Miss Fisher & the Crypt of Tears (2020) Poster

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My Hopes Were Dashed
susanbovee24 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers

As a fervent fan of the Phryne Fisher TV series, I had such high hopes for this film. And yet, what a disappointment!

The lovely Essie Davis and her costumers did succeed in bringing back Phryne's quintessential modish look. And there is no question that the film locations used were sumptuous.

But-but-but ... the writers completely failed to capture Phryne's elemental joie de vive and essential kindness, swapping them out instead for a kind of callow recklessness coupled with an extremely mean-spirited plot device for bringing the cast together that does not jibe with Phryne's empathetic nature (and was not explained in a way that gets her off the hook for callousness).

The mischaracterization of Phryne really poisoned the show for me, but there were other problems as well. It is Phryne's task to solve a mystery, of course, but woe is me, the storyline looks like the mutant offspring of a threesome amongst Indiana Jones, The Mummy and Romancing the Stone, having inherited the worst aspects of each.

Is there a menacing cave? Yes. A beautiful lost jewel? Yes. A remote desert location involving picturesque sand dunes? Of course. A mysterious child? Uh-huh. Someone who "done somebody wrong"? Absolutely. Something otherworldly and mystical? Why even bother asking?

But do these too-familiar mystery/adventure film tropes weave together to make an interesting story? Definitely not. You will not care about the details of the mystery or its solution, which are both overly complicated and ultimately trivial.

Will you care about the Phryne/Jack subplot, which is really why we all showed up?


But it's hard to care very much when Jack spends the whole film looking as though he ate some bad hummus and needs to find a bathroom. The chemistry between Phryne and Jack, so compelling in the TV series, is almost entirely absent here, and that was the worst blow of all.

I mean, if you can't watch Phryne and Jack melting the TV screen while lusting after one another, what's the point?

In these days of plague when we're all housebound, this movie is a perfectly reasonable way to spend a couple of hours. It may even be diverting, but it is not likely to bring joy to Miss Fisher fans.
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Missed the Miss Fisher mark
leese-2727111 March 2020
I love the Miss Fisher TV series. I binge watched it. I found it quirky, whimsical and refreshing. With the TV show, I find it a different kind of suspense as to "whodunnit"

Whilst the movie tried to incorporate all the above, and they were present, they didn't feel the same. It all felt forced.

Was it because the actors felt pressure to deliver a product for a larger, more global demographic? Was it because it was set in so many locations? The whole "global" storyline just feels like it's been done to death in previous movies, especially revolving around Middle Eastern lore & curses. it almost had an Indiana Jones feel to it.

To me, the whole movie felt a bit garbled and rushed. You couldn't really relate to, or immerse yourself, with what was being shown. I just found it didn't feel "true" to the Miss Fisher TV style, even though all the attributes were present.

I liked the movie, probably because of the nostalgia of loving the original characters from the TV show, but I definitely wouldn't be in a hurry to watch it again.
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mannbarbara9 March 2020
I find it surprising that a company that made such a brilliant TV series, was unable to make a good film. There were some bright bits and the acting was good, but the photography was poor and the story disjointed. We briefly re-met the rest of the regulars from the TV series, but they were quickly discarded! I would have preferred to keep the Melbourne setting and stories. I suppose they were trying to interest a wider audience, but it would surprise me if they succeeded.
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Loved the Series More But Crypt of Tears Was Fun for This Fan
jwhitley-931414 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with many other reviewers who missed seeing Miss Fisher and DI Jack Robinson in Melbourne. The story didn't seem quite right with only a tiny dose of Dot, Hugh, Cec & Burt and Mr. Butler. Having said that, Miss Fisher did have some shining moments in the film with her dramatic entrance to her own Memorial Service and her "running on the top of a train headed into a tunnel" escape scene. The costumes and scenery in the movie are beautiful. All in all, I enjoyed watching the film. I honestly didn't expect to live up to it the series. I am a big Downton Abbey fan as well and the follow-on film wasn't as wonderful as the series either. Fingers crossed that the series comes back someday!
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Was okay
merlin-8097929 February 2020
I had been looking forward to seeing this after being a huge fan of the tv series. I have to say I was somewhat disappointed. I enjoyed it but some of the episodes on tv were much better. I really missed the other characters like Dot, Hugh and even Burt and Cec. For the scant 2 minutes they were on the screen it was like an added after thought. A bit insulting really. When Phryne and Jack were in scenes together it was great but I found the film as a whole a little slow. When set in Melbourne for the television series the episodes moved along nicely, however in the movie there is an alarming amount of watching camels traipse across the desert. I believe the cast did well with the material they were given so really I suppose my criticism is aimed at the writers. All show and no real substance. Have to add that, as usual, Phrynes fashions were fabulous .
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sophia5529 March 2020
As a huge fan of the original series, I had high hopes for the movie, especially since the production team specifically chose to crowd source in order to gain more creative control. Overall the film was entertaining, but as several reviews have already stated, it missed the mark. The plot would have worked better as a single episode, the story was stretched thin and added unnecessary complications in order to make it feature length. Additionally, the film lacked the character interactions that made the series so endearing. Having hardly any of the regular characters return, and having the few that did feature not interact with Phyrne, was the real downfall of the film. The scenes between Phryne and Jack were a saving grace, and the only aspect that was reminiscent of the original series.
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No tongue, no cheek
StreamingEagle25 March 2020
This is an Australia based series but they chose to make the focal point the middle east and it didn't work on any level. Attempt at humor fell flat, no real plot, and certainly nobody to really care about. Even the byplay between the leads was awkward and contrived. A miss at every level.
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Stylish and exotic
ross-547-58575426 February 2020
I had no expectations apart from having seen many of the excellent TV shows of the same character. This movie was a surprise. Instead of being firmly set in 1920's Melbourne, this movie had so many exotic locations and just one 'purportedly' shot in Melbourne. The story was a 'Boy's Own Adventure' - taken expertly by the stylish and confident Miss Fisher. The plot and dialogue at times were a little too contrived, but the net result was a satisfying romp through England,London and Palestine. The cinematography was excellent and made seeing the film on the big screen worthwhile. Visually it was a joy and production values were very high so all scenes, locales and events were a treat. The plot proceeded at a good pace and the audience was slowly led to the 'Indiana Jones' like intrigue. Gentle humour and soft farce meant that the film didn't take itself too seriously. A good job all round, with good performances from the whole cast. I'm glad I got a chance to see it in the cinema.
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Not what I was hoping for
gtahva625 March 2020
While great fun to see Phryne and Jack again, the movie lacked the sophistication and sparkle of the series. The action was comical, almost Miss Indiana Fisher at times. The film is gorgeous, with lush scenery and costumes, so it's not a total waste of time, but be warned.
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Love Miss Fisher but the film missed the mark!!
graham-698511 March 2020
Love the series and a huge fan, all the glitz and glamour, fun and frivolity that we want and expect.

But the film fell short on two fronts. Where were the rest of the gang, missing for all of the film but about one minute. Such a shame. It was like bacon and egg without the bacon!!

And the story line was weird, hard to follow and elusive. After all it is an Aussie show. Lets fundamentally keep it that way.

Hope for more in the next film.
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I just love Miss Fisher, BUT...
miraplogmann11 June 2020
And since I love her I could never give the movie less than 8 stars... I'm so hapoy to have her back! And I think the story is alright, there are the usual sparks between Jack an Miss Fisher and it's good easy fun to watch. ...BUT apart from missing some of the main characters of the series, I really really don't get why they took the story out of Australia!? That was such a big part if its charme!!! Even if they wanted to make it "special" and take it out of Melbourne, they could have set it in Sydney, the Outback, Perth, the Gold Coast or else?! I so hope they make another movie and we get a reunion if the whole gang in Australia!
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Karynsiegmann8 March 2020
Miss Fisher was a bit of a disappointment, the Crypt of Tears could easily have fit into an hour long TV episode. While the costumes and scenery were lovely and the soundtrack great the plot was a bit thin and it dragged. 3 Stars George: I lost the plot and couldn't figure out what was going on but I enjoyed the scenery and the the 1920s jazz soundtrack was fabulous. 3.5 stars
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What a let down!
ldyl-0594724 March 2020
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries was one of my all time favorite series so I was so excited that the movie had been released. The movie just does not live up to the series - at all! The supporting cast of Dot, Hugh and Mr. Butler and Jane added so much to the series and were MIA from the movie - except for a brief scene in the beginning. The movie felt like it was trying to hard to be an "Indiana Jones" sequel and it missed by a mile. Please set the next one in London (as Essie doesn't wish to be away from her children) or even go back to Melbourne with the magic that studios can do.
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It should have been better
pauli_gomez24 March 2020
I am a fan of the tv show and I am was very glad to find here Miss Fisher as she ever was, all stylish and cool. And she still has great chemistry con Jack. And this time they meet places. It was fun! But the story itself was lacking, specially because of the supernatural implications, which were not a part of the show. It reminded me a little of the old MacGyver show. They did a couple of made-for-tv movies that were about Merlin and Atlantis and things like that. Suddenly supernatural. Besides that, it was telegraphed who "done it". So, , did I enjoy this? Yes, quite. But they had a lot of time to do it, they could have make something better.
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It was OK
beagleh21 July 2020
I was a HUGE fan of the TV series. This movie just lacked the fun aspect of the series. The cameos of the cabbies Bert and Seth, and Dot and Hugh added nothing. It needs the ensemble cast to pull it all together. I would love to see that happen again. Hope it will come to pass. This movie story line was a bit out there as well.
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didn't quite make the transition from tv to film successfully
elkramer-6789222 February 2020
In making the transition from tv to film, the creative team of 'Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears' changed the pacing and locations with a view to expanding the show's horizons, which is all well and good on paper but in practice I don't know that they achieved what they hoped in doing so. Which is a shame because I think they did so with noble intentions and it was a labour of love. The reason the show worked was because it so effectively recreated 1920's Australia and it went at a lively canter, whether it be dialogue or action. I always think if the formula works, don't change it too much and stick with it, there's no real reason to and they did and it didn't work. You don't necessarily need to make it more "cinematic", just do what you did on tv and add another half hour. The narrative style changed because a large part of the movie focused on the family drama of the Bedouin people on whom its plot was based. And so it was a lot more talky, slower paced and with less action for the first three quarters, which took the wind out of its sails to an extent and gave it a listless quality. Happily, it was never quite dull, and whenever it became a tad flat it briefly picked up pace and narrative strength before it returned to the timid lilt. Essie Davis and Nathan Page's minds seemed elsewhere also or neither actor was playing their character with as much aplomb as they did on the show, which was really weird. Seeing Essie Davis not being self-assured as a character she played so well over three series made for strange viewing, and felt a little sad. Likewise Nathan Page, and his character Detective Jack Robinson particularly really suffered from being taken out of the normal context of his police station, not really having a lot to do and Page didn't seem like he knew what to do with Jack. Also they used a soft focus filter on the lens, the point of which I couldn't see, detracted from the film's presence and I found really annoying. I understand it was a genre thing and a nod to the comparable adventure films of the time, but for me it only served to frustrate the material. The plot and action picked up pace in the last quarter and what struck me was again, as with the tv show, this's a good story, they've done a very good job and once again 'Miss Fisher' was very well plotted by Deb Cox. However, unfortunately those qualities were spread too thinly due to the muting effect of the elements hitherto mentioned. Which was a real shame, because I'm such a big believer in 'Miss Fisher', and was one of those passionate fans of what all things considered, was a wonderful show, and I really wanted to believe in this film. I honestly expected I'd go in and be impressed by a very good movie. Which is frustrating, because the bones of it were there, the basic story was as good as ever and the film only just fell short of the mark I thought, with just a few too many of the elements going awry. There were a few good laughs, but spread a little thinly through the film. At least you can say 'Miss Fisher' didn't commit the cardinal sin of being dull, it was never boring, just underwhelming and a missed opportunity regrettably in my opinion.
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I had no expectations and yet I was still disappointed.
deviousfishes1 March 2020
This was a cliched mess of bad dialogue and odd CGI
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sergelamarche31 May 2021
It's the absolute hetero-feminist heroine that knows all and can do everything. I have not seen the TV serie. This film is beautiful, the story hold and is Indiana Jones and Tintin level. Some events are impossible although very well done. Phryne is hilarious and the writing is very good with little said that is not useful.
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Single Again!
cgvsluis9 November 2020
"...in the kitchen, in the hall, up against the wall. Right now, I want all of you!"

I'm big fan of the Miss Fisher Mysteries TV series. I have really enjoyed the tight cast of characters, the sets...the fabulous costumes! and the fun stories, especially the relationship between Phyrne and Jack and the liberating female moments that are peppered throughout.

Crypt of Tears does allow for the reunion of Jack and Phryne, but I missed her interaction with the rest of the tv cast including Dot and Mr.Butler.

This story takes us to both Palestine and London. Phryne is on a plane, train, camel and automobile...and she is her usual fast talking naughty self. It is filled with the usual witty banter..."to butter me up?" "Like a crumpet!"- Phryne "I was dancing with the undesirables and I found several of them desirable."-Phryne "She has no respect for the rules"-Lofthouse "That's because they tend to be written by men."-Phryne In typical Phryne fashion she solves a mystery to help someone out, all the while getting in to her usual mischief and bickering with Jack. The invention of a mythical spider finally gives us some satisfaction. Not to be missed if you are a Miss Fisher Fan!
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markfranh1 April 2020
My wife and I were huge friends of the TV series but watching this was just painful.

The whole point of the original series was the wonderful cast, the relationships they had with each other, Melbourne, the amazing attention to detail and accuracy that Kerry Greenwood insisted on in portraying the times.

All of that is just out the window with this nonsense.

The original cast might have credits but except for Phryne and Jack, all are only involved for one token season for about 15 seconds so they can have their names in the credits.

Melbourne has nothing to do with the story of course as you can guess from the title.

Accuracy? What a joke.

At one point, there is reference to a monument or obelisk, if you like, that "points to the brightest start in the sky". Ah ... the stars in the sky aren't fixed (except Polaris) and move through the night as the earth rotates so that wouldn't work very well would it? Do writers not thing viewers have brains to notice this sort of thing?

In an earlier scene in London, Jack and Phryne have their passports confiscated by the police and told they can't leave London until the case is solved. Yet off they head to the mid-east, presumably without passports, a day or two later because the case is still unsolved and the passports would not have been returned because Phryne didn't show up for her meeting with the senior police. Again, do writers think about this sort of slip because viewers certainly notice it when it is this bad.

And I won't even get into that bit at the end about the telegram in the desert as it was over the top silly.

Scenes were stolen from other movies including, obviously, Indiana Jones and also the quicksand right out of Lawrence of Arabia.

If you have fond memories of the Miss Fisher series, then do yourself a favour and skip this as it will spoil all of those wonderful memories.
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Fabulous Australian cinematic experience, continuing the fabulous tv series!
felix-3824 February 2020
I've now seen the film three times and each time I love it just a little bit more! Everything we love about the series is here, including the all-important chemistry between Phryne and Jack, and the built-up will-they-or-won't-they? which we love so much!

The story is on a much grander scale, and finds Phryne in Indiana Jones territory. I wasn't sure about this, but it works incredibly well. All the wit we've come to expect is there, and the audiences I saw the film with laughed out loud many times. There is so much love for Phryne!

No wonder, when she is played by Essie Davis. I have seen her in a few other things and her talent astounds me. Terrific to see Daniel Lapaine and Rupert Penry-Jones as aristocratic brothers who are somehow involved in the Palestinian conspiracy. I loved too the cameos from Dot and Hugh and Aunt Prudence! And let's not forget Nathan Page's Jack, who manages to hold his own with Phryne and her strong will!

I can not recommend this film enough. It does exactly what it is supposed to - entertain. And who cannot help but love its heroine, who always bats for the underdog, championing rights, fighting injustices, and always with such style and glamour? Brava, Phryne!

Now I hope it is a huge success so we can have MORE!
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Miss Fisher's Temple of Doom Good Television
tm-sheehan2 March 2020
  • Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears
My Rating 6.10

If you're a fan of the Miss Fisher series on television I'm sure you'll enjoy this film version. I had the same reaction to this film that I had with the Downton Abbey movie and while it looks good on a big screen Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears is like a genteel version of Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom without the Action.

I know it's just escapist crime fiction fun with improbable plot lines like how Miss Fisher is resurrected at her memorial service after being reported deceased by the World media after being trapped on the roof of a speeding (model) train travelling through a tunnel in the desert with no mountains. I prefer Detecting DCI Vera Stanhope as my crime solving heroine or for milder rustic crime solving Miss Marple.

Essie Davis is one of our best actresses and she is perfect as Miss Phryne Fisher but I find the character very one dimensional and while I was a Miss Fisher fan when the series began she and the stories lost my interest after the 2nd series . I also for some bizarre reason have never liked movies set in a desert , these were filmed on location in Morocco. One other notable criticism that may work on television but not on the Cinema Screen is the use of model trains pretending to be real it's too obvious in this film and also the camel ride close ups are obviously filmed in the studio on mechanical saddles.

Perhaps I'm biased a little about this film and it has all the fine production values of the television series (costumes sets etc ) of the series and I hope it does well.
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Very Disappointing
Toy trains and toy planes.

The story line was disjointed and the acting overdone.

I absolutely loved the TV series, but this was awful in so many ways.
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Not the tv show, but...
andy_vitera10 March 2022
I had to watch it, as the tv show is one of my all time favorites. It definitely isn't on the caliber of the show, mainly because of the script. Essie and Nathan are amazing actors and still bring that ignitable energy. I'm not mad about it.
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Okay but not great: intrigue and engagement are on the low side
grantss17 October 2020
1929. Australian detective Phryne Fisher rescues a young Bedouin woman, Shirin, from a Jerusalem jail. Shirin's entire village was apparently wiped out by a giant sandstorm 10 years earlier but she now tells Miss Fisher that this is not true: they were all murdered.

I haven't watched anything of the TV series 'Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries' of which this movie is a part, of sorts, so had no expectations for this movie. It probably would have helped a bit to have watched the TV series as some of the relationships seem to follow from that. It's not critical, however, as the pieces fall into place quite easily.

The movie itself is surprisingly flat for a detective drama. Intrigue and tension are on the low side, as is engagement but that might be dependent on whether you've watched the TV series. The characters were likeable enough but that was about it: I never felt truly invested in them or how things panned out.

Plot is okay but not overly original. Twists are limited: it pretty much just chugs along.

Performances are okay but unspectacular.

Overall, okay but not great.
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