Silver and the Book of Dreams (2023) Poster

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Nice visuals but tonally uneven with a thin plot
emmajawilkin20 December 2023
Normally I like a taut 90 minute-ish film, but I could have done with this being a bit longer. There's little to no characterisation, making it hard to understand the villains' motivations, or root for the good guys. I had more questions than answers about the mechanics of the dream world at the end too. Tonally it's odd as well - at first I thought it was a kids' film, but there's loads of effing and jeffing. Also, all the 'kids' have tattoos - what's happening there? (Or maybe I just got old.) It does have some very pretty visuals, but that's about the only thing I enjoyed. It just didn't come together for me.
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Definition of a missed opportunity
souplahoopla19 December 2023
This could have been a great YA fantasy movie! The actual bare bones of the idea is fantastic, but the delivery was really disappointing.

I think one of the main issues is that its trying to create too much conflict in too many areas, which results in you never being emotionally invested in any of them and it all falls flat and 'meh'.

So you're introduced to a family conflict with the female lead, a conflict over a dead parent, an additional conflict with her new family members, a conflict with the ensemble characters, and another conflict with family members within that ensemble, and another with the antagonist. See what I mean? What are you supposed to care about?? The beginning drags unnecessarily with the initial couple of concepts (which are never properly resolved) and then thrown into the next ones with no emotional investment.

I don't like being down on young actors normally, but in this instance none of their performances were strong enough to overcome a bad and bloated script, and the main character was actually pretty unlikeable. Rude, curt, with bizarre emotional outbursts, it doesnt make any sense why everyone seems to love her.

I was left with the impression that there was a large amount of fat to trim from this film. It didnt need 80% of the supposed conflict, it just needed one - the main characters guilt, thats it. And it would have had a much more powerful effect than the ocean of crap ruining it.

I found it a shame because the fantasy and dream walking aspect would have been much more fun to lean into more and explore. I finished it really disappointed.
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What is this
jesperwirries9 December 2023
I've read the book more then 100 Times and so I know every detail. To be honest I think the director of the movie never read the book because not even 1 detail is like the book. The entire Plot of the Movie is different. If I hadn't this emotional connection to the Book I would give 1 Star even that the Movie is nothing like the Book. Was it to hard to stick to the Book like why is Liv's dad death and not living in Germany. An really Graysons wish being to be Students President what a joke. I am actually sad about how nothing from the book is adapted and Characters are just not there even my favourite character Lotti is just not there.
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Silver and the Book of Dreams
Tweekums9 January 2024
German school girl Liv is forced to relocate to London, along with her sister, when her mother remarries. On her first night there she has a strange dream; in it she encounters a group of boys who were taking part in a ritual in a graveyard. On her first day at her new school she discovers the boys are real and attend the same school. She learns that the boys are in possession of a book that explains how to enter other people's dreams. It also explains how a group of four boys and a maiden may use it to make a dream come true. Inevitably Liv is invited to become that maiden. They perform the ritual not realising there is a catch. A catch that could be deadly for Liv. Will she be able to unravel the puzzle before it is too late and just who can she trust?

I have not read the book on which this is based, and judging by other reviews that may be a good thing as far as enjoying the film goes. The story is solid enough. It wastes no time getting into the action. Similarly it doesn't take too long before Liv, and the viewer, learns of the danger and its potentially lethal outcome. There is a good sense of paranoia as the list of people Liv thinks may be out to harm her increases. There are some decent twists and turns along the way. The look of the dream scenes in good; sometimes it is obvious other times less so. The cast, none of whom I recall seeing in anything before, does a solid job. Overall I wouldn't say this was a must see but passed ninety minutes well enough; I suspect it will appeal more to the YA market.
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What is this - really bad for an adaptation
pdabelstein8 December 2023
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First of all: the actors are alright and the movie would be fine if it wasn't a book adaptation.

But: Apart from omitting important characters like Lottie or changing family backgrounds (in the book Liv and Mia's dad is very much alive, Greyson and Florence's mum is dead and very much not French) the filmmakers also changed the plot and didn't even include one of the lighthearted scenes like the cheese incident at the airport, the many names of Persephone and the snobby school etiquette.

Also: what the hell is the deal with the drugs and changing absolutely everyone's appearance?

Yes, diversity is great and they did a good job in creating a diverse cast. But: if a character is described as "being bald and having big ears" or having a haircut like duchess Camilla: why not do that? The ethnicity doesn't matter in that case.

Also changing the entire dynamic between the characters and the weird sub-plot lines are annoying while vital plot lines from the book are missing making the story way too confusing and fast paced. Really disappointed by this adaptation.
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In love with the potential of the movie
mimelprimel10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To be fair, I loved the books and in general urban teen fantasy. So this is a recommendation particularly for those who read it or just love the genre.

The idea of wandering through people's dreams is fascinating to me and I enjoyed watching it, although it's not a one-to-one movie adaptation and the story of the books differ.

The initial concept stays the same though. And I think people should learn how to engage in a story, without comparing the whole time. It's not meant to be the exact same thing, especially since the author sold the rights to amazon prime. Still I could recognize the characters from the books, even though they were less profound and looked a bit different.

Story wise they made some changes, but not necessarily bad ones. The Idea with the Nightmares was not bad. And I liked that Liv's father died in the past. It added some depth to Liv's character and to her relationship with her sister. Unfortunately the other characters remained very superficial.

Everything that happens in the dreams looks really good and has a dark touch to it and overall the atmosphere's is consistent and exciting. But the movie feels rushed, because the plot extends only over a couple days, while in the book it's one school year.

I wanted to see more bonding between the characters, more depth in general for each character and more funny everyday-moments. Would have been cool to see how they evolve over the school year as a friend group, but also at home as a Patchwork-family.

I personally love seeing Books I read get an adaptation, it's always interesting what they do with it. This movie is like a shortversion of an idea that has way more potential.
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Wasted potential
valid_point10 December 2023
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So as a person who has read and loved the books, this is just a huge disappointment.

Visuals especially the dream sequences are top which is why I gave 2 instead of 1 star.

The actors' appearances were different from the books but still fine, however, their personalities were non-existent. The actors had no charisma at all and couldn't really show off their acting abilities which I believe some of them have.

There was no character, friendship and romance development because everything was rushed. The dialogues were poorly written and the plot got more and more ridiculous (e.g. Liv sedating Arthur during chemistry class in school and then herself and her breaking into a mental hospital) and boring. Half way through I didn't fully understand what they were aiming for anymore.

Bottom line: do not waste your time watching this even if you haven't read the books this is simply not worth it.
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Entertaining teen fantasy with a cliffhanger
OneAnjel9 December 2023
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I've always been attracted to Fantasy and dream type films so I clicked on this. Prime Video has it listed as 16 ➕, but I don't think that it would be inappropriate for maybe 13 14 15 year olds. It depends because this film has the theme of moving in and out of Dreams and of some scary ideas but nothing bloody or sexual or excessive bad language. I found it to be entertaining but more of a typical teen theme that was easy to follow and very superficial overall. A lot of it was in German but it was predominantly in English. The protagonist Liv was not my favorite character - I'm a little old-fashioned and I tire of seeing girls nowadays trying to look as boyish as possible, and in particular also being the love attraction of a good looking young man seemed out of place. But what do I know about youth nowadays or in Germany. Liv is, by necessity, the idiot who almost falls into a trap yet the film does not otherwise paint her as such an imbecile to fall so easily for such a simple scheme. I'm not sure at all the point of the sister since she is just a prop that is used very occasionally and usually just to show the girls sleeping or passing in the hallway at school. In the end of the film they actually dress her up to look like a girl and then they throw a cliffhanger at us. So if this film is popular enough they're sure to be a sequel. As far as it being based on a book, I have not read the book so I don't know how close it is to the book itself but I would say they chose the wrong protagonist for a series. I think people will find her boring in personality and appearance.
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paulaguenther-2948910 February 2024
What the hell. Even if I ignore that this movie has nothing to do with the books at all - the whole movie is just super fast paced, the characters have literally zero sympathy and relations with each other. Yes the visuals are very pretty, but that doesn't change the REALLY BAD PLOT. Like, sorry, but if I hadn't read the books I'd only be confused - and even now I was like wtf did just happen??? And not in a good way. This could've been so good, but damn, they really did the books dirty. Baddest storyline ever. Can't recommend, please don't watch - it's just a waste of time and will leave you completely annoyed.
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What ever happened to fantasy films like this!!
flynnjames-1330216 December 2023
Fantasy films like this are such a guilty pleasure! I remember watching stuff like maze runner and divergent growing up and always loved film for things like that. They're always just entertaining and throw you into a world of imagination and excitement. And this brought me back entirely. It had a cast that gave it their all, a main character i fell in love with and a story I've never heard before.

The dream hall stuff in particular was so cool, and the group dynamics really made me think of my old dystopian favourites, they really bounced off of each other well. It was a great watch! I liked it a lot.
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I liked it :)
smialekpanelope16 December 2023
So Silver and the Book of Dreams was pretty awesum, to be honest. The visuals were stunnin, bringin the fantasy world to life in a captivatin way. The cast did a grate job portraying the characters, making them feel real.

The story was very good, keepin me engaged throughout. The cinematography and special effects were impressive adding to the overall story in a good way. My favourite part was was the main girl Livs final moment in her sisters draem. I don't want to spoil anythin for anyone, but it's a nice moment, made me cry when watchin it.

All but one of my friends enjoyed it too. But hey, different strokes for different folks.
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Sam would shame that
loele10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First of all i need to say movies inspired by books are difficult, which was shown by many many examples. This book in particular creates a comforting, cozy, vanilla-cookie setting with mystery and adventure where this particular movie tells a twisted creepy story by just using names and the general idea of the origin books.

The point of the four boys being blonde is to realize that jasper is fulfilling some cliches, and for Arthurs character to contrast everything which is implied by his like looks so he is not suspicious, etc. This is not about being exclusive about every non-blonde-person at all, but about looks being an important stylistic device used with meaning behind. Clearly some important scenes of the book are not represented enough because some dialogues don't make scenes due to simply change of haircolour. Also the doors present the characteristics of the owner, and were described in every detail by the author who invented all these characters and probably knows them best.

Going on about how Lotti is missing and Badass-Mia would need a whole new review.

In general I really don't understand why it was not possible to stick to all the wonderful and detailed descriptions of everything like characters, rooms, the corridors, the doors and the storyline. It seems not fair to use this title and change nearly everything. If something was not mentioned enough its okay to fill the gaps. If something is to heavy to include everything ot can be cut down to the most significant components. But why twist everything that already existed? It is disappointing.

It is important to say how the hired Actors are doing a nice job, that should be honored besides everything above.
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gotsuzuki22 December 2023
Usually most people can tell within the first few minutes if they're going to like a show. My initial impression was I hated it. But I decided to give it a day's rest and come back to it because the description of the show sounded very interesting and it should have been.. upon returning to watch it I found it even more intolerable. It's a jumbled mess with bad cinematography and mediocre at best acting. It jumps around which just leaves the viewer confused. Honestly I can't think of anything good to say about it even the soundtrack was horrible. I do no recommend this show for anyone who enjoys quality .
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This is a story for teen-aged girls
foothill_warrior18 December 2023
This is a story for teen-aged girls. I don't say that as a criticism, but to set expectations. I got half-way thru it and had to quit. The story is too simple, with no real backstory, and too saccharin for most adults. It could use a dose of darkness to up the age appeal - even Dr Who does that in it's modern incarnation.

I do think it is well produced and well acted by the young adults actors. It has generally good visuals and not cheap CGI. Parts of the dialog are in German without subtitles so I had to watch with closed caption.

Checkout The Magicians for an example of an adult-oriented fantasy magic story.
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If you have read the book then just don't bother watching the movie.
mccampingtour9 January 2024
In "Silver and the Book of Dreams," the focus is supposed to be on nightmares, but unfortunately, it seems that no one noticed before the release that the film itself is the biggest nightmare for any viewer. The diversity in this film feels forced and inauthentic. I am definitely in favor of diversity, but not in this ridiculous manner. It's obvious that the filmmakers tried to score points with forced diversity instead of creating authentic characters.

The plot of "Silver and the Book of Dreams" was so absurd and far removed from the book that it seemed as if a toddler had randomly thrown words together. The filmmakers managed to completely botch a fascinating story and destroy any depth and meaning. It's as if they never read the book and just started filming haphazardly. I am deeply disappointed and feel that the film is a form of assault. Throughout the entire film, I was laughing my head off because it's so outrageously bad, and I seriously wonder if the creators of this garbage have any talent at all. Even a blind person could have chosen better actors for the roles. Save your time and money and watch paint dry instead - it's more entertaining and better than this film.
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gianmarcoronconi4 January 2024
This is not a real review, it should be understood more as a collection of impressions on the film.

In my opinion, this film is quite underrated and definitely deserves a look if you are interested in films that delve into dreams and all the stories linked to them. So as a film it is valid and above all it is very entertaining because the story is quite nice and original and all the personal objects stuff is also well exploited even if the twist is a little too unnatural and the ending is also a little unnatural and is for these reasons the film is not excellent because up until the twist it deserved a very high rating, but let's say that in the ending everything is wrong.
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poor book adaptation - best not watch this movie
charleens-2660111 December 2023
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If you don't have the budget to make a worthy book adaptation, then it's best to leave it alone.

Starting with the acting and the catastrophic casting (especially for Liv Silber!!!), to the storyline, poorly developed plot and characters. The whole film also seemed very rushed to me and was more like a "teenager's fever dream", as the viewer had no time to warm up to the plot and characters, the love story between Henry and Liv seemed stilted and unnatural.

One plot twist follows the next, and as a viewer you can't keep up. Everything is presented in a very dramatized yet superficial manner and therefore very implausible. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Persephone dies without the viewer even really realizing why... wtf?

And last but not least, the dialogues, which often made me feel embarrassed. What makes films like Harry Potter etc. So successful is the timeless appeal, well-crafted dialogue and no use of youth language. Unlike this movie, I'm afraid. The desperate attempt to adapt the film to a young audience and to come across as cool, backfired in my opinion.

Conclusion: Some books should remain books!
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Disorganized Dumpster Fire
kghemisox11 December 2023
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I'd rather watch all the Nightmare on Elm Street series if I want to watch a movie about bad dreams, although I guess you could call this movie a nightmare.

The movie never sets a pace. Its rushed from the start and then just a bunch of jumping from scene to scene. Just a bunch of scenes thrown together. There is no sequence to the movie. You don't learn how this dream club started or the purpose of it. It just jumps right into the characters forming this alliance. I hope the book was good because this is a total mess. I also hope I can last for the final 28 mins. I may go to sleep because my dreams are more interesting than this movie.
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Don't know why it's getting hate
leonevansyourboy16 December 2023
I just don't understand why some people are against this film! Seriously, I know it's not like this precious book you love, but get over it! It's mind-boggling to me. I mean, come on, the visuals were absolutely stunning! The way they brought the fantasy world to life was fantastic, and just like how kerstin gier describes. And let's not forget about the cast! They did an incredible job portraying the characters and making them feel so real.

I think sometimes people just expect too much or have different preferences when it comes to movies. But for me, "Silver and the Book of Dreams" was a good film that kept me hooked from start to finish. It's a shame that not everyone sees it that way.

So, I'd say give it a watch and let yourself be immersed in the fun new world of "Silver and the Book of Dreams". I'd love to hear what you think after you've seen it.
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Don't Watch The Film If You Loved The Book
flowerpowerccc21 December 2023
Everything has actually been changed and thousands of things are not even mentioned in the film. So the magic from the book can't even develop.

The film rushes through the plot, making many decisions incomprehensible. Florence makes no sense as a character in the Film. She should have been dropped. And where are Lotti and Secrecy? Henry has no character and the relationship between Henry and Liv seems absolutely random.

I would have forgiven the film for trying to tell a new and in many ways more extreme version of the story, but unfortunately the ending makes no sense.

Better buy the book.
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Not at all like book, that's very disappointing
catwoman-3301817 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What's wrong with staying true to the book? I was looking forward to the book so much and am very disappointed that it's nothing like the book, especially the actors look so different than described in the book. It's ok if there are all kinds of people portrayed, but for example Persephone and Jasper are blond in the books. Liv's dad is alive, Persephone doesn't die and so on. If you are looking for and expecting this movie to be like the book you might be very disappointed.

Not to everything has to be adapted to how the world is and people are in real life. I don't like where this is going 😔 hopefully the next movies will be different.
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Film ok, but not if you actually know the books
alittlelunatic6 January 2024
The movie might be fine as a stand-alone. It has really good visuals especially in the dream-world and a plot that carries you.

My problem is knowing the books too well as I sometimes listen to them to fall asleep and knowing how much they changed and I'm not even talking about how the characters' appearances differ from their looks in the book. I'm talking about the story itself, the characters backstories, their motives etc. Also some characters are missing, some running gags aren't in the film at all. I finished the movie anyway, but probably won't watch it again.

Some of the visuals might carry over to my view of the story though, especially the look of the corridor is intriguing to me and is much more imaginative than the first picture in my head.
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Instead of Lucid Dreaming - Opt for a Dreamless Sleep and skip this movie.
gbyzp30 December 2023
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This movie had so much potential with a great premise - yet it completely misses the mark.

The concept of lucid dreaming is that one has control in their dreams. Think INCEPTION. Think Nightmare on Elm Street Dream Warriors.

Other than turning around and jumping off of something, these characters spend more time running away from their nightmares than they do trying to control their dreams in anyway.

On occasion there are some great dream visuals that, had the script been better, might have helped to make this movie worthwhile. Sadly, they were not enough to prop this story up.

The story feels rushed. It seems that the script writers chose to move the story along quickly by providing zero character development and jumping right into the action. The end result is something that feels too predictable and falls into place in a too far-fetched or convenient way.

One example of far-fetched would be Silver choloroforming one of her classmates - IN CLASS and no one sees or says anything. This is just one of many examples.

The dialog is also weak, which in addition to a flagging story, portrays all of the characters as one dimensional.

To be fair, I think most of the cast does an admirable job trying to give great performances in spite of the poorly written script.

While the ending clearly was written to leave "the door" open for a sequel - let's hope they realize the error of their ways and do not put us through a second nightmare.
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you may...
ops-5253512 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hesitate going to bed after viewing this film, a pretty lucid film about a lucid dreamworld, ive actually not read the book, therefore im a maiden to silvers dreamtrips.

Productionwise this film is a marvel considering it being made far from hollywood and bollywood. Youre taken into the wildest of dreams and when you hardly notice the change when viewing its a darn good made movie.

The vfx and cgis are just amazing and really worth your ticket, and the story rolls like on steam. The dream alley is incredebly like my own nocturnal playground...

if, to critizise any, must be some glitches in the group dynamics by the developing talents by some of the main cast, also some lack of introduction to the broad storyline couldve helped, before pretty abrupt being thrown into the world of tangerine dreaming.

The remainder though is good and very recommendable thinks the grumpy old man.
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Worth the watch if you're into fantasy
georgeoakley-2004416 December 2023
I just finished watching 'Silver and the Book of Dreams' and wanted to share my thoughts. It was a decent film, everyone involved did a great job.

The visuals were pretty cool, with some imaginative landscapes and interesting stuff in the dream hall in particular. They added a nice touch to the overall experience.

The characters were well portrayed, and the cast did a great job bringing them to life. While I didn't feel a deep connection to them, they were still enjoyable to watch, and I really liked the group dynamics.

The music was nice and complemented the film well, but it didn't leave a lasting impression on me.

Overall, 'Silver and the Book of Dreams' is worth a watch if you're a fan of fantasy films. It may not be the most mind-blowing one out there, but everyone involved put in a great effort, and it's a really solid film.
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