Wynonna Earp (TV Series 2016–2021) Poster


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For once, a Syfy show worth keeping around
jfictitional30 December 2020
I don't consider myself an Earper, but the fact that I follow this show at all is a step up from my usual apathy.

Look, objectively Wynonna Earp is not a particularly great show. The dialogue is deeply cheesy and often terrible. The special effects are atrocious. And season four has developed the unfortunate habit of winking to its fans a little too often.

And yet, the whole thing has such effusive love both in front of and behind the camera that I can't help but be caught up by it. The actors are clearly having the time of their lives with goofy material, and that enthusiasm is infectious. WayHaught is one of the best ships in recent memory not just because it's fairly well-written, but because Dominique Provost-Chalkley and Katherine Barrell are clearly invested in their characters and doing right by them. And no matter how corny or ridiculous Wynonna's antics become, Melanie Scrofano anchors the show with her fearless performance.

In short, the definition of guilty pleasure TV. Give it at least the first five episodes to hit its stride and don't take it too seriously - it certainly doesn't - by then you won't even think about looking back.
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Not as bad as the first episode made it seem
MrsPond26 March 2019
I gave this show two chances about two years apart from one another and both times I started on episode one and hated it. Finally, on the third chance I've given this show, I watched episode two. I may be wrong on claiming this, but I believe even the effects were better in episode two. The show really does hold up to its high ratings now. I'm surprised more than anyone that I'm watching this show but I can't get enough of it! I'd definitely recommend!
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I liked season one and two
hcasale-683036 February 2022
I liked season one and two a lot. Season three started downhill. Season four is just silly. Nothing in the storyline seems to make sense. We get Waverly and Nicole are in love. But does every episode need a five minute love scene between the two of them. It just takes up space, when there could be something more interesting going on. I'll watch until the end, because I like the characters themselves. But I really don't like the storylines anymore. Or should I say lack of storylines. This used to be a great show, but the shark has officially been jumped.
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Was a 7 now a 10...
victorialuo28 May 2016
I really think that people need to give this series more of a chance, and not just judge the entire body of work based on the series premier. At first I did not like the look of this series but episode three got me hooked! I am really starting to like this series more and more. The more I watch, the more I want to watch. There are some funny scene which are always good, so the show is not so serious and the character have a sense of humor which makes the show look more promising. I look forward to see where the story line is going. The story is an interesting one, and totally worth watching. I really hope this get renewed for a second season!
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Mildly surprised...
brianrego9 April 2016
I was kinda nervous about watching this show after I saw the ratings. But I was mildly surprised. While the pilot had a few flaws, the acting was spot-on and the dialogues were pretty good. If you like shows with action,bad-ass women,the supernatural element & a western twist,I'd recommend giving this show a try. You'll either love it or hate it. Also, Melanie Scrofano is great as a bad-ass gun-slinging demon killer. The villains are interesting unlike some TV-shows where they are just bland.The show doesn't contain too much violence/gore either. The background score is perfect.I can't wait for more episodes! I give this show 8/10!
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Gets better with time....
kitsune-2514124 May 2016
I am really starting to like this series more and more as the actors start to get comfortable with their roles. The more I watch, the more I want to watch. I am enjoying watching the characters become more fleshed out. Sure there are some cheesy bits here and there, but as the series matures this gets better. The writing sort of reminds me of first season Buffy. I look forward to see where the story line is going. I really think that people need to give this series more of a chance, and not just judge the entire body of work based on the series premier. As the actors settle into their rolls, you are not so distracted by them and are able to focus on the story, and the story is an interesting one, and totally worth watching.
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Mixed bag
aliases-533343 December 2018
Yup, the effects are really bad. Also, a western demond show. Yes you've heard me right. Why am I sticking around? Because the lead actress and the dialogues are really just damn good, smart, fresh and funny. It reminds a bit of the old nineties demon effects that hardly works anymore, but thankfully the script is good. I like the sisters and I like the storyline with the cop and the other sister. If only they had some bigger budget...
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I declare myself Earper
bebuisro10 January 2021
This is a show I discovered during the 2020 quarantine. I just binge-watched it like crazy... Twice (so far!). The writing is fenomenal, it's smart, it's fast-paced, it's funny like hell. The cast is just brilliant, so well chosen and totally believable in their respective roles. Their individual talents are smartly exploited by the show runner. Plus: the amazing sceneries of Calgary and a shout-out to the crew for doing a great job in creating the perfect backdrops.

So, I do. I declare myself an Earper.
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A lot of ups and down, glad it's finished.
deloudelouvain30 June 2021
I watched all four seasons before rating Wynonna Earp. The first season starts okay, keeps you interested, followed by a second season that is improving, followed by a third season that in my opinion was the best, to end with a fourth season that is failing completely with a very bad last episode that couldn't end fast enough. It's a show with ups and downs, some well written episodes that were quite good and entertaining, but also a lot of episodes where my vomit bucket had to stay in reach. In the beginning I wasn't sure if the comedy was a good thing for this series but towards the end I changed my mind about it and that's mostly due to the good comebacks from Wynonna Earp played by Melanie Scrofano. She's the main reason I continued watching it, and Tim Rozon as well (a way better character and acting than his role in Schitts Creek). The chemistry and relation between their two characters is what makes this show worth watching. Dominique Provost-Chalkley on the other hand plays a character that is very, very, very annoying to watch. I don't say she's a bad actress but her character is vomit material. Her romance with Katherine Barrell (the best looking of all of them by the way) was the worst thing of this show. Almost every episode with those two giggling and cuddling is cringeworthy. Besides one extra (the one that plays the wedding dress saleswoman in the last episode) everybody can act in Wynonna Earp. The revenants, demons or monsters are entertaining, well thought of, and this is why the show kept me interested. But towards the end it's clear that the writers became lazy and uninspired. The last season could not end fast enough for me, I was done with it and that's mostly due to the childish and girly behavior of the two lesbians. I'm glad I watched it though but it's not a keeper. A one time viewing is more than enough.
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Tries way too hard to be funny
steve24703 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking for something to watch, and I was not familiar with this genre or Supernatural. So, I tried it. I finished all the episodes out of sheer curiosity to see the ending. The good: The overall plot has merit. The actors put in decent performances and seem to be enjoying themselves. Waverly (Dominique Provost-Chalkley) has a terrifically joyful infectious quality about her. The relationship between Waverly and Nicole (Katherine Barrell) is believable and touching. Both Wynonna (Melanie Scrofano) and Doc (Tim Rozon) have funny moments. The bad: The writers try way too hard to be funny. Too many jokes and quips too often, it is truly overwhelming. The series is clearly oriented to the 13 to 30 year old female demographic, which is fantastic if you are 13 to 30 and female. The plot has way too many plot holes and just an extreme level of action, as if trying to keep the viewer hooked. The series also seemed to be inventing truly ridiculous sub-plots to extend the life of the series. The relationship between Doc and Wynonna is improbable, to say the least. Classic stereotypical girl loves bad boy plot. Doc has his good points and good moments, but he is all too willing to abandon Wynonna and Wynonna tolerates this ! Wynonna clearly has her issue but she deserves a better man than Doc (and I'm a guy saying this). Dolls dies and Wynonna acts as if they were deeply in love. I found this very improbable. I admit, I am probably too old and male to find this series really enjoyable. I'm glad it was so popular with some viewers.
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Give it a chance
elvira_mh-5570920 October 2018
The first time I watched the pilot I really wasn't into it, because I didn't watch the second episode. Now, a few months later, I tried again and am so glad I did! It still takes three or four episodes to get into it, but it's definitely worth the wait. The characters and storylines are getting more depth, and builds up to an excellent season 2, which had me wanting for more! Starting season 3 now, which I hope delivers just as much.
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Nice Little Quilty Pleasure
leeki201010 May 2016
I'll be honest i was bored & didn't have anything to do one night so i watched the pilot & thought it was crap. Then a couple weeks later i was again mindlessly flipping through channels & caught most of the third episode & i was hooked. Yes it's cheaply produced, yes it's not gonna win any awards, yeah it's not even gonna a burp in the ratings, but it's fun to watch & doesn't take itself too seriously.

Wynonna, Waverly, Doc, even Bobo are all perfectly cast. the one that gives me pause is Dolls but he is growing on me & i hope he continues to do so. So while it may not make into your water cooler recaps at work. it's still a nice little guilty pleasure you can enjoy. I certainly am.
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Marginal even at its best
rdamian196328 May 2021
Conceptually this show had a lot to offer but it consistently fails to deliver. Sufferers from poorly written scripts, constant plot holes and bad acting, any positives the show puts forth gets quickly obliterated in almost every episode.
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Fun, entertaining show
lnheaven1799 April 2016
This show has fun characters and an interesting premise. The dialogue is clever, the acting is great, and just two episodes in it looks like there will be layers to the plot and surprises about people's agendas. I love a show with a strong but imperfect female lead and positive relationships among the characters.

There are familiar elements, but they're good ones brought together in a new way - a reluctant heroine, a prodigal daughter returning home to skeptical friends and family, a seemingly inescapable destiny, a wild card and a straight man, and a perky younger sister. TV needs more shows like Buffy and Lost Girl and iZombie and Jessica Jones, and Wynonna Earp hits the sweet spot of being darkish but with humor and strong bonds between characters.

I'm looking forward to the third episode and beyond.
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You'll laugh, you'll cry then you'll laugh some more
h4board10 February 2021
This show is truly special. The relationships between the characters, and not just the romantic relationships, are remarkable. Wynonna and Waverly's sisterly solidarity is so pure and steadfast. It's also filled with witty humor that I can't get enough of!
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Wynonna Earp is the show you never knew you needed to watch.
ellenlembrechts28 July 2020
Wynonna Earp is such a great show. Female-driven, action-packed, with amazing LGBT representation. Melanie Scrofano is an amazing lead, and the rest of the cast is equally wonderful.

Watch this show for a good laugh and a good cry.
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Great, loved it, until....
Phylum226 October 2021
Dreadful, awful, stupid season 4. Why the high scores I just do not know. I found season 4 episodes to be cringeworthy. Thank heavens for the fast forward button!
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Give it a Chance
bstone-834478 March 2021
It took two episodes for me to really get into this show. It definitely has some Buffy vibes to it. Which is great if you like genre tv. The thing I like the most is the positive LGBT representation, but that is not the only thing in the show. It's well written, and has great one liners, and the cast is phenomenal.
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Everyone's already said it....
marlisajemison21 December 2019
I have nothing new to add in this review that someone hasn't already said: fantastic show with a rough start. I almost stopped watching because a lot of ppl said they liked it after the pilot but I didn't like it until episode 4. After rewatching, it's not that the first 3 episodes are bad, it's that they're slow and are almost purely for building the world and characters, rather than really advancing much plot. That being said, the plot that they start with is rather jarring to try to jump into even with the background information they give, because they dole a lot out of out piece by piece or rather episode by episode. The special effects are definitely cheesy, but you get used to them pretty quick and they don't negate from the amazing writing. The characters trade witty barbs like it's currency and that's what really made me love it along with the clearly concerted effort to have a diverse cast without making it look like it was a legal requirement. If you're a fan of Buffy, Lost Girl, or Supernatural then you should give this a real chance and I can almost guarantee you'll enjoy it.
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Loved seasons 1 and 2 but.......
musclelondon27 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What happened to season 3?

I don't know if I've changed or the show has but the storyline this season felt gratuitous and the editing was just plain odd. Dolls dies and it's not about him dying, it's about how the Earp girls feel. I've cried over characters deaths in other shows I love. When characters die in books, I've cried. Dolls dies and if you blink you miss it but don't worry, Wynonna is going to tell you how she feels for AGES.

I was relieved when the finale was over, not sure I'll be watching season 4.
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I love it
kostlucia2 November 2020
I have to admit not everyone will like it but I love it! It's different, it's wacky, it's messy, it's funny, it's about demons and monsters, also it's a western with love story/ stories and hilarious one liners. Plus Melanie Scrofano and Tim Rozon are just brilliant.

It was bit slow to start but I'm glad I stuck around.
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janssoul3 June 2019
I want dvds of the first three seasons and am impatiently awaiting season four
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Loved it till season 3
ZinQ4 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Seen two episodes of season 3, and I think about a fiver has been spent on each. So, so, so, cheaply made and it shows. Long, long time filler parts with little or no action. Very few actors used and now it looks like one major character is gone easing the budget even more. But one thing stays the same, Wynonna's mumbling. Very difficult to pick up most of what she says.
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Smarmelade17 April 2016
Pilot was not good, but I'm always keen to give any TV show at least three episodes to reel me in. Wynonna Earp didn't manage to do that.

Haven't read the comics so I can't compare to it but I can say that script for this is completely stupid. Yeah, premise is kinda OK, but the script itself is bad. Acting is not good also and directing is on that level as well. Everything looks a bit off, from bad story to some not good FX.

I don't like any of the characters, Earp girls are morons, and not the likable kind. That Doll guy is whatever and the bad guys are just plain stupid and crappy. Show seems to struggle if it wants for Wynonna to be bad-ass or not, because she clearly is not but someone in charge of this likes to think she is and that drags this show even more down.

It's not unwatchable but with much better TV shows currently airing, you really don't need to watch this unless you really, really have to.

In a nutshell - it's boring and dumb. Can't understand people that say this is a great show, it really is not. But even a bad taste is a taste, unless it's a self delusion that it's a good show. But it isn't, really.
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Pulpy fun becomes compelling television
kaiathekat24 June 2016
What starts out as a pulpy tread of 'there's monsters in them thar woods' is disingenuous in the very best way. By setting itself up as a made-for-TV supernatural horror show it is in a position to catch you off-guard with strong characters, witty dialogue that feels authentic and quickly developing relationship dynamics.

Within a couple of episodes these characters have moved from their establishing trope positions into complex individuals with developed personalities and agendas that satisfies the urge for mental fast-food, but like a good burger still leaves you feeling full and satisfied.

It also deserves props for effortlessly slipping 'blink and you'll miss it' moments under the radar.
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