SCEI – Supervisory Committee on Emerging Issues

The Supervisory Committee on Emerging Issues (SCEI) provides recommendations on the important issues and emerging challenges faced by INTOSAI and individual SAIs by helping coordinate and support the sharing of knowledge in this regard.

The SCEI is responsible for INTOSAI’s Enterprise Risk Management.

The SCEI is chaired by the chair of the INTOSAI Governing Board and reports directly to Governing Board. The head of SAI responsible for the International Journal of Government Auditing will act as vice-chair. The members are: the Secretary General, the First Vice Chair of the Governing Board,  Chairs of Goal Committees, Secretary Generals of Regional Organizations, Chair of IDI.

Chair | Brazil

Bruno Dantas
Presidente do Tribunal de Contas da União
Tribunal de Contas da União
SAFS Quadra 4, Lote 1
CEP 70042-900 Brasília - DF

  +55 61 35277256, 35277442

   [email protected]

United States of AmericaInternational Journal of Government Auditing
AustriaINTOSAI Secretary General
Egypt1st Vice-Chair – INTOSAI Governing Board
European Court of AuditorsChair Goal Committee 1
South AfricaChair Goal Committee 2
IndiaChair Goal Committee 3
Saudi ArabiaChair Goal Committee 4
CameroonAFROSAI – General Secretariat
ChinaASOSAI – General Secretariat
TunisiaARABOSAI – General Secretariat
JamaicaCAROSAI – General Secretariat
SpainEUROSAI – General Secretariat
ChileOLACEFS – General Secretariat
New ZealandPASAI – General Secretariat
Summary (english) and Video (english) – Third webinar of SCEI COVID-19 Expert Group (22/09/2020)
Video (english) – Second webinar of SCEI COVID-19 Expert Group (24/07/2020)
Summary (english) – SCEI COVID-19 Expert Group webinar (22/06/2020)
Questionnaire (english) – Response measures of Supreme Audit Institutions to the COVID-19 pandemic