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CA Department of Insurance
CA Department of Insurance
CA Department of Insurance

Rate Filings

Prior Approval Rate Filing Information | Class Plan | Prior Approval Factors | SB 824 Wildfire Risk Information

Notice Regarding Property & Casualty Rate Application Filing Requirements

Electronic Filing Through SERFF Required

The California Department of Insurance (CDI) requires that all Property & Casualty Rate Applications be submitted electronically through the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing (SERFF)

For information about becoming licensed with SERFF, please contact the NAIC's SERFF Team at (816) 783-8787 or [email protected], or refer to

Prior Approval Rate Filing Information

  • Prior Approval Rate Filing Instructions
  • Prior Approval Rate Filing Application
  • Prior Approval Factors
  • Prior Approval Template

Prohibition of Gender Discrimination in Personal Auto

Class Plan

All Private Passenger Auto Class Plan Filings that Are Filed on or after July 1st 2018 Are to Use "The 2008 Bands Manual Third Edition"

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Prior Approval Factors

  • Prior Approval Regulation - RH05042749
  • Prior Approval Factors calculated using data end 2006
  • Prior Approval Factors calculated using data end 2005
  • Maximum Permitted Rate of Return & Yields for Investment Income Calculation

Pay-Drive (Usage Based Auto Insurance) File No. REG-2008-00020 (PDF)

SB 824 Wildfire Risk Information

Rate Filing Lists

  • Public Notices of Rate Filings
  • Rate Filing Approvals
  • Title Insurance Filings
  • Workers' Compensation Rate Filings

Rate Filing Page Applications

Links to the various Rate Filing Applications with instructions on how to file rates.

Insurance Company Rate Filing Search

This link provides Web Access to Rate and Form Filings (WARFF) system.  WARFF contains filings that have been submitted in a non-electronic format from 1998 to the present.  As of July 29, 2009, filings made via SERFF (System for Electronic Rate and Form Filings) are also available via this system.  To retrieve a document, please complete the search and click on the File Number.

Filings made by Advisory Organizations are available to the public, but can only be viewed at one of our Public Viewing Rooms in San Francisco or Los Angeles.

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  • Filings submitted prior to the year 1997 do not exist in WARFF. However, some of these older filings may still exist in state archives. Retrieval of these filings from archives may take as long as 90 days.
  • To view the document, you may need to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader from the Free Document Readers  page.
  • Public Viewing Room Numbers: (Filings may still be viewed in our Public Viewing Room)

    Northern California:  (415) 538-4300
    Southern California:  (213) 346-6707

SERFF Filings

Please refer to the NAIC/SERFF website for filing information. 

Notice (11/8/02): Recent Changes in the Law Affect Insurers Writing Automobile Liability Insurance in California

Bulletin 2002-9: Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 

Workers' Compensation Rate Filing Notice

Legislative Changes Affecting California Workers' Compensation Rate Filings and Adoption of Pure Premium Rates, Effective January 1, 2004

CDI Review Standard Checklists

The checklists are part of the NAIC's implementation of speed to market plan developed in response to GLBA. These checklists will respond to the recommendation that each state create review standards checklists to provide clear guidance to insurers regarding state requirements and review standards that are applied during the file review.

Rate Filing Review Process

The timelines followed by the Rate Regulation Division in reviewing rate filing applications from insurance companies. The review process has been greatly affected by the passage of Proposition 103.


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