Orange Is the New Black (TV Series 2013–2019) Poster


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Really Good
Supermanfan-1311 December 2023
Orange is the New Black is every bit as good as everyone says it is and it's definitely worth watching. While some seasons are better than others, they're all worth watching. It also has a very satisfying ending which we all know is hard to do with a good show. In fact the whole last season is one of the best. Bottom line is I was entertained throughout the entire series. This series won a ton of awards throughout its run and for very good reason. Having said that, I think Wentworth is the better show about a women's prison. If you haven't seen this yet do yourself a favor and go check it out.
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You'll want to binge it as quick as possible!
Rob133129 September 2022
Orange is the New Black was one of Netflixs first breakout shows. It's about the lives of inmates and the guards of a women prison. It starts with a woman who is sent to prison for transporting drug money to her ex-girlfriend. She's a pretty good person who doesn't deserve to be in jail but still ends up there. It covers issues that are relevant today and shines a light on even more problems that people should know about. This is a dark comedy that with a very talented ensemble cast. It maintained a high level of quality throughout all seven seasons, obviously some seasons were better than others but none felt boring and were all worth watching. It's is a show that's definitely best watched if you binge it.
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One of Netflix's first great shows
POIguy4 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Orange is the New Black was one of the first Netflix original shows. Luckily, it was really great with great storylines. When the show first came out, it was groundbreaking. It had a very diverse cast, all of which had great character arcs. Even the guards had good stories. I loved the flashbacks, which gave context to different stories. The first 6 seasons were just amazing. Season 7 I think leaned a little too heavy on the social issues which detracted from the overall story. I also really disliked Piper and Alex in the last few seasons. Overall great show and one of Netflix's first great shows.
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Great...for five seasons. Watching Season 6 was a chore and Season 7 was an ordeal.
grantss5 August 2019
(Updated after Season 7)

The story of your average early-30s female yuppie who gets sent to prison for 15 months for a crime she committed 10 years earlier. Season 1 Episode 1 shows her checking into the prison, and the rest is what goes on inside, plus the effects of her incarceration on her friends and family.

Initially I thought it was going to a female version of Oz, but it is far better than that. Multi-dimensional: funny, sensitive and sometimes dark. There is heaps of depth to the characters. Clever use of pre-prison flashbacks to show what motivates characters in certain situations, and how they got to be in jail. Very sensitively done, it often shows how their personalities were shaped.

This also serves to show that you can't simply judge people by their current actions - everyone has heaps of baggage.

Superb performances from a spot-on cast.

So different to what I expected, and very pleasantly so.

Season 4 continues the good work and was the usual mix of powerful drama and biting comedy. Maybe a bit darker and deeper than previous seasons due to covering issues of insanity, depression, guard brutality and prisoners' lives once they get out of prison. Some characters who didn't get much focus in previous seasons get more of the limelight, while others get less. One of the casualties is Pennsatucky / Doggett (Taryn Manning), which is a shame as she is one of my favourites - multi-layered and funny. On the plus side, Lolly (Lori Petty) gets much more screen time and she is great: funny and sad, all at the same time.

The last two episodes of Season 4 are incredibly powerful and moving.

Season 5 picks up where S4 left off and shows that the writers had certainly not run out of ideas. At a point when most series start to feel jaded, Orange is the New Black was as strong and fresh as ever.

However, Season 5 does mark a turning point, as the show moves from being predominantly character-based to more plot-based. This is a negative thing, as it was the characters and their stories that make the show so engaging.

Season 6 is where the novelty starts to wear off and the writing starts to show signs of weakness. The setting and situation were new: the Max side of the prison, complete with the more limited freedom it presents, plus grittier, more dangerous characters. This made for some interesting possibilities and the writers used these fairly well.

However, the character engagement, usually OITNB's strongest feature, is now largely missing. Tasha Jefferson is the only character whose story is worth following, and this gets drawn out to the nth degree. Piper Chapman, being irritating (though I think this was more due to Taylor Schilling's performance than anything else), was never worth supporting and this season is no exception. She does, however, provide the most emotional moment of the season.

The lack of engagement in the season is largely due to some previously-likeable/interesting characters being made into irritating characters. The over-the-topness of Red and Lorna's dialogue and general drama constantly made me tune out whenever they appeared.

There are a host of new characters but none are worth supporting. Their introduction also dilutes the impact of the characters and stories you do care about.

Overall Season 6 was watchable but it did feel like a chore at times.

The downward trajectory continues in the final season, Season 7. By now it is all plot-based and the engagement levels are close to zero. The plots themselves feel like retreads of old ones: there's very little new under the sun. The transformation of previously-likeable characters into irritating characters continues. Lorna is particularly annoying.

There was quite a bit of potential though: several of the ex-inmates are now on the outside, so you get to see how the US deals with ex-cons. This was reasonably interesting, as you see how badly ex-cons are treated by the system and how the odds are stacked in favour of them going back to jail. Unfortunately, the central character in this is Piper, and she's irritating, as always.

The other area that had potential was the sub-plot involving deportees and ICE, as this shows how the US treats illegal immigrants (short answer: not very well). Unfortunately, the writers ruin this by massively overegging the pudding: extreme cases, out-of-the-blue soapbox speeches and political finger-pointing. Rather than address the issues with sensitivity and subtlety, they're rammed down your throat. So preachy.

Season 7 was quite an ordeal to get through. I only put myself through it to see the series through to the end. Even then the writers don't make it easy: 13 episodes with a 1.5-hour final episode! In total that's about 14 hours of my life wasted.

Season ratings: Seasons 1-4: 10/10 Season 5: 9/10 Season 6: 5/10 Season 7: 3/10
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Engaging until the end
elendilka12 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I just want to make a comment on the fact, that it rare in this era of over saturation with TV shows that one is able to develop and close such complicated story lines. In my eyes, the riot season was a culmination of several points the show wanted to make. Season 6 and 7 are the aftermath, the dot behind the sentence, the consequences that the actions caused. It was important to tell, in my opinion. I loved that it was not all happy go lucky, but there were some dark and unfortunate endings. That is real life. The show did justice to its characters and underlined some country specific issues and even though it was difficult to watch, I found it as natural development as an outsider.

I loved the show until the end.
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Hilarious and dark.
chuckylewin13 July 2013
This show is a seriously funny drama.

If you like 'Weeds', 'Breaking Bad' or prefer your humour on the darker side, then give it a go... you will not be disappointed.

Very few people create characters like Jenji Kohan... and it is the characters that make this show. Like 'Weeds', 'Orange' is fresh and original, and like 'Weeds' the lead character is tragically flawed and hilariously funny.

Well done to Netflix on their latest production... 'Hemlock Grove' is just weird, 'House of Cards' was hit and miss... but it looks like the third time is a charm. Bravo.

(FYI: humour is how we Brits spell humor). :-)
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Pretty decent
max_playle26 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First couple of seasons were entertaining and the stories were intriguing but towards the end, mainly after season 3-4, it became somewhat of a chore. Some characters were just becoming Mediocre and just felt strung along, taystees story of getting justice for Washington was getting boring, red just became receptive and the Amish girl and her friend (forgot their names) were just simply getting on my nerves. However it is an easy watch and has its good and funny moments now and again, I think it's worth a watch at least in my opinion.
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It's like the first few seasons of Weeds
femvamp-694-16077013 July 2013
It brings back memories of Weeds. You know in its glory days. The first few seasons before it went off the rails. That's what "Orange Is the New Black" is like. Equal parts funny and sad. A mix of true pathos and yet true honesty and beauty coming from the strangest places. Be warned however there is plenty of lesbian sex and if the "F" word makes your ears bleed it is probably a good idea to turn back now...This isn't OZ but this also isn't Disney. This is a true winner from Netflix and tells an interesting story not only from the main character's perspective but from the other inmates as well. It would have been boring to see things from just her point of view. Like Nancy Botwin on Weeds, sometime Piper Chapman is portrayed in not so good a light because she can be the villain in someone else's story.
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Not as funny as it used to be
kdupes-127 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Season 7 is going a tad bit overboard trying to hit all the political hot button issues. I'm all for trying to get the message out but every storyline deals with an unfortunate issue and it's kinda depressing. > You've got female genital mutilation, unlawful deportation, poor treatment by ice agents to immigrants being held, the "me too" movement both the cause and the effect and the validity on both sides of the story. The illegal immigrant mother getting her children taken away, etc. > I still like the show but it has completely changed it doesn't seem like a work of fiction anymore. Its heavy and feels more like a platform for political awareness.
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gingerbread-894538 October 2018
Such a deeply moving, painfully beautiful show. It may have some slow points but it is utterly worth committing from start to end. I've never seen a show do such a wonderful job in their character development and allowing you to see how human every individual is. Often a sharp reminder of the current political climate we live in, and how privilege wins out, even in prison. The power dynamics and complex relationships are so well-written. Hands down, would recommend any day.
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Going Downhill...and Fast!
savary-8932226 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This was once my favorite show. I would anticipate the season release every June so much that i would count down the days and even the hours! But that all stopped after Season 5. S5 wasn't really "awful" per sé but it wasn't what we expected from the hit series.

Then comes the showrunner Jenji Kohan. Who seems to be so upset that we weren't happy with Season 5 that she fires her current writers and hires new ones, and flat out promises us, the fans, that Season 5 would be back to great again. We were all excited for that. We even waited an extra month for the shows release. Thinking that it would be well worth the wait. Especially after the trailers were released. It looked pretty damn good!

Then release date came, and it all came crashing down. Episode 1 was a bust...but i still had hope. Then Episode 2 was bad, 3 was worse, and before I knew it there were 2 episodes left. It was then that i realized thst this season was beyond awful! It was certainly the worst one yet. It makes Season 5 look amazing. It really does. Apparently their plan is to make season 7 about ICE and deportation, etc. That alone makes me realize that this show isn't getting better. It is what it is, and like most shows that start to really suck, it's on its final season. Unlike TWD, a show that keeps getting worse and worse and doesn't know when to quit.

Bottom line, i will not miss the 2nd half of this series. If you haven't seen it then just know that Season 1-4 are great, the rest is just plain bad.
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From groundbreaking to a complete mess
kindersurprise100014 June 2017
Season 5 is the perfect example of when the show needs to be over. First 2 seasons were amazing, then we saw a gradual decline in good storytelling. And season 5 has no common thread, all the old characters are not even given a chance to shine. The show seems very disconnected, too many ideas never form into anything interesting. Please let it be the last season because it's borderline embarrassing. Pass the word to American Horror Story, and the new Twin Peaks.
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Television At It's Best
lisa-87511 July 2013
Netflix bats it out of the ballpark again with another original, intelligent comedy from the Jenji Kohan, the incredible writer who brought us Weeds! I was hooked from the moment it opened. I wasn't familiar with Taylor Schilling, but I am now a big fan. She's totally charming as the lead and there's a lot of heat between her and fiancé, Jason Biggs. The inmates are a crackup. It's inspiring to see a bunch of women who aren't the same clichés we've seen over and over again. In Orange is the New Black, Kohan pushes the boundaries in the same way she did with Weeds. She somehow manages to make her female leads into adorable victims of circumstance, even if they are criminals. I enjoyed Weeds to the very end. Can't wait to see how this series unfolds!
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This Impressive Drama Features An Extraordinary Cast
atlasmb11 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Orange is the New Black is being released on Netflix. I am providing my review after watching the first four episodes.

Because most of the show takes place inside a women's prison, this show features an huge female cast, and it's a wonderful cast. Taylor Schilling plays the lead, Piper Chapman, who has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for her part in drug smuggling ten years earlier. Taylor also played the iconic role of Dagny Taggart in Atlas Shrugged. Laura Prepon (That Seventies Show) plays Alex, Piper's ex-girlfriend. Kate Mullgrew plays Red, a Russian émigré who runs the prison kitchen. Natasha Lyonne plays Nicky a savvy girl who gets some of the best lines. Yael Stone, who plays Lorna, is a striking presence on screen. There are so many strong actresses in this production that I can't list them all.

Jason Biggs plays Piper's fiancé who must wait for her release to restart their life together.

Orange is the New Black is a drama with strong comedic undertones. The New York prison where the women are incarcerated has an atmosphere that might best be described as sterile, scary and corrupt. As the women deal with the inhumanities of prison life, some seek small daily pleasures, a few hold onto their hopes for a better life after prison, and some are hopeless victims of the institution. Most of the latter were victims in the outside world as well.

As the women are introduced to us, there are flashbacks detailing their histories and the circumstances that sent them to prison. Their stories are humanizing. The prison employees also live within the prison culture where rules are paramount. They too are imprisoned during their work hours and must learn to cope with an insensitive environment that is also political.

Piper has to learn the rules and the other harsh realities from the first moment she enters Litchfield Prison. Then she has to learn how to cope, making mistakes along the way. Before she was confined, she lived a life at the top of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs; in prison, the most basic needs cannot be taken for granted. Even the hugs are rationed during visits with family and friends.

As you watch, I think you will find that your heart hurts for these women. There are so many themes available to the writers, but central is the fleeting nature of hope.

Can love flourish in prison? I think we will find out.

I rate this show 9/10.
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Very good show from the creator of weeds
nttm9411 July 2013
Jenji Cohan does it again. This show covers the life of an innocent minded girl going through the troubles of fitting in to one of the worst places to be, prison. Throughout her sentence she learns the do's and don't's. she finds living her suburban lifestyle wont work. just like our favorite drug dealing mom, Nancy Botwin, she learns quickly and not always efficiently. It does a great job of entertaining through laughs and a few cries. Great casting and writing. If you enjoyed weeds then I highly recommend watching this. The best (or worst) part is that you can watch all 13 episodes whenever you want if you're subscribed to Netflix instant. I can almost guarantee you will fall in love with piper Chapman. You will laugh and cry with her as she tries to make it through her sentence.
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Season 6 is bad
tristan-992-88240611 August 2018
It's really sad to see a good show go this way. It has now turned into a b grade sitcom with bad acting.
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A great summer watch
ianjamesn13 July 2013
Netflix has been in the spotlight recently with their releases of both House of Cards and Arrested Development in full seasons. After finishing both I couldn't wait to see what else they had lined up and once I heard that Jenji Kohan was on board I was sold. Being a fan of Weeds I expected nothing less than well written strong female roles and tons of F-bombs being dropped to come from Kohan's next project. Orange is the new Black is about Piper Chapman and her untimely sentence to an all female penitentiary. She must deal with adapting to her new prison life while also having to maintain a relationship outside with her recent fiancé. I had just finished the first season and was taken back and how well so many of the characters were developed in just 13 hour long episodes. In the beginning it does feel like the show doesn't quite know it's own tone, but just around 4 episodes in it becomes a fun drama with plenty of unique characters. A definite recommendation to anyone who is looking for a summer series to watch!
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Some seasons good, some seasons bad
karanewsome21 December 2018
Hated the latest season, couldn't even finish watching it! Some of the characters are really good and nuanced. The last season seemed to be going nowhere & similar plots just going round in circles. I hated watching one character fall in love with her rapist so not good to depict that. Too much normalising of porn, even tho in reality so few women watch it. Too much objectification of both men and women. Though I was glad to see nudity featured all sorts of body types and not always in a sexualised way.
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An Excellent Show
rjkeenan16 July 2013
Outside of "Breaking Bad", "Game of Thrones", and "Walking Dead", this is the best show right now. What great character development. Jenji Kohan got it right this time. Kohan's other project, "Weeds", started out a really good show for the first two seasons, then just started to feel forced and ridiculous- you also kept losing empathy for the protagonist. The protagonist on this show has much more promise, and all of the characters are mysterious but round in their development. The flashbacks provide a much broader understanding of their history and what drives them, similar to "Lost", which mostly proved effective.

There is a lot of humor provided in Kohan's new series, but the humor is more based in reality, as opposed to the unbelievable goofiness that eventually ensued on "Weeds". I applaud Schilling and Mulgrew for their amazing work on this show, and Jason Biggs provides the adequate amount of comic relief just when it's needed most. The only criticism of the show would be Laura Prepon. Like in everything she does, she falls completely flat and doesn't add any real tension to the show, which is the only point of her character- that was a complete miscast. Aside from that, this is a close to perfect dramedy.

Netflix is really starting to step it up and give the big paid cable networks a run for the their money. Good- HBO and Showtime need to get with the times and create stand-alone programming outside of cable providers- they deserve to lose customers for that and Netflix is starting to pave the way with shows like "Orange is the New Black" and "House of Cards".
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What happened?!
Jinki-ache1 December 2018
The first seasons were good, fun, addicting. But what happened?! Especially season 6, like wth I can't even... This bs 'war' between Carol and Barb?! No one gives a sh*t and it was too childish for words. And not to mention this awful annoying character 'Badison'. From her face, her background story to her freakin' annoying way of talking: I think most people hated her to the core.

Also, most of the original cast disappeared. And of the ones who remained: Piper and Alex' lovestory became boring a long time ago, and what was the role of Flaca even?! Doing some radioshow that wasn't even funny? I was glad Blanca got a bigger role tho, she's always been funny as hell :)
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Running Long
a6unraj26 August 2021
The longest series I have ever watched which was close to 90 hours.

Initially I was not interested in watching the series because of nudity, drug, sex, profane language content; but as the episodes moved on I found it interesting because of the portrayal of all the characters.

The story baseline is the prison life and crimes inside the prison. The episodes revolve around how each of the characters are doing good in their life and they end up in prison life doing some mistake.

I really liked the way they used contrasting short flashbacks for depicting how malice each and every prison inmate are on one side and on the other side how soft-cornered they are to their dear people and how one selfish act of them ended them in prison life.

They have shown how miserable and hard, prison life is amidst the corruption and the politics on the prison administration.

On top of all what made it more catchy was the frequent usage of drama and humour in the scenes.
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The writers should know when to stop
grgast11 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Perfect example how fulfilling viewers demand for new seasons can destroy good story.

The concept of the show is great, following one character through unfriendly prison enviroment. Unfortunately, as episodes pass, you can see how writers change the concept of the show, make up new development, and somewhere after season 3 the story is far from what you started watching.

For example, Capman, you may think the main character, becomes dull, boring and more or less irrelevant to the story. In season one Litchfield prison is presented as though high-security facility inhabited with dangerous female prisoners. As seasons go by it turnes to casual day care where prisoners enjoy many comodities. First season portray Litchfield correctional facility as high security institution with every day searches and strict rules, later inmates unaccountably possess large amount of mobile phones and contraband. Initially dangerous characters from season one are suddenly portrayed as charismatic victims of the system and immoral prison guards.

Lets see development of some characters: Psychotic sex predator "Crazy Eyes" becomes sexually inexperienced autist, autoritative and vengeful "Red" becomes warm and caring mother character, Lesbian bully "Big Boo" becomes friendly protector of inmates, crazy killer Pennsatucky becomes calm and likable person, Chapman...well, seems like even writers did not know how to portray Chapman and endless hide and seek play between her and Alex is tiring...Through "flashback" scenes almost every dangerous/crazy character from season one is later portrayed as almost innocent emotional person.

I'd give this show 8/10 if it ended after season 2 or 3, everything after ruined the show.
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Jumped the shark, what a letdown.
amydianagilbert4 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
They have completely jumped the shark with this season. It's like the writers decided to shit the season out in 1 day while hungover. So many interesting characters that have now dropped off the face of the planet and I'm surprised no one has noticed (Meadow? Maureen?). Not to mention characters that the writers seemed quite invested in the last couple of seasons barely make an appearance, like Lolly who I personally was hoping to see a lot more of this season. And what happened to Ruby Rose? We did see her in max trying to push drugs on Nickles and after all the hype surrounding her appearance I'm left wondering what is going on?

Season 6 aired more on the side of a bad sitcom imitation instead of a serious drama (Nickles being the only decent humor throughout). I was expecting dark humor and instead got childish pranks and equally childish newcomers to the season.

Humor has been present throughout all the seasons, but those seasons maintained their strong characters who are now going through turmoil and have been replaced with new characters that the audience has no connection with. And how could we, when it seems that newly introduced alpha-females end up dead or severely injured (think V in season 2). Will Carol and Barb be returning for season 7? Whether they survive or not won't make a difference to the decline of the plot. It seems to be the same power play story line with different characters. They are definitely running out of ideas and I will not be hanging off the edge of my seat waiting for season 7.
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Lovely orange
hamidrezampmm9 October 2023
The original story was very new, interesting, creative and had a new angle, because firstly the story was about female prisoners and secondly the main character is not a professional criminal or a thief and this makes the series interesting.

The events that happened in different seasons showed us what hardships the system imposes on the prisoners and what kind of racism exists.

The relationship between the prisoners and how they spend time together, as if they are always fighting and have more problems among themselves, was also thought-provoking.

Piper's daily life and personal life was fascinating to me and she was a lovable character and the changes that prison brought on her were shown very well.

Going into the lives of some prisoners and showing them before they were imprisoned was one of the positive points of the series.

The end of the series created a new kind of feeling after all those seasons and being in prison, which was necessary and good.
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