Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace (2024) Poster

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Cuba looking rough
SnoopyStyle31 August 2024
Gabriel (Josh Burdett) is an Iraq War vet who is struggling with his war experience and lost his faith. He is visited by the angel Balthazar (Cuba Gooding Jr.) who is recruiting him for a battle to save the world.

I do wonder if this is a sly under-the-table religious film. Apparently, there is a first movie before this which is far worst. My initial take is that Cuba is looking rough. It's been a rough few years for him and I can see it in his face. As for the lead, I don't know who Josh Burdett is. All I know is that he is not the leading man type. The whole cast is a little below requirement level. The CG monsters are better than expected. The directing is weak and the writing is bad. Mostly this needs better actors.
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Pretty creative use of CGI for a low budget film!
katedejonge29 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Some moments are stolen from other films (I'm looking at you, Michael Teh, dodging bullets ala Matrix), but considering this is a plot line that has been done and done again, Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace is a unique story idea. Sure it's angels versus demons, but the age-old religious battle for humanity takes on a new tone with the addition of ex-military characters as the defenders of the light. These are real men and women who have been to hell and back in the name of service to their country. Now, after being continually let down by their own government, they're asked to return to the battlefield to defend all of humankind for a God they no longer believe in. Does this small, ragtag group have what it takes to keep our planet safe from Michael and his demons? Of course, they do. The demons never win in these movies. You'll know how the story is going to end almost from the beginning, but you'll watch the entire thing because it's entertaining, the demons are scary, and the scenery is dazzling. (You can read my full review on the Grimoire of Horror website!)
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Better Than Expected
moviemaniacd26 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace is a melodramatic and cheesy action film with a campy spirit that is rooted in faith. It is a mixed bag of good and bad. I enjoyed the world-building in the story, from the rules the Warriors of Peace follow to the existence of demons to the production design. All of it was a fun world to experience. I particularly enjoyed the "Q" scene where our heroes are called to an armory full of demon fighting weapons which is run by Deborah, well played by Denise Richards. Richards looked like she was having fun and even got a chance to spill some demonic blood. I also enjoyed Balthazar, played by Cuba Gooding Jr., taking over the role played by Michael Madsen in the previous film. He gets to flex his muscles a bit in a flashback scene fighting demons on a really cool stone bridge. The action scenes are well choreographed and involved. Both the fight scenes in the strip club and a motorcycle chase had decent stunts and were well directed. Even the fight with the CGI demons was not half bad. Then there was the unexpected blood and nudity that made it a bit edgier than many other films of this type.

All of these positive elements were not enough to cover up the roughest aspect of Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace: the screenplay. It really could have used more work. The dialog was uninspired and very on the nose. The majority of the characters were one note with very little distinguishing one from the other. This impacted the performances of the cast which ranged from decent to ok. Josh Burdett plays Gabriel with the weight needed for the character. You can feel his struggle with his faith, beliefs, and see him being a leader to his squad. Michael is played by Michael Teh and his performance is the best, possibly because he has some of the better dialog. Teh plays the heavy with the right balance of confidence and darkness. The rest of the cast do well enough with the screen time they have, but they all could have used better written characters and dialog. The CGI looked far better than many indie films with the same budget but when it was bad, it was very noticeable. The music could have also been better, but when working on smaller budgets score usually takes a back seat.

Angels of the Fallen: Warriors of Peace is one of the better faith-based films to come out in recent years. It's mature edge helps make it more accessible to adults and it never gets too saccharine. The preachiness is still there but it at least wears its beliefs on its sleeve and isn't trying to convert its audience. The production value is high, and it had a bit of a Buffy The Vampire Slayer vibe to it. Overall I was more entertained than I thought I would be. I think if you enjoy this genre of film, you should seek it out.
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robtdaw18 July 2024
When will I learn to check how many people have contributed to the average IMDB rating? I saw 6.5, which is comfortably above my tolerance threshold. I had also seen two pretty glowing reviews (in retrospect, I'm thinking possibly relatives of people involved in the making of the film?), so I dove. Three minutes in, however, I went back to see only 25 (at that time) people had rated it. More friends and family of cast and crew, I guess.

Sure the script was laughable, but the performances were wretched! The dialogue is painful, the main characters stare off vacantly much of the time (perhaps the actors were wishing they were anywhere but on the set), and the special effects weren't very....special. I don't think it's worth going into any more detail than that. Take your chances if you must, but I recommend a hard pass-unless you like that campy, it's so bad it's good, kind of thing.
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What in the college thesis waffle was that???!!!!
semkochaz26 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers

This was terrible. I mean maybe college student level of work. The acting was so awkward. The continuity was so bad it was funny. The fight sequences were half baked. The editing was atrocious. Literal freeze frames a few times.

And can someone explain to me how youre going to have a chase scene with two demons on motorcycles getting chased by two people on foot............. Or how they were walking around in the mountains..... someone gets injured and there's magically an operating table and first aid tools all set up and ready to go. I could go on but just no.

The only redeeming part of this film is their filming location. The churches and temples are incredible to look at. Maybe try watching this high? And the demons cgi is early 2000s quality. Decent design but not blended into the environment. Lack of shadows. Foots prints. Etc.
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Great story, cinematography, CGI and a treat to see Couture Richards and CGJ
cyruskeshmiri16 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The battle between good and evil. The plight of the US war veteran. The neverending commitment to serve your country and your fellow man. This movie strikes a cord with a huge audience in America and the entire military community worldwide, since it's the same story known to too many soldiers after leaving the forces: PTSD.

A miracle worker, an Angel to be exact, CBJ is on point in this film and you can tell he is connected to the story and gives a great performance. He comes to Gabriel to right the wrongs of the world and anoints our main character with the Herculean task of saving the world. The Devil is actively building an earth based militia to take over the world, and it's up to one man and his old platoon to stop it from turning the earth into the utter wasteland that is prophesied in the Bible.

The film itself is visually impressive. Every shot is clean, well edited and crystal clear. The CGI is simply amazing. The Demons that they created, especially for this movie are really something to see and original looking. There is one scene with CJ that is almost like an immersive portal into the world of spirits that has a 300 like feeling which I thought was totally awesome.

Finally getting to see Randy Couture and Denise Richard's make a comeback together on the same film was sweet in the fact that you have a world chanmpion fighter movie star on in the cast as well as one of America's sweethearts who we haven't seen enough of in recent years.

All in all this is an epic film more than worth the purchase price and one that I will watch again.
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So bad it's good
jesusrnm13 August 2024
This is The Room levels of bad. So many cringe things happen that I started laughing at the acting and the editing.

Denisse Richards looks like she got a truck full of lip filler.

Cuba Gooding Jr is fat and his lines were just terrible.

You can really watch this with some friends and just have a blast over some pizza and how impressively bad this movie is.

I've said all I want but I have 200 more characters to fill. The main character had one expression on his face the whole time. The special effects were so bad they were funny. The demons they fight were honestly hilarious looking. Randy Couture's cameo has no consequences and no reason for existing.

Oh, and the villain can't fight, no matter how hard they tried to make him look like he could.
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Angel Fallen: Warriors of Peace
bogosyka13 August 2024
Angel Fallen: Warriors of Peace is a visually stunning and thought-provoking film that successfully blends action and philosophical depth, creating a compelling cinematic experience. Directed by Ali Zamani, the film is set in a world where celestial beings, fallen angels, and mortal warriors clash in an epic battle between light and darkness.

Visually, Angel Fallen: Warriors of Peace is nothing short of spectacular. The special effects team has crafted breathtaking sequences that capture the grandeur of celestial battles and the intricacies of a world where divine and earthly realms intersect. The action scenes are choreographed with precision, balancing dynamic combat with a clear narrative flow, ensuring that viewers remain engaged without becoming overwhelmed.
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Supernatural Smorgasbord
gcrecords22 August 2024
Spoiler-free review:

If you love cult films like 'Plan 9 From Outerspace,' 'The Meg,' 'Sharknado,' 'C. I. Ape,' and 'Nuke 'Em High,' this film is a must-watch. It channels the same over-the-top, irreverent spirit, blending outrageous scenarios with a wink to its roots.

Making films is no easy feat, as indie filmmakers and Ed Wood fans can attest. Securing locations and a committed crew is challenging, but the real struggle is finding sufficient budget outside Hollywood's vast resources. Navigating these obstacles requires immense dedication and creativity, highlighting the perseverance needed to bring a film project to the finish line. So kudos to the 60+ cast and crew who put their time and effort into piecing together a feature film.
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Don't even bother
drinking-coffee11 August 2024
"Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace" attempts to reimagine the supernatural warfare theme introduced in the 2010 film "Legion," but falls short in several key areas. Both movies center around celestial beings fighting to prevent the apocalypse, with a mix of action, horror, and biblical elements. However, "Legion" delivers a more cohesive narrative, driven by a stronger script and better-developed characters.

In "Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace," the plot feels derivative and lacks the tension that made "Legion" memorable. The characters in "Legion," particularly Michael and Gabriel, are more compelling, with their moral dilemmas adding depth to the story. In contrast, the characters in "Angels Fallen" are somewhat flat, relying heavily on action sequences to carry the film rather than meaningful character development.

While "Angels Fallen" boasts impressive special effects and ambitious fight scenes, they often overshadow the story rather than enhance it. The film's pacing is also uneven, with moments of intense action followed by lulls that disrupt the flow. In comparison, "Legion" maintains a consistent pace, blending action and suspense more effectively.

The dialogue in "Angels Fallen" sometimes feels forced and lacks the gravitas needed for a film of this genre. "Legion," on the other hand, benefits from sharper writing that balances the supernatural elements with human drama, making it a more engaging and emotionally resonant experience.

Ultimately, while "Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace" may appeal to fans of supernatural action films, it doesn't quite live up to the standard set by "Legion." If you're looking for a more compelling story with stronger characters and a better execution of similar themes, "Legion" is the superior choice.
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Enjoyed every seconds
mrboys-2543718 August 2024
It delivers an exhilarating experience that action enthusiasts crave. Picking up seamlessly from its predecessor, this film plunges viewers back into the lives of our beloved heroes, who find themselves facing yet another formidable global threat.

The pacing of the narrative is brisk, expertly balancing explosive action with engaging storytelling. While it may not venture into uncharted territory, the film compensates with a captivating blend of thrills and entertainment that keeps audiences glued to their seats. The character development shines through, thanks to a talented ensemble cast that brings depth to their roles, making you genuinely care about their mission and the personal stakes at play.

The action sequences are a highlight, showcasing impressive choreography and stunning visuals. From sweeping large-scale battles to intimate close-quarters combat, each scene pulsates with energy and excitement. The special effects further elevate the film, creating an immersive experience that draws viewers deeper into the adrenaline-fueled world.

For those who appreciate action films that balance a light-hearted tone with high-stakes excitement, "Warriors of Peace" is an absolute must-see. It stands as a robust sequel that meets fans' expectations while ensuring the adrenaline continues to flow. Whether you're a long-time follower of the series or a newcomer, this film is sure to leave you thrilled and entertained.
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Diverting enough fantasy thriller
NoelPenaflor24 August 2024
Angels Fallen Warriors of Peace is a diverting enough fantasy thriller that keeps you entertained for most of its runtime. Though it may take a bit to get going, the payoff is worth the setup.

Denise Richards (Starship Troopers) steals her handful of scenes as weapons handler Deborah (don't call her Deb). Deb gets the movie's funniest lines and delivers them with zeal. Though there were times you wish Deb would get more screentime, by the end you realize it was perfect because then the character would be "too much".

A somewhat repetitive first act as Gabriel recruits the soldiers he needs. There are times you wish the movie would move forward faster, but the wait is worth it.
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A Disastrous Descent
holmesshanea-9275810 August 2024
Every so often, a film comes along that challenges our patience and questions our faith in the art of cinema. "Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace (2024)" is one such film-a disheartening disaster that sadly drags two once-reputable actors, Denise Richards and Cuba Gooding Jr., into the depths of mediocrity. The film, marketed as a high-octane action thriller with supernatural elements, ultimately serves as a cautionary tale on how not to make a movie. On paper, it seems like it could be an entertaining watch. The plot centers around a group of elite warriors who are resurrected to battle a demonic threat. It's the kind of supernatural action flick that, if done right, could appeal to fans of both the horror and action genres. Unfortunately, the execution is where everything falls apart. The first ten minutes-which is as far as I could stomach-offer a glimpse into a film that is riddled with poor dialogue, atrocious acting, and cheap special effects that would make even a low-budget TV movie blush. It's truly disheartening to see Denise Richards and Cuba Gooding Jr. In roles like these. Richards, once a star of memorable films like "Wild Things" and "The World Is Not Enough," is reduced to delivering wooden lines in a manner so devoid of emotion that one wonders if she's aware of the camera at all. Meanwhile, Cuba Gooding Jr., who once won an Academy Award for his performance in "Jerry Maguire," sleepwalks through his role as if he's already resigned to the fact that this film will do nothing to resurrect his waning career. Their presence in "Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace" feels more like a paycheck gig than a passion project, and it shows in every second they're on screen. The direction by Ali Zamani is uninspired and lacks any sense of cohesion or creativity. Scenes are haphazardly stitched together, creating a narrative flow that's more jarring than engaging. The cinematography is equally disappointing, with shots that are poorly framed, overexposed, and utterly devoid of any visual flair. The action sequences, which should have been the film's saving grace, are so badly choreographed that they're more laughable than thrilling. Watching actors struggle through sluggish, uninspired fight scenes is an exercise in frustration, especially when the premise had the potential for so much more. One would expect a film dealing with supernatural warriors to boast at least some impressive visual effects, but "Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace" fails spectacularly in this department. The special effects are not only cheap but also poorly integrated, with CGI that looks straight out of the early 2000s. Explosions, magical elements, and even basic green screen work are handled so incompetently that it becomes difficult to take anything on screen seriously. The sound design does little to help matters, with a soundtrack that is either too loud or completely out of sync with the action. Dialogue is often muffled or poorly mixed, making it a chore to follow what little story there is. In the end, "Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace" is a film that fails on almost every level. Its premise, while intriguing, is butchered by poor execution, lackluster performances, and amateurish direction. Denise Richards and Cuba Gooding Jr. Deserve better than this, as do the audiences who, like myself, were lured in by their names. If you're looking for a supernatural action thriller that entertains, look elsewhere. This film is best left unwatched, unless, of course, you're in the mood for a cinematic experience that will make you appreciate the virtues of walking away after just ten minutes.
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Could have been...
icekube-5506916 August 2024

Well, the basic idea isn't that bad. However, the execution is abominable. Script is probably OK, but the pace is terribly slow. The beginning is rhapsodic and not really connecting the pieces and everything (of course) leads to the big, umm, monster fight at the end. Acting is atrocious but the daemons should have made Ray Harryhausen (famous old stop-motion animator from way, way, waaay back) proud.

I do, however, like the tuned down music. I often find that the music score is overpowering.

The scenery is great, though. The old USSR tourist agency Intourist would have appointed a medal for the footage. Georgia is a beautiful country to visit. Except in these times since Russia occupies two major parts of the country.

But, puhlease, director/scriptwriter et al! Don't do this again! 'K?
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Action packed!!!
hjnohjj13 August 2024
"Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace" is a wild ride that delivers exactly what you'd expect from a high-energy action flick. The movie picks up where the last one left off, throwing the heroes into another intense situation where they need to save the world from a new threat.

The plot keeps things moving with a good mix of explosive action and solid storytelling. It's not reinventing the wheel, but it's fun and keeps you hooked. The characters are well played, and the cast does a great job making you care about their mission and their personal stakes.

The action scenes are a blast-well-choreographed and visually impressive. Whether it's epic battles or close-quarters combat, everything looks great and feels intense. The special effects add a nice touch, making the whole thing feel even more immersive.

If you're into action movies that don't take themselves too seriously but still deliver thrills and excitement, "Warriors of Peace" is definitely worth a watch. It's a solid sequel that gives fans what they want and keeps the adrenaline pumping.
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DTV Action Nonsense
camseyeview21 August 2024
Fallen Angels: Warriors of Peace has the same vibe and spirit of those Universal direct-to-video films. It has more going on under the hood with its biblical references and at the very least, it isn't trying to be one of those terrible Christian propaganda films that no one watches and are only successful because of the grift from that sect of customers and creatives. This is just a middling action film with some decent action and a few recognizable faces that could be doing better, but have found themselves here like some chosen warriors to be the next batch of direct-to-video stars. It's a shame, because some of these actors have been in better stuff, but that's just how things go from time to time. If you like the vibe of those sy-fy channel original movies or are a specialist in direct-to-video schlock, then give it a watch. Otherwise, you can just go watch that 90s Arnold Schwarzenegger film End of Days or the Keanu Reeves-starred Constantine. This is easily a film I would watch once on a lark and then never again.
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Amazing once again!
movingimages-9012913 August 2024
Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace" is a gripping entry in the action genre that expertly blends high-octane thrills with a compelling narrative. The film continues to build on the engaging universe established in its predecessors, delivering a storyline that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

The plot follows a group of elite warriors tasked with a crucial mission to uphold global peace amid rising threats. The screenplay is well-crafted, with tight pacing and a balance of intense action sequences and character development. The stakes are high, and the film does a commendable job of maintaining tension throughout.

Performances across the board are solid, with the lead actors bringing depth to their roles and convincing portrayals of their characters' struggles and determination. The chemistry among the cast adds authenticity to the story, enhancing the emotional impact of their journey.

Visually, "Warriors of Peace" is stunning. The action sequences are choreographed with precision, offering a blend of spectacular set pieces and grounded combat scenes that feel both exhilarating and believable. The special effects and cinematography elevate the overall experience, creating a visually immersive adventure.

While the film follows familiar tropes of the genre, it manages to present them in a fresh and engaging way. "Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace" is an entertaining watch that combines dynamic action with a meaningful narrative, making it a standout film in its genre. Whether you're a fan of the series or new to it, this movie offers a satisfying and thrilling experience.
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Very nice
mondalmanu26 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Featured review 8 /10 Lots of fun

Had a blast watching this one! Definitely worth the time spent. The special effects are decent, but it really fits the aesthetic that I think the director was going for. The acting was solid. Again, the actors work was a reflection of what the director was looking for and it fit the overall appeal of the project. The camera work was thought out and done right. Similar movies aren't able to pull off what the Zamani brothers were able to. The makeup and sfx was on point and done right. The costumes fit perfectly into the feel of each scene. Overall I was impressed with the quality of work and I would recommend giving the one a watch!
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So Sad
netflixry12 August 2024
It's truly sad to see someone like Oscar winner Cuba Gooding Junior, who has turned in some absolutely OUTSTANDING performances in a number of films, find himself under what can only be a horrible director. Even a bad script can be made into something worth seeing if there's talented creative director. You can't blame this on Gooding Junior, because we KNOW that man is perfectly capable of stellar performances when he has the right director. And no, you can't simply blame it on him, because no director worth his weight would ALLOW a bad performance out of a talented actor. Sorry, but this is how it works.
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Dug it
mauricechauvet12 August 2024
Great story and production, compelling piece of cinema. Two leads were terrific. Really enjoyed this film and glad I got to see it. Plot and themes were compelling and the action sequences were tense. Did not see the ending coming and felt surprised throughout. The VFX in this film are good, and the creatures are incredibly scary. But beyond the surface level, there appears to be a deeper meaning at play in this movie, Denise Richards and Randy Couture both bring a unique energy and talent to their roles, making them enjoyable to watch. It's always fun to see actors and athletes excel in different mediums.
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10/10 REALLY ??
dabsbordeaux-523046 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Probably one of the worst acting seen in decades. Most of the characters are hard to listen to ( and watch ) as they are so bad.

Funnily enough , the special effects are quite good for a C movie... I don't understand where those 5 stars / 10 out 10 reviews come from as even my 3 star rating is generous... Some of the scenes just end up abruptly , along with the music, which makes it even weirder and cheaper looking movie ( hence the C movie rating...;-))

Some of the actors are quite decent but most are difficult to watch and even make you laugh ( unintentionally ) .

There are some decent fight scenes but they are so theatrical that even though they could be decent they just add to the despair of finding something good in this film.

Oh , and I loved the " we should be quick to be back before dark" or something like that , and they walk through mountains and everything ? Something that would take at least 2 days walk ? Are you serious ?? Plus stopping driving the van as they could hear the vibrations or something ? Really ??

I think that the "good" reviews are either fake or from the crew and friends ....

Watch it once ( if you can resist the urge to run out of the theatre ) and then never again...
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Consistency .... Consistency .... Consistency .. story
ut_clan3 September 2024
Although the acting isn't the best, it's not bad either in my honest opinion. The rest in this movie however is of a very low level. The flimsy story and especially the consistency is just awful.

Talking about the consistency: You jump from one scene to another scene without a good transfer or reason why. It just didn't make much sense to me, like they cut a lot of materials.

The CGI isn't even the worst, but the fight scenes are just ..... very bad, every move takes a second and just moves so slow.

Some positive words then: Denise Richards was fun to see again :)

Everybody has his own opinion, but if you ask me, you can easily skip this movie.
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A Disturbing and Blasphemous Misrepresentation of Sacred Figures
budgetdetailing13 August 2024
"Angel Fallen: Warriors of Peace" is a film that deeply distorts and misrepresents one of Christianity's most revered figures, St. Michael the Archangel. In Christian theology, St. Michael is celebrated as the leader of the heavenly armies, a defender of divine justice, and a protector of God's people. However, this movie takes a shocking and blasphemous turn by portraying him as an evil being, completely inverting his true nature.

The film's narrative not only disrespects St. Michael but also subverts the entire moral framework of good versus evil. By flipping righteous figures into villains and potentially justifying evil as good, "Angel Fallen" blurs the lines between right and wrong, which is highly problematic from both a theological and moral standpoint.

For believers, this portrayal can be spiritually damaging, leading to confusion and disillusionment. For non-believers, it risks spreading a fundamentally flawed understanding of Christian beliefs and the figures central to them. The movie's insensitivity to religious traditions is not just offensive; it undermines the respect and reverence that billions of people hold for these sacred figures.

Overall, "Angel Fallen: Warriors of Peace" fails not only as a piece of entertainment but as a respectful treatment of religious themes. It crosses into the territory of blasphemy, mocking divine justice, and misleading viewers in ways that could have lasting negative effects on their understanding of morality and faith. This is a film best avoided by those who value the integrity of their spiritual beliefs.
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Lots of fun
kylehardy19 August 2024
Had a blast watching this one! Definitely worth the time spent. The special effects are decent, but it really fits the aesthetic that I think the director was going for. The acting was solid. Again, the actors work was a reflection of what the director was looking for and it fit the overall appeal of the project. The camera work was thought out and done right. Similar movies aren't able to pull off what the Zamani brothers were able to. The makeup and sfx was on point and done right. The costumes fit perfectly into the feel of each scene. Overall I was impressed with the quality of work and I would recommend giving the one a watch!
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Pleasantly Surprised!
april-874-62510412 August 2024
I went in knowing it wasn't going to be X-Men or similar and was pleasantly surprised!! It tapped into many genres so I definitely got my money's worth. Could it have been shorter? Sure. There are some pacing issues but I'm still giving it 8 out of 10 because regardless of what you think about the film, it's entertaining - and that's all I look for in a film. I don't know what the budget was. I can't work out what the budget was, I know it wouldn't have been the same as X-Men but the production value is insane, especially when you get into the fight scenes with the demons. Oh, and Cube Gooding Jr. - a legend as always.
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