Vanderpump Rules (TV Series 2013– ) Poster

(2013– )

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I've Never Seen a Group of Extremely Weak Men!
I myself haven't seen or meet anyone with a level of hypocritical narcissism in one person in my life, yet this show managed to find and entire group of women with these characteristics. A majority of these women also managed to find men who live and go along with it. I take no issue with metrosexual men although I find it sad, they're happiness will forever be sacrificed by these who have no interest in their partner's happiness because their own is their only obsession.

Made props to Lisa is awesome though. Her giving personality and focus on taking care of these kids is amazing! There'd be no success in any of these peoples lives with her.
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Grows on You but no Masterpiece
Arenas481228 December 2014
I'm not gonna lie. At first I thought this show was going to be horrible, but it's a nice escape into a sort of fantasy world. It's also shot very well. Anyway, Lisa Vanderpump manages a close knit group of friends who are models/actors trying to make it into Hollywood. The show's really centered around four people. Jax, Stassi, Kristen, and Tom. I will admit, Jax does seem a little immature, but Stassi's no better. Lisa sometimes meddles her way into the drama, but I can't take her seriously. Is she really going to fire Jax for getting too drunk. Haha nope. It's interesting look into the world of young singles trying to make it in Hollywood. Lisa's restaurants do look pretty cool. Give this a watch you'll definitely like it!
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Cray Cray
liltrishie-8054221 September 2022
Great show, but they're missing Stassi & Kristen & Jax. You should bring them back, the three of them were hilarious, very entertaining and such awesome talented people. I would give 10 stars but you're missing 3 of the best cast members. They all had great storylines too. So disappointed with the decisions that were made. This show was very entertaining for so many years. Such an awesome show, not sure why they had to add these other cast members. Nothing is worse then a troublemaker that isn't innocent herself, or himself. Total 100% truth!! Life is so short, why worry about petty nonsence..
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Skeptic at first but now an addict
zanazrbn3 May 2023
After watching a few of the housewives shows in the beginning i thought I'd give this a go, and I'm so glad I did. If it's your thing then I can see why it's ran for so long. I started the first series and just got drawn in so bad with the craziness I couldn't stop watching... to see everyone evolve and grow is fun to watch and the bonkers parties and drinking and trips is just so indulgent when you're sitting in on a rainy day. For reality tv lovers I'd totally recommend watching it all from start to finish. As annoying as some characters are.. I ended up missing them when they weren't in the show as much!
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This show is a train wreck, and not in the good way.
ane891220 March 2013
This show centers primarily on the lives of a group of shallow, materialistic, narcissistic twenty something years olds whose only dreams are to achieve fame and wealth by any means necessary. Despite it's title and setting the show doesn't really have anything to do with Lisa Vanderpump or the running of her business. Instead, the viewers are given a glimpse into the absolute shallowness and vapidity of the people working there. The casual cruelty and callousness with which the staff treats one another is disgusting to watch and I cannot for the life of me remember a single interesting/positive fact about any one of them. I don't love to hate the show like I do The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. I just hate the show.

What I have the most trouble with though, is that Lisa/Bravo would allow something with such a toxic and negative message to air. By giving these people a platform on a national TV show they have granted them legitimacy. However, not once in any of the interviews did I hear any of the cast members say that they loved singing, or acting, or anything else that takes a degree of talent and hard work. All I saw was a bunch of narcissistic essentially empty people claiming that they deserve to be famous for no real reason other than the fact that they are relatively attractive. Their absolute obsession with things like beauty and money is so disheartening to watch because I cannot fathom how empty these people must be to only be able to judge their worth and the worth of others on these arbitrary and hollow standards.

What's even worse is the permissive attitude which reigns in the restaurant. Their behavior is excused because they are "young and passionate" and yet at the same age I am fully aware of what behavior is and isn't appropriate in a work environment and that I must treat other people with a minimum level of respect whether I like them or not. The message that this is sending out to the next generation is that there are never any real repercussions for messing up. None of the staff care to conduct themselves professionally because they know that there aren't going to be any real consequences for their actions.

All in all I am extremely disappointed by this show. Especially, as Lisa presents herself as someone who is so against the cattiness of her cast mates on RHOBH. And yet, she allows the same thing to go on in her own establishment and promotes it by letting it air on national television. In most any other environment these people would be fired on the spot for their behavior. The only reason I give this show 2 stars is for the fact that it is so horrifying I found myself unable to stop watching. I suppose this is what Bravo is relying on to pull in viewers.
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Bum warming trash fire
Jigster2812 May 2018
This is show is a bum warming trash fire in the sense that it is an absolute necessity and it saves lives.
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A Bunch of Whiny Waiters
jsjeske8 November 2013
The RH series are like candy that you know you aren't supposed to eat, but will sometimes gorge yourself on. I know many of the scenarios and scenes on the RHOBH are half-staged and at least manipulated by the producers. It's like watching a living real life soap opera but with pet dogs and massive over-the-top mansions.

What Vanderpump Rules is missing is so much. The personalities are just too young and shallow to really care about, and the cast members are absolutely horrible at their jobs: screaming matches, openly defiant behavior towards management, and personal drama brought in spades to the workplace. Are we supposed to be sympathetic to self-important, entitled twenty-somethings who can't even do their jobs professionally? I'm also not buying into half of the romantic relationships on the show. At least one male cast member who identifies as straight has been rumored to be gay in real life.

The drama is petty and the stakes are low. Instead of lavish lifestyles and wild parties we get high school level bickering between vapid narcissistic living dolls. At least if they actually took their jobs seriously and acted in a professional manner I might almost like them. I realize that the producers are probably encouraging them to act over the top, but it just makes them less sympathetic and the show less believable. I can't even believe this show was renewed for another season.
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Late to the Game.... But I'm ok w that!
msmoothe7415 March 2023
So I have been a Bravo fan since the beginning. I watched a few Real Housewives shows and still enjoy those. I knew of this show of course but never had the Al desire to watch. Then recently I was bored and started to watch from season 1. I am not sure if it's bc I'm just watching and bc I'm a grown woman, but Stassi is one of the most annoyingly entitled and self centered humans I have seen on tv. She is literally like a gnat that won't go away. I hope and pray that she can grow and evolve and change my mind. I will be truly happy for her. As. Mom of four, 3 daughters, I am all for women empowering women. She does NOT do that she is all about herself. Anyways time, and the continuing seasons will tell! As for the rest of the cast, I am cool w them. Good reality tv.
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No Diversity
albalto59-202-99057819 March 2019
What a diverse show, brunettes & blonds ONLY. I don't think an Asian, Latino or Black would make the show any less interesting.
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Pumping it!
Rosynani24 August 2020
A spin-off of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, it has aired eight seasons and features Lisa Vanderpump and the staff at her restaurant SUR in West Hollywood. The lifestyle of the L.A. working girls and boys are simply GOOD reality TV.
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Horrible People on Garbage Reality Show
Johnny_West9 June 2020
Another reality show about worthless human beings who count as negative tens on the social scale. Why are they on TV? Why does anyone care about their opinions??

Does this count as social pollution? Human garbage? In the history of television, will there be a Negative Zone for all of these reality shows that provide nothing of any value to the Human Race?
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Unraveling the Media Frenzy
kcwlsw11 June 2023
Have you ever found yourself caught up in the whirlwind of media frenzy surrounding a reality TV star? Well, I've fallen victim to the hype surrounding Tom Sandoval from Vanderpump Rules. With the past few months buzzing with headlines about him, I couldn't resist diving into the series to see what all the fuss is about. Now, as I'm nearing the end of Season 2, I can confidently say that I am absolutely hooked!

Vanderpump Rules is a captivating reality show that follows a group of restaurant employees as they navigate the treacherous waters of love, friendship, and drama. And boy, do these girls know how to bring the drama! It's like they have a knack for turning even the most mundane situations into full-blown meltdowns and feuds. From explosive arguments to jaw-dropping betrayals, their antics keep me glued to the screen, eagerly waiting to see what outrageous shenanigans they'll get up to next.

As for the guys, well, let's just say they seem to have a bit of trouble in the relationship department. It's a constant cycle of commitment issues, infidelity, and messy breakups. Honestly, if they're unable to be monogamous, maybe they should take a break from having girlfriends altogether. It's like watching a train wreck unfold before your eyes, and yet, I can't tear myself away. Their romantic escapades add another layer of chaos to an already wild show.

But let's not forget the main reason I embarked on this Vanderpump Rules journey-the enigmatic Tom Sandoval. With all the buzz surrounding him lately, I had to find out what makes him tick. And boy, he does not disappoint! Tom's charisma and magnetic personality shine through, making him a captivating presence on the screen. I can see why he's become the center of attention in recent months. He's a force to be reckoned with, and I can't wait to see how his story unfolds in the upcoming seasons.

Vanderpump Rules has exceeded my expectations and then some. As I near the end of Season 2, I am fully invested in this wild ride of a reality show. The girls are certifiably nuts, and the guys could definitely use a crash course in commitment. But amidst all the chaos, there's an undeniable allure that keeps me coming back for more. So, if you're ready to immerse yourself in a world of outrageous drama and larger-than-life personalities, Vanderpump Rules is the show for you. Trust me, you won't be disappointed!
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Show sucks without certain cast members.
rodbates28 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers

My wife has been addicted to this show, and I catch it on and off with her. As a smut show, it's always been very entertaining but now, with Season 9, it's boring as hell. They fired Stassi, Kristen, Jax, and Britney, and those were some of the best cast members. Jax was generally a horrible person, but that's what made it fun to watch. The new people are so uninteresting and don't fit the drama of the original group. Also, if anything Scheana Shay should have been fired instead. She is very annoying to the point that we fast-forward through her scenes.

I don't think I'll be watching it any longer.
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Is this show satire or serious?
ocangaceiro-14 January 2014
Once I figured out that this was serious, and that viewers are supposed to care about these empty, vapid, narcissistic scumbags, my interest plummeted.

Too bad it wasn't mockumentary. None of the people on screen have even a single redeeming quality. But awful people can be interesting...these awful people are not.

It's impossible for me to understand why we're supposed to be interested in people just because they like expensive things and plastic surgery. I'm at a loss to explain or even understand the appeal of looking in on lives like these.
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This show is hilarious
mysammoore9 July 2019
The jokes are kinda dumb. The characters are really dumb, but, it's great to laugh at them. The drama is sooo stupid but so funny. You need this show in your life to make you laugh. Connect with the characters and laugh at their stupidity for fun! Also, it's fun to hate on James because he is literally a 5-year-old, and he never changes over the whole show.
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Worst show on tv
em-f-9769321 February 2020
This is honestly the worst show on tv. It irks me that shallow people like this get so much air time. For a group of people who claim to embrace other peoples differences, they sure are good at attacking anyone who dares to have an opinion contrary to theirs. I struggle to understand how people enjoy watching a group of so-called friends scream at each other every other day.
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I am sorry, but are we watching the same show? My wife and I love the show and all of the characters.
Quakecanada12 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am sorry, but your review seems like a person who rented a "sports themed" movie and then writes how awful the logic of the sport is. Your review speaks nothing of the characters development over the years and how Katie went from being a nothing to a leading role, and may I add, with great success. I haven't left any reviews for shows like Homeland or True Detective because those stories are incredible. But, I find myself "sticking up" for these types of shows because people watch them expecting an intense scripted story and instead of seeing it for what it is .... fun loving and free spirited drama-gossip show. I look for shows like this for my wife and I to sit and watch and "not-think". Sorry for so many quotes. I want to add, this show has very interesting characters and I am shocked by not only your review but all the reviews that give it a 1 out of 10. I find the show to be refreshing and I don't have to invest my entire brain to understand the plot and storyline. I heart Ariana too.....
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A show about nothing.
vickar-8773230 October 2019
This is literally exactly what they joked about in Seinfeld, but in a bad way. Nothing happens in this show other than arguing. Nothing else. Still not extremely boring but far from a masterpiece.
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Lisa V. is a goddess among goddesses
gigifoo20 December 2018
OMG! I adore Lisa V. Lisa is goddess among goddesses. This show is just plain addicting. Love, love, love. Great job capturing the vapid millennial creatures who inhabit WEHO. Grab your bon-bons and enjoy this guilty pleasure. MUAH. xo
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get rid of the bimbo's!
luvinkiki23 March 2017
I watch because I love Lisa VP (I am a real housewives addict!), but really wish they would only include Stassi & Kristen when the group is out together & we can't avoid them. They were fired from SUR, so why can't we fire them too! Don't care what's going on in their lives AT ALL! Get rid of these 2 idiots PLEASE!!! They get far too much air time, & frankly, am considering not watching anymore because of these 2 oh-so-not-interesting bimbo's! Can guarantee I'm not alone on this one!
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This show is horrible!
jlandla1 December 2015
This has to be the worst reality TV show ever. I cant believe Bravo hasn't pulled the plug on this batch of crap. This is an embarrassment to American society. There is much better material out there Bravo...

Scheana is the most annoying derivative of Kim K. Another no talent ass clown. No wonder her husband went on a pill popping venture as her voice is enough to drive anyone mad.

Jax is a loser.

James should stick to bussing tables cause he's a joke in the EDM industry. He's the next Pauly D - Bathroom DJ.

Kristen is your typical LA gold digging ho which ha gone thru all the cast so time for her to leave.

The Toms Smothers Bros. are urinal cakes.

Why is this show still on air? Please cancel this show as there is much more intelligent material in the world to focus on than a bunch of dumb waiters and bartenders working at a overrated pub. Sad what our TV programming has come down to. Again, this is an embarrassment to our society.
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LOVE this show!
lkingston-5205812 March 2018
This show has great drama as a reality show should. It's interesting to watch the characters mature over time. I know so many who watch and love this show too. I don't know why some people on here give it a low rating. This is a reality of how some young people operate today.
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Best Reality Tv has to offer
wpjznd7 July 2023
Pump rules may hands down be the best reality show I've ever seen. I started a 10 season rewatch after Scandoval broke, and I'm happy I did.

I don't think loving a reality show has to be justified, but Pump inspires me. Especially beginning the show with Stassi at 23 and being 23 currently. It is reassuring to see her make a ton of mistakes, and still make it out ok. Even ones that seem permanent, like losing your best friend because your ego got too big.

The show did take a dip I would say season 7-9. It was slower, the group seemed to be maturing, and the new people came all at once. Season 10 felt like we finally got back to our roots. The scandal definitely helped, and I am a little concerned where the show would be without it. I have low hopes that Season 11 will be even close to as good, and think we may be dipping back to 7-9. But every show has its peak and when it was there, Pump was unbeatable.
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This show sucks badly
judhibbs20 January 2018
Where do these shows come from..This show is garbage..Low class wealthy ignorant bunch.We do TV channels put then on the air...My God What is this world coming too....
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Big fan.
vanderpumprulesss8 February 2021
This tv-series is so addictive! Every season gets better and the drama is trashy yet satisfying. I loveee Stassi and Beau! They're super cute together.
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