Kindred Spirits (TV Series 2016– ) Poster

(2016– )

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Not bad, could be better
egoodman-6312030 January 2022
The show is OK and the hosts/investigators can be engaging, but I really don't understand why in the production process they add music when they are listening for sounds? I found this especially irritating when recently watching the "best evidence" resurrection episode when they are in Gettysburg and looked shocked to be hearing all sorts of battle-related sounds. But there is music added to the scene evidently in post-production and I never heard a thing. All I wanted was for them to turn it off so I could also hear what they claimed to hear. How can you convey the quality of an investigation when you don't allow the viewers to witness the evidence experienced in a "best evidence" episode?
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Better Than Most
doobiecad-899-82080611 February 2023
I've been watching Amy and Adam ever since they were part of Ghost Hunters. They are so personable and never overreact to their findings. They're both very likable and do great background work on each location which I think is essential to investigating. Too many ghost hunting shows do no background on their locations and it makes no sense to me. Why would you not look into the history and past if a place, its owners and people who lived there?

I'm so glad that Chip has become part of the regular cast. He brings a new and important perspective to the investigation. I also think a medium, clairvoyant or sensitive person is essential to any investigation.
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One of my favorites
melentz13 December 2019
Genuinely seem to care about home owners and finding them answers as well as evidence.
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rjoniall29 August 2018
AMY and ADAM care about people! They show respect to the spirits they investigate. They don't provoke a negative outcome. It's one of the reasons I truly LIKE this show! It's GOOD to see people who CARE about other people! Living or spirits. That alone, is positive and uplifting.

Investigating the HISTORY OF THE HOUSES and the PEOPLE who have inhabited them, is fascinating! Historical research is pertinent in many cases of hauntings. The families that lived in them are important to the outcome. It is very interesting. The discovery of who is haunting, and how they relate to the overall story makes for a great paranormal show.

Electronics validate the historical research that is presented. (SLS camera, EVP sessions, Spirit Box, light board) to validate WHO maybe haunting.

I also enjoy the fact that AMY and ADAM are CALM, not yelling at the spirits, or entities, while they work to put the puzzle pieces together.

They play back the EVP sessions automatically. You're not left guessing as to what the spirit said. It creates fluidity, and keeps the audience interested in the outcome. You don't just follow along. You feel APART of the show.

I also like when they bring in the gifted, female medium; one of Amy's friends. She is authentic.

AMY and ADAM bring paranormal research home with love, and compassion! Guest appearances also add to the authenticity of the show. It's what sets KINDRED SPIRITS apart from the rest.

I am VERY IMPRESSED by them, as hosts, and, their show, KINDRED SPIRITS.

I want this show to stay on-the-air for many, many seasons!
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Family Favorite
therusticapothecary15 March 2023
My family and I have watched them since back in the day but once Kindred Spirits came along, oh my goodness. The Spirit Box is of our favorite aspects of the show. People are skeptical about the Spirit Box and Chip but here's the thing Metaphysics is an ever-evolving science. I'm spiritually sensitive and people love to tell me I'm not and poo poo my experiences but guess what I don't care. They are my experiences. The same goes for Amy and Adam those are their experiences, it's like telling someone how to feel. You can't. I appreciate paranormal shows like this one and hope they continue. Amy and Adam help people every single day and that's incredible.
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The only paranormal show I'll watch
beckieannvalentine15 March 2023
Amy and Adam, along with a handful of some others are the only paranormal investigators I can take the time to watch. This program is central to compassion and empathy rather than jump scares and combativeness and fear. One of the first things I read about Kindred Spirits is that it was an "intelligent" paranormal show and I couldn't agree more. They focus on accuracy and research. Oh, and the cinematography is beautiful - it's like watching a movie about a haunting rather than someone screaming in the dark in low light. They feature locations that are often overlooked and explore avenues most don't - such as objects or subtleties that could affect the activity, They don't seek to eliminate but rather explain or soothe.
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Heads Up
anniewaller5 February 2018
I love this show. I think it is honest and respectful. I like the connection they make with the home owners and the Spirit world and they assume nothing. I for one will keep on watching. Amy and Adam Great Job!
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Engaging hosts, poor format
CinemaSlant1 July 2018
We all know these ghost hunter shows have very little real evidence to support their claims. One knock or sound is pretty amazing to format an entire show around, but somehow they've managed to find the right hosts to do just that. However I would like to see another format. More history & research on the properties and I certainly feel the addition of a psychic medium would help the show justify their "scientific" findings. Its a good show with an outdated format.
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The paranormal show we need...
JK-WhatsUpWeirdoPodcast25 January 2023
Amy and Adam have such a thoughtful investigation style. They pay equal attention to the living families who need their assistance, as well as the people who have passed on who could use a little help or direction. They get to the root of the issues, and don't antagonize or disrespect the spirits. The show is also shot beautifully, it plays like a mini movie and you really feel like you're there. I also really love the research that is done and it's cool learning all the history and legends of the whole area and the location. This is definitely my top favorite paranormal show on tv. Hope they continue with many more seasons. :)
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Most haunted
cubsrtoome-8001521 December 2019
Seems that they get some kind of response EVERY TIME ask a question.. Not believable
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Best show of it's kind.
lorricprojectstudios15 April 2019
Thoughtful and engaging. Can't wait for season 4. I love the research that goes into each show. Most persuasive paranormal evidence on nearly ever episode. Season three production is ramped up. Keep up the good work.
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If I could score this show a zero, I would
leeedwina12 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Total and utter scripted crap. God where do i start with what these fraudsters do: 1. The show is clearly pre-researched so that the hauntings fit around a murder or death they've pre-researched for the area. When they call out the name of the researched dead person it just happens to be them 100% of the time. It's like a detective naming a criminal in a case first time and every time, like come on....if that was the case then crimes we be solved straight away and without suspects.

2. The evidence is beyond weak and can't be verified by the audience. EVPs can be interpreted really as anything but Adam and Amy again hear what they want to hear and mould it to fit. 100% of the time though we're hearing "kchkcheeer kchkcheer kchkcheer" and are expected to believe it's whatever Adam and Amy say it is. Doing evp's seems to be their go-to for everything also, which really gets repetitive and boring. The fact that other ghost shows rarely get any evp's at all but they seem to get them every time is questionable. It's a known fact though that the type of recorder they use is the only recorder that captures unknown sounds and so much so that it was taken off the market for being faulty. I'd love for them to do evp's on another type of recorder to see if they get the same result - probably not!

3. The spirit box experiment they do is the most laughable bit of evidence I've ever seen on a ghost show. Spirits who can't say more than one word on an evp are all of a sudden saying full blown sentences and having a full on conversation with them which we're not allowed to hear. Come on now. Why they have to be blind folded for it also makes no sense. We're also expected to believe that the one listening to the headphones can't hear the questions being asked by the other, despite being less that a foot from them! Seriously, how gullible do they think we are?!

4. There is no follow up on the show. They 'solve' all these hauntings and provide answers to these families who are then supposed to feel comfort knowing that they're now living with a ghost who has a name. The fact that the family is supposed to then set 'boundaries' to live with the ghost in harmony is a joke. Or when they get some professional to provide some ritual for the spirit to cross over and we see the families or business folk saying time and time again that 'oh yes it definitely feels different in here' every time. But I'd love to hear how they're going with it all a month after the team's departure.

5. The performance that Chip Coffee puts on for each episode should be awarded with an Oscar! When they have no 'answers' from the spirits they turn to Chip who is clearly briefed in on the issue at hand and seems to nail it each and every time. The fact he's a career theatre professional though should raise some eyebrows.

6. The way they use torches as a form of response from the spirits is a joke. Unscrewing a torch will always make it turn off and on, so the fact they want us to believe that a spirit is manipulating this is funny, I could go on, but I won't. Don't waste your time with this crap as it's the most unbelievable ghost show on TV.
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Fantastic show!!
david-john-365178 March 2018
I love this show!! There are so many other shows out there that have the same theme, however you know they just do it for the money!! Amy and Adam you can tell both genuinely care about the people they help and also the paranormal aspect!! Please renew for a 3rd season they both truelly deserve it!!
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So wonderful!
lynette-gilbert17 March 2023
I absolutely love how Amy and Adam investigate, and their chemistry is fantastic. As for the show itself, there's no BS, no drama, no cliff hangers making you think something happened that didn't. Of course a lot if it is subjective and suggestive and isn't as scientific as some people would like, but it has a lot of heart. I like that there aren't really any shows where it's like, "could it be a demon?" Their ideas and beliefs about the paranormal are definitely more aligned with my own than more most shows out there. I really hope to go on one of their trips one day, as it seems like they have a lot of fun.
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One of few respectable paranormal shows on TV
adamation9315 March 2023
I followed Adam and Amy from their Ghost Hunters days to Kindred Spirits and their experience and expertise always shine through in this show. While some of their paranormal investigative techniques border on mystical vs scientific- it's fascinating to watch them explore any avenue to help their clients including the use of psychics (the charismatic Chip Coffey). I think this sets them apart from Ghost Hunters which is more grounded in science and, say, Ghost Adventures which is just plain goofy most of the time. Call me what you want- but I believe Adam & Amy's intentions to be true and their findings to be genuine- which makes them a dynamic duo that is satisfying to root for.
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One of my Goto Shows
garyschubertii15 March 2023
With the options for paranormal shows i really enjoy this one in the way they approach incvestigation i like how they.evloved since being on Ghost Hunters. I enjoy seeing how they approach the paranormal like they are human which in a sence they were once. Can not wait till the next seaon even though this one is not finished yet. Obviously they're there for a few days and they have to fit that into an hour so of course they only provide footage where there's evidence would love to see a extra epsiode on a complete investigation maybe on the dvd. It would be neat to see. Well that is my opinion.
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Cliché' dime a dozen ghost hunter show
scallion-4224522 September 2017
Stop using the format that every other ghost hunter type show uses, ie...the so called suspense when you hear or see something then cut to a commercial. That is so cliché. Also, seeing your reaction to a noise, voice or sight doesn't prove anything. We, the audience. should be able to hear what you are supposedly hearing, not static on the playback.
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Amy and Adam are the best!
milnfrank-4457915 March 2023
I love this show so very much and never miss it! I really like how they do their research, are able to connect with spirit and help the people whose location they are investigating understand what is really happening. Love when they do the spirit box. It's the best paranormal show around. They are down to earth, kind and there's no distracting dramatic music and sound effects. Along with Chip Coffey, they are the real deal and make a great team. Hope it stays in air forever. They are the best of the best. And they really get results. I feel like I know them as friends. And love looking for the "ghost bread" in every episode!
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I'm done!
kimberkm-715127 March 2020
Sarcasm on Twitter by Amy along with ridiculousness with headphones and blindfold as well as Coffee and that silliness, I'm done.
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Really like it
cherub32169-879-6194128 January 2021
I like the hosts a lot. A far cry from goofy Ghost Adventures. I like Ghost Nation (ghost hunters) because like this, the investigators are normal people But with Kindred Spirits, evidence is clearly presented. It's engaging and as far as the reviewer who gave it a 3 and the reason they rated it that low, upon watching the whole series there was a special episode that showed all the technical aspects of the show, producers and editors who for the fact that episodes are an hour long cut out hours of silent evp responses. Obviously they're there for a few days and they have to fit that into an hour so of course they only provide footage where there's evidence. Duh.
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CharleyT639 January 2022
I think Amy and Adam are actually doing a better job of keeping an audience engaged than Jason and 'Ghost Hunters' anymore. Their cases seem to explore a different angle or aspect of hauntings, whereas Ghost Hunters is pretty much the same thing, with the same end result, every single time.
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I love show
stannerstoby12 October 2017
I love the show because this is the only show that really investigate who it is and what they want and no either show really does that and every other show it Friday so it's a demon I know it's this and really all it is or people that have a crossover for some reason so I really like the way they investigate really they're the only ones that really investigate the other shows are boring because we already know somebody's there but they don't do anything I seen the same thing over and over at least these people investigated see who it is and why they're there and I just really like it and they help the people and they really help the people there
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One of my favourite shows
hannahjcullen15 March 2023
Amy and Adam have managed to very quickly become some of my favourite investigators, with their care and compassion clearly shining through in their work.

I love that they are constantly using new and better techniques, and really like that they use the Estes Method as I find it much more believable than normal spirit box sessions done on other shows.

I like that the history of both the place and the people is explored, and that the hauntings aren't demonised like in so many other shows - Amy, Adam, and Chip are fantastic at showing the need for compassion in so many of these situations and explaining it not only to the owners but also the viewers. I hope to see many more seasons to come.
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Once really good... Now meh
jmsutphen27 February 2021
I'm a skeptic when it comes to most mediums. I find Cindy Kaza very credible. But, Chip comes off as a huckster. He always seems to be fishing- Red flag. And he's dreadfully obnoxious. I suggest a google search of him. Very enlightening. Overall, they seem to be adding unnecessary drama. It doesn't feel the same at all. Yep, I'm done...
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Not fear!
napuao15 March 2023
One of the many reasons I continue to watch this show is that Amy & Adam are not fear based. They truly just try to help both the living and those who are no longer in physical form. In the "TV world" I imagine that is a difficult line to walk as I am sure they have some who want more of the FEAR scary stuff and say "make it happen" but I for one am a happy viewer that Amy & Adam have done well at staying the course and not going to fear/scary or make "things" happen like some of the other shows of the paranormal. I also like that during an investigation if they encounter a negative entity or a verbally combative entity they hold their boundaries and do not give that entity any more time, and follow up with a blessing that makes the entity less powerful or move on. When a TV show in this genre amps up the fear in my opinion it does a disservice to all of us both the living and no longer physical and helps no one. As part of their opener says "the dead just want a voice" it's as simple as that.
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