Demon House (2019) Poster


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Sorry but I must call BS
rtstoco19 April 2018
It's funny but I just created this account today to actually call BS when I see. I have used imdb for years (without an account) getting great real life reviews from good movie critics. But I'm sorry, when 95% of the 10/10 reviews are from people (maybe like me, but I highly doubt it) who have only been on imdb for just a couple of weeks and have only reviewed this one movie. Not to mention that all the reviews are just three or four lines. Does that not feel like maybe the same person with multiple accounts? Come on guys. This movie is nowhere near a 10/10 if the scale only goes to 10, then 10 should be academy award films. Yes, no, maybe? Please all I ask is critics be honest and promoters do it somewhere else. This movie is ok if you are into off scene action, reenactments, and general horror type films. You are not however going to find any hard evidence one way or another. If you are looking for that, save yourself some time and look somewhere else. The movie does have its on style of character but it really does fill like a 95 minute TV episode. I hope this may help anyone really looking for an honest opinion.
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Was This Meant To Be Scary?
Foutainoflife2 July 2018
I love watching programs that deal with the paranormal. I have watched Ghost Adventures a few times and I'm not a huge fan. I do like and watch several of the other similar programs frequently. Before setting down to watch this I'd already learned that this wasn't going to be filmed in the same manner as Ghost Adventures. I knew that it was going to be focusing much more on the events that have happened around the house rather than the actual collecting of evidence as it occured. I think one of my biggest reason for not being pleased has to be how much narration is being done. Just show me what is going on. I don't need to know your every thought on everything that happens. It just didn't sit right with me. Knowing that it supposedly took three years to make this documentary makes me want to ask WTF. Was this the best you could do after three years of research and investigation? I guess this is okay to watch if you are looking to pass some time but in my opinion, this is far from one of the best investigations I have watched. I'm giving it a 4 only because I love the subject matter and the search for truth. I won't be watching it again.
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Don't believe in the 10/10. Pointless movie
darth_metaller24 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The format of documentary is really interesting, but the bad acting, cliches the way the story goes are really disappointing. This movie has a lot to learn with "The Fourth Kind", for example.

People with organ failures would NEVER EVER speak out the intense treatment room, that's just absurd. The ending is completely pointless, it's like watching the movie was a complete waste.
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Talk about a director with self-esteem issues.
terrencepatrix21 March 2018
Here's a tip, when you're buying fake reviews for your crap documentary it's not a smart idea to have them all gush praise and reverence for the director over and over and over. Seriously, whatever fake PR firm you used to write these reviews laid it on way too thick. Learn a little subtlety. Wow.
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Zak finally outs himself.
Sleeper-Cell7 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was a huge fan of Ghost Adventures when it first started. The show really did give me the creeps at times even though I often doubted the "evidence" they compiled. At the end of the day it was fun and like a modern day boys own adventure.

After a while though the show became old. The evidence became less frequent and the boys still act like they are brand new to it all. Surely by now they should be hardened veterans?

And so I decided to watch this Demon House anyway. I heard it was terrifying, Zak himself claims that this investigation "Fxxxed him up".

OK.. so it revolves around a suburban house that has been giving the tenants grief, they have all felt and been affected by things they claim to have heard and/or seen. It couldn't be mold in the house or coming from the semi exposed floor in the basement could it?

Well, we will never know. Zak calls in some expert to run tests on the electric frequencies in the house. We are told there is the occasional oddities. But we have to take that at face value.

Zak decides to board the house up with him inside it. Again we don't really hear or see anything. Again any sounds captured have to just be taken at face value.

We are told there is a Demon in the house, and Zak who has bought the house gets it demolished.

And herein lies the problem that an "expert" like Zak should already know.

Demolishing a house does not kill the spirits/entities with in it. Furthermore he takes some of the soil to keep in his museum! Ummm... the soil seems to be the problem and given he claims that his eyesight has been affected it seems like a rather stupid thing for a so called expert to be doing?
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Nothing makes demons appear like the smell of money!
makka-0095521 March 2018
Get a bunch of backward, poor, god-fearing black folks, offer them a buck and hey presto. you have demons! Get some white dude, to dress in black, , act like David Blaine, speak in a monotone voice and wear sunglasses in a cellar and you have the makings of a documovie. 30 minutes in, I'm thinking "what a pile of horse do-do!" Captain Austin....... hmmm? what a moron he is.... forgot his lines, claiming he'd been unconscious for a month...after falling on ice - must be those pesky demons again! The smell of money draws people to this moviemaker like flies round crap - like Mika - who, coincidentally turns up while the moviemaker is there, claims those evil demons kicked her in the basement and gets the scent of money regularly from then on. Never has a movie been made based on so little evidence! What we have are a load of 'chancers', jumping on the bandwagon - and the bandwagon is pretty darn full of everything but actual demons! Wow! people are shot and murdered in one of the poorest, most violent places in American - massive shock. Secret informants, coincidences, people just 'dropping by' to give evidence.... this movie is built on this absolute drivel! First we are told that our moviemaker- a TV spook hunter, buys this house, 'famous' for 'paramormal activity', then we have, the lengthy convincer - that he suspects it's all a hoax. Until he starts his own investigation. What utter and complete crap! We have a famous guy come in and measure electrical interference from our moviemaker, who happens to have both hands in his pockets when his device spikes...........pointed at his pocketed hands - and the science guy doesn't put two and two together? in an earlier shot you can clearly see his pocket contains something - pull the other one you muppets! Ablack anomally passes a doorway right where a cameraman is... and guess what? We have a Nasa expert brought in to tell usit's not the cameraman's hand - who said it was?? You couldn't make it up - well.... yes you could. When the movie is obviously not having the desired effect, the crew start to be affected (quelle suprise). One vomits blood and screams the movie maker's name in a strange voice - but our idiot filmakers don't capture that - merely some contrived ham-acting, which IS captured. The whole thing is contrived, but not even well. Oh! we have the goatman......of course we do...... because that's the thing that ties this ridiculous story together. I've seen fake stuff before way better done than this. Lots of medical claims, police, cps but no evidence whatsoever. Even claims of organs shutting down and yet the guy looks perfectly fine. Then we have the climax: "I know this sounds stupid, but the investigator inside me wants to experience it." Well, no, it sounds/smells like dollars. Our money, sorry, movie maker, is locked inside the demon house. We are shown the boarded up windows and doors as convincers. Here we go.. There are reputed to be a hundred demons in this house and yet........... nothing. Oh, undocumented double vision. Unproven claims about crew members and illnesses and accidents are all blamed on the house. It's all very pathetic. Basically we have rumours about a haunted house, the sniff of a movie and cash, which our movie maker sees a mile off. Add to that poor, god-fearing, uneducated folks, lead them along by dropping details in, especially to the kids, then, when the story is petering out a little, get the crew involved, whether in collusion, or fame whoring, make some unsubstantiated claims and then spend a night in the house, make more unsubstantiated medical claims and then destroy the house, keeping a little dirt and some stairs for a sequel, add a few million gullible idiots and hey presto - no demons, but pots of cash! That's the most unbelievable thing about this movie. At no stage are any provable documents provided to substantiate any claims, be it medical, criminal, ecumenical or otherwise. In short, it is the biggest and poorest sham ever devised.
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Loved it.
mmkeyvers30 March 2018
Not sure why all the bad reviews. It's a good documentary, just like all other Bagans shows. The only thing I have to complain about is wishing there was more to the ending.
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199% BS
jpzk416 March 2018
Unless you are a true paranormal believer and buy everything you hear/see on tv this documentary is going to make you laugh it's so over the top. Of course nothing extraordinary is caught on tape... all of the freakiest things were done via reenactments. Bagans is more pompous than ever yelling at everyone-bossing them around (par for the course if you have seen his history channel show Ghost Adventures). You truly have to believe or want to believe what you're viewing is "real" which I'm sure his fan base will buy hook line & sinker. But to the group of us who watched with an open mind...we had quite the laugh at just how over the top this is. It's not a documentary it's a scripted movie designed to do one thing- OK two things; Scare you for entertainment and put even more money into Bagans bank account.
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Moderately underwhelmed having waited 2-3 years for this to come out
ferloinvinnie16 March 2018
I was super excited when I heard this was finally being made/released and I love ghost adventures so I was all in. I've heard the story of the house and what happened there coming into this documentary, I knew I'd hear it again but not to this extent. 90% of the movie is the story being retold with some added info but nothing new necessarily. I was hoping for a GA style investigation but that didn't exactly happen outside of the last 12 or so min with select footage of Zak staying overnight in the house. In that way, it presented no new evidence of the haunting and was almost a waste of time because all it did was retold the story everyone knew coming into this. If you've never heard the story, it'd probably be a good doc to watch but if you're like me and know the story and wanted a movie that was mostly investigation, you're outta luck. Still not bad though, just underwhelming.
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Even the narrator can't be bothered
joao-vendetta29 June 2018
This is just one episode of those tv shows that go into houses "hunting" ghosts pretending to be a movie. It's so moronic that I started laughing at it. It's the Birdemic of documentaries. It's long boring stupidity pontified by momments that are so bad you'll laugh out loud.
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Real life chills and thrills!
joetellmusicblog5 April 2018
Fantastic documentary, highly recommend! Demon House to any horror fan or paranormal enthusiast. Zak investigates the house his way and absolutely kills it! I have been and continue to be a fan of Ghost Adventures and could not wait to see Demon House! Do not watch Demon House alone!
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Honest Review
bt698nhj13 August 2021
I've never seen Ghost Hunters and had no idea who Zak Bagans is. Seems that many critic reviews and most one star reviews here brought in a preconception because they don't like Ghost Hunters. My review is free of any such preconceptions.

Long story medium, I thought the documentary was well done. Do I believe it? I'm generally a skeptic on these types of things. But some experts were brought in, most notably the electromagnetic scientist, as well as the NASA film expert. So it's bogus to say no experts were consulted on anything.

Even though I'm generally a skeptic, if the effects on so many people are true, it seems hard to disbelieve that something was going on in that house.

Eliminate your preconceptions and watch with a blank slate.
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I feel stupider after watching this.
cmilton-197332 June 2018
What a steaming pile of horse crap. I can't believe people are stupid enough to believe this garbage.

This moron should be ashamed of himself.

Don't waste your time. Watch Sesame Street. It's more believable.
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You WILL have nightmares - it is THAT bad.
mjsreg23 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is even worse than the TV series, Ghost Adventures where Bagans spends most of his time being 'special' with some very ham acting.

When I started watching this I didn't realise this was made by Bagans - let alone being narrated in his monotone boring voice for the entirety.

The story (the way he tells it) is ridiculous, the actors are ridiculous, there are numerous ridiculous mistakes a beginner wouldn't make which reveal contradictions and set-ups - and nothing remotely paranormal happens at all.

This is nothing more than some self-promoting trash. There are far better paranormal series, and this film is not worth wasting time to watch - it really is that simple.

There is no way that the rating of 6.8 (at the time of writing) is genuine.
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A new low for ghost "hunting".
brandon_veracka30 December 2018
This is the pinnacle of bad moviemaking. This "documentary" doesn't possess a single redeeming quality; it is pure, unadulterated garbage. Zak Bagans is like a lousy P.T. Barnum - who famously said, "A sucker is born every minute."

Bored on a Saturday evening, I watched this alone. I'm glad I did, because anyone who happened to be in the room might question my sanity for watching it. Because I was alone, I was able to yell at the TV, which I found myself doing almost constantly. It was so frustrating watching Zak pile BS on top of BS while fabricating this awful story. It's not scary, it's not entertaining, it's just garbage.

There are simply far too many follies and foibles in this throw-away "documentary" to list. If it wouldn't be such a ridiculous waste of time, one could easily make a film about how bad this "film" is, as it is rife with fakery and connivance. Watch anything else. Even the worst 80's B-movie is better than this. Zak Bagans Is a con artist and a charlatan of the most despicable type. Don't watch this movie because it'll just feed his enormous, fetid ego. This junk has brought the horror genre to new lows.
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The most disappointing episode of Ghost Adventures ever
drochobair5 December 2018
One of those movies you keep waiting to get good... right up to the roll of the end credits.
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Hats Off To Zak !!
scottsmachine17 March 2018
Theres a good reason for the length of time it took to conclude this documetary. after viewing The Demon house and the influences the property had on everyone that entered the dwelling including the cast and Zak himself it was well worth the watch. Zak has always sacraficed more than any other investigater no matter the risk vs reward and this time we see it up close and personal compared to episodes of Ghost Adventures.
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Ridiculous story
AlphaHunter24 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Not even one concrete point to prove that all those activities were supernatural except the cursed items found beneath basement stairs. And those items would have affected only limited personals on whom the curse was placed i.e. its not an ongoing process. Total waste of time. Not thrilling at all.
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It's a dark tale, leaving you questioning is there any basis to it!
paul_anson25 September 2020
I've watched the film and read the reviews. At the heart of this piece is the question is it real or fake. This is always the question around Zak Bagans work, he contends his material is factual. Well firstly, I suggest you go to the trouble of doing your own desk top review of the alleged possession. Clearly, few can go to Gary Indiana and fewer still can interview those involved. On the face of it there was a story here so the piece isn't fake at that level. The question is, are the events discussed and filmed real? Are the behaviours those in the house appear to show real or acting. Is Zak Bagans illness and those of others real or faked. You can't know. You can speculate but can't know. Just enjoy the possibility it's real. At that level the film is creepy and entertaining.... Just like the best Creepy Pasta, gives a little chill down the spine!
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10 Star reviews are from people that just joined IMDb & reviewed only this film
user-322-3261566 April 2018
As stated by other members, Demon House is just an extended episode of Ghost Adventurers. You WILL NOT see anything caught on film (as expected & is typical). Any weird supernatural stuff that happens is done via reenactment. I guess if you look at it as you know going into it that it is fake and is for entertainment, it might be a mediocre film to watch. But it's not. This tries to get passed off as the real deal when in fact it is just more nonsense. But I guess ultimately, I'm the fool because I watched it and Zak's checking account is just getting larger.
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karetaker-239535 April 2018
It was Amazing!!! Very well done. Zak Bagans is the best paranormal investigater in the field. Again, this movie proves it.
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Not bad
michelleshibbett1 August 2020
This is my first review ever. I just can't believe that humanity has become so cruel and ugly. Some of these comments are just full of hate and malice. It takes courage to put something together good or bad. What's wrong with just saying yes it's great,average, or not good. You don't have to slam people or their profession. I am not a fan of everything I watched but I can comment without being ugly.
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Fake reviews
ashleydmc3 January 2019
Love how all the 10/10 reviews are people that have no other reviews than this movie. 😂
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Worst piece Garbage I've Ever Seen
arfdawg-124 March 2018
Paranormal investigator Zak Bagans documents the most authenticated case of possession in American history.

Fake beyond belief. Example -- cameraman's thumb clearly gets in the camera lens and they say it's a spirit!. OMG. Six hundred steps below Ghost Hunters and THAT was FAKE!!!!
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Not even a good fake
stormharbour25 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The thing that stands out the most to me is that the police captain, who is supposed to have known the priest, kept pronoucing the priest's name "MAG-uh-not," when the priest's name was "Mazsh-ih-no." That tells me the actor had never met the priest, but was only reading from a script.
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