The Incredible Jessica James (2017) Poster

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A let down.
farleym-194425 January 2019
I was excited to learn of this movies existence because I have a major crush on Jessica Williams and have eaten up every performance of Chris O'Doud I can find. A major disappointment. Why would anyone fall for Jessica James? She is ill mannered and not at all warm. O'Doud character had little depth. All in all it went nowhere and it wasn't a lot of fun not getting there.
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Different and decent, but not quite incredible
themadmovieman20 August 2017
Although this film isn't all that generic in the scope of your typical romantic comedy, and has a decent balance between comedy and drama throughout, it unfortunately falls down due to one simple feature: the main character. With a very unlikable central personality (despite a decent performance from Jessica Williams), and a screenplay with a pretty vague perspective on her behaviour, it's very difficult to come round to like anything about this film, ultimately proving a far more irritating watch than the charming quirkiness it wants to flaunt so much.

But before we get into that, let's look on the positive side, firstly with the fact that the film does pretty well to avoid the worst tropes of the romantic comedy genre, and provide a fairly engaging watch throughout. It's not a story that will have you fully engrossed in any of the characters, but the great thing is that it never goes so far as to pull in unoriginal genre tropes to save a less-than-stellar story, always pushing on with something a little different, and that's pretty admirable to see.

Also, it's not really a drag. Despite its failings in developing convincing or even likable characters, the film does manage to balance its comedic and dramatic side pretty well throughout, and manages to keep things on the comedic front as genuine and human as possible, something that comes through very well in the on screen performances and chemistry between Jessica Williams and Chris O'Dowd, while the drama is decent enough to remain moderately engaging throughout, effectively interspersed with good light-hearted breaks.

That's not to say the film is a properly funny one, because it's not really there to make you laugh out loud, but what it does do well is manage itself when it comes to being a proper drama, and uses humour well to keep things light, and as such more enjoyable than it could have been.

Unfortunately, all of those positives do fall into the shadows when it comes to the film's glaring flaw right in the middle: the supposedly 'incredible' Jessica James. I'll stress that the issues with the central character aren't really anything to do with Williams' performance, but it's the personality that's written for her, and the atmosphere surrounding her in the rest of the story, that really lets the film down as a whole.

Firstly, it's clear that the film wants to show Jessica James as a strong-willed, independent young woman with forward-thinking ideals, and yet still doesn't have everything about her life as together as she'd like. Now, a strong and confident central character is fair enough, but this screenplay unfortunately goes too far in that regard, and she becomes a downright aggressive and genuinely unpleasant person at times.

There's a big difference between being a quirky outsider with ambitions that others don't understand and just being cold and unpleasant to others, and unfortunately Jessica James is far closer to the latter than she should be, making coming round to her side when she's going through various difficulties very hard.

However, what's worse is the fact that the film as a whole doesn't seem to want her to change and become a better person. If there is character development here, Jessica James becomes a more worldly and wise character, but nothing about her rather unpleasant personality really changes from start to finish.

What's even stranger is that the film seems to know that she's cold and a little aggressive, and yet chooses to do nothing about it. There's one sequence in which she returns to her family in Ohio, disgusted by the fact that she has to hang around with boring countryside folk in comparison to her modern NYC lifestyle, and constantly preaching her amazing ideas and beliefs, shoving them in the faces of her perfectly harmless and pleasant family.

And yet, despite being shown as clearly ungrateful and uncaring in that sequence, the screenplay doesn't really act on it, and allows her to continue behaving in such a way for the remainder of the story, something that really struck me as a wrong move, given that it just made it harder and harder for me to understand exactly where the film's perspective on this woman lies, and made for a very frustrating watch.

Overall, The Incredible Jessica James isn't a bad film, and with decent acting, a non-generic story, and good humour, it can be enjoyable, but it all falls down due to its central focus, a very unlikable and inconsistent central character that's by no means 'incredible' like the title suggests.
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To be single or not to be
kosmasp3 March 2018
And being of a certain age, as in not a teenager anymore I should add. It is also kind of refreshing, because the people in this feel real, the dialog feels real and the situation in general may feel like something you either experienced or can see yourself experiencing. It's really well played and very well written and it is also very akward at times. But sweet akward.

So while you may know the main female lead as a comedian in sketches in comedy shows, she is able to spread her wings and be that character in this movie. It does indeed feel as though she is incredible as is the movie itself. It is romantic of course and this has to be something you are willing to watch, otherwise the general drama will not be enough for you.
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Low key entertainment with a strong female lead
Dibsdrengur2 August 2017
I knew nothing about this movie when it popped up on my Netflix ... and I'm happy to say that it grabbed my interest right away. The story line isn't very novel at all, but what makes the movie worthwhile is a very unusually unorthodox female lead, brilliantly portrayed by Jessica Williams. She is feisty and fun and totally unhinged at the same time.

Sure, there are flaws to be found on this movie in retrospect but all in all I can recommend it.
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The Enjoyable Jessica James
mherrin-432532 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Incredible Jessica James: Written and directed by Jim Strouse

For the third film in the Netflix original series, we have a different type of film from the other two, we have a little comedy about a struggling playwright dealing with a break up and finding herself falling for a divorced app developer.

I'm not much for indie romantic comedies but I thought I would give this movie a try. I wanted the Netflix original movies to be different with each film I watch. I've seen Jessica Williams' work on The Daily Show and this is her feature starring debut. This is a movie that is built entirely around her persona. Let me say if she bothers you in anyway, leave this movie immediately. I enjoyed her performance. There were several chuckles in places and she had personality and charisma to spare.

This is a fairly innocous movie overall. It follows romantic comedy formula but tweaks enough things to fit within the character's purview. It has more to do with moving on from life's failures rather than allowing them to drag you down. Once you've done that then anything is possible.

It does show a wide variety of sides of this character. It shows her recognizing a similar life situation and talent in a child and wanting to do everything she can to foster that but not knowing how to in a healthy way per se. It shows how she deals with what may be unrealistic goals.

It is a solid little movie that is enjoyable from beginning to end. It lives and dies on how you react and understand the main character but then again look at the title. I give this movie a C.
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Of course you will like her.
JohnDeSando7 May 2020
"Of course you like me. Everybody does. I'm freaking dope." Jessica James (Jessica Williams)

Of course you will like the character Jessica as much as you like the actress Jessica Williams because Williams is a screen natural. She's a commanding presence just as Greta Gerwig is playing a 20 something trying to make it in the big city.

In the case of The Incredible Jessica James, Jess is 25 and trying to get a play accepted despite the numerous rejections that would have sent a lesser woman back to Ohio. Her singular contribution in life is teaching public school kids acting for a non-profit. She's caring and effective with the kids but still longing to stage a play in the city.

Having just split up with the charming Damon (LaKeith Stanfield), she connects gently with the more charming Boone (Chris O'Dowd), who reads all of her plays and responds favorably. Unlike other city girls such as in Lena Dunham's Girls or Issa Rae's Insecure, Jess is at peace most of the time, kind and charismatic, a character to root for with less than an hour and a half of comedy drama time.

In quarantine time, The Incredible Jessica James is good company.
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Up and Down and Uneven but a Nice Small Film
leftbanker-130 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love the fact that Netflix et al are making lots of these smaller films and allowing more voices to be heard. With that said I wish that these small features didn't feel the need to be bound to the same rules as theater released movies, namely the length. This would have worked a lot better at 60 minutes than 22 minutes beyond that.

If people are going to dance in your movie teach them to dance first. Moving around like you're in the throes of an epileptic seizure is pretty far from dancing, like a child banging on keys isn't piano playing.

"Hey, everybody, guess what? This is your one and only life. What do you want to tell people about it?" One of the best lines she has.

So she absolutely has to come off as a condescending theater snob to the white woman at her sister's baby shower? Like everyone is into exactly that same stuff as a 20 something single woman? Just because you studied theater doesn't make you smarter than anyone. If what she writes is this condescending I wouldn't touch it with a long stick. And then she heaps more on…wait for it…another white woman. As if white women are the only clueless people in the world. Would she have been such a hag if she had been speaking to a black woman? Imagine how that would have completely changed the dynamics of the scene.

She brow-beats an 11 year old girl because the kid wants to go to 6 Flags? What a horrible adult! A little later she apologizes. You really shouldn't do anything you need to apologize for if you're a teacher.

Dope? Do people still use that word? It just sounds dorky and beneath any educated person, especially a writer.
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Surprisingly Funny and Entertaining
dejavuicutooo21 February 2019
I'm not quite sure why there are such low ratings or the insulting reviews on here...I don't much care for romantic anything, but this movie was very good. Jessica Williams is an underrated actress and was very funny. What says every romantic comedy should be a fairytale that's not how life really works now, is it? I think this is an excellent watch; don't scroll pass it!!
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Don't listen to these bad reviews!
BirdzOfParadise25 April 2020
I'm at a loss here with these recent reviews. We couldn't have been watching the same movie. I LOVED IT! Does the movie start out with some undesirable things about Jessica?'s called character development. The writer peeled back the layers of why as the movie developed and we understand the hard exterior we saw early on.

Loved Jessica and the actress who played her. Loved Boone. Loved Damon. Loved the friend. The acting was good, not sure what everyone else saw, especially with the children. They acted like real kids would act in that class.

And the movie was absolutely hilarious! I laughed so much at this. It wasn't your typical chick flick in any way and I loved it for that. Checked out the director and it looks like there's another one coming...I'll be anxiously and excitedly waiting!
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Cute movie, feels real.
AristarchosTheArchivist10 December 2021
There's something about Jim Strouse's movies that is refreshingly sweet.

There's no extremes, as in most of our lives, which makes his movies very relatable.

Jessica James is an eager, but insecure writer who can't get over her ex.

She meets a recently divorced guy (nicely understated: Chris O'Dowd), who also can't get over his ex.

And then there's much about hopes and dreams of doing what you want to do.

What I like about this movie is that though many of the roles are cast with Black actors, it is NOT your typical woke hateful cringe.

There is nothing whatsoever about race. The lead role could have been white and Chris O'Dowd could have been replaced by a Black actor, it would have made no difference.

Jim Strouse seems to follow the Morgan Freeman rule: If you want to get rid of racism, just don't talk about it, as he already did in People Places Things.

This is what people want to see. Good job.
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Perpetual selfishness
gareth-2542831 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A few funny lines, one heart warming moment, and a ton of awkwardly fake sounding forced scenarios... a selfish girl learns to go through life and ends the movie learning to continue being selfish to her the new guy that is falling for her. I don't see the reason this movie was made.
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Inspiring and heart warming!Do not miss it!
guypop-994-45919615 October 2020
The reviews are really not encouraging, in my opinion a lovely movie, wonderful acting and wonderful friendship that is forged between Jessica and Boone . Highly recommended!
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Just because you caught a unicorn in the wild
jasondagrey1 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
JimStrouse & Netflix The Incredible Jessica James A funny, well written and delivered light hearted comedy about moving on from an ex and working towards your dreams. A smooth enjoyable watch, which leaves you wanting more. @JessicaWilliams performance makes you connect to the character and makes the emotions feel bigger than life. An example of this, her smelling the Vicks rub before going to bed. The jump suit and looking disappointed.That her little sister didn't think, she was cool enforces the emotions. Also, co stars were well cast and added to the energy. Part 2 London needs to be made!!!!

"Just because you caught a unicorn in the wild, doesn't mean you get to tap it all the time."
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I didn't enjoy it
tlarraya22 September 2017
This movie isn't what you would expect from a romantic comedy. It's not uplifting. There is no love really. Just some witty conversation that it's not necessarily funny. I found it disappointing a bit of a waste of time. The acting wasn't good except for Chris O'Dowd (The IT Crowd) who is always a pleasure to watch and is the only positive thing about this movie.
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Might be bias...
flejklw28 February 2023
Saw this and thought i would give it a watch because of admiration of Jessica Williams and Chris O'Dowd as an actress and actor, having recently watched Love Life, and I T Crowd over the years, so I am slightly biased.

Anyway, Jessica who is trying to break into playwriting for theatre splits with her boyfriend, and her friend Tasha sets her up on a blind date with Boone who is divorced.

The main storyline does centre around whether they will make it has a couple and if they can get past thinking about their ex's which is easier said then done.

There are a lot of funny scenes, some involving the small theatre school that Jessica runs for young children, but overall the Jessica/Boone characters really set the tone for a really good film.

7/10 overall entertaining.
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Great potential
TimelessSelf28 May 2021
As has been mentioned by other people, the protagonist doesn't come across properly I don't think, she's a bit rude, self centred and childish. I think this story would have been much better suited to a TV show format. But not a bad film to watch when you can't seem to find anything else. Always love Chris O'Dowd, he has a great way of playing love interests where you genuinely believe he just worships her. Something about the eyes I think :)
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Refreshing, Funny, Lovely
referencegirl22 March 2021
It can be hard to find something to watch with nice people who do nice things for each other. All the characters here are good people doing good things and being emotionally healthy. How refreshing. But the incredible Jessica also has just enough of an edge that I found myself a bit shocked and laughing out loud at times. What a lovely way to spend an evening.
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Bad writing, stiff acting
This movie needs to be better for the sake of women, artists, and people off color. The only funny thing about this "comedy" is Chris O'Dowd. The woman who plays Jessica has zero emotional range and seems like a caricature of black woman (please, please, please don't say "dope"). She comes across as a complete inconsiderate idiot in the opening credits when she drops some other guy's laundry on the floor while dancing through the halls, and literally asks about no other person's life in the entire film. She uses her sister's baby shower as an excuse to ridicule people who live their lives differently than her. She explains that she likes "dialogue driven" work that explores the human condition and rags on Cats, but her actual "play" in the movie is a ridiculous reworking of a small child's broken birthday. So small and pathetic. Women writers do so much more and this is a mockery of female art... because the whole movie was written by a man who doesn't know better.
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An Incredibly Original Take on a Common Story
BigZ_73372 August 2017
So I came into this as a fan of Jessica Williams from the Daily Show, and hoping I would enjoy the film. It starts out a little rough, as I found Jessica's acting to be a little wooden, but as the movie went on, I felt like her acting really improved, especially with all of her scenes with her students. The beginning of the film is definitely the weakest part, as the character isn't likable, and the dialogue especially with her friend felt very forced. However, similar to her acting, as the movie progressed it greatly improved.

At its core, this movie is a retread of just about every Romantic Comedy cliché, but surrounding this core is the meat of the film examining a modern day artistic black woman that came from a broken family. The movie examines a lot of Jessica's backstory through her teaching of the children in her class, where she's trying to pass on her love of creative writing and acting and helping them realize they can do whatever they want in their lives. One student especially mirrors Jessica, as she's a young intelligent black girl whose parents have recently divorced. The movie examines a lot of interesting aspects here, as Jessica turns very vindictive and mean when the student wants to go to six flags for her father's weekend with her instead of a writing retreat. I really enjoyed how the film resolved this conflict, and all of these scenes were probably my favorite parts of the film.

For the romantic comedy part of this film, it's again an interesting take on common tropes. She has a blind date with Chris O'Dowd, and both of them are still in love with their exes, but in spite of their disinterest in a new relationship it starts to form on its own. I enjoyed that the guy wasn't just some guy for her to date, he also has a lot of problems, and their growing relationship feels real as they have pretty good chemistry. There are some odd dream sequences though, where Jessica meets up with her ex, and the scenes read as they're actually happening, but then something crazy happens and it's revealed to have been a dream all along. I understand the dreams purpose, as they're Jessica working through her relationship in her mind, but I just wish it was more apparent they were dream sequences.

There are some really funny moments intermixed with the relationship stuff, along with some really funny scenes when she goes to visit her family. Unfortunately, the scenes with her family were a little too black and white, unlike the rest of the film. Perhaps it was because the writer/director strongly dislikes his family, and it comes out in the movie. It seems like all they do is judge Jessica, and they don't have any redeeming factors.

Overall, I really enjoyed the film despite its flaws, and I would recommend it if you have Netflix. If you'd like to see my video version of this review, you can check it out here:
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Coping with a breakup and pursuing dream career!
Reno-Rangan14 December 2017
This is one of back to back Netflix films I've watched. This is from one of the best directors, but he has not done many films or with big stars, big projects. I've liked all his films, but this one was an average. There's nothing wrong in performances or in writing, directing and production. It's just not so fresh. I felt it trying to be another 'Frances Ha'. For a movie goer like me, this is quite okay film, but for regular people, it could do better.

The story of a young woman who just broke up, but focusing more than ever on her dream to be a play writer. In the meantime, she meets another man who recently divorced. Her lifestyle, best friend, all things that's happening around her revealed with some fun. The film was not that great, but surely not a boring film. The dream/imagination sequences spoiled my watch. Because it only brought a false hope. I thought those scenes were better than how the real story progressed. That says, sometimes cliches are okay than being plain. It did not work, but I still suggest to go for it if you are interested. No one should ignore it, only because I did not enjoy it!

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Most enjoyable biographical like drama in a long time.
How many dramas have you ever seen that do not have murder? scares? Nope you do not need any of those distractions for this incredible Jessica Jones. I really enjoyed the fun loving character that was real and enjoyable to watch, New York is like that and more but that is one of the lives that people choose to live in a big city with so many men or women to choose from. It is really inspiring to see a real person to admit they are wrong but even more so to show it on a big screen and develop its character to a much better person towards the end. This movie is full of homes, wants, needs and at the end doing the right thing selflessly for the pursuit of others happiness. great job. You made me not swipe left on tender thumbs up.
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Hated it
aannmarie-4426723 March 2020
This was a failed attempt at comedy put together by by bad writing and bad acting. The main character Jessica is loved by all for being rude and overly blunt and the entire thing gets real old real quick. I gave it three stars because it had potential.
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JUST Like a real relationship in your late 20's / 30s
jamiejross27 January 2018
This film is clever, endearing, witty, embarrassing, frustrating. It captures everything about the human condition. I can relate to the emotions showed by both the female and male lead.

The writing is witty and well observed. The characters are multi-dimensional. They frustrate and delight in equal measure. The acting is fantastic. its well cast right through. Even the Children seem natural and in no way jarring or out of place.

I dont want to give any of the main plot points away but its about typical late 20s plus relationships. We all have baggage by this point and its just a tale of two people trying to find there way after getting out of serious relationships.

I loved it. People seemed to love it or hate it. I wanted to just say something about these haters. It frustrates me that when most people give a 7/8 the score get brought down by people going fully the opposite way without a real explanation. I could see why you give this a 5/6 if its not your taste but anything 3 and under is just petulant I wanted to examine the bad reviews this has had.

THE BAD REVIEWS. Don't go by the numbers. This film hasn't been seen/reviewed enough yet and I'm sure it will go up. To illistarte the point I wanted to have a look at the 15 reviews (at the time of writing) its had.

I believe the reason this has averaged under is 7 is illustrated by the user reviews. People who like it, LOVE it. Lots of 10/10, most 7+. Then there are the people who disliked it. (3 at the time) and they ALL gave it a 3/10. There seems to be not much middle ground. I recommend you read the (SO FAR) 3 bad reviews before watching, they won't spoil the film. They will make you think WTF were they watching.

REVIEW 1. complained that it wasn't uplifting enough - I think they were expecting THE NOTE BOOK. They also didn't like the acting. To give perspective, they also said the new Bladerunner was a 1/10 because it was "too long" and Dunkirk was "Just OK". So maybe just don't take there word for it. REWIEW 2. The second 3/10 was only 4 lines long and said said "Right-minded people are gonna love this movie" and "It just doesn't fit (with them)" So yeah, I guess if you're not of your right mind you may dislike it? wtf. REVIEW 3 haha THE third said AND I QUOTE... "This movie needs to be better for the sake of women, artists and people off color." Yeah people "OFF COLOR" Just for the record, RACE is NEVER a feature in this. The relationships, friends and lovers are of various background and ITS NEVER mentioned. Nobody mentions it. All stupid spelling aside, to start a review like this just shows you where this review came from.
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Had potential, but writing isnt good
pakigirl-7018712 August 2019
Jessica james is meant to be likeable, confident and endearing but comes off as rude and self-absorbed. Her honesty is just insulting others and not having a filter. The dancing sequence in the beginning gives off that shes energetic and lively but the performance was incredibly flat which didnt help illuminate this one-dimensional character. Aside from that, all the supporting characters seem to have no personality, her one friend in the movies only personality trait seems to be that shes a lesbian, chris o'doud does a good job with the character considering his only two traits are he's divorced and funny. The writer doesn't understand that people who live outside of new york arent all normie betty sues who apparently dont know what "the system" is. Theres a lot of well-written confident female protagonists and this is a manual of how not to write them.
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I really like this
cassidyblay9 May 2022
There's just something about it. Hard to put a finger on it. It feels real. Deep. That's odd, because the storyline is kind of light, but at the same time really deep. I enjoyed it.
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