Spotlight on Pro Bono: Volunteer with Illinois Legal Aid Online

by Tracy Simmons, Legal Content Manager, Illinois Legal Aid Online

If volunteering is on your list of New Year’s resolutions, Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) can help. ILAO offers flexible, remote pro bono opportunities. As a Legal Content Volunteer (LCV), you can choose your own project and time commitment. Your work also helps increase access to justice.  

As a volunteer, you will have an enormous impact on the 2.1 million people who rely on ILAO’s self-help legal tools each year. People come to ILAO for help with crises such as eviction, debt, food insecurity, domestic abuse, deportation, and divorce. Each day, ILAO helps over 9,000 people understand their legal rights with plain language resources that are available any time, day or night.

Volunteering is easy. You can choose which resources you would like to review for legal accuracy. Then, we will email you those articles. You track your suggested changes and email the materials back to us. It’s that simple!

ILAO provides support for volunteers throughout the review process. Based on your schedule, you can choose how many articles you want to review and when you want to review materials. By contributing just a few hours of time researching and editing, you can help hundreds or thousands of people each month who are navigating the legal system on their own.

Ready to volunteer with ILAO? You can learn more and sign up by:
●    Visiting our Volunteer page
●    Joining us for a Virtual Volunteer Bootcamp on February 7 at noon, or 
●    Emailing Tracy Simmons at [email protected].

Interested in volunteering as a group? ILAO also hosts Content Review Parties virtually and in person. You can share time together with colleagues while helping review a batch of ILAO's legal information. Complete our Content Review Party Sign-up for more information.
ILAO helps open opportunities for justice to people who are unable to find or afford attorneys. We could not do this work without the help of our volunteers. This new year, give a little of your time to make a big difference with ILAO. 

Posted on January 10, 2024 by Celeste Antoinette Niemann
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