Meth Head (2013) Poster


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Actually a decent portrayal on meth addiction.
tblanch-566683 April 2023
Dunno what the others are talking about, I think we are too spoilt these days with the influx of heaps of movies and tv shows. If you like drug movies you will enjoy this to an extent.

It is a decent movie portraying what can happen if you let methamphetamine take control of your life. This is coming from a tweaker as well mind you.

To the reviewer saying its unrealistic. I don't think you have a single bloody clue what it is like to be addicted to stimulants in general and especially the king stim methamphetamine. The only unrealistic thing is the getting constipated part, that is a heroin thing and not a stimulant thing.

This is just me adding characters so the review can be put up on the website. Blah.
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Fell Flat with Unrealistic Happenings and More
akelly-6855631 July 2022
I read an indepth article regarding the Woeld Premire of Meth Head in Washington DC long before ever viewing the film. Needless to say it did not prepare me for the in your face moments this film would bring to your living room or whatever viewing area may be.

While I greatly appreciated the statement the film made or intended to make I'm afraid it may have missed the mark with many in the audience. I consider myself a very open person. Most notably I don't shy away from nudity, sex, drug use or whatever taboo idea one can come up with when it comes to film or print. But even with all of that that I still found a couple of scenes in this film to be over the top and to hold no benefit in getting the message heard by its audience. If anything, I would dare say it may have done the exact opposite to the point of the film stopped and never viewed in its entirety. I hope I'm wrong but the few people I've spoken to about the film lead me to believe I'm very right.

I also found several moments in the film to be unrealistic and entirely unbelievable. The living arrangement, elderly abuse, the how and where of self prostution, the lack of taking or stealing when money can't be found, sentimental items being held onto when in full withdrawl, the comical tough guy and the pimp son are just a few I can recall without completely scrutinizing the entire film. An addict is not going to hold on to a quick pawn or easy sell valuable item because of its sentimental value when in full withdrawl, not going to happen. I know of a time an addict pulled a ring off her dead grandma's finger at the Funeral Home hoping no would would notice. Gueas what? They did!

This movie started strong but ultimately the little things and the in your face actions that held no value to the message killed it before it ever got off the ground.
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Unrealistic and unappealing
sugarfreepeppermint27 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie about meth addiction fully approved by the current narrow minded LGBT regime. It is completely unrealistic and boring. From the get go, we never see the good times on the metamphetamine highs. It is just one big depressing lecture on "drugs are bad for you" laid on so thick, it's patronising. It's all about the "decent" family and friends, and all emphasis put on their worries. They never for one second realise that it is their mediocrity that turns the protagonist into a meth junkie in the first place. And honestly, the wispy latino boyfriend is so annoying, it would turn anyone into a crackhead.

I would find it very odd that a gay man addicted on meth, doesn't hang round gay buddies to go out with and to have sex with. Where are the parTy scenes? Instead we find him hanging about in a very weird house in a situation that is utterly convoluted. Neither is it very believable that the Luks Haas character would be able to prostitute himself, with those haggard looks, when there is thousands of better looking guys whoring themselves out for free for a bit of Tina. That is the real L.A. gay scene, not this PC crap.

I stopped watching halfway through, because this film has no redeeming qualities at all. If you actually want to watch a gay film about meth, and enjoy it, then watch (Circuit) instead.
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Bleh Head
Seth_Rogue_One24 January 2017
Started out okay with Lukas Haas trying out something really different to his previous characters he's played playing an effeminate gay man and managing pretty good at avoiding to look as a stereotype.

But it gets fairly obvious fairly soon that the plot really isn't gonna go anywhere.

I kept looking at the time-bar to see how much more of this I had to take unfortunately most times it seemed like far too much so I actually ended up putting the laptop on and multitasking cause it was just a hassle to just sit and watch this film which boring is a understatement.

So felt a bit cheated as there is some obvious manipulation of the rating system. 49.8 % of the (current) ratings are 10/10. If you watch this movie you will undoubtedly see that no sane person (who wasn't involved with the film) would rate this a 10/10 which is the masterpiece rating.

And if you look at the other raving reviews you'll see that not a lot of them have rated many other (if any) films than this one, and 2 of them that have have only rated and raved about one other movie and that is 'Crazy Bitches' another movie by the same director as this.

These are typical signs of a fraudulent rating, so that is why it's currently so high. If you take away all the 10's which are arguably fake the rating would end up being something like 4.0/10 and not the current 6.7/10 and that's a far more reasonable rating for it.

The soundtrack was alright though so there's always that.
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'Meth Head' Delivers a Realistic Portrayal of Meth Addiction and its Effects
MaeAbdulbaki8 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Kyle is a loving partner, brother, and son. He has dreams of having his own interior design company and plans to marry his partner Julian. All Kyle's plans come to a halt after he is introduced to crystal meth one night. Slowly after, Kyle's life and everything in it begins spiraling out of control.

Based on true events, Meth Head is a really eye opening experience. Jane Clark weaves a story about meth addiction without making it solely factual and focuses mostly on the deep emotional character journeys.

Kyle isn't a man without issues. While he has a job and partner, Kyle is still desperate in seeking his father's approval, a politician who isn't supportive of his son's life. Lukas Haas plays Kyle, the meth addict and main character. Haas gives Kyle some great characteristics which make him vulnerable and sympathetic regardless of the mistakes he makes. It is sometimes painful to watch his meth addicted performance because of the glimpses of normality Haas portrays in the very beginning of the movie. The scenes near the very end are the most heart wrenching of Haas's portrayal. He is alone and weakening and the actor really delivers the fear and panic without being unnecessarily over the top.

Luke (AKA Dusty) is one of the stand outs in the film. He's the dealer who initially introduces Kyle to meth. Somehow, there's a youthful innocence about him. Blake Berris portrays him as an addict who loves the drug but one who never sees his life spiraling so out of control. Dusty's easy friendship with Kyle is simple and co-dependent. Berris depicts Dusty as a man who doesn't really have anything left and whose addiction leads him to a very painful place. Berris's performance is understatedly powerful.

Necar Zadegan plays Maia, the third member of the meth trio. Also an addict, Maia lost her daughter to social services for being an unfit mother and takes care of her grandmother who lives with her. Out of the three of them, Maia seems like the most balanced mentally regardless of her addiction and everything going on in her life. She somehow holds the group together. Zadegan portrays Maia in an almost mature way. Zadegan shows us through her eyes and reactions that she knows she's making mistakes but continues to use meth because it seems like the only thing keeping her from falling apart. Zadegan really uses her body language to portray Maia's inner turmoil.

Wilson Cruz plays Julian, Kyle's partner. Cruz's portrayal of Julian is one of equal parts patience and frustration. Julian wants the best for Kyle and tries to help, but when things get out of control Julian shies away from pushing too hard for Kyle to see the error of his ways. With only the grim tug of his lips Cruz lets us know how hard Kyle's meth addiction is on Julian.

The supporting actors (Scott Patterson as Kyle's father comes to mind specifically) do a great job of adding to the story while letting the focus be on Kyle and his journey through his addiction.

With wonderful portrayals and a well written story, Jane Clark really brings home a powerful message while staying true to the emotional story of the characters. "Meth Head" is a well told and hypnotizing film from start to finish. The journey through addiction is well thought out and extremely realistic. The movie is hard to watch at times only because it takes the characters to very dark and harrowing places.

"Meth Head" is sad and tragic. Writer/director Jane Clark chooses to tell the story in a gritty and blunt manor that serves the purpose of informing and acknowledging the addiction to meth and the people it affects.
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Meth Head is a tragic but moving story
fysal127 December 2014
Meth Head is the story of a young gay man Kyle, played by Lucas Haas (Witness, Inception) who takes crystal meth at a party and finds himself spiralling out of control from the addiction shortly after. His loving partner, Julius, played by Wilson Cruz (Party of Five, Red Band Society) tries desperately to save him from himself. Unfortunately, the draw of the drug and the new friends he has acquired takes him down this dark path of destruction. His new friends, Maia and Dusty, are portrayed brilliantly by Necar Zadegan (24, Elena Undone) and Blake Berris (Days of Our Lives, Crazy Bitches). The bond they all develop over the use of this life altering drug is very raw and incredibly deep. The damage that is caused is devastating. There are several supporting actors who are exceptional from Barbara Niven (Cedar Cove, A Perfect Ending) to Tom Sizemore (Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down) and Theo Rossi (Sons of Anarchy). This is a very powerful film that I believe needs to be seen. Jane Clark, Writer/Director, takes you on a gritty ride into the depths of despair created by the use of crystal meth. Her careful direction allows the viewer to feel an emotional connection with Kyle. The story she has written tells an accurate account of how bad things can happen to good people through drug addiction in my opinion. I highly recommend this film. You won't be disappointed.
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So raw, so powerful, so brilliant
mickey_rolph4 July 2014
Based on true stories Meth Head cleverly takes you into the downward spiral of drug use, not glorifying it at all. We all have a little or even a lot of Kyle in us which makes this movie even more powerful. Lucas Haas is outstanding in the lead role showing a boyishness & gentleness that is impossible not to like, as does Blake Berris, in fact the whole cast deliver sterling performances. Director Jane Clark has done a superb job with everything about this movie, & the haunting music of Curt Smith compliments the scenes it covers. Do yourself a favour & see it, especially if you have teenage kids that might think Meth is okay after shows such as Breaking Bad.
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so impressed with "Meth Head"
annhine0325 May 2014
I'm blown away with meth head, iv been trying to find the words all night but, nope lol, i was drawn in, hook line and sinker, within the first 5 minutes, i am impressed with how you managed to capture all aspects of life, when it comes to the addict, the way it affects everyone around the addict,,, i went from sister of addict, to addict selling myself for meth, losing every thing because of what i became while i was using, my family, husband, kids, to recovered addict, and now i am having to watch one of my kids playing with meth, i also have a 77 yr old man living with me that i took in as he was being abused and neglected by a meth head, ( my daughters ex boyfriend ), so you can see why i can relate to your movie so well,, amazing ,,, just amazing,,, I'm standing and applauding you and your crew, thank you for shearing your story, it is a brave thing to do and it is going to make a difference :) Angie
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