Those Who Deserve to Die (2019) Poster

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Somewhat of an acquired taste...
paul_haakonsen26 August 2020
Well, when I sat down to watch the 2019 movie "Those Who Deserve to Die" I was expecting more of a horror movie. Granted, I didn't know anything about the movie prior to sitting down to watch it, but the cover made it look like a horror movie and it is listed as horror here on IMDb.

I suppose technically it is a horror movie, but I think it is more of a thriller with slasher elements to it, as well as it having some psychological thriller elements to it as well. So the movie grasps around many elements. But ultimately, it was not an overly great movie. Sure, it was watchable, but it wasn't an outstanding movie.

I think that writer and director Bret Wood was just simply trying to accomplish a bit more than what was possible with the boundaries of this movie. Sure, it was done well enough, but the movie just lacks something to make it stand out.

The acting in the movie was adequate, and that definitely counted for something.

But for a horror movie, then "Those Who Deserve to Die" just failed to fully entertain or impress me. Maybe it is because I am a seasoned horror veteran. And it could be discussed whether or not the contents of the storyline was crossing a border. But of course, that is a matter of personal preference and where you individually draw the line. But keep in mind, it is a movie meant for entertainment purposes.

My rating of "Those Who Deserve to Die" is a four out of ten stars. This is not a movie that I will recommend that you rush out to get your hands on to watch, because it just wasn't that special. If you happen to get the chance, watch it, you might find something enjoyable in it. Who knows?
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Movie is hard to get into
angellaura-9315323 September 2020
The movie is drawn out ...alot. Not till at lease the last 10ish minutes of the end of the movie does it try to pull The movie together..I would pass on this movie.
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Disgusting. Revolting. Not In a Good Way.
ron-3181725 August 2020
Some things should never be put in a film. The other reviews will tell you what this is. I will only add that it is actually far more disgusting than what you might imagine. Do yourself a favor and skip this POS movie, not only for the repugnant scene, but for the horrible acting, horrible music, horrible directing, horrible really just everything. The male lead has the acting chops of a young Chuck Norris after a failed lobotomy. The only, and I do mean only, saving grace at all to this reel of rubbish were two of the female actors - Lynn Lowry and Rachel Frawley - which is the reason for two stars instead of just one.
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Brutal killing of a child
b-bush-63-67681620 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Yes I realise it was a depiction and didn't really happen, but sadly that scene I will have trouble forgetting. I don't need it. If I had enjoyed it I would have needed a long look in the mirror and my thoughts are a lack of reviews suggests a lot of people if they had watched it would have been of a similar mind. So I didn't watch it past that scene.
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The horrors of war
seanboy198222 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had me in tears at the end... it is true to life of what happened in Afganistan, the violence and the terror prisoners of war went through.

The scene where the baby is killed is super brief and not so bad, while the ending is truly tragic. It is a good movie and the actor that plays the main bad/good guy is actually really good at portraying post traumatic stress disorder.
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I loved the baby killing.
stepheneighmey24 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Another reviewer said they couldn't get past the baby killing but I loved it! As soon as they showed the scene, and they don't show too much, I was hooked. It shows a commitment to a vision that most are afraid to make. If you're upset by this then you're very familiar with the horror genre. Overall the movie is enjoyable, Lynn Lowry is great, but I think it could have benefited from a stronger and more consistent musical theme. A good movie to enjoy with your significant other or a small group of friends.
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