Two Sentence Horror Stories (TV Series 2017–2022) Poster

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Based on what one episode
lesliecurtin6 March 2022
I loved the episode with the two little old twins. Creepy stuff. Don't watch if you're eating and don't mess with old chicks. Can't say much for the other episodes.
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Too many political references
swirlyworley14 March 2022
I enjoy the show and even though some episodes are not good there are a few I like. The only downside is they constantly talk about political injustices on almost every episode. It takes away from the "scary" story they are trying to show. I understand their point but it's not necessary for every other story.
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Season 3 SUCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
duckboy-9417116 January 2021
Thy turned season 3 into a pre teen Teeny Bop after school bad drama. Damn shame because season 2 was actually pretty good.
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Seems promising for now but, hell, how unbalanced is the audio!
parisisabina9 August 2019
At around the 5th minute I thought it was a wanted effect. You know how sometimes music becomes absurdly loud and something happens all of the sudden and you're left there anxious, in suspense and pretty agitated?

This is not the case.

I struggled so much to feel involved in the dialogues, because I had to pay special attention to them in order to hear them clearly. Two seconds later you're left there in silence and you feel crazy, but then oh, there it is again, the music covering absolutely everything else.
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Interesting premises are undermined by amateurish craftsmanship (Season 1)
Markus_Beer29 September 2019
The idea of short horror stories is intriguing, but the direction, editing and unfortunately also the script feel like a first semester's film school project: they worked with ambition, but without craftsmanship. While the acting is completely ok, the stories don't give you anything. After the first five minutes you regularly think "yes, that might be quite exciting", but then you quickly realize that the rhythm of the stories is just not right, that the editor only has a vague idea of how to create suspense and that the director is simply unable to shape the sloppy script into a coherent whole. There are thousands of horror stories in literature that are only a few pages long, but whose stories leave an impression you will remember years later. That's not the case in any episode here. The whole first season reminded me very much of first film school projects that stood under the motto "learning by failing". Then we sat down and analyzed why everything didn't work out as it was supposed to. We can only hope that this concept will also be applied here and that the second season will be better.
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It is what it's supposed to be.
ryanmnordstrom24 March 2022
Based on submissions to the subreddit r/twosentencehorror. If that sentence is meaningless, then you might not get the show. It's campy, silly, and fun. Reviews claiming that "itS nOt sCaRy" have completely missed the point. It's cool that redditors can have their submissions turned into film shorts.
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Impressively bad.
supereliguy25 February 2021
I thought season 1 was OK. Just tried watching a few episodes of season 2 and it is shockingly bad. The acting and effects are fine, but the stories are unredeemable. Senseless plot elements and confusion. I've never given a review of 1 start, but I can't find anything good to say about the second season of this series.
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Why so negative?
Kaygee9067 March 2021
I started on season 3 because that's what netflix randomly selected for me. I thought this series was entertaining and different. Some of them were scary, some of them were cheesy, and some of them were thought provoking. I don't know why everyone is so butthurt and serious about a tv show. I was entertained by the series and I'm not a child or a moron either; I'm a nurse. If you wanna watch something entertaining then give it a shot.
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Not so much horror, more suspense.
mildlymorbidx2 January 2020
I saw this trending on netflix so I downloaded a handful of episodes. This is an entertaining show if you like very mild horror. I liked some of the twists at the end of episodes like "Hide" but at the same time some scenes seemed to drag on. Good if youre bored and have nothing else to watch.
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Is anybody on the production team a human being or at least know one?
spmarfy-745026 March 2021
People don't talk or behave like that. With the exception maybe 1 or 2 episodes, this show is terrible. Reading the 2 sentences at the end of the episode is more entertaining than wasting 20 minutes watching.
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Original and Refreshing. Worth checking out the first four episodes at least.
hnhnyc22 September 2019
Too often I watch horror movies and go, "Maybe if it had been a short, it could have been successful." This is pretty original and unique. The stories may not actually frighten you, but they have something to say, and they aim for a twist that you may not see coming. Some are even political commentary. Actors are solid. And the two sentences at the end of each episode are neat. As far at Netflix horror goes, this is personally one of the best I've seen.
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Low Budgets = Two Sentence Stories
genemccoy-661564 December 2022
I'm just going to get it off the back, Two Sentence Horror Stories has low budgets, if not that, poorly used ones at best. The problem with Two Sentence Horror Stories is that it may have good ideas, good stories, good characters and it doesn't matter because of how poor the show is which brings the value down even more.

And with bad budgets, it has basically no horror to it. Really it's just 'Two Sentence Stories.'

Now look, the problems of the show are not entirely on the blame of the budget, there are without a doubt very bad and cringy episodes that wants to make the average person tear their hair out; but most are... good.

The show is good --not great by a long shot, and not bad. It's the perfect show to binge watch while doing something without getting invested or bored.

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Sorry, I wanted to like it, but...
Bobonthecouch3 September 2019
This show isn't very well done. The "twists" are predictable, the acting so so, the scripts lacking and even ridiculous sometimes. "Tutorial" was the last straw. I grew up on shows like "The Alfred Hitchcock Show" and "The Twilight Zone". I realize it's hard to compete with greatness but this show seams like a bunch of kids got together and thought, with their youthful exuberance and inexperience, "Hey! We can do that." Unfortunately, no, you can't. I hate to be negative but, I have to say, a little more artistry and a lot more experience at the craft is required to make this type of storytelling worth watching.

Addendum: The way I rate shows... I don't usually review anything less than a 7 because 6 would be a failing grade and I won't waste my time watching it. I'm old; I don't know how much time I've got left. Since I probably turned it off before getting even halfway through, it wouldn't be fair to rate or review it. 7 is watchable but I may go a while between episodes since, though somewhat entertaining, there are other shows more interesting or compelling. 8 would be a regular in my lineup. 9 is a must see and probably bingeable. 10 is just the epitome of superbity and headed for my all-time favorites list. I'm adding this to my reviews because it seems there are a lot of binary reactions to pretty much everything these days. I am not a like/unlike kind of guy. I see a lot of grays so if I give something a 10 it doesn't mean the only alternative is a 1.
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Lower your expectations and you'll be fine...
jcstevegigs16 November 2022
My gfirlfriend recommend this and we watched several together one rainy cold Sunday afternoon and it was fun! Borders on silly sometimes and definitely has political stuff sprinkled in..ugh. I got over it. Some have good plot twists which isn't easy to do in 20 minutes. These are perfect for our short attention spans lol. Willful suspension of disbelief required. It's like a guilty pleasure snack. It's quick, you chomp it down then watch another and another knowing it's not the best for you. I understand the low star reviews and some of what they're saying but I take them with a grain of salt too. It's good. Great production. Good acting. Have fun!
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Two Star Horror Stories.
davidvieira7926 August 2019
I get that that budget on these can't have been that high, but geez are these bad. Not scary, super bland, badly written, " twists " that you can see coming from a mile away. Acting very inconsistent, as is tone.

The only really good thing about it is that there seems to have been an effort in making the casting diverse. If only the same could have been done about the rest.
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Horrible Acting
aborelli-16 October 2019
The only scary thing about this show is the awful acting.
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I loved the show!
shannonhefley7 April 2022
I already had low expectations but this genre is right up my alley as a lover of b rated horror flicks, plus is was mildly entertaining. I would not advise letting children watch it as it does seem like a child end horror show but that is not the case here. I hope they put out more seasons for us.
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cryrolfe2 March 2021
Not sure where they rounded up such terrible actors I really only made it through part of two different episodes so not the best judge. 🙄
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DO NOT believe the bad
k_tomb23 October 2019
Holy crap. This show is NOT great, but quite interesting and keeps you interested. It is filmed well for a typical TV horror show, and someone mentioned character development on a 20 minute anthology show!! It is a bit scary at times, make me cringe maybe a dozen times, but is simply fun to watch..!!
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More like 2 Cent Horror Stories
moniquerich1 March 2022
The first season was the best. This 3rd season is awful. Did they run out of ideas? Even the gross parts (blood, guts, etc) were low budget. Just a waste of time, overall. I'm on episode 3 right now, and what am I doing?? Trying to save you from wasting your precious time. Avoid this season at all costs! You've been warned.
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Sorry, but only a child would be frightened.
Sunuvabish22 September 2019
This show is very poorly written. Another user said if it was on FX it would be praised, but it's on CW, so it got bad reviews. Sadly, that's not the case at all. Every conclusion is drawn by the viewer almost immediately as the show begins. The acting is absolutely ridiculous to the point where it's almost funny. The fourth wall is sometimes broken in a very corny, cringe inducing manner. The only thing keeping me from using my head, to break a wall myself was turning it off.
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Two sentence Woke boring Stories
po-3443 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So here we are again where it is against them in the US. Instead of ever coming together they always tear us apart in Hollywood/I am not even sure if this is considered Hollywood by the acting and writing.

Bad white people against minorities. Come on please. Can we write something that is just without making generalizations here? Stories based on good writing?

Indeed, these lack that firs and foremost maybe by pushing their agendas they forgot about how to create films that actually entertain people.
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Loved it.
I've only watched 4 episodes so far, but I'm loving it. Definitely not for people who like mindless scare jumps- the stories in my opinion are well thought-out, deep, the imagery (especially in the third episode) is quite scary, the camera is well placed and the frames are also quite good, not to mention the music. Most of the reviews I've read against it are bashing it for political reasons rather than the shorts themselves. Worth a watch. They've done really good stuff on a low budget.
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Hmmm... Frustratingly illogical
akira-hideyo20 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Only found episode 3 watchable. At least the angry dead son ghost abusing his widowed wife had good scary effects. The ghost makeup and concept borrowed heavily from typical Asian horror movies. It worked well enough. The other 3 episodes, up till epi 4, seriously made me pull my hair out on why all played the deliberate victims and did not easily phone for police or help with their implied mobiles when imminent danger was near. To me, just one thought, Rubbish script writing. That itself is true horror!
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Start watching the series with the episode "Scion"
james-4700223 August 2019
After seeing the first 4 episodes, I thought it would be the same old boring and stereotypical idea where women would be mostly portrayed as the victims valiantly rising up against all kinds of devil-like men. You know, the usual one-sided portrayal found in lots of other movies, shows, etc. However, after see the fifth episode Scion where the idea is reversed - the woman is the evil one and the guys are the adorable lovable victims, I recommend others to give this series a chance. The series should make more episodes like Scion where men are portrayed as loving human beings also rather than devils roaming the world looking for more victims.
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