Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts (2022) Poster

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After all this time...
jamesjustice-921 January 2022
I never expected this semi-documentary to be so beautifully shot, so nostalgically precious and so emotionally involving but it turned out exactly like that. To see most of the main characters, including the legendary trio, back together again for a reunion was very heart-warming, like no time has passed at all since I left the movie theater after the premiere of Deathly Hallows Part II - when in reality it's been ten years. And since the beginning of this whole magical journey it's been even twenty years - wicked! I guess no matter how much I dislike the later movies and favor books over them I will ALWAYS cherish that cinematic world that was created for a youngster like me back in the days and for so many other kids from all of the generations ever since.
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andrewchristianjr2 January 2022
Return to Hogwarts have never been as emotional as it was in this documentary. Thank you HBO Max for this, and let's go for another 20 more years. It was like watching the beginning and end of Harry Potter again. Butter sweet.
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After all these years? Always.
i_odin1 January 2022
This Reunion is sort of testament to the fact that this world is going to stay forever etched into our memories. And I feel this is the perfect time to celebrate it because you never know how long these incredible people involved in the cast are going to stay with us and share their experiences. Some have already left and are dearly being missed.

This show is just meant to be an celebration of a milestone and a fan service. And that's what it is. Although i do miss few people. Maggie Smith, Michael Gambon and of course the JK Rowling.

It definitely brings back those memories of enjoying the movies growing up and coming of age along with the story.

Loved it.
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A fun, feel-good, teary-eyed throwback to the HP film series! [+80%]
arungeorge135 January 2022
This reunion show pretty much encapsulates everything we've loved about the magical world of Harry Potter. Through candid conversations and interviews featuring the franchise's brilliant ensemble cast and directors, the 1h 43m special is indeed a wholesome nostalgic treat. I've read all the books and watched all the films but never held the universe too close to my heart as many friends and peers did. That being said, I am a massive fan of the third installment (directed by Alfonso Cuaron) as well as the last one (directed by David Yates) - and I'm glad the show dug into the lesser-known details of both films. Azkaban took a pretty dark turn thematically and stylistically, and it was also when the child actors came of age. Deathly Hallows 2 was an absolute beast of a film, relentless in its action and gratifying in its emotional closure.

Since the show tackles events chronologically, the weepy finale was really no surprise. But it is such a joy to see the wonderful camaraderie between the actors who played characters we still adore and relate to on so many levels. The lead trio even happily admits that these films literally made them. The franchise saw the birth of several talents both on and behind the screen while offering seasoned performers unforgettable roles. After seeing this, I'd happily sign up to see something similar with the cast and crew of MCU's Avengers in the future. These pop-culture franchises will always occupy a distinct space in our heads!
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Could have been much longer
javan2317 January 2022
Really enjoyed it! Sappy, but I grew up with these movies and I was ready to have my heartstrings tugged. Great interview locations, attention to detail etc. Would have maybe liked to see less splicing of conversations, but sometimes it was necesary due to the way they catergorized the various phases of the decade of filming. I wish each section was a 45 minute episode, but that might just be the hardcore fan in me.

To the people saying it was good Rowling wasn't included more than she already was because she would have been "distracting" etc... you are nuts. She invented this world. They're talking about a series of films based on books she wrote. I dont give a damn what you think about her politics, they are her views and she is entitled to them. I think she should have had interactive interviews. Hundreds of people owe her for their careers.
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Surprisingly Endearing To Even The Simplest Potter Fans
zkonedog12 January 2022
I'm no Potter-head, so to speak, by any stretch of the imagination. I've read all the books once, watched all the movies once--and that's about it. As such, I'm often a bit overwhelmed or overmatched by some of the more intense Potter fandom properties. Fortunately, I found this 20th anniversary celebration to be perfectly calibrated to my sort of HP experience!

For a very basic overview, this special is equal parts nostalgic retrospection on clips from the films, and recent interviews with some of the main (most recognizable) cast members. The triumvirate of Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, & Emma Watson are the most frequent contributors, with Ralph Fiennes, Gary Oldman, Robbie Coltrane, Helena Bonham Carter, basically the entire "Weasley clan", and others popping by to chat about their experiences both on and off set during the making of the films.

Even as a more casual fan of the property, it is clear that Harry Potter books/films have had a tremendous impact on popular culture. In that sense--and along the lines of the Friends TV show reunion that drew up the template for this sort of thing--the actors and participants (and fans!) very much deserved this retrospective. In other words, it has the gravitas to pull it off.

It's obvious right away that Warner Brothers spared no expense when putting this together. The sets are immaculate (mirroring settings from the films) and the whole thing has an extremely high production value, from the clips to the interviews to the music and the voiceovers. First-class all the way.

The hallmarks of this reunion special, though, are the sometimes-emotional, sometimes-hilarious interviews! The leading trio have some wonderful moments together, but then each interact with others from the cast in unique ways. Moments with some of the films' directors are especially well-done in this respect. There were times I found myself belly-laughing; other times trying (and failing) to hold back tears.

The only notable absence here is original author J. K. Rowling, almost certainly due to her political spats of late. Though not present in the flesh (almost certainly a good thing if only for the distraction her presence would have caused), she is mentioned frequently and archived interviews seen numerous times. Rest assured, her presence was not entirely removed or anything like that. A good balance considering the circumstances.

Overall, I was a little worried about being overwhelmed by Potter minutiae from "Return to Hogwarts". But instead I found a delightfully entertaining little trip down memory lane, while at the same time catching up with the present-day actors/directors/filmmakers who made it all possible. Whether you are a novice Potter fan or can win HP trivia contests, I think you'll enjoy this!
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Nostalgia personified!
Anurag-Shetty1 January 2022
Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts is an absolute joy to watch, from beginning to end. It celebrates all eight films in the franchise namely, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone(2001), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets(2002), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(2004), Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire(2005), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix(2007), Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince(2009), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1(2010) & Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2(2011). It's primarily a celebration of the first film, completing 20 years in November 2021. I teared up quite a few times & I felt so nostalgic, watching this reunion special. Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson & their conversations, their effortless camaraderie, their genuine bonhomie & the deep love they have for each other, is the highlight of this special. This 'Golden Trio' made my childhood and the Harry Potter franchise made me interested to become a filmmaker. I owe you guys everything! The rest of the Wizarding World cast have memorable segments in the reunion, too. Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts is a must watch for all Potterheads. Go & relive those magical 10 years!
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Disrespecting the creator of the world
sj-042277 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No matter what the views of JK Rowling, HP does not exist without her. All these people talking about the wonderful world of HP would not have this fame, success, happiness or even wealth if it was not for JK Rowling.

Emma fell in love with Hermonie who JK creates Dan is HP the character JK created Ron doesn't have a career passed ron

JK made lil kids millionaires and none have the balls to support who helped define these actors and actresses.

Disrespecting the G. O. A. T of HP.

The 20th anniversary does not work without JK she is Harry Potter. We can't take away her credit no matter what her views are. If you're celebrating HP you are celebrating her it's a fact.
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vallonella1 January 2022
As a fan I can't give less than 10, BUT! It was ricilous that Rowling did not get a big "chapter" in this show, just some comments..... And the whole film felt like a kind of Emma Show. She spoke the most. When Dan, Emma and Rupert are together, Rupert is mostly silent..... Felt like "Oh FRIENDS did this, then we can do it too", but the bigger part of this show was putting behind the scenes videos, premiers and interview together with little chatting about memories, less "fun facts" -but there was some! E.g. Helena still has Bellatrix's teeth -, it mostly did not contain any big news/secrets, that maybe shocks viewers/true fans did not know already.... So I'm a bit dissapointed, but it was good to be back in Hogwarts.
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Alan Rickman?
kotza19921 January 2022
They give one of the greatest actors of all time who played one of most important character in the series like 10 seconds. Alan Rickman deserved much more time and attention than a brief comment from Emma Watson. Also too much behind the scenes and director chat... we needed more new stuff from the cast. Why get Gary oldman and Daniel to meet for 15 seconds of conversation? What a waste.
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Pretty good watch
jeschriefer5 January 2022
It was enjoyable to watch.

I get the author said some things others don't agree with but to use old footage just because of that and not actually bring her back is sad (If that were the case). There wouldn't be a reunion if it weren't for her. She is Harry Potter.

Also, it would have been nice, in my opinion, to include the child actors parents in the show because they really did play a big part in them being where they are now. Unless I missed something of course.

But despite all that it was nice to watch.
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Too staged, too controlled, too sentimental
bannerninja2 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love the movies but this reunion was just too staged and insistent on placing the actors in the well-known scenic sets.

Too much direction and control - I feel this would have been better served by a round-table talkin the actor's guild format, so we could have dug a bit deeper than what was presented.

Also leaving out JK Rowling and just using archive footage of her was utterly cowardly. If WB had focused more on telling a great story than protecting their golden brand, this would have been worthwhile.
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It traveled us back in time...
Thanos_Alfie3 January 2022
"Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts" is a TV Special in which we watch some of the cast of the "Harry Potter" franchise celebrating the 20th Anniversary since the release of the first "Harry Potter" movie. There are plenty of interviews and conversations that gives us many insights about the movies.

I enjoyed this TV Special very much and I have to admit that I was expecting it anxiously. The combination of the insights that were presented with the cast interviews and all the information given by them, made us understand and see the "Harry Potter" franchise form a different perspective. I also liked the way the cast members talked about the show and the presentation of many behind the scenes moments along with some emotional moments. The direction which was made by Eran Creevy, Joe Pearlman and Giorgio Testi was simply amazing and they succeed on traveled us back in time and have the same feeling as the first time watching the Harry Potter and his friends walking at Hogwarts. Finally, I have to say that "Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts" is an amazing TV show and I highly recommend everyone to watch it, especially all "Harry Potter" fans.
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Best Reunion Ever!
HabibieHakim1232 January 2022
It's more than just a reunion, it's way more than that, and it's just amazing, it's not them talking for hours, it's them and i mean all of them going back to the first movie till the end and if you are at least a fan of the franchise even way better or special if you follow it since you were a little or teenager, everytime you look back at it, there is this feeling of nostalgic and make you really warm and chills, and of course wanted to watch the whole franchise again, that's how i felt, Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts is possibly the best reunion i've ever seen, it's emotional and it got me, i cry so badly at the end, from i who thought "it's just a reunion, i'm not gonna review it" to crying and got chills throughout the show or film or whatever and insist to recommend for all of Harry Potter fans and the one who's not, to watch Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts, it's heartwarming and i just not wanted to end, at in the end i guarantee everybody will simply satisfied with this.
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Harry potter was and will always be my favorite series of films
zainabhayder-855962 January 2022
Harry potter was so important in my life I cried a lot watching this amazing production.

Every time i feel depressed, lonely or sad i go and watch one of harry potter movies they were my companions and I wasn't just watching i was like a hogwarts character Too many tears for this amazing nostalgic anniversary I loved the beginning where everyone got this invitation in the design of the typical hogwarts letter And seeing them back together and old! It was so touching and i did really feel like i grew up with them.

And the fact that they ended it with my favorite scene of the whole series!! I mean that was the best.
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It could have been longer! I hope they do more episodes.
allanmichael302 January 2022
It was kind of rushed, but it showed that they achieved something special making these movies and it was more than a film to these kids (now Adults) who's parents signed away their childhoods. However, they created something that has brought so much joy to others and enriched their lives. Its strange, but they just never kept in contact and the kind of needed to just talk to each other about the movies. There's is now talk of extended footage being released from the movies and this can only be a good thing. I hope that J.k will start a new story and make some more movies, as she has helped bring life back to British movie making. Declaring love for ones co-star "priceless" and so Ron.
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Missing some key people
cscanlan13913 January 2022
Missing many people. Maggie smith? Michael gambon? Timothy spall? Any other 100s of extras. Good. Could've been better. 2 hours of Emma Watson tearing up was a bit much.
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surprisingly emotional
rebekahrox2 January 2022
I've seen the movies along with all of the extras many times. I wasn't sure how much of this would be new to me. I was happy that a lot of it was. I was happy how much of a emotional connection all of them had with each other. Especially Emma and Rupert. They all got very emotional which validated my tears in seeing them all together again.
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Emotional, nostalgic
tributarystu1 January 2022
Has it really been 20 years?

I remember the day my mother confiscated my keyboard, punishing me for one gaming excess or another. It was the day I first picked up the Harry Potter book I had received years before - and the next weeks were a blur, as every night was spent simply consuming the first four books, sleepwalking through school during the day. Harry Potter became a huge part of my teenage years, with hours on end spent on forums and make-believe Hogwarts role playing arenas, making many friends along the way.

The movies were mostly fun, if never as entrancing - inevitable, really, with such a burden of expectation. The only one I regularly rewatch is Prisoner of Azkaban, although I very much enjoyed the Goblet of Fire as well - and think the latter movies are perfectly serviceable, occasionally even heartbreaking, but I failed to really connect with them.

This documentary is quite the nostalgia rollercoaster, with most of the key players sharing some of their thoughts and experiences. Even after almost two hours of reminiscing, it felt like there was so much more left to be discussed and retread, but the documentary does stay focused on the bigger picture - how Harry Potter has been a part of so many lives, in such an amazing way.

And stepping back, it is indeed amazing that a cinematic series like HP has come about, carrying over so many characters and actors across a whole decade, while also giving life to a unique and beautiful world. Harry, Ron and Hermione are at the core of this story, roles that Dan, Rupert and Emma grew into so well, but it's the adult cast that immensely enhances the world they all inhabit, offering the nuance and complexity that ensures its timelessness.

Sure, the JKR debacle taints the proceedings a bit, irrespective of your feelings about it - but this just goes to show we'll never return to the simpler times of when Harry Potter was the center of our universe.
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mrashtastic894 November 2022
I simply adored this reunion documentary, a lot more than I thought I would, it was absolutely wonderful and a completely emotionally satisfying ride all the way through.

After the incredible Deathly Hallows Part 2, I was feeling empty after watching this amazing franchise of amazing fantasy films, and after the death of Robbie Coltrane I was itching for more of the original cast, and this gave me exactly what I wanted, it was such a treat to see the original cast reunite and reminisce about the making of the original films.

It was also brilliant seeing the creative minds of each director and I can't say I wasn't getting emotional by the end of this.

I simply loved this, nothing more to say.
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Nice, if incomplete, bit of nostalgia
OldMovieRob2 January 2022
It was nice to return to seeing some of the actors from the HP series, and kudos for having them meet in the old sets again. It's definitely a treat for anyone who was a fan of the films and the friendship of these actors towards one another, particularly Gary Oldman and Daniel Radcliff was really touching. Only gripe I'd have with this would be that I would have liked to see any sort of mention to the music of John Williams, something so integral to the films, but for some reason the producers didn't make a peep about this legendary composer and his involvement with the films, and that was a shame.
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What masterpiece of hypocrisy!!!
purechritudo5 January 2022
I am a casual fan of HP!

Just don't understand why J. K. Rowling, the creator of the magical, could be cancelled from it! What a magical world we are living in!

There was no Harry Potter and no success without J. K. Rowling!

The emotions were unnatural!

What a hypocrisy!!!
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Imperiously3 January 2022
I cannot give a 10/10 because of the outrageous treatment of JK Rowling. Everything else is breathtaking. So many emotions. Thanks to everyone involved for it all. This made my week.
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are you a potter??
ops-525352 January 2022
Fan, then this will be a very well deserved nightcap, and the best way to incinerate a global ''binge'' fever of harry potter nostalgia. Im just a grumpy old man with not more nitwitt than moaning myrtle , i have never been thrilled by the books and were far to old to let my wizardous parts of myself loose, and even though i got lost in the translation in the last 3 films, i do adore the choice of cast that has carried this world of wizardry into our own homes and castles, and just admit that the 3 first films sold me in forever, and my binging night will start pretty asap. I think we will never have a story like this told again made in this way of magic development of filmatographical technology development, if so ,do tell me about it, pretty quickly ,i must say because im a cranky grumpy and very old dumbledoor kind a man with not so much time left, so let me know.

What i can say though with a lumpy throat and stinging eyes from nostalgia, is simple to say, watch this and see to that you dont miss it. And to the producers of this mecca of mystery, try to put together something outta the deleted scenes and stuff, cause thats the real treasure that has never been released yet...
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Great but i wanted more
ziedsbabti21 May 2022
It was a great experience overall . Very emotional to watch it . But i really wanted more about alan Rickman and his character, and more depth specially for the last 3 movies where it comes more darker and more emotional.
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