Haunting of Cellblock 11 (2014) Poster

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Just another generic haunted prison movie we don't need
foxdogehound12 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm here to give you a REAL review of this movie, not some extreme movie critic review bullsh*t. You may find some of the things I say to be spoilers, but this movie is already spoiled. Don't watch this and expect to get what the title of the movie tells you. I hated every single character of this movie and couldn't wait for them to die. Joel and Kate want a vacation yet their adult career is a ghost hunter. The fat guy is always talking about food and acts stupid, then just vanishes from the movie. Roger is just that irritating anti-everything that nobody really wants in the group and all he does is inconvenience everyone. The story of the location in this movie is very short but sweet. Classic twisted doctor that tortures people in a few interesting ways compared to your standard murderer, just not enough ways. The guy in charge telling the story was creepy as f*ck the whole time. Sh*t started to pick up eventually with something I've never seen in any of these movies, but then they ruined it with cheesy music. You can find scarier music/sound files in a Google search. Before I knew it, the movie was over and only one person died. What an unfinished, generic story. This had potential to be good if it was done a little better and the actual story extended. Not worth watching. Grave Encounters is way better.
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Not bad not great
riley-0242929 June 2019
I liked this film. Nothing to hate nothing to love just an easy B rated horror flick.
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Don't want to spoil the ending...
jmb-6808523 July 2018
Wait, never mind. This movie actually spoiled itself. I'm an avid horror fan and don't even mind bad ones but this is a stinker. The CG effects were really bad. I was actually glad to see someone die. This movie had an excellent location and some good ideas but wasn't able to do much with them. Got me thinking I could make a better horror film than that, so it motivated me in a way.
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Left wanting
jayerasmus1 March 2015
The film started off promising, giving hints that this could be a surprisingly good low budget film. Unfortunately I was surprised but not in a good way. The film built up as any good horror film would however at the first opportunity to capture the audience the acting failed miserably. I have seen several high school projects and the the students in those projects gave far better performances than this crew. The acting was below terrible. The character shallow with no depth in any way. At no point did I want any of the characters NOT to die. The lines, camera angles, unrealistic reactions (or complete lack of reactions) and absence of a basic plot made me register on IMDb so that I could warn others about this film.
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Saw this for free on Amazon Instant Prime...what a total waste of time.
bfp1310817 August 2015
This piece of junk never should have made it past the editing desk. It isn't scary. The premise is lame. The actors act as if they are being paid minimum wage. There is NOTHING original about this movie.

The "charming" host, Jefferey SS Johnson, looks like he was picked up by scouts outside an AA meeting. Compared to Johnson, David Caruso in CSI might as well have won an Emmy and a Golden Globe.

Poor little Dee Wallace seems to be slumming.

Burger Boy looked like he was found inside a dumpster just outside an In & Out. There is nothing positive I can say about John Zderko except maybe he should go back to summer stock theater.

The single bright star of the movie (and its only redeeming feature) was Linara Washington. When they decide to do a decent biopic of Whitney Houston, there's your star. The resemblance between the two, especially when W.H. did The Bodyguard, is absolutely stunning. Think Jennifer Hudson doing the vocals and you have a blockbuster. I even think Ms. Washington could do an early Diana Ross, pre-Supremes split. Someone to definitely watch.

The script was even more dreadful than the special effects, if that is even possible.

If you want to watch this on Amazon Prime for free and feel like wasting 90 minutes of your life - hey, it's your life. Otherwise, throw it straight into the circular file.

P.S. There was not a single scary moment in the entire film. In fact I started thinking I should take the dog out to do his business about fifteen minutes into the film.
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Passes the time
Milk_Tray_Guy19 November 2021
Low budget horror that follows the crew of a TV ghost-hunting show as they investigate a haunted prison. Not 'found-footage', thankfully. No 'name actors', other than Dee Wallace, who gets an early scene as a foul-mouthed, ball-busting network exec. The location (the real life, closed Missouri State Penitentiary) is terrific, the cast are far better than normal for this sort of thing, and whilst the story is pretty generic, they do go for a 'twist'. Unfortunately, the CGI looks cheap, the music jars sometimes, and - despite the great setting - there isn't much tension. 5/10.
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If you don't expect too much...
dracforever28 November 2023
... you won't be disappointed. Some of the cliches are annoying i.e. Overweight guy always thinks of food although, if you can look past them while suspending your belief for the duration of this movie it is at least watchable. There is nothing new to discover here but, it handles all the ghost-hunting norms competently. The SFX are not amateur rather dominantly convincing even the CGI. I love seeing the actual old locations where these films are usually shot and this one was no letdown both dismally, despairingly, darkly atmospheric. About the only disappointment you may experience is the lack of deaths therefore, is you're looking for a slasher you will not be a happy viewer.

In a nutshell this movie looks professional, the actors are good enough for what it is, and the story is minority engaging. My only negative comment is: why are the paranormal investigators in these movies never prepared for odd situations like:

1. First aid 2. Extra batteries for all equipment 3. Extra flashlights 4. Headlamps 5. IR goggles to see in the dark if all lights fail 6. Bolt cutters, pry bars, basic tool kit.
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From start till the end an awful movie.
nikkonnikko22 October 2015
In many sequencys i thought it is an parody of other films, because the actors are so shameless bad. The whole story is not new and the dialogs are very poor. The techniqe was bad also, but it is a low budget movie so what can you expect ?

techniqe: 2.5/10

actors: 0/10

story: 0/10

This movie was a total waste of time and the good reviews here must be fake, because it is the worst horror movie i saw in a while! The worse thing here is, it do not want to be a trash movie.
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A Cut Above Your Average Prison Haunt Film
MontagueW13 March 2021
First, this movie is definitely worth watching. It is a lower-budget ghost-hunter movie that really exceeds expectations. It is really well acted with only a few scenes as the exception. It has a proper dose of humor throughout as well. At first I thought the lead guy was going to be like a poor man's Josh Gates, but soon realized I was wrong and his acting was spot-on. The other characters were enjoyable to watch also, and did a fine job. Don't get me wrong, there are some scenes that highlight the modest budget they must have been on, but on the whole it was a fun film to watch. The scares were there in the 2nd half mostly but the whole thing was done as well as could be expected. I took note that it was a good script if not always delivered the best way. It surprised me how much I enjoyed it. So if you're looking for horror and have seen most of what's out there, don't miss this one. One of the better portrayals of ghost hunting, the way it's done nowadays, that I've seen.
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Comedy not Horror
Doncyrleone17 September 2021
When I started to watch this movie, I quickly thought that I was watching some kind of student project inspired by the Grave Encounters movies directed by the Viscious Brothers. However, now as I'm checking the imdb page and some background information to the film, especially the advertisements on the movie poster claiming "Boston Terror 'Thon" as a reference, which is basically a facebook page of unknown source with 200 likes, I'm almost certain they tried to do a horror comedy. Well, there were some scenes that made me smile. However, I'm still mad about the love scene of Linara Washington as it was cut. Overall, not recommendable.
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Enjoyable horror movie
usmanbaig-847125 October 2016
A group of paranormal investigators belong to some TV show need to deliver that thriller stuff to boost the ratings of their struggling TV show, so agree to film an episode in an old abandoned prison. I read some reviews that were too negative, so I was not hoping this movie to be as good as I experienced myself.it's a worth watching movie.i shall recommend this one. Nice acting plus story with some nice scares.the movie kept my concentration throughout the movie. Overall I felt like it was a good attempt.specially I like the ending.If you are a horror fan then I consider this movie as a success.It has that thriller ,horror mystery kind of elements that I like to see in a movie. They did full justice to this movie.
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Well acted and occasionally scary horror flick.
Aussie-Byrd-Brother24 February 2015
A group of paranormal investigators need to deliver the goods to boost the ratings of their struggling TV show, so agree to film an episode in an old abandoned prison. Although long since abandoned, turns out the place might not be so empty as first thought of! 'Haunting of Cellblock 11' is a decent little low-budget horror/thriller with solid dialog and believable characters, and, despite a fairly slow start, a couple of effective scares pop up here and there. It's also a competently shot multi-camera affair, so despite the premise, there's very little in the way of single shaky camera 'found-footage' elements.

But one thing that instantly stands out are some better than average acting performances, and ultimate praise must go to the on screen husband and wife Jeffrey Johnson and Linara Washington. The pair share a convincing chemistry and very supportive, believable partnership throughout the film, and the few scenes where the sadly discuss their inability to have children is very touching, you literally want these two to make it through the ordeal. It's probably their relationship and the skill of the two actors that keeps you watching right through to the end.

Unfortunately some of the scares rely on pretty unconvincing CGI enhancements that are more ambitious than successful, and the film would have probably been more effective without them at all. Another problem is that something bad happens to one of the lead characters about half way through, and when he suddenly reappears later on, when asked what happened he essentially answers 'Oh man, I have no idea...', and it's never brought up again!

But 'Haunting of Cellblock 11' is still worth a watch. It tells a decent tale, has some reliable scares and all-around solid acting. I'm assuming there might also be a chance of some of the characters returning for another film?

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Terrible low budget movie
ericpadley31 October 2020
The special effects are horrible, the acting and story line are cheesey AF, there's much better films out there. Don't waste your time on this one my friends.
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Skip this one
SpicyRamenDude29 May 2020
I'm a fan of grave encounters type of movies so I gave this one a try. I skipped the first half and went directly to the scene where they arrive at the cellblock. Waiting for some good scares but there was none. The CGI ghost is laughable.
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Not Very Scary
shawnblackman7 October 2016
A ghost hunting team travel to a reportedly haunted prison in an effort to save their ailing TV show which has yet to have a ghost sighting. They get more then they bargained for when they start finding angry prisoner ghosts and the door to get out is chained.

This one is not very good as most scare factors are shutting doors, falling objects and the odd ghost image. Nothing too heavy. I was surprised it wasn't done as a found footage. Dee Wallace has a three minute scene at the beginning which probably was where there entire budget went in paying her wage, flight and hotel. The other actors in this one you'll forget after the film is over as I already do. Skip this one.
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faithful execution of a tried and true formula
timothy23513 April 2016
This is your standard low budget horror movie about ghost hunters who finally find the real thing. There's a formula for that kind of movie and this movie follows that formula. I like that. If you are a horror buff who likes ghosts then this movie will deliver the emotional roller coaster ride that you expect. For me that makes it a success. I enjoyed this movie and recommend it.

Also, all the protagonists are decent likable people. I really like that in a horror movie, and IMO it's one of the reasons why Asian horror is often so much better than US films. I want to like and care about the characters on the screen. In this movie that is easy to do. That fact alone makes this movie better than similar fare like Grave Encounters.
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Quite the surprise. Solid low budget horror.
softlovelylips14 December 2014
When I saw the title, I went in not expecting much. Imagine my surprise when I found out this was a truly scary horror gem. Lately, I've been disappointed with the big budget horror movies like Annabelle, which left me jaded and longing for the true horror movie genre.

Cellblock 11 is realistic, solid, and believable. It's the stuff that you want to see on all these paranormal TV shows that flood your cable TV. After watching Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, Haunted... you're left wanting. Never seeing anything conclusive gets a bit boring. I know they're supposed to be reality, but I get tired of the off-screen noises and things being thrown off camera that only the team can see.

For a low budget feature, it gives you everything that those shows miss. It's a very good movie, it gets right to the point with no wasted unnecessary dialog and uncomfortable characters. Don't expect a bunch of cgi and camera tricks. It's simple, basic, clean, and definitely worth a watch.
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Very good indeed. Above average Found Footage horror.
jackstupidjack28 January 2015
When I first saw the title I thought 'Oh No, not another Found Footage film set in an abandoned Prison/Hospital/Looney Bin". I was pleasantly surprised in the first five minutes by the decent acting first up, then by the lack of cheese. The film is well paced without overdoing some of the hackneyed devices too common in Found Footage films such as Lewton Buses, overly shaky footage, blurred images of apparitions as the camera equipment plays up etc. The scares are genuine too. A real 'lights off on the sofa with the wife' film. A very good effort indeed capped by a superbly entertaining cameo by Dee Wallace (the mother in ET) as a foul mouthed TV executive. Well worth a watch for my money. You could do a lot worse. The Asylum et al could learn a thing or two from the makers of this little gem, namely employ some real actors every now and again
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Decent Haunted Prison Flick
rstef123 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This film starts off a little slow, but I was pleased to see that it wasn't a shaky cam, found footage movie, so I kept with it and was fairly pleased.

The middle portion of the film gets downright scary as the ghosts make their presence known. Unfortunately it can't sustain that fifteen minutes of intensity through the third act, as the ghosts take a backseat to the main characters' attempts to get out of the prison.

The ending redeems the slow portion that preceded it somewhat. Decent acting from most of the cast helps this low budgeter that is worth a look for fans of the genre.
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Fantastic Movie!
sheila-205-7021416 January 2015
As someone who was privileged to watch the filming process for this movie first-hand, I was completely impressed with the quality of the film overall. to say the location was challenging is probably an understatement. It was very cold when the cast & crew descended upon the film location (and there was no heat available during filming at the main location either). This movie was primarily filmed in just over one week - amazing!

Everyone needs to watch this movie, very exciting and great storyline. Can't wait until it comes out on DVD to own my own copy. Rent it, buy it - most of all WATCH IT.
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Best representation of paranormal investigators!
lexybeauty3312 August 2014
As a paranormal investigator, I was very impressed with how closely the movie portrayed our team. All the personalities fit to a "T" and I was even more impressed at the fact that it actually made me laugh, more than just a couple times. Great horror flick with great story line! Filming was professionally done and I love the fact it wasn't another "Paranormal Activity" copycat.We rented the movie but I would have purchased and plan to purchase for our movie collection. Only reason I did not give the movie a 10 were because in my years of experience as an investigator, a lot of what occurs (even tho its scary) is a little far fetched. I'd go into details but don't want to spoil for viewers! Yet I understand that it is a movie and it had to be done. :) Enjoy!
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Solid movie!
dgonzalez-4079725 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great movie. There was some blood, character development and it made sense. Even though it was obviously a cgi ghost, I like that they actually showed an apparition. Normally ghost hunter movies just catch the orbs. Normally I watch these movies and can't wait for all of the characters to die, but I grew fond of all of them and was happy when not everyone died
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Worth watching
ozzyfudd-205-786856 January 2015
***Andrew P. Jones also directed Kings of the Evening*** I'd say this film falls solidly into the independent film category. Except, it isn't some horrible found footage movie. It doesn't have that horrid washed out lighting, and doesn't have overly cheesy special effects.

What is does have is a fairly creative mix of film, found/recorded footage, and grainy flashbacks. The photography is well done, the color shifts to suit the mood, and all in all I am impressed with the way this film was crafted.

The start was interesting and creative, but bogged down a little. At one point I found myself a little too reminded of the Ghostfacers from Supernatural, but it quickly passed. The locations are good too, and the acting is solid.

Another thing I was impressed with was how the special effects weren't big budget, but weren't poorly executed either. The director clearly showed some creative restraint. Even the gore isn't gratuitous, but well-placed.

The writing left me with a couple of face-palming why-didn't-you-see-that-coming moments, but not a lot of them...and the film wrapped up nicely at the end. If you are looking for a decent film for a horror night in, this one isn't a bad choice...you could do a lot worse.
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A Scary treat
ggalloway-27 January 2015
I'm not really into horror films, but I had a chance to watch this film and although it was pretty scary, the story and quality made it easy to watch. I would love to see more from these guys. The cinematography and score were pretty good and the acting was definitely top notch. The story line taking place in a prison was not in itself an original idea, but the way the production team and the writers used current day spins on the story was refreshing. In addition and without spoiling the story, the twist at the end was good as well. I like it when bad people have bad things coming to them and that was the case with this film. I'm not a big film of happy endings. I like films that explore more realistic endings and this film was basically a film that was well rounded and realistic.
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This reminds me when i was in college in Statesville Penn still a Virgin .
mikevonbach3 October 2015
Getting a new Christmas themed horror movie is always an interesting occurrence to receive, especially in the unique, and some-what weird way presented in this movie. "A Christmas horror story" has ideas, executes them.. but they seem to fall a bit down..

We get multiple stories in this one film, delivering about four stories all at once, making an anthology. I honestly felt it annoying, and a bit hard to follow with the choice the filmmakers decided to go with, that being clumping all the stories delivered all at once, flipping from one scene, cutting it, and moving to the next constantly. This made it slightly annoying in the sense of our attention gripping on one part of a story given, and having it suddenly cut off, heading to another. Following that note, of course, are the stories themselves. The stories we were given were slightly clichéd, they, however managed to lift themselves from cliché garbage to a slightly nicer, more unique kind of way. They passed the clichéd to be a bit newer, more refreshed due to the way each story was heading. So in a way, they managed to rise up, and succeed the audiences cooperation. Another factor involving the stories, the pacing. I honestly didn't like the pacing in this movie. It felt way, way too slow then what if could of been, regarding each story of the anthology. The elements of which were leading up to the finale, involving for example the characters getting stuck were feeble attempts to clutch out attention, and it just didn't really work, instead boring us more, the audience wishing the events / stories were over. The movie's poster shows a battle between Krampus, and Santa. Sadly. Don't be fooled, this film does not revolve around our favorite Christmas devil, Krampus. In fact we don't get action involving Krampus at all until around the end of the film, disappointing myself, and others hoping for some action involving Krampus. And even when we get to the battle, and action scenes, we still don't get what we were hoping for, instead small scenes, glimpses, and actions involving Krampus, once again, not exactly paying off successfully. Now that all the negatives are pointed out.. are there positives? Sure! The movie adds some form of relief with its tactic of forming each of the anthology stories together, of which, at the end of the film leads to a twist that was slightly mediocre. But manages to actually pay off. We also get interesting little Christmas morals here, and there to follow through with, minor little elements. Finally, as said before the twists featured in the film. Once again. It wasn't the best. But enough to hold the attention of the audience.
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