The Real Housewives of New York City (TV Series 2008– ) Poster

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Eboni er just annoying!!!
CharlesBronson7216 July 2021
Eboni er just annoying!!! Love the show, but Eboni is just annoying!!!
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More " REAL " Than the Others in the Franchise
carolynocean13 April 2021
I have watched this one over the years, on and off , and compared to the other ones , namely Beverly Hills, I find that the women are so different.

New York women are straight up, and not afraid to say something to someone's face. The arguments seem genuine enough most of the time.

As for the women themselves, well I have to say that I like most of them , apart from that awful Heather , and the utterly crazy Aviva !!!! ( and her pervert father ) So glad they have left now !

Also I don't think that any of them are nasty or vindictive, leave that to Beverly Hills bunch !

All in all , these women are way more entertaining and funny than all of the others , they have stronger personalities and are less vain !

And New York is way more interesting and classy to look at, rather than tacky Rodeo Drive and vulgar Beverly Hills mansions !!!!!

Good for a bit of entertainment now and then !
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dqzmgvpj22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm watching season 12 right now and I think Leah is disgusting. Shame on TRHONY.. I have really enjoyed all of the housewives but Leah is disgusting in the way she dresses, destroys property and her drunken episodes. She needs to get help. She needs to be taken off the show.
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Terrible Terrible
wildweims31 July 2023
I thought this would be in line a bit more then it is with The previous The New York Housewives .

The new New York Housewives sucks, just plain awful. They all are a bunch of hateful woman. Trying to keep up with the Jones. They seem to be at odds with each other constantly. They are a bunch of self centered under achievers.

Old show was not like this at all. They were woman who were talented business owners that you watched develope their business. Some were talented in other ways. Some banter, and bit of Disgruntled harmony. Not constantly. They did fun things and supported different charities. But new show is full of arguing over nothing , with she said comments That are just stupid silly.

But the new show is awful. Watch three episodes won't be watching anymore.
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Leah and Enoni the peacher killed the show
jamiema2414 November 2021
These two are stage 4 cancer for the show. Not to mention whoever these "producers" are that came right from the Maury povich show have a lot of blame for this early death. Bravo is terminal at this point and TBH. It couldn't be happening to a more deserving brand. Bravo has a narrative of promoting the bottom feeders and thiefs and crooks.
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bljoy12617 March 2008
I think that these are the most shallow people that exist in the world, but I absolutely love this show. lol. It reminds me of some of my teachers for some of my music classes in college. I know lots of those kinds of people because I live in Connecticut so it's not uncommon for me. I could never be that self centered, it's quite atrocious. But overall, it's a really addicting show. I watched it with my mom the other day and we just laughed about it for hours. I just watched the 5th season of the Gilmore Girls on DVD and Housewives is pretty much that show in reality form. The lady Alex is just like Emily. lol. I might actually follow this show. lol.
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Show is straight trash
carmentmz9 September 2021
Used to the be the best now it's just horrifically unwatchable. They messed up losing Bethany and Dorinda. And now they're going to get rid of Lu, Romona and Sonia to 'fix' the show? Just cancel it.
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Love this show
jsmith-3267522 May 2019
Been watching this for years so I get to know the women, at least a little bit. Some of it can be very raw. Most of them give back in many different ways. I find it fascinating how they all have evolved over the years. I love their vacations, and their drunken antics. I find it entertaining and fun.. Rather watch this than the guns and crime..
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constructive comments
sewktd29 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely love the show, but am perplexed why the new lady Kelly is even on the show. I believe she was a model many years ago. She does nothing useful but show up at parties and look like an old model has been. It is pathetic. She really thinks that she is better then Bethany! Bethany is a successful person who has a heart of gold and always steps up to the plate to help others. I wish they would find someone else. Simon looks like a pathetic drunk who really should fess up and come out of the closet. His wife Alex is another one like Kelly who absolutely does nothing. I truly think that Simon and Alex are fakes and do not either have the money they pretend to or the status. LuAnn is also so impressed with herself, that she should take the time to look inside herself and get a purpose.
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Genuine Garbage
akin0937 June 2012
I felt compelled to create an IMDb account solely for the purpose of warning others against this show. I happened to it see for the first time on TV the other day (it was during the day time, so shame on me really) and it perturbed the very essence of my being. The women on the show appear to have witnessed clever and witty dialogue on television before, but lack the intelligence to actually emulate it themselves and instead end up simply offending each other 99% of the time. The basic outline of each episode seems to be: 1)The women go to a fund raising event. 2)Upon arrival, they attempt to act clever and make insightful comments about each other. 3)They end up offending each other, cry, and leave the event early. It is guaranteed to leave you wondering how such incompetent people make it so far in life.
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Life changing. Period.
jernyusher23 August 2018
Hilarious, pathetic, entertaining, vibrant. You learn to love them all and the highlight is Bethenny Frankels GROWTH.
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The best kind of garbage
womanofshadows8 March 2021
The women you love to hate, I've rarely laughed harder in my life when one of them fell drunkenly in a bush, after which she tripped and fell off a platform, while her friend commented "well you should have gone this way". But for all it's hysterics and pettiness, the show is sexually liberating and feministic in its own beautifully shallow way.
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the real housewives show my mom that its OK to be mean and hurtful
carson-edmund22 October 2012
My mom has watched this everyday and I can tell that she is becoming more mean and she interrupts people and then does not want to hear what anyone else has to say. My mom picks our family apart on everything and can not pull herself away from the TV... she is addicted to this show....I don't know what to do. I feel like she has lost her soul. The shallow world view in the show makes her think that this is what life is all about. Drinking, picking others apart, and fashion and pretty things. I am pleading with my dad to remove BRAVO from the house because these housewives should not be aloud in the house they are not worth any sane persons time. 5 thing my mom could do but does not anymore:

1. read 2. art 3. show any interest in her dog or horse 4. try new things 5. complement people (instead she wants all the complements and she picks on everyone else)
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dont watch new seaon
blakelee-4795017 July 2021
This season is filled with drunk women acting a fool and a cast mate that just preach all the time and do not bring anything else to the table she always seem like a follower and she is frankly boring to me. This show went down hill i think the women should have more respect for themselves and the newer cast member needs to be cut for next season everything i not always done in spite between the women.
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Just scrap it, not the same without the old schoolers
kate6808721 July 2023
Real housewives of New York City used to be the best, bring back all the old schoolers. At least it was entertaining and we got to see the real and fabulous NEW YORK CITY life. It was a great escape from everyday life. Season 13 was atrocious with Eboni and the new makeover of cast members is not it either, so forced and not entertaining. Bunch of wannabes. Wont be watching the rest of this season. Might as well trash this and be done with the NYC housewives unless the originals come back (minus Luanne she is awful to watch) You can't beat the original and the best. Guess i will go back and watch re-runs from the original seasons.
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This is So Real - Like My Review
PartialMovieViewer20 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those scandalously fun romps, where one can witness emotions getting trampled into the mud and broken hearts being kicked around like a ball at soccer practice. This is my kind of show. Some of the targeted cruelty displayed on this program goes way beyond heinous, resembling closer to downright scurrilous activity. How much fun is that? Oh the pain and sorrow…the lies…the deceit…the vengeance. Let's not forget those shameful nocturnal interludes. Yikes, even my sunburn wants to blush - sheesh. If that is not enough…how can leave out the fights? Weekly smack-down – now that is what I am talking about. These are no mere squabbles or harmless spats…no way. The hissing is very un-catlike, more of a serpentine quality – claws are more demonic – and those jaws are full of venomous fangs. Talk about fireworks…let the games begin.
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Nasty Vicious Hags
Johnny_West23 August 2019
Skeletor (Bethany Frankel) brings a dark cloud to whatever she does. Her fellow millionaire hags of New York are the most vile trash I have ever seen. Not surprising, a few of them have criminal records. Sad to think that this is the best of New York City, but I guess that says a lot about the toilet bowl that is New York.
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Season 8 is the best so far...
lissas-9190726 June 2016
Season 8 by far is the best season. I love everyone. I think I love this season more than any other season on any of the other Real Housewives shows that I have watched. I really, really liked the first three seasons, but the repulsive Jill Zarin and her nasally voice really annoyed me. Therefore, it was really hard for me to get to loving those seasons. Bethenny Frankel is definitely the star because of her personality and how honest she is. The seasons when Bethenny Frankel was not part of the cast were not so great. The were watchable only because of Ramona, Sonja and LuAnn. Dorinda is a wonderful addition to the show. I like Jules and Carole. They are more low-key. Now that that the tranny, Heather, and Kristin are gone, the show is finally great.
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Please get rid off Brishawn!!!
CharlesBronson7218 July 2021
Please get rid off Brishawn!!! She does not gel well with the girls.
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If there were negative stars...
mrrgirl6 April 2015
This show is just an absolute travesty. The women on this show, faking it or not, are just so utterly unintellectual it hurts to watch. In fact, the only reason I watched it was because my mother was giving it a shot, needless to say she no longer watches this show. I hope these women do have some depth to their person they preserve off screen. The entire show is a waste of time that melts the brain of anyone watching. Every episode is just a sequence of uninterrupted and forced drama that leaves you exhausted and without words. The condesending and belittling personalities and actions of the women of this show will leave you with a subtle disdain for anyone you perceive as wealthy, simply because of the portrayal of these women.
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New York Chic C'est La Vie
Rosynani24 August 2020
A must-see legendary Real Housewives Show from The Big Apple. The lifestyle, the drama, the dresses, the Countess, the city, the parties, the restaurants, Carrols GORGE apartment, The Skinnygirls, Sonja & the toaster oven and The Blue Stone Manor: what would life be without?! Caroll, Bethenny & Tinsley (all Sex and The City-muses in their own way): PLEASE return to the show!
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Bring back the old girls
elithomas-8364823 September 2023
This season has been the worst of any franchise. The old girls had there faults but at least they were fun. You people at Bravo have made a big mistake. ! Bring back the old girls. This season was so bad. You can't expect just to bring in a hole new cast and think it's going to work. You could of at least tried 2 new girls in the old group and slowly did it that way. Please reconsider the next season and bring back the girls with some personality. This has been a complete fail on your end. I totally understand trying to revamp the show but bringing in younger cast with not much when it come to life experiences does not work .
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Season 13 started get extremely boring, esp Eboni
trangpoh1 September 2021
I've watched every episode in the last 13 seasons but season 13 got me bored. Bring back Bethenny Frankel. Eboni does not belong here. Get a job girl!
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I thought the Kardashians were bad!
Sylviastel16 March 2008
Okay, the reality show premise is five housewives of New York City. Housewives do housework but they have maids and housekeepers to take care of that and nannies and Au pairs to look after their children. I know this is supposed to be the East Coast version of the Real Housewives of Orange County, California. Okay, these five women are pretty shallow, self-indulgent, vain, conceited, and totally in love with themselves. I forgive their husbands who pay the ultimate price of the marriage. They look like fools! The wives don't really need a lot of the luxuries but they have so much money that they have to spend it endlessly on themselves. Of course, there is the charities and fund-raisers but they probably spend more money on the dresses to go to the functions to be seen and heard. I bet there were a thousand or hundreds of eligible housewives. They narrowed it down to those who look like they posed out of swimsuit issues. They are as deep as a shallow pool and are as nearly interesting. I find it incomprehendable when one of the wives makes a snide comment about living in the suburbs. I live in the New Jersey suburbs and I know that many people can't afford to live here neither. There are thousands or millions of us struggling to get by on small paychecks. Maybe Bravo can do a show on the real housewives of New Jersey. They don't have the time to socialize with each other when they are too busy working two or three jobs and chauffeuring their children from place to place. I was appalled by the cost of a purebred dog at $1800.00. Where is PETA? This is an outrage when are thousands of dogs and cats eligible for adoption. The show is just too shallow for me. It's like watching a train wreck.
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"I'm going to marry Tom' "I give zero F's zero F's" "I MAKE IT NICE"
kcangel27 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Although this humor/behavior of the woman is incredibly trashy, this show perfectly depicts how to not act in a public setting or in any setting in general. I've always enjoyed Real housewives of NYC and no one really watches reality to look up to these woman. Believe me, I don't watch a reality thinking I want to be Romana(however you spell it) and date around many guys. This is reality and they are surely going to do outrages things for views and entertainment.

Now that I got that out of the way I need to go on a little rant. Luann I just cannot tolerate her and her behavior with the other woman. Every One of those girls understand your marrying tom and know he'll cheat, but I mean Luann do your thing. Romano and Sonya there OK there just woman who are reckless and like to have fun. My favorite out of everyone is Carole and some parts I like Dorinda. Anyways I do not watch this show looking up to any of these woman's behaviors because it's trashy and not classy. However, I watch it for the entertainment of the show. This entire season was more about Luann getting married and the girls don't support it, there's some fundraiser going on, and also Romano with her millions of men she dates. Dorinda is too good for Jhon and deserves someone way better because I actually like dorinda! Poor dorinda tho, it's her birthday and the tom stuff is being discussed about lol will dorinda get a break. Overall 10/10 because great drama and I look forward to watching it in the morning (since I record it and like to eat my breakfast sandwich with it.) Drama and food is a perfect combination.
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