The Corpse Washer (2024) Poster

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Typical horror movie
hafizzahari-4249024 February 2024
Its predictable plot and clichéd elements. While lacking originality, it is also comes with typical jump scares, try to creating an eerie atmosphere. Performances are decent, but the dialogue feels unnatural. Despite its flaws, it delivers passable horror entertainment for those seeking straightforward thrills.

The cinematography enhances the ominous atmosphere, though the characters and dialogue fall into familiar territory. Overall, it's an okay choice for a movie night at home.

It you are looking for mind bended or unique storyline, then this is not the movie you are looking for. The lack of suspense is quite disappointing.
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haroonoptimist-2730910 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Clumsy characters, lousy actors, strange storyline & pathetic ending. This movie was full of jumpscares ; more than required, ghosts were present throughout the movie. The make up of ghosts was overacting. The movie was too long. All story was predictable. A young widow in the village seduced few men and their wives go haywire against her . They brutally tortured her to death. Her daughter witness her moms death but women gave her deaf ears. After that the daughter cast a curse on main culprits. 1 By 1 the murderer women kept dying & heroine washed them up and confirmed the findings of curse and announced the name of woman. This was the point where movie collapsed. Ending was pathetic. However; overall fun to watch.
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My thought on this movie
ngwggwbk3 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is **** at it's peak, movie about a "cheater" that cheat with her friends husband, when the wives found out they take all the villagers to kill the "cheater", 20 years after the "cheater" dead, suddenly she feels like she wanted revenge at her friends. Really girl ? After 20 years? What are you doing for 20 years in hell ? Sucking satan's **** so he let you out from hell ?? I rarely watch Indonesia movie but this is no#1 in netflix rank for movie in Indonesia, after watching this movie i specially created an account for IMDB just to insult this movie, well done corpse washer.

The ghost in this movie isn't too scary they just used too much powder & mascara. And the wardrobe guy maybe watch too much anime almost all the ghost just uses byakugan from naruto, i suggest if you are lazy please throw some sharingan the so the ghost eyes are have more variety, the ghost possesed her friend and have red eyes doesn't count because she just posess her friend and not thr cheater ghost herself.

There is alot more point i would like to add, but at this point all i wrote will just became a joke instead. Adios guys.
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A good horror movie
hidungkuhijau1 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was good, the acting was very good, some of the jumpscare was unique, the shoot when is almost to jumpscare time was really unique, especially the bed scene, and the scene where there is a ghost that peeping from the door, the gore effect was really good, especially where Tuti remove the wire from his eye, that is really disturbing, the story was good, but we didnt get to know what black magic that used to kill people, why did rika have susuk needle on her body, the ending was trash, why was the ending trash?,cause when rika got smack by many villager, lela want to protect rika, but the villager still smacking them, after that lela's brother Arif is trying to help her sister, but he ended up dying, bro Arif helped the villager, and that how they repay Arif kindness?, i give this movie a 8/10.
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To be honest, I did not fear this movie at all and the story was also useless and I could not un
yd-693791 July 2024
To be honest, I did not fear this movie at all and the story was also useless and I could not understand anything in the end. We can make a theory but it is a boring film. Only children of 5-9 years of age will dare to watch this film. So If you want, you can watch it and spend your money. Money is no big deal but it would not be a waste of our time. It is nothing very special but it seemed like a movie to me. I was useless, brother. If you look at it, it will be good and yes, some other scans in the background were good but also, if I felt like it was a low budget, I could have made them good but.
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Jump scare galore
alteregoadamseth14 August 2024
The problem with Indonesian and Hollywood horror is their over-dependence on ineffective, predictable jump scares. Atmospheric horror is something the Indonesian have always failed to execute, despite the country's rich cultural tradition and beautiful landscapes.

The lazy use of conventional camera angles is almost as disappointing as the wheat flour on the ghosts. It is almost as if the film-makers aren't horror fans at all.

Story-wise, from the get go it was a bit too obvious, with the nosey ladies bickering over widowhood. Lela being tasked with cleaning the corpse completely unaided also does not reflect the reality of a typical Southeast Asian village-what happened to fardhu kifayah and gotong-royong? There's always that one monosyllabic, antisocial guy/gal to inject a feeling of mystery, and I'm really really tired of seeing this.

The only fresh element is how the evil spirits were portrayed to seem unfazed by the quranic verses and loud chanting of the mourners; a trope more commonly seen in western horror films. I imagine this would create some form of controversy among the more conservative audiences in places like Malaysia.

At least Indonesia is moving away from softcore porno in their horror films.

Another disappointment, unfortunately.
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The Art of Fear: A Refreshing Take on Modern Horror
Santo-2842226 August 2024
There's a noticeable void in quality horror films these days, but this movie stands out as an exception. While the plot might become predictable within the first 40 minutes, the real thrill doesn't lie in the storyline but in the timing and unconventional camera angles that create genuine fear. What I crave in a horror movie is the feeling of being truly afraid, yet so many modern films are far too predictable in how and when they attempt to scare the audience. However, this director masterfully crafts each moment, delivering fear with precision and meticulous attention to detail. That's All!!
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What a movie!!
tm-998915 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Stumbled upon this movie by chance on Netflix, and wow, what a movie. As a horror buff, I was not expecting much from the trailer, but after I started watching, this movie did not disappoint! Started slow and steady, but every scene thereafter was so spellbinding. Our eyes were glued to the screen throughout the movie for every scene had so much to offer! Kept us on the edge of our seats and It was amazing how it was a combination of suspense and horror both in the right amount. Would definitely recommend a watch if you like horror or suspense movies. It wasn't available in English though, but can be watched with subtitles.
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