Ghost Adventures: House Calls (TV Series 2022– ) Poster

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A little respect goes a long way
asharmbers22 May 2022
This looked promising, but alas. I think this crew need to sit down one night together, watch 3 x their early episodes, then watch a couple of the latest ones and see if they too can see whats happened to them.

They used to be a TEAM, there they were, with their quote 'old school' devices, a camcorder each, and all alone in haunted areas.. all working together as one.... now? They have a film crew following them around, a recorder costing 3k? Seriously? You guys need to eat some serious humble pie.

Zak, you are now an elitist, treating everyone as inferior, you talk down to everyone, and you never used to be so... personality'less'.

And not every spirit is evil.. you are an empath, so am I, so you will probably already know that a person without their body is pure energy, that pure energy, when close to us, makes us feel a certain way (like intense butterflies, and the very air around you feels heavy) , each person has different energy levels, like a bodied person, you meet strong and weak people all the time, no different when you pass... not everyone is evil, and you showed TOTAL disrespect to the dead here.

And you have been for quite some time. If you knocked on a random house, and started talking to them the same as you do to spirits, you would get a rather harsh response, its the same with the dead, they are us... just without a body, the same as we will be some day. If you spoke to me like that i would react just as harshly, its absolutely shocking how insensitive and bad mannered this team are to the dead, Aaron tried to be respectful in this episode, but zak was having none of it. Just because someone is dead, it does not make them a demon. Stop calling every dead person evil.. especially little girls. These kids are scared enough without your crass rudeness.

Bout time you looked at yourselves in the mirror, and become the good team you used to be.
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It's GA without Zak
timurtaimur17 June 2022
This show is essentially another series of Ghost Adventures except they're visiting locations suggested by viewers.

It's ok at times, though I still have the usual complaints.

  • Stop using the Kinect box (it's not useful nor does it work)
  • Invite skeptics on to showcase the work

Zak needs to come back. But he also needs to stop claiming he is possessed and insulting native Americans.
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how are they helping
janinebrock25 November 2022
I would really love to see them try to help the family. It seems like they are only confirming presences...but not giving information or help in actually helping these families. Honestly, I would be even more terrified of living there and scared of not knowing how to fix the actual problem. I love watching the evidence but am concerned for the families. It is also REALLY weird that Zak is never there. We all started watching the show as we loved Zak but not having him on site is very odd. Is he ever going to come on calls? Still love Aaron but miss Zak. Love the one that shows the stick figures. Please work on making this better because it could be great.
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Call it. Ghost Adventures Zak Stays Home
lurxtyqw16 December 2022

What a shame.

This is pretty damn awful and yes, unconvincing.

That S3 Auburn episode, featuring the woman who obviously is visiting an unknown "spectrum" in her head.

The guys are obviously going through the motions at this point.

Unfortunately, this cannot continue with Zak "phoning it in" like this in my opinion. I guess he obviously doesn't need the money, or is just completely germaphobed out.

It feels like the show just took a giant step backwards to the year 2020 where everyone is on Zoom again.

I had to do a double take with all of the masks being worn.

Is this the new format moving forward? If so. See ya!

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These Were Always My Favorite Shows To Begin With!
Read a lot of these reviews and nearly didn't watch the series. I'm amazed how board people are they spend their free time (I don't have that sort of extra time) watching shows they know they're going to hate or dislike or have the intensions of calling it "fake" before they even tuned in to watch the show. These shows (ghost and paranormal shows) aren't for everyone, I get that. However, if you do enjoy ghost paranormal shows this is among the most entertaining PERIOD! Continue to read and you'll see I'm not even the biggest fan of Zak Bagans, yet despite his annoyance, the show still flows very well, I don't believe for a second those telling the stories unquestionably believe what they're experiencing is real. The question is, is it in their heads?

I love they're dedicated a season of shows to house calls. I always found these the most interesting in many cases and the people they help can add a very interesting aspect to the show, and the homeowners add an unpredictable aspect to the show.

I can't figure out what's going on with Zak and his long-distance attempt at investigating. There's no question he's been the keep success to this show and its longevity and I salute him for that. If anyone ever had questions about his need to be the center of attention, this show will answer that for you. The guy is literally in another state and still can't be unable to take his hands off the wheel and trust the guys he's been investigating for 2 decades! He certainly manages to be an effective team member not being physically present but at points, it's entirely too much it becomes obvious he's got deep control issues and seems to feel the need to constantly prove himself and remind the audience he's the boss and weren't to make sure everyone knows he's not relinquishing the position of team leader and subconscious it's bothering him a little bit he's not there and missing out on the credit and his shine he thinks he deserves.

If Zak wasn't such a nag I'd have given the show a 10 as my all-time favorite season of any ghost show.
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Really Like It
dcmajapan11 July 2022
This is the "type" of paranormal show I like. Nothing bores me more than teams investigating the same massive abandoned buildings (Prisons, Sanitariums, Factories, Hospitals, B&Bs...etc.). I like the personal back story / property history of a real family. One can always argue "Fake," "Staged," etc., which is why the research and interviews are critical IMHO. Hope it comes back.
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A Good Watch with my Family!
matthewigo-5205715 July 2023
This is my first review on the computer and I just wanted to say how much i loved this show! I watched it with my entire family (my sons PJ and Vixen plus my beautiful wife Tracy). Let's just say that Tracy was FREAKED out the entire time! PJ kept making fun of her and even trying to scare her from behind a couple of times! She even jumped out of her chair when PJ jumped out of our bathroom door, scaring her to death!

Vixen on the other hand stayed quiet the entire time we watched the show. At the end of the first episode I turned to Vixen and asked, "you okay, bud?" To which he replied, "Zack Bagans is what I wish I was and who I wish you were." That was the most words I have ever heard spoken from his mouth. His words raddled my bones. His words raddled my conscious.

For the past few years, I haven't been there for my family. I have been there physically but my emotional side has been completely absent. I know it's time to make a change. From here on out in my life, I will be joining the Ghost Adventure crew on all their excursions throughout America and Eastern Europe. They don't know it yet but I will be following them. I will be investigating with them. I will be locked down from dusk till dawn with them. I will be with them until my son Vixen is able to look me in the eyes and be proud of the father that he has.
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I USED to love anything Ghost Adventures
xbarracx19 May 2022
Update - I saw the 3rd episode "Auburn In Hell" and must admit this shows getting bad quick. What a horrible 3rd episode! Whoever is picking these locations and people to investigate should be fired. And is Bagans going to seriously just FaceTime the group every episode? That was another horrible idea. This show started good but now sucks. The lady in s1e3 is a horrible actor and it's blatantly obvious everything happening is fake. You'd think they would try a little harder making it seem authentic. Huge let down. If I happen to watch the next episode I may update this but I doubt it will change. I was a GA fan but that's starting to change if this is what they turn into.
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If you can't enjoy pop paranormal shows with an annoying and handsome host or take things too seriously you shouldn't watch this show.
leahmmohler3 March 2023
I love the paranormal and hearing ghost stories, so I like ghost adventures, even if Zak makes it overdramatic. I am glad that Zak isn't there in person in this series (I'm only on season one) because he is very bossy, which can take away from the show. I get annoyed by how mean he gets toward his team members when he gets "affected" but it pays their bills so whatever.

I do like the EVPs they capture, but I also know to take the evidence with a grain of salt. This show entertains me, it's a guilty pleasure, and it makes me laugh while at the same time having me wondering what's going to happen. Their reactions to hearing things in the dark are comical a lot of the time, it's funny when they scream and run "in fear" from noise or a voice.

I like House Calls, we get to hear from other members of the team about their experiences, as the main series is ALL about Zak. But as Zak stated at the end of season 25 he is "the alpha" so alpha gets the attention.

I really like Lauren, she has been a camera operator for several seasons, she is stepping in front of the camera for this, and I like her. She is the bravest in the show. She is calm, and she is excited about hearing stuff. She definitely adds to making the show about really seeing if "ghosts exist" and she has been the missing female presence the show needs. Also, I like Aaron, he seems to get more evidence than Zak and he seems to be nicer.

I like how over as they got older they started cussing as they for several seasons didn't. There has to be cussing while ghost hunting in the dark and something scary happens.

PS-Jay should never be left alone, he also falls and hurts himself.
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Not impressed. Zak is too full of himself
laineyd-155874 June 2022
Zak can't even bother to show up, he just phones in his performance and makes everyone else do the work.

Get off your ass, show up, and quit talking down to your crew.

Probably the last series of Ghost Adventures I'll watch.
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Refreshing Change and still Ghost Adventures
qhrzsmc30 June 2022
It's definitely still Ghost Adventures and the evidence never fails to impress. The refreshing change is having Lauren investigate. She's the perfect subtle change that lends to the show another perspective. Her quiet and believable demeanor is exactly what I feel the show needed. She's not the girly girl shouting. She's the best friend you'd take because she will keep you calm and collected. Lover her!
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Kind of sad
sarahbabii-5993429 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched all of the episode one now this is kind of sad. I've always liked Zak Bagans. I've always been interested in the paranormal I'm an empath. Compared to his other shows I was really excited thinking that he's going to start helping people you know he's going to be working with people and trying to help them through their paranormal problems. At the end of the episode I'm like okay what's he going to tell them to do. The first thing he said without any emotion was, " can you guys move?" Then second he says, " maybe you guys should go find a priest and have them do an exorcism." So he literally went to these people's house stirred up all this activity for what for views for ratings and then doesn't even seem like he cares to help them? I'm so disappointed I don't know what happened to him but I just feel like this is wrong. If you're going to go in there and stir s*** up and leave them to deal with the aftermath at least act like you're concerned and come up with a game plan on how they might be able to resolve the issue not just say oh can you guys move.. really disappointed.
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montcodogwalker21 May 2022
These types of house call episodes on ghost adventures were always my favorite..glad there's a whole series out of it now. Just wish zak would be there in person!
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Gimme More!
Amelia4058 July 2022
While there have been some interesting haunts at businesses, it's always the house visits I care more about. Helping families is so important. I really, really hope they keep this show going.

I do kinda wish Zak was actually there, though. I don't know the reason he's just Zooming & it's probably not my business. I hope all is well with him.

If you prefer the home visits, I do recommend giving this one a try!
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luise9115 June 2022
I gave up on this halfway through episode one. The 'investigators' decided almost immediately they were dealing with a demonic entity without any real proof and after that it was just the usual of Zac feeling angry (via zoom!) and Aaron getting totally over excited while trying to antagonise whatever was in the house. If I was a ghost I would have been p**sed off and acted out too!

There are plenty of ghost shows out there where proper, methodical investigations are done (Kindred Spirits is the best currently IMO) without the need for hysteria.
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THIS is what ghost adventures should always be
hazelangeleyesxo22 May 2022
I love this show! Having them go to ppls homes is much more powerful, personal, in a much smaller space, and these ppl need real help. It's much better than watching them go these big buildings with a long haunted history, other paranormal teams check out, and it's basically just verifying activity for themselves. There's something so different about ppl being affected in their own homes who need real help. I hope they keep it this way and its not just a one season deal.
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Poorly done
mchawk1 July 2022
Each episode so far features families below the poverty line who excuse cases of domestic violence as paranormal.

Zac also needs to let the guys do what they do if he chooses not to be on site.
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cbjami19 May 2022
This is the best. When most of these ghost hunting shows started they were in private homes. Then they went to big commercial type settings or old mansions. In small private homes is where the fun starts and the viewer can relate to. Great job Zak that you saw this was missing from the many many ghost shows on TV now. Thats why you are the number one presenter of these types of shows.
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It's ok
steampunk-302863 September 2022
I've been a fan of all ghost hunting type shows since I was a child and Ghost Adventures used to be a favorite until it seemed to become more scripted, with a lot more acting. I also really don't like the provoking... from other shows I've watched, provoking really isn't a great idea and can often make things worse. Season 1 ep 1, my issues with this series began from the start when they automatically assumed a demonic entity without actual proof and then proceeded to provoke. If the couple in this episode really were experiencing things in their home that seemed malevolent, I'm sure the team just escalated it and left the couple with it. It makes me angry for them.
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Whether You Believe It Or Not, I'm Certain They Do
quasimohno30 June 2022
Despite being a bit of a skeptic, Ghost Adventures has always been a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. Being a Vegas native myself, these local (and now international) celebrities peaked my interest, and I have seen every episode to date of each of their series and subseries, such as Ghost Adventures: House Calls.

Though I've made many attempts at watching other paranormal shows, this is the only one I have been able to sit through more than one or two episodes of. The reason for this is simple; they actually seem genuine. Based on the interviews I've seen, as well as from person conversations with friends who were at one time employed at the Haunted Museum, I confidently believe Zak Bagans and his team have made no efforts to deceive the public and truly believe in everything they capture.

To me, this means that, whether I believe the experiences they are having are paranormal or not, I can at least rely on the comforting knowledge that they believe it is paranormal, and are thus not lying to me as an audience member. This is what sets them apart from other paranormal/ghost investigation shows, and remains true for House Calls.

I felt this sub-series in particular was approached with an immense amount of care and compassion when it came to dealing with distraught individuals seeking help. While I do hope they consider mental illness, particularly any form of psychosis, as a possible factor before selecting these individuals, I truly believe they are attempting to aid people in the way they feel is best for them. Their intentions are in all the right places, and it shows in the way they approach their interviews, investigations, and analyses.
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Refreshing Change
flowerstardust197926 May 2022
Their house investigations and helping families have always been my favourite episodes so I was really happy to hear about this show. A refreshing change from 20 plus seasons of visiting random places, which I still enjoy bit I'm definitely enjoying this more. Hopefully this show will continue past this 1st series.
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Jumped the Shark
tiggerriffic_tig20 January 2023
Not impressed anymore. It appears that Zak is just to lazy to go in the field and investigate. Very unbelievable that he can feel things over the communication connection. Zak's comments and demands just seem to to be scripted and not vary realistic. You never hear if the home owner's life has changed for better or worse. The way the overall investigation is done, I would think the team left the house in worse condition. You need to dump this "House Calls" series and get back to the basics in Ghost Adventures. Even the original "Ghost Adventures" was slipping under the rug. It seemed to be a scripted act and not a realistic investigation. Time to re-invent the show and make it real!
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Not a fan
krystler-8173417 June 2022
I loved the old ghost adventures, the new house call ones are stupid, Zack isn't even there and they in no way help the people. Yes they investigate and get their evidence, but then just leave. The poor people are still left with no answers on how to help.
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Horrible concept and I don't like the editing!!
ParanormalPrincess23 June 2022
I'm truly disappointed with this new spin off series, between the filters used on their faces when talking through video to the poor editing it's not good. Zak is also not present and speaks through audio like he's the wizard of Oz behind a screen screaming at others what to do. Ugh, used to be a fan not anymore.
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Boring with a side of zoom
ttay-4824830 December 2022
This series is really stupid. I've tried to watch two episodes but I just can't with this zoom call crap of Zak being at "headquarters" while he send his team out to these house calls. Zak seems to be a bigger ___ than he was on the regular ghost adventures show when it comes to telling his team what HE wants to see / hear from them. He is trying to do things through Zoom calls and it just so ridiculous to see a show like this. The team doesn't have all of the equipment (from the two shows I watched) to contact ghost(s). To me, enough is enough if you can really find true haunting and scary locations with REAL ghosts then move on and do something else.
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