarfism and she wanted to find her sexual manners around men who think she is a girl. And I was really disturbed when the men found the fluorescent paintings in the walls with she and him having sex and all of them are dead except for them. The only reason I gave it an 8 was because of the 2 hours with 3 minutes length and had an unnecessary long character development which almost had me sleeping in the movie theater but then I got woken up by the intensity that followed the the boringness.
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Too slow for its own good
preppy-32 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Vera and John Coleman (Vera Farminga and Peter Sarsgaard) adopt a 9 year old girl named Esther (Isabelle Fuhrman). They already have two other kids--a younger girl named Max (Aryana Engineer) and an older boy named Daniel (Jimmy Bennett). We slowly (TOO slowly) discover that there's something wrong with Esther and it leads to horror and murder.

**DEFINITE PLOT SPOILERS** Well-done but just too long (123 minutes). This idea has been done before ("The Bad Seed", "The Good Son") so this movie seems to drag everything out. It's also uncomfortable to watch with children always being threatened or (possibly) killed. In one particularly idiotic oversight one kid's fate is left hanging in the air at the end of the movie! I should mention that it's not a blood and guts horror film (except for one VERY bloody stabbing) but, at the end, it turns into a boring, by the numbers stalking where the killer keeps coming back again and again and again. Also the explanation about Esther at the end doesn't really make much sense but it IS original. On the plus side the acting is good especially by Farmiga and Fuhrman. Only Sarsgaard disappoints but that's because the script makes his character seem like a total idiot! There's also a GREAT moment where Farmiga slaps Fuhrman down (my audience broke out in applause). So--it has its moments but is very disturbing to watch at times and just drags on. I give it a 6.
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Enough with the false scares already!
flightsuit18 October 2009
I'm about two thirds of the way through watching this film, and I must say it's really annoying me how the director constantly relies on the technique of using scary music and odd camera angles to build false tension. Then, just when you think something really scary is going to happen, it turns out to be a false alarm.

There's a word for this cinematic technique, I forget what it is. Regardless, it's a cheap substitute for using actual story elements to build real tension, and this movie has used up all of my good will by relying on it every couple of minutes.

I'm going to watch the rest right now, and something really spectacular will need to happen in order for me to feel good about having watched.
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The Kid Ain't Kidding.
dunmore_ego17 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Kids are scary to begin with. Little adults with big heads who pretend they don't know what we're saying. They're like clowns: some people find them fun; most know they're evil.

So in ORPHAN, when an upscale couple with two children adopt a 9-year-old orphan with scary theme music, familial bliss is not in the flow chart.

Vera Farmiga stars as mother Kate, whose checkered history of alcoholism and a miscarriage - big baggage right there! - is exploited by cherubic orphan child, Esther (Isabelle Fuhrman) when she is adopted by the family.

With a strange Russian accent and outdated clothes, Esther also terrorizes the couple's son Daniel (Jimmy Bennett) and threatens their little deaf daughter, Max, into becoming her accomplice. Aryana Engineer plays Max in a priceless performance; deaf in real life, conveying intense, complex emotions on her face without words, and cutie cute cute). Husband John (Peter Sarsgaard), seemingly Xanaxed to the gills, never notices a thing.

12-year-old Isabelle Fuhrman, mature beyond her years, gives a studied, sinister, Kevin-Spacey-like performance as Esther, making Kate look crazy in all the old formulaic ways: releases the handbrake when little Max is in the car alone, making it look like Kate is irresponsible, cutting Kate's roses around the shrine of her miscarried child, causing Kate to attack her in front of witnesses and - most disturbingly - breaking her own arm in a vice and accusing Kate of doing it.

Then things get REALLY psycho. Killing nuns and burning down treehouses and breaking a rival kid's legs... it still doesn't wake Peter Sarsgaard, although he does find enough wankergy to plonk voluptuous Vera - only to get busted by Esther - twice.

After she gives Esther merely a few rudimentary lessons, piano tutor Kate walks in on Esther playing Tchaikovsky. "You told me you couldn't play!" Esther replies: "No, I thought you would like to teach me. It must be frustrating for a person who likes music as much as you to have a son who is uninterested and a daughter who is deaf." Unintentionally hilarious because it has been established the son is a Guitar Hero freak, which means - contrary to popular belief - you are uninterested in music.

Directed by Spanish Jaume Collet-Serra (whose dubious claim to fame is directing Paris Hilton in HOUSE OF WAX, 2005), the niggling problem with ORPHAN is that only during the neat climactic twist is Esther's motivation revealed - throughout the movie, we watch her perform incredibly dastardly deeds (which includes murder) and wonder what drives her, as she is being treated like a princess. Then again, kids be evil an' all dat...
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Definitely fresh and strange...
alexandermarchack5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Went in completely blind for this movie, and felt like it was pretty enjoyable! The entire concept of the movie is interesting, once you see that its just a normal little girl who is a complete psycho....until you find out she's not a little girl. This movie had me pissed and wanting to punch this kid in the head LOL

The twist that she's actually an adult in disguise with a metal illness and genetic disorder I really enjoyed. Really put in context the rest of the movie how a child could do these things (not that its not possible). The scene especially when she was acting sus towards the Dad made me puke in my mouth LOL.

My rating is a 7 just because it was enjoyable and I would recommend watching it, but nothing really BLEW me away with it. You can really tell through the acting that it's a mid 2000s movie, some parts are a little cheesy.
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Creepy,twisted yet enough to blow your mind
Misss2526 February 2022
Back then when I watched it, I didn't have imdb account. So,I coundn't review it then. But,this is my fav of all time. After watching this, I suffered for movie block for long :) I coundn't just get over the thrill of this movie. And the most amazing part is, it's based on true story. It's really blew me off xD.
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alcantaraj-1659425 January 2022
"Orphan" is flawed 2009 psychological horror film that will keep you hooked via its characters and Isabelle Fuhrman's portrayal of Esther. Despite the flaws in storytelling, it still has it moments of fantastic horror.
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