Code Black (TV Series 2015–2018) Poster


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May 2nd was an unbelievable, and heart rending drama of the highest class.
taylrobi8 May 2018
The mix of characters in this night's episode was tremendous! I was on the edge of my seat the whole episode, and I also alternated between laughter and tears of happiness for the characters who found truth, worth, focus, and love all in one hour. The whole cast should be commended.
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CBS threw a gem of a show away!
happybjcox25 June 2018
This was an excellent show. The acting was terrific. There were no "red shirt" medical staffers. Well established characters died, when scripts called for it.

This show didn't disappoint. CBS did disappoint. This show was poorly supported, under promoted, and was given limited numbers of episodes. Finding this show was tough. There was a long time between show runs. In 2016 it ended the fall season after thirteen weeks. In 2017, at the fall season it didn't show up, it was late into the tv year before CBS announced it would be a summer series. Shortly after making it's long awaited premiere CBS announced it was cancelled. By June 2018 plot synopses were already listed in IMDB.

While it was on we met medical staff of Angels Memorial Hospital, a teaching hospital. We met newly minted doctors and a barrage of patients. Rapid changes in staffing, politics, power and money kept things off keel. Like life, people came and went, brining their needs and talents both with them. Constants were grizzled Nurse Jesse, the man called mama, and fiercely compassionate Dr. LeAnn Rorish, who by default was known as daddy. (Mostly to mama, others did not address her as such.

I'm going to miss this show.
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Why cancel a good show.
brentstansfield28 July 2018
While I'll admit they wrote a fine ending to this series, I still have problems understanding why they cancelled this show. Code Black was a show that should have been given a full 22 episodes every season. I have said I also enjoy Greys Anatomy, this was grey's on steroids and will be missed.

Kudos to the writers though-out the series, I found every episode great including the finale. I just wish the ending was in the far future, not the past.
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Real. Raw. An absolute winner
Abbark13 July 2018
I have to add one thing to this review, being that I worked at the hospital that this show is based on. I'm a nurse, and I don't watch medical TV shows as I find them to be Sci-fi in genre. There are a select few, but Code Black is a show that is bringing us good, bad, ugly, beautiful, horror and on of the life and emotions of those working TOGETHER in a big city ER. The cast, who at first seems odd, blends beautifully together to form a team. All these reviews have said it. Just another 10 stat for this show.
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fsai8971 May 2018
The only word that comes to mind when I think about this show is . . . wow. It's so powerful. It's so beautiful. It's such a great show.

Given the genre being medical, in my honest opinion, I find this medical drama to be far superior for several reasons. For example:

1) We don't get the cliche stories of doctors sleeping around. 2) The medical cases are interesting almost all the time. 3) The main cast is great. 4) The directing is awesome. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to direct a show with such a chaotic environment. 5) This one builds of #4 - I love the environment that this show is try to depict. I have seen the documentary that it is based off and it is really admirable to see that they are trying to show this environment in a TV environment. Everyone should see the documentary. It is definitely a must-see!

I just love this show a lot. And I watch a lot of TV.
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I can't believe you are canceling this show!
waskkely15020 July 2018
If you have actually watched this show, you would know that you have a one of a kind best ever show! All of these episodes have made everyone that has seen them love the characters! All episodes keep you on the edge of your seat. You never know what's going to happen next and you want to keep watching! I am really sad to lose this show to watch! Whoever is making the decision to cancel this show has not watched it or you are completely blind and a total idiot!
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Ok, so...
wealthy_zebra26 April 2018
Once in a blue moon, a show comes along that is so powerful, so touching, and so darn important that you feel like life's a little different for watching it. This is one of those shows. I understand the struggle and the tenacity of the people who live this and praise this show for depicting nurses and doctors in the best way possible. Bravo.
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There's No Faith Like that of a Recent Convert!
gregoryfhauser14 May 2018
My favorite medical series of all time was NYMed--all real life medical, no soap opera from the writers' room. That should tell you why I like this show and am regretting I just discovered it.

Was casting around--pun intended--for a series whose season begins about now to fill a hole in my viewing schedule left by cancellations. Stumbled into "Code Black". Had ignored it when it premiered a couple of years ago on the premise that, like so many other medical dramas, the soap opera predominated over the medical. Quite the opposite, it turns out. Watched its Season 3's 2nd episode on a lark, watched the season premiere on demand, and then set my DVR for the series. Decided I needed to catch up on the previous two seasons and ordered the DVDs. I then figured I'd use a rainy weekend alone with the dogs to binge watch through as much of the two years as time allowed. Note to self: Do NOT try this at home. The medical and related emotional issues are way too high octane for binge watching, and I had to stop for some processing time. The other choice was turning whichever dog was on my lap into a crying towel. Having learned my lesson, will be enjoying the past seasons at a slower pace while I follow the current season at the usual weekly pace. Ratings have been drifting down, so I may be setting myself up for another teeth clenching reaction to a cancellation announcement, but can't let that stop me now even if deciding I like a series is a kiss of eventual death about half the time. Watch it while you can, stat!

BTW, the opening scene of the "Better Angels" was about as innovative as any TV scene I can remember. It was an amazing way both to portray the patient's medical condition (visions) and to make the very real point that the profound professionalism and intense training of ER professionals makes for a genuine and intricate choreography inside the chaos that the uninformed eye sees. On top of this, it was complete fun seeing the cast perform in ways that are highly unusual in this genre. You could sort of tell by body language and facial expressions which ones were enjoying it and which were, shall we say, more challenged by the novelty of it. But they pulled it off, and it was fun to see. Have watched that scene close to ten times and am still not tired of it.
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Angry about Cancellation
lpearce-4899731 May 2018
I love this medical drama. It is not like the others and keeps me interested the whole time. I love the characters and to actors that portray them do an outstanding job. I'm so upset about the cancellation. I really hope another network picks it up.
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I love this show because I get what I absorption for every minute of every episode! If it gets canceled, what can we expect? It won't be because of the writers, directors, actors, etc. failed! I just have to know...S3E6... The poem Willis recited while under the fire shelter tent with the paramedic...Is there a title and writer for it? I don't care much for poetry but I really love it!

"Heart's petals wait for morning hands, The smell of sunshine at her doorstep. Tiny feet tickled by Moroccan sands. She waltzes and tango, and even a two-step. Pure as Tahitian blue, bright as Egyptian tan. Cured by a woman's hue, a sign from the soul of man. Barefoot and young, eyes tearing and wide. Words to be sung. Sky's clearing inside. Because that is love. As you are love. As only love exists. As hand in God above... As Heaven's song insists."
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The most absurd medical show in history
nissanenthusiast28 February 2016
I'm not exaggerating when I say that this show has more drama than general hospital. Every episode has five or ten little subplots. Every single little thing is the last helicopter out of Saigon. The medicine is absurd, and coming from someone who works every day in emergency medicine, I can tell you that no hospital functions in any way close to this show. But for some reason, I just can't stop watching it. I know it's absurd, I know every single thing it is just abjectly stupid, but something about it just keeps me sucked into the stupidity, the drama, and the ridiculous, over the top characters. I will say that it's expertly shot, the music score is fantastic, and the acting is absolutely top notch (Luis Guzman in particular is an incredible stand-out, there really are nurses just like him out there) but certain aspects just drive me nuts. The high-school romance, sending on-call physicians out into the field (this just doesn't happen) and how every single patient is somehow the most heart-wrenching thing in the world, all blends together into this mushy pea-green mess that I personally can't stop watching, and if you aren't in the medical field, you will probably love too. But everyone I know at work apart from me absolutely HATES this show, and I know deep down that i can't call it anything more than a guilty pleasure, because there's certainly no realistic reason why I should like this overly dramatic, schizophrenic television show.
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aprocritic19 July 2018
How this show could have almost been cancelled is baffling. It is at the pinnacle of quality family drama shows. A Steller cast and excellent writing make it a joy to watch and wanting more. As good as MASH, St Elsewhere, ER, or Grey's Anatomy Maybe better in my opinion. This show should have a faithful following and long run or I will have lost all faith in intelligent tv programming.
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Not awful but certainly not as good as ER. Needs work.
jimsaf-346-5200576 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was excited to watch this programme after sitting down with the misses and hoped that I wouldn't be let down by another over dramitised medical show. Sadly I was wholly disappointed.

After watching the first 4 episodes to see if got better, each episode got increasingly bizarre in its medical depiction. What is realistic is how it depicts the essential support provided by nursing staff in a busy ER.

I'm not sure if age has just bittered me or the fact I just now know more after working in busy trauma centres, but I remember ER deftly combining multiple story lines while getting the medical aspects mostly right; it just seems like Code Black is forcing it, and then sacrificing medical realism in the process.

For those that care to know or are doing their finals: doing a Lactate, then a whole body CT, then taking a history and finally doing an U/S scan to diagnose an Ovarian torsion will fail you. Subsequently, if the same ER doctor then offered to do de-tort said Ovary laprascopically, I would ask to see another Doctor.

I may be criticised for being too exacting, but I believe that accurate portrayal of medical aspects should in no way detract from good dramatic storytelling. ER managed it.

As an aside, the characters have been cast well with a special mention to Luis Guzman who portrays a senior ER nurse skillfully.
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funwdanandmichelle26 October 2015
I had hope for this series, but as an RN..there are glaring fallacies. I have never seen codes run in a giant auditorium, side by side. During a code doctors and others yell out orders of medications, treatments. How ever would you know what is being yelled at you? Its just too much too fast..making it unbelievable.I want to watch a medical series that keeps me hanging on the edge of my seat. ER had you caring about the characters as well as the random patients that arrive. I see the potential, but its trying way too hard. Perhaps some of the people could spend a few days observing a real ER. I know how exciting the job can be. There is no need to over dramatize.
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Everything Phenomenal about TV
lovieray77725 May 2018
Code Black has been amazing and I'm confident all seasons will be favorite binge watching amongst fans. Superb acting and amazing cast.
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Open Your Arms to Code Black
IAmAaliyah1 May 2018
This is one of the most exceptional series you can watch. Apart from the extraordinary acting skills by the entire cast, the drama, the story, and the direction, the series just makes you live.

The thing about Code Black is that things go wrong, but you still laugh, you cry, and sometimes you have fun. This show will take you through everything in a roller-coaster.

I did not expect the series to be this good. I really think more people should watch it. I've recommended to family and friends, and they all love it!

Open your arms to Code Black. You won't regret it.
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Why this wasn't renewed
missyjax4 July 2018
I just spent an unusual amount of time reading reviews, and the difference between early reviews and later ones is remarkable! I'm one who was onboard from day one and I loved it, but the reviews back in 2015 weren't favorable. Now suddenly it's a ratings bonanza for CBS.

I can't add to what others have said, except to mention I really hope someone picks this up. (Looking at you, Netflix, Prime, other major stations, even CBS, etc) . I follow a couple of the actors on Twitter and they're saying the same thing. There is simply no valid reason to cancel a show of this caliber.
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Don't Cancel
waskkely1508 June 2018
This show is so awesome, I can't believe you cancel all the great shows and keep the crap that should be! These actors are so great in each situation! Look at the reviewers comments! Every one is at the top of the heap! Please reconsider this decision!
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Code Black: High-intensity, emotional, realistic medical show. #1 fan!
aaronredis18 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"CODE BLACK" has been one of my favorite shows since day #1. This show is very well-written and has some great actors, not to mention the great writers they have utilized for the show. The series goes from strength to strength with every single episode.

I would 10/10 recommend this show to anyone who loves to get in a good cry, an occasional giggle, and experience a show that will have you on the edge of your seat for a mere 42 minutes. This show has outranked many other medical dramas, especially including "The Night Shift," "Chicago Med," and "Private Practice." I would even say this show is better than "Grey's Anatomy" compared to it's latest seasons.

This show has the worthy comparison to the long-running medical drama "E.R.", and rightfully so. Another characteristic that distinguishes "CODE BLACK" from any other medical drama is the fact that it is rather realistic. Although there are a few errors apparent, it is still far more accurate than any other medical drama and the set looks REAL.

Additionally, this series is based on the documentary of the same name and does a great job of filling its shoes. If you are considering watching this series even in the slightest, be sure to watch the documentary first. It will help you understand what this series is attempting to depict.

All in all, "CODE BLACK" is no doubt a strong series. It is one of the best medical shows out there. As I said, if you are up for a good cry and some edge-of-your-seat drama, "CODE BLACK" might be right for you. ;)

"CODE BLACK" is a superior show that I absolutely love. Every episode is a journey. There is barely a dull moment in this series. I give CODE BLACK a 9.2/10 rating.
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Nothing like Grey's Anatomy. At all.
ymme22721 May 2018
I am a huge fan of medical dramas. And this one is nothing like Grey's Anatomy. At all. I really don't like all these reviews comparing the two, because they're completely different and special in their own, unique, special ways. And Code Black is in absolutely no way like Grey's Anatomy. The only thing remotely similar is the fact they are the same genre.

I also don't like when people complain about medical shows being inaccurate. Coming from a nurse who has worked in an inner-city emergency room, this is BY FAR the most medically accurate drama I have seen.

Yes, it does get some things wrong, but this show pales in comparison to many other medical dramas in so many ways- but especially in this regard.

If you're looking for the real deal, go watch a documentary. You're looking in the wrong places. That's why you're not finding COMPLETELY accurate representations. In fact, don't bother watching any drama if you're looking for 100% reality.

On the other hand, I truly love this show. Everything about it is just awesome! It's just the drama I need to watch when I ache for an intense show with great stories.
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blondie-4642831 July 2018
I want to see my friends! You just can't take it away!
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Character generated show
hobbslauder-391041 October 2015
Let me just say I love Marcia Gay Harden, and she is terrific in this new show portraying an ER doc in LA, but as good as the acting seems to be, she still needs help from her co- stars to make this all look interesting. For all action to just stop so a line can be intelligible does not create drama in a scene. The good news is, this show has much potential and the performances make us want to know and understand the characters. Manipulation of the audience is not necessary if the writing is top-notch and I saw a lot of manipulating. The music is false and is also used to create drama and illicit an emotional response, something the lines uttered by the actors should do. The energy is frenetic, expected in a busy ER, and the diagnoses and treatments for the patients appear credible. Just a side note; Harden's character is Dr. Leanne Rorish, which reminded me of Jack Nicholson's character in Broadcast News, anchorman Bill Rorish. I sighed because I hear so many names in fiction that I've never known any 'real' human being to have and it makes me wonder if writers think we simply don't remember detail or perhaps THEY don't! Watch this show and enjoy Ms Harden but keep your expectations moderate.
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Medical Show with HEART!
bernywright326 July 2018
I love how this show makes me feel during every episode. I love the characters and the writing and look forward to watching it for many years to come.

Last night's cling hanger was heart wrenching. I can't wait o find out what happened to Ariel.
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overly dramatic
Dobrodav1 November 2016
See a couple or three series of the 1st season of ER (1995) and see the difference. Old show is significantly higher quality. From the attention to details to the life chronicles and the absence of unnecessary and sometimes, even comical exaggeration drama of Black Code.

Mostly, that's a show, explaining why you should not seek emergency recover in LA. Exaggerations in that show are drastic, but fact about 300 black codes is true. Do you want receive ER in "conditions of lacking resources"? That situation cannot be called in any other way, than specially created. Hard to say, is that good or bad, - that is main study base in the country, - but for sure, - its overwhelming cynical.

There is a many questions to Americans standards of the medicine, but main problem is idiotic longitudes of shifts. Even now shifts of medical care workers, sometime goes up to 36-hours. Any shift of such worker going higher than the 12 hour limit is a crime. Crime against patients and also workers.

And that main problem came out of the another global problem - There is not enough medical workers. Its to expansive to became one.
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Bad bad bad
peregrins212 October 2015
Saw a few interviews with the cast, touting the accuracy of the setting. Baloney. More mistakes than I can count! No PPE, drugs that save a life in 7 seconds, sterile fields compromised, it goes on & on. If they hadn't bragged they had medical personnel on staff to keep the show "real", I wouldn't care. But it's terrible to mislead the public into thinking these things are possible. It's irresponsible. It's another overblown soap opera in a chaotic medical setting. Where are the medical viewers, I can't be the only one. Oh this is just fantastic...a dissecting aortic aneurysm fixed with a paracentesis needle!!!!
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