Striking Out (TV Series 2017–2018) Poster


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Watch one episode and you'll be hooked.
karlmellor26 May 2017
This show is a refreshing change for a USA audience that's grown tired of the usual L.A. drivel. The characters are well developed and the writing and cinematography are first rate. You can't help but root for the characters. It's easy for normal, everyday people to relate to the characters and identify with their situations. There appears to be genuine chemistry between cast members and they all do a fantastic job of conveying the feelings, emotions and subtleties behind each character and plot.

The story lines are complex but not forced or heavy handed, and flow seamlessly from one episode to the next. The twists in the plot are well-timed and develop naturally. I also found the portrayal of the city of Dublin interesting. Here in the States we are accustomed to seeing Dublin portrayed on-screen as a rough, gritty town, but in this show, the city comes across as beautiful and cosmopolitan, akin to Vancouver, B.C. or other trendy waterfront cities. It feels like the kind of place you'd really like to spend some time. There are plenty of good reasons to watch this show. But be warned, if you watch one episode, you're going to want to come back for more.
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sdt49446 January 2021
Such a shame this has not been renewed! Well acted, well written television series.
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Refreshing new series
redisle30 January 2017
OK so if you want to know what happens in a real lawyer's office go and sit there for a few days. This is television and this series (too short) is a great piece of escapism. It's so nice not to have about five thousand and twenty-three story-lines or a script that is unintelligible. There is a real freshness about this series and it is good to see an Irish team take on such a project. One criticism is that it would be nice to let the actors out of that canal basin now and again! Looking forward to more! Ms Huberman creates a new type of lawyer hero, one with an overlay of innocent ingenuity, again a refreshing departure from standard fare. Hovering in the background are a series of corrupt individuals giving the story a David versus Goliath theme.
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Fabulous show until the end!
ginette-purser25 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I originally gave this excellent show a score of 10 until the very end of the last episode of Season 2, where they left us hanging- ending on a very unsatisfactory note.

Perhaps they were hoping to be picked up for a 3rd season?
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Wonderful show but frustrated at no season 3
richdick-9610517 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Don't you just hate if when you're hook on a really good show and then it ends without a final season to wrap it all up ? Well that's the case with this show. Great refreshing show, top acting and script. Each episode has its own story but it's also links together really well. However at the end of season 2 you are left wondering what going to happen. But don't let that put you off watching it it really is very enjoyable with great characters.
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Great series!
bradpemberton20 March 2017
This is so much better than the drivel from American studios. No overt sex or profanity and no exploding cars or blazing gun battles, wow actual dialogue that drew me in and made me feel that I was a fly on the wall watching, experiencing the drama. Loved the ending, just enough to make me want to watch next season and left me thinking that the character Eric may also be a victim - of his bad parents and their drive to make him 'win' at everything. I recommend this show highly.
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Wonderfully written and acted series: can't wait for Season 2!
jenniferbayley11 June 2017
Outstanding series with fantastic actors and excellent writing! I can't wait to see more. I especially appreciate that this legal drama casts its lead character as an intelligent, caring, strong woman. Her professional and personal relationships are developed in depth, with enough humor to keep the series on the light side. I also like that this series does not rely on graphic images of violence, especially against women and children, to convince viewers to keep watching, as do so many similarly themed shows. Thank you, Acorn, for providing such an awesome series!
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Warning, Warning, Warning
dutillymason8 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a well written, well produced show with an excellent cast and and long list of interesting and very watchable characters. So why the warning? They produced 4 episodes in 2017 and 6 more in 2018. but there don;t appear to be plans to produce any more.....ever! The problem is the Producers obviously wanted to do another season, perhaps more. So NOTHING was resolved in the last episode. There are multiple great plot lines and they are all left hanging. If you're happy watching 10 hours of darn good TV and then making up your own ending, this is the show for you, but if you want some kind of resolution from the show's production team, steer clear, you'll get hooked and then you'll be left left hanging.
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Will there be more?
japbach9 September 2020
In my search to find entertaining and realistic drama, I stumbled on this fantastic little gem. Enjoying it immensely ... will there be more? Puleeease!!??
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Headturner127 July 2020
I came upon this last night. I love Irish TV ( Redrock even tho a soap s one of my favs) I found it better than this. I did almost turn this off in the first episode. I kept watching for Neil Morissey and I forget the other actors name. It ended up being a decent watch. I did not like it as much as the split with Nikola Walker but if there's another season I'll probably watch. Oh to the guy who didn't know what a Garde' was and thinks all Irish have bad teeth and red hair better familiarize yourself with some Irish TV. Bet you think Leprechauns run all over the place too. Oh and on a final note I found Jessica Hyde. Lol.
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WTF Where's season 3?
I've just got round to binge watching Striking Out, the first time I've watched an Irish TV program, and it's left me on the edge of a cliff. Excellent show, why has it not been renewed?
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A favorite from Acorn TV & Want more!
shbeach23 July 2020
Here in the USA we love Striking Out! Really hope there's a Season 3. Great soundtrack. Love the filming in Dublin. Great cast. Got my sisters hooked too.
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Easy to watch but raises questions
jax71323 May 2019
Premise is good, acting is very good, dialogue is very good. Amy Huberman in the lead role of Tara is a strong actress able to carry the show but she has quite a few stellar actors in supporting roles to add a high level of polish to this show. The two sets of parents shine like stars in their limited scenes and the maverick mentor, Vincent, supplies just the right amount of edginess. After watching Season 1, I have hopes that follow-up seasons will expand those roles and also that the cafe owner will become more important in a variety of ways. I like that the philandering fiance was kept in the storyline and wonder if there's any way to redeem him, though I think not because he has a megalomania that would take years of therapy. Though I enjoyed this show, I was left with unanswered questions about what I felt were muddled plots: I wasn't sure how the bigamy case ended in favor of Tara's client (veiled references to stashed cash and something to do with jewelry); I wasn't sure about the conduct of the dad in the custody case; I wasn't sure about the extent of corruption in the bidding case; and the lease problem seems weak. I also have quite a few questions about Vincent's background because that role is so pivotal & entertaining. However, these are minor questions since the legal cases are overshadowed by the dynamics of all the relationships among the main characters but they add up to a 7 out of 10 rating. Looking forward to Season 2.
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Cancelled, middle of story - don't bother
woodsraw25 August 2020
Had I known the series was cancelled with no resolution, I would not have watched the only 2 seasons released. What a waste of my time. Honestly who writes a season with no ending? Not sure who's responsible but will check any series before I start for this type of disappointment. I get that series are sometimes cancelled, but this is pathetic.
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Great new show set in Dublin with striking cast and interesting plot lines.
bjsterlingll3 April 2017
I enjoyed this Irish TV show so much I watched it twice within a few weeks - the setting is Dublin and filmed so well it makes you want to jump on a plane and go there - and the story about law and lawyers and their cases is so interesting and enjoyable that I can't wait for the next season. The actors are very good and you just want to see more.
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Great Irish TV!
lindajean404419 March 2017
There is just something so fresh about Irish programs. American TV is so redundant. I binge watched the 4 shows of the first season, and am so disappointed only four! From the very first I wanted her fiancé not to be written out of story cause I am hoping there is redemption for him, but of course with lots of drama and interactions between him and other characters. Writers doing great job stirring up our empathy for him. I am more interested in the relationships between the characters then I am in the actual plot line of each episode. Relationship between characters is why we read books or watch TV & movies and this show seems to be moving in that direction, and why I will be looking forward to season 2. So hurry up and get it on Acorn TV!
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its a small world
Its a small world when you end up watching a TV series from 'home' 2 years after the event only because it got favourably reviewd in the NY Times, but yer honour, i have to plead guilty. Amy Huberman almost effortlessly carries the major weight of the series & its nice to see in these days of woman the barricades that she is accompanied by some other very talented female actors. the stories are good, but please mr director, can we lose the sweeping shots of the dublin skyline? MANHATTAN it aint
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orchidami11 October 2019
Why on earth would they cancel this show? Excellent writing, excellent cast, genuine and well done. I am keeping pay for view ACORN TV just to watch this.
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Love this show
seeker-2691219 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I stumbled upon this looking for something to pull me in, and found it here! Just love British TV!!! So much more interesting than the American political agenda garbage.

The main character is a strong, beautiful woman, who suddenly finds her wrapped up & tied future crushed by her fiancée in a one night stand. So glad she stayed true to herself! I like the true bravery of her struggle to work with him as a solicitor and "ex", as well as former colleagues. She draws strength from her job, and not wallowing in self pity, putting her grief and energy to starting a new life. Her ex is a pretty boy who has never had anything denied him, and it becomes clear how much his mommy & daddy have seen to that. Supporting her are nice, but flawed people, helping her build her new life. I like that her clients are flawed also, not all bad, not all good, but somewhere in between. Will she flourish in her new direction, or fail? Are the dominoes being stacked against her?

Looking forward to another season.....and to see how that interrupted dinner ends up!
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Good overall
zombiemockingbird1 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this show because it was different, and interesting and I liked the characters. I'm really disappointed that there doesn't appear to be a season 3 and we got left with a tremendous cliff hanger. The story lines were engaging, however I got a little frustrated with everyone constantly changing sides, and those who were good guys suddenly become bad guys. And I really hate having a character like Dunbar who is so powerful that no one can ever bring him down, but he's bent on ruining the lives of everyone and keeps succeeding. No matter what client Tara's people get, Dunbar has something to do with it and ruins their case. I'm sorry, but that's just not believable. It's okay for a while, but when it becomes the only story line it gets tiresome. If there ever is a season 3 I'll watch it, but I hope they bring Dunbar down quickly and move on to something new. There is so much potential for this show I hate to see it wasted,
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Cancelled!!!!! Don't bother watching.
berry12739 September 2020
Nothing is more frustrating that investing time in a show and then having the production company pull the plug out of the blue!
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Utterly disappointing
erobinsonfg1 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another brilliant show abandoned before the crux. Hours of you life you won't get back.
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Love this show
heibeinh10 November 2020
This is one of the most enjoyable show we have watched this year. Amy & the rest of the crew are fantastic! Too bad there won't be a season 3. Missing out Acorn TV!
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Excellent drama, good twists
dieseldog33317 October 2020
Finally a good law drama that's not all murders. And no explicit sex scenes. Still great characters and story. I hope there's another season. I need to see how it pans out.
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..this is one should keep going..
bjarias7 April 2018
..this is a show if the powers that be leave it alone could go a very long way.. .. it has all the initial markings of an exceptionally long run series.. ..for is the writing and cast that if kept together, will be among the longer best..

.. there lots of the not-so-good-ones that keep getting renewed season after season.. ..always good to have one of the really worthwhile pull through time & again..
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