Get the inside scoop on the Europa Clipper mission and its journey to explore an icy moon of Jupiter that could have conditions suitable for life. Plus, find ways to bring the excitement of the mission to your students.

In October, NASA's Europa Clipper mission will launch on a journey to investigate one of the next frontiers in our search for life beyond Earth. Its destination: Jupiter's moon Europa. Beneath its icy crust, the small moon is thought to contain a saltwater ocean with more water than all of Earth’s oceans combined. By studying the moon up close with a suite of scientific instruments, Europa Clipper aims to improve our understanding of the conditions on Europa and explore whether the moon could be suitable for life.

Read on to learn why scientists are so interested in this tiny ocean world and get to know the science behind the Europa Clipper mission. Then, follow along with the mission in the classroom using STEM teaching and learning resources.

Why Explore Europa?

In recent years, scientists have discovered likely water worlds throughout our solar system that might harbor conditions suitable for life. But scientists are especially intrigued by Jupiter's moon Europa because it hosts several components that make it one of the most promising for harboring a habitable environment.

Slightly smaller in size than Earth's Moon, Europa is one of Jupiter’s 95 officially recognized moons. Europa was discovered along with Jupiter's three other largest moons more than 400 years ago by astronomer Galileo Galilei, and named by astronomer Simon Marius, who discovered Europa around the same time.

An illustration shows the rough jagged surface of Europa. On the horizon is Jupiter rising with the Sun in the distant background.

This artist's concept shows a simulated view from the surface of Jupiter's moon Europa. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech | + Expand image

Scientific observations of Europa by previous spacecraft, including the Galileo mission to Jupiter, point to the existence of a subsurface salty ocean. These observations included spectroscopic measurements indicating the surface is mostly water ice; gravitational and moment-of-inertia measurements indicating a layered internal structure, including a water and ice layer near the surface that is 62 miles (100 kilometers) thick; and magnetic field measurements indicating a conductive layer near the surface. A salty ocean would explain these observations.

Though Europa has been studied by the Galileo spacecraft and the more recent Juno spacecraft with a few up-close flybys, Europa Clipper will allow us to build on previous findings to gain new perspectives on the moon with a Europa-dedicated mission.

Half of Europa is illuminated against the black background of space. The light blue icy surface is covered with reddish lines irratically crossing the moon.

The surface of Jupiter's icy moon Europa is visible in this view made from images taken by NASA's Galileo spacecraft in the late 1990s. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech | + Expand image

Europa’s surface is crisscrossed by long, linear fractures, cracks, ridges, and bands. This ice shell is probably 10 to 15 miles (15 to 25 kilometers) thick. Evidence suggests that below Europa’s icy surface there is a saltwater ocean that is about 25 times deeper than Earth's oceans and contains about twice as much water. Scientists are hopeful that the Europa Clipper mission will refine these estimates.

In addition to water, Europa could have other conditions needed for life as we know it, including chemistry, energy, and stability. NASA scientists believe that six essential chemical building blocks for life exist on Europa and have likely existed there since Europa formed. These common elements are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur.

Chemical energy, similar to that produced by hydrothermal vents found on Earth’s ocean floor, may also exist on Europa’s sea floor. As Europa orbits Jupiter, it gets stretched and released by the tug of gravity from the giant planet. This process, called tidal flexing, creates heat, much in the same way a paperclip that is repeatedly bent back and forth can get hot to the touch. This tidal flexing process could keep the ocean liquid and may also be creating heat that could be released through hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor. On Earth, hydrothermal vents spew forth heated water, minerals, and various chemicals that react with the salty ocean, releasing stored chemical energy.

Where did life originate on Earth? Could the process hold clues for finding life elsewhere? Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech | Watch on YouTube

Radiation surrounding Jupiter is another possible source of fuel for life in an ocean below Europa's surface. Jupiter’s strong radiation bombards Europa, which is bad news for anything attempting to live on the surface. But the radiation splits apart water molecules at the surface. Once the water molecules are split, the hydrogen floats away into space and the oxygen stays behind, making it available to bind to other elements. If the oxygen makes its way to the ocean through cracks or openings, it could react with other chemicals to provide chemical energy for microbial life.

A side by side comparison shows Earth's and Europa's water content as glasses of water. Earth's water fills up about one-third of a glass with a volume of 1.4 billion cubic kilometers, while Europa's glass is nearly full with a volume of three billion cubic kilometers. Additonal text states Earth's surface is 29 percent land and 71 percent water while Europa's surface is covered in a global water ice crust ranging from 3-30 kilometers thick.

Compare the oceans of Earth and Europa. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech | + Click for full image and description

In addition to these potentially life-supporting conditions, observations indicate that the environment on Europa has likely remained constant for four billion years. Environmental stability is important to allow time for life to form and evolve. Such a promising stable environment is ripe for further exploration.

Europa Clipper Science

The Europa Clipper spacecraft will be the largest in NASA’s planetary mission history, measuring 16 feet (five meters) in height. Its giant solar arrays, the largest space-faring solar arrays to date, unfold in space to span the length of a basketball court, more than 100 feet (30.5 meters), and cover 950 square feet (90 square meters). Such an enormous light-collecting area is required because the intensity of the Sun near Jupiter is only 3% of what it is on Earth, and the massive arrays need to capture enough sunlight to power Clipper’s science instruments.

Europa Clipper has a powerful suite of nine science instruments designed to work together to study Europa’s surface features, improve our understanding of the moon’s icy shell, examine the interaction between the ocean and the icy shell, and investigate the ocean’s composition to determine if it has the ingredients to sustain life.

Exploring Europa’s Icy Surface

The spacecraft will collect images and generate surface maps using its onboard cameras and spectrometers which can identify chemical signatures from reflected light. The Europa Imaging System contains wide-angle and narrow-angle cameras, which will produce high-resolution color and stereoscopic images of Europa. These cameras will study Europa's geologic activity and measure surface elevations. The Europa Thermal Emission Imaging System will use infrared light to measure surface texture and characterize warmer regions where the liquid ocean may be closer to the surface. It will also show any visible evidence of water eruptions. The Europa Ultraviolet Spectrograph will use a telescope to collect ultraviolet light to help determine the makeup of Europa's sparse atmospheric gases and surface materials. It will also search for signs of plumes erupting from the surface.

A mass spectrometer and dust analyzer will measure the composition of tiny particles in Europa’s extremely thin atmosphere and surrounding environment. The mass spectrometer, or MASPEX, will analyze gases in Europa’s sparse atmosphere and in any plumes, as well as the chemical makeup of the ocean. The Surface Dust Analyzer will identify the chemistry of solid material ejected from Europa to offer clues about the surface composition and ocean salinity.

Examining Europa’s Icy Shell and Sub-surface Ocean

The spacecraft will search for water under Europa’s surface using radar and will gather magnetic field measurements with a magnetometer. An ice-penetrating radar instrument called REASON will examine the ice structure and thickness. It works by transmitting radio waves that bounce off of features within the ice, like cracks or pockets of water. By measuring the time difference between transmission and return, REASON will learn how far the features are from the spacecraft, and therefore, how deep they are in the ice. This highly specialized and advanced radar can also measure differences in the composition of materials on Europa. It does this by measuring the energy difference between transmitted and returning signals and combining them with distance measurements.

A side by side comparison shows an illustrated cutaway of Europa. The left side shows a thin ice crust and deep ocean underneath while the right side shows a thick ice crust and shallower ocean below.

This artist's concept illustrates two possible cut-away views through Europa's ice shell. In both, heat escapes, possibly volcanically, from Europa's rocky mantle and is carried upward by buoyant oceanic currents. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Michael Carroll | + Expand image

The Europa Clipper Magnetometer works by measuring small changes in Europa’s magnetic signal and how they vary with time and location. Measuring Europa’s magnetic signal could confirm the existence of an ocean and will help determine the ocean’s depth and salinity as well as the thickness of the moon's icy shell.

These instruments work in conjunction with several other instruments to closely study Europa during the flybys and return data for scientists to analyze for years to come. Explore a full list of instruments and learn how they work on the Europa Clipper mission website.

Getting to Europa

To save fuel for its journey to Europa, the spacecraft will follow what’s known as a Mars-Earth Gravity Assist trajectory for its 5.5-year journey. This path will first take the spacecraft near Mars to get a gravity assist – a boost in momentum obtained by tugging on Mars, thereby slightly decreasing Mars’ orbital momentum while transferring that momentum to the spacecraft. Next, Europa Clipper will swing back by Earth for another gravity assist before continuing on to Jupiter for its scheduled arrival in April 2030.

Earth, Mars and Jupiter orbits are shown in red. A blue line traces the trajectory of the Europa Clipper spacecraft from Earth, to Mars for a gravity assist, back to Earth for a gravity assist and then on to Jupiter.

This graphic shows the Mars-Earth gravity assist trajectory the Europa Clipper spacecraft will follow to reach Jupiter. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech | + Expand image

Once it arrives, Europa Clipper will orbit Jupiter in an elongated ellipse that will bring the spacecraft close to Europa about 50 times. The orbit was designed in this way to decrease the impact of Jupiter’s radiation on the spacecraft, which can damage its electronics. Studies show that a spacecraft orbiting Europa may survive for a few months, while one orbiting Jupiter would last for many years. After each close flyby of Europa, the spacecraft will travel outside Jupiter’s radiation belts to downlink data to Earth, uplink new commands, and prepare for the next flyby.

Jupiter is shown as a dot in the center of the image. Four yellow concentric circles represent the orbits of Jupiter's four largest moons. Dozens of blue elipses orbit Jupiter to show the path the Europa Clipper spacecraft will take as it studies Europa.

Known as a petal plot for the way it resembles petals of a flower, this diagram displays the orbital path around Jupiter the Europa Clipper spacecraft will take as it explores Europa. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech | + Expand image

Follow Along

The Europa Clipper spacecraft is scheduled to launch in October 2024 from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Tune in to watch the launch on NASA TV.

Visit the Europa Clipper mission website for all the latest mission updates, images, and science.

Teach Europa Clipper Science and Engineering

The Europa Clipper mission is a great opportunity to engage students with hands-on learning opportunities that range from imagining alien life forms to finding Jupiter in the night sky to engaging in the same science that led scientists to suspect the existence of Europa’s salty ocean. Explore these lessons and resources to get students excited about the STEM involved in this mission to determine if life-supporting conditions exist on Europa.

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TAGS: K-12 Education, Educators, Teachers, Parents, Science, Astrobiology, Jupiter, Europa, Ocean, Teachable Moments

  • Anne Tapp Jaksa

Collage of images of activities featured in this article.

We're launching into summer by highlighting 15 of our favorite summertime projects for students, including a Mars student challenge you can do again and again.

Just because the school year is coming to a close doesn't mean student learning has to go on vacation. In fact, with our collections of more than 100 guided out-of-school time activities and student projects that are perfect for summertime, you can find a number of ideas for keeping kids engaged while they learn about STEAM and explore NASA missions and science in the process.

Here are 15 of our favorite summer-worthy activities, plus more ways to engage students in STEAM this summer.

This last one is a great option for summer camps and other out-of-school time groups looking to fill their summer programming with STEAM. Explore seven weeks worth of lessons and activities that can be customized to your group's needs and get kids planning and designing their own mission to Mars!

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Explore the full collections of guided activities and projects at the links below:

TAGS: K-12 Education, Out-of-School Time, Afterschool, Informal Education, Summer, Resources, Projects, Students, STEAM

  • Kim Orr

Colorful vein-like structures showing the movement of ice across Antarctica are overlaid on a satellite image of the continent.

Find out how the upcoming NISAR mission, an Earth satellite designed to capture detailed views of our planet's changing surface, will provide new insights into everything from natural disasters to climate change. Plus, connect it all to STEM learning.

The next addition to NASA’s fleet of Earth Science orbiters is launching in 2024 and will represent a monumental leap forward in how we monitor our changing planet. The NISAR mission is a collaboration between NASA and the Indian Space Research Organisation that’s designed to monitor and study tiny movements of Earth’s surface from events like natural disasters and climate change.

Read on to find out how NISAR is pushing the boundaries of Earth science from space. Plus, learn how you can bring science and engineering from the mission to your students.

How NISAR Works

NISAR is among the most advanced radar systems on an Earth science mission to date due to its supersized antenna reflector, use of synthetic aperture radar, and ability to observe Earth in two different radar frequencies simultaneously.

Hear mission experts describe how the NISAR satellite will track our changing Earth in fine detail. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Extending above the spacecraft like a giant catcher's mitt, NISAR’s antenna reflector is 39 feet (12 meters) wide – the largest ever launched as part of a NASA Earth-observing mission. This antenna creates an observational window, or swath, of the surface beneath the spacecraft that is 150 miles (242 kilometers) wide. The swath size is determined by the radar wavelength and antenna size, which is important because there is a direct relationship between antenna size and the resolution of images and data that can be captured by NISAR.

The NISAR spacecraft flies over Earth's glowing blue horizon. A long boom extending above the spacecraft holds up a cylindrical structure with the antenna reflector stretched across its center.

NISAR's antenna reflector extends above the spacecraft like a catcher's mitt and is engineered to help the mission get an unprecedented view of Earth's surface. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech | + Expand image

We typically want the best resolution possible, but we’re limited by the size of the antenna we can build and deploy in space. Conventionally, the resolution on a satellite is a function of the wavelength it uses and the size of the antenna. The larger the wavelength, the bigger the antenna needs to be to get quality images. At typical radar wavelengths, with a 12 meter diameter reflector, the best achievable resolution would be as coarse as 10s of kilometers, which is not very useful for observing features on Earth at the human scale.

An angle extends down from a rectangle labeled radar antenna. A series of stacked ellipses representing radar pulses is at the widest part of the angle along a path labeled radar swath.

This diagram shows how synthetic aperature radar works by sending multiple radar pulses to an area on the ground from an antenna passing overhead. Credit: NASA | + Expand image

This is why NISAR utilizes an approach called synthetic aperture radar, or SAR, to synthetically magnify the resolution achievable from the antenna. With SAR, the spacecraft sends multiple signals, or pulses, to an area as it flies overhead. Each signal gets reflected back to the spacecraft, which is meticulously designed to “catch” the reflected signals thanks to its position and velocity. Each signal in the sequence is then focused into a single high-resolution image, creating an effect as if the spacecraft is using a much larger antenna.

Radar uses radio wavelengths, which are longer than those of visible light, allowing us to see through clouds and sometimes even tree coverage to the ground below, depending on the frequency of the radio waves. We’re also able to interpret a lot of information about the surface from the way the signal returns back to the orbiter. This is because NISAR will measure the amount of scatter, or dispersion, of the signal as compared to when it was originally transmitted.

For example, a rigid, sharp angled building will bounce the signal back to the receiver differently than a leafy tree. Different radio frequencies are better used for different surfaces because they are influenced by the type of surface being analyzed. To this end, NISAR is the first mission to use two different radar frequencies simultaneously. The L-Band can be used to monitor heavier vegetation and landscapes while the S-Band is better tuned for lighter vegetation and crop growth. The two wavelengths in general extend the range of sensitivity of the measurement to smaller and larger changes.

This combination of tools and features will allow NISAR to construct global maps of changes in the position of any given pixel at a scale of just centimeters as well as subtle changes in reflectivity due to land cover changes on all land and ice surfaces twice every 12 days. The resolution combined with repetition will allow scientists to monitor the changes taking place on our planet in a matter of days more comprehensively than ever before.

Specks of brightly covered squares dot an overhead image of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. A key indicates how the colors correspond with the vertical velocity in mm/yr.

This satellite image of New Orleans is overlaid with synthetic aperature radar data from the UAVSAR instrument to show the rate at which the land was sinking in a section of New Orleans from June 2009 to July 2012. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech, Esri | › Learn more

What the NISAR Mission Will Show Us

Because of the massive amount of data produced by NISAR, we’ll be able to closely monitor the impacts of environmental events including earthquakes, landslides, and ice-sheet collapses. Data from NISAR could even be used to assess the risk of natural hazards.

Scientists can use NISAR to monitor tiny movements in Earth’s surface in areas prone to volcanic eruptions or landslides. These measurements are constructed using what’s called an interferogram, which looks at how the maps generated for each pass of the spacecraft have changed over time. For example, we could see immediate changes to the topography after an earthquake with an interferogram made from images NISAR collected shortly before and soon after the event.

On the left, a satellite takes a radar image of an area of Earth's surface during its first pass. On the right, during pass two, the satellite takes a radar image of the same area of the surface, which has now been displaced by an earthquake.

Using interferometry, as shown in this diagram, NISAR can capture changes or deformation in land surfaces, such as after an earthquake. | + Expand image

By tracking and recording these events and other movements on the surface leading up to natural disasters, it may be possible to identify warning signs that can improve detection and disaster response.

Two thin rectangular satellite images labeled Nov 13, 2009 and Nov 18, 2010 are followed by an equal sign and a third image of the same area with a neon colors overlaid and a heat-map scale showing movement in cm.

The first two images in this series were captured by the UAVSAR instrument during two separate passes over California's San Andreas Fault about a year apart. The two images were then combined to create the third image, which an interferogram that shows how the surface changed between the two passes of the instrument. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech | + Expand image

And NISAR isn’t just limited to studying the solid Earth. As missions prior have done, it will also be able to generate maps of polar ice sheets over time and detect changes in permafrost based on the regional movement of the soil below. These measurements will give climate scientists a clear picture of how much the ice is moving and deforming due to climate change and where it is thawing as the ground warms.

Additionally, NISAR can track land usage, deforestation, sea levels, and crustal deformation, informing scientists about the impacts of environmental and climate change on Earth.

Follow Along With NISAR

NISAR is scheduled to launch in 2024 from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, India, and will enter a polar orbit 460 miles (747 kilometers) above Earth. For the first 90 days after launch, the spacecraft will undergo checks and commissioning before beginning scientific observations for a primary mission designed to last three years.

Science from the mission will be downlinked to both NASA and ISRO ground stations below with data and the tools to process it freely available for download and use to all professional and citizen scientists.

Visit NASA’s NISAR mission page for the latest updates about the mission.

Teach Earth Science With NISAR

With the launch of NISAR, we will be better able to monitor and mitigate natural disasters and understand the effects of climate change. Bring the fleet of NASA Earth Science missions to your classroom with the following lessons and activities:


Student Projects and Activities


TAGS: K-12 Education, Resources, Earth Science, Climate Change, NISAR

  • Brandon Rodriguez

The partial eclipse looks as if a bite has been taken out of the Sun. The annular looks like an orange ring around the blackened Moon. The total looks like wisps of white around the blackened Moon.

Get ready for the April 8 total solar eclipse. Learn about the science behind solar eclipses, how to watch safely, and how to engage students in NASA science.

On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will be visible across much of the central and northeastern United States, as well as parts of Mexico and Canada.

Whether you are traveling to the path of the total eclipse or will be able to step outside and watch the eclipse where you live, here's everything you need to know, including what to expect, how to watch safely, and how to engage in scientific observations and discovery with NASA.

What Are Solar Eclipses?

Solar eclipses occur when the Sun, the Moon, and Earth align. For this alignment to happen, two things need to be true. First, the Moon needs to be in the new moon phase, which is when the Moon’s orbit brings it between Earth and the Sun. Second, eclipses can only happen during eclipse seasons, which last about 34 days and occur just shy of every six months. An eclipse season is the time period when the Sun, the Moon, and Earth can line up on the same plane as Earth's orbit during a new or full moon. If a new moon happens during an eclipse season, the shadow cast by the Moon will land on Earth, resulting in a solar eclipse. Most of the time, because the Moon’s orbit is slightly tilted, the Moon’s shadow falls above or below Earth, and we don't get a solar eclipse.

Not all solar eclipses look the same. The distance between the Sun, the Moon, and Earth plays an important role in what we see during a solar eclipse. Even though the Moon is much smaller than the Sun (about 400 times smaller in diameter), the Sun and Moon look about the same size from Earth. This is because the Sun is about 400 times farther away than the Moon. But as the Moon travels its elliptical orbit around Earth, its size appears slightly larger when it is closer to Earth and slightly smaller when it is farther from Earth. This contributes to the different kinds of solar eclipses you might have heard about. For example:

  • During a total solar eclipse, the Moon is closer to Earth in its orbit and appears larger, completely blocking the Sun's disk. This allows viewers in the path of totality to see the Sun’s corona, which is usually obscured by the bright light of the Sun’s surface.
  • Whisps of white haze flare out around the blackened disk of the Moon, which completely covers the Sun's disk

    This image of a total solar eclipse was captured on Aug. 21, 2017 from Madras, Oregon. Image credit: NASA/Aubrey Gemignani | › Full image and caption

  • An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are properly aligned, but the Moon is farther away in its orbit, so it does not completely cover the Sun's disk from our perspective. Annular eclipses are notable for the "ring of fire," a thin ring of the Sun’s disk that's still visible around the Moon during annularity. The name annular eclipse comes from the world of mathematics, where a ring shape is known as an annulus.
  • The bubbling surface of the Sun's disk and the surrounding haze of orange and yellow light can be seen as a ring around the blackened disk of the Moon.

    On Jan. 4, 2017, the Hinode satellite captured these breathtaking images of an annular solar eclipse. Image credit: Hinode/XRT | › Full image and caption

  • Partial eclipses can happen for two reasons. First, viewers outside the path of totality during a total solar eclipse – or the path of annularity during an annular eclipse – will see only part of the Sun’s surface covered by the Moon. The other time a partial eclipse can occur is when the Moon is nearly above or below Earth in its orbit so only part of the Moon’s shadow falls on Earth. In this case, only part of the Sun’s surface will appear covered by the Moon.
  • The Sun appears to have a small bite taken out of the top of its yellow-orange disk. The bite grows in size in this sequence of three images.

    The Sun appears partially eclipsed in this series of photos taken from NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston on Aug. 21, 2017. Image credit: NASA/Noah Moran | › Full image and caption

How to Watch the Upcoming Solar Eclipse

First, an important safety note: Do not look directly at the Sun or view any part of the partial solar eclipse without certified eclipse glasses or a solar filter. Read more below about when you can safely view the total solar eclipse without eclipse glasses or a solar filter. Visit the NASA Eclipse website for more information on safe eclipse viewing.

When following proper safety guidelines, witnessing an eclipse is an unparalleled experience. Many “eclipse chasers” have been known to travel the world to see solar eclipses. Here's what to expect on April 8, 2024:

The start time and visibility of the eclipse will depend on your location. You can use the interactive map below to find detailed eclipse information, including timing and coverage, by entering in your location. A list of some of the cities and start times along the path of totality is available on the NASA Science website.

Explore when and where to view the eclipse with this interactive map from NASA. Enter your zip code to see what will be visible in your viewing location and when to watch. Credit: NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio

The eclipse begins when the edge of the Moon first crosses in front of the disk of the Sun. This is called a partial eclipse and might look as if a bite has been taken out of the Sun.

It is important to keep your eclipse glasses on during all parts of the partial solar eclipse. The visible part of the Sun is tens of thousands of times brighter than what you see during totality. You can also use a pinhole camera to view the eclipse.

An approximately 115-mile-wide strip known as the path of totality is where the shadow of the Moon, or umbra, will fall on Earth. Inside this path, totality will be visible starting about 65 to 75 minutes after the eclipse begins.

If you are in the path of totality, it is safe to take off your eclipse glasses and look at the total eclipse only during totality. Be sure to put your glasses back on before the total phase ends and the surface of the Sun becomes visible again. Your viewing location during the eclipse will determine how long you can see the eclipse in totality. In the U.S., viewers can expect to see 3.5 to 5.5 minutes of totality.

After totality ends, a partial eclipse will continue for 60 to 80 minutes, ending when the edge of the Moon moves off of the disk of the Sun.

For more information about the start of the partial eclipse, the start and duration of totality, and the percentage of the Sun eclipsed outside the path of totality, find your location on this eclipse map.

On April 8, NASA Television will host a live broadcast featuring expert commentary and views from telescopes along the path of totality. Tune into the broadcast from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. PDT (1 to 4 p.m. EDT) on the day of the eclipse.

Join NASA as a total solar eclipse moves across North America on April 8. Tune in from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. PDT (1 to 4 p.m. EDT) for live views from across the path, expert commentary, live demos, and more. | Watch on YouTube

What Solar Eclipses Mean for Science

Solar eclipses provide a unique opportunity for scientists to study the Sun and Earth from land, air, and space, plus allow the public to engage in citizen science!

A solid red circle with a smaller white-outlined circle inside it is centered over the disk of the Sun. Streams of yellow, red, and orange shoot out from the Sun, all around the solid circle, while a large solar flare bursts out of the upper left portion of the circle. A time stamp in the corner reads 2000/02/27.

NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, or SOHO, constantly observes the outer regions of the Sun’s corona using a coronagraph. Image credit: ESA/NASA/SOHO | + Expand image

Scientists measure incoming solar radiation, also known as insolation, to better understand Earth’s radiation budget – the energy emitted, reflected, and absorbed by our planet. Just as clouds block sunlight and reduce insolation, eclipses create a similar phenomenon, providing a great opportunity to study how increased cloud cover can impact weather and climate.

Solar eclipses can also help scientists study solar radiation in general and the structure of the Sun. On a typical day, the bright surface of the Sun, called the photosphere, is the only part of the Sun we can see. During a total solar eclipse, the photosphere is completely blocked by the Moon, leaving the outer atmosphere of the Sun (corona) and the thin lower atmosphere (chromosphere) visible. Studying these regions of the Sun’s atmosphere can help scientists understand solar radiation, why the corona is hotter than the photosphere, and the process by which the Sun sends a steady stream of material and radiation into space. Annular solar eclipses provide opportunities for scientists to practice their observation methods so that they'll be ready when a total solar eclipse comes around.

Citizen scientists can get involved in collecting data and participating in the scientific process during the eclipse through NASA’s GLOBE program. Anyone in the path of the eclipse and in partial eclipse areas can act as citizen scientists by measuring temperature and cloud cover data and report it using the GLOBE Observer app to help further the study of how eclipses affect Earth’s atmosphere.

Visit NASA's Eclipse Science page to learn more about the many ways scientists are using the eclipse to improve their understanding of Earth, the Moon, and the Sun.

Taking Eclipse Science Farther

Eclipses also make a great jumping-off point to concepts and techniques used in astrophysics and our search for planets beyond our solar system.

Similar to a solar eclipse, a transit occurs when a planet crosses in front of the face of a star. From Earth, the planets Venus and Mercury can occasionally be seen transiting in front of the Sun, appearing as small, dark dots. Transits are also useful for detecting exoplanets – distant planets around other stars. When an exoplanet passes in between its star and Earth, we can measure tiny dips in the star's brightness that tell scientists a planet is there even when it’s too small to see.

Another way that eclipse concepts are used for astrophysics is with coronagraphs, mechanisms inside telescopes that block the light from a star. By creating a sort of artificial eclipse, coronagraphs help scientists search for exoplanets by making much dimmer planets orbiting a star easier to see. For example, NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Telescope, slated for launch later this decade, will use an advanced coronagraph to analyze and directly image planets that orbit other stars. Learn more about the astrophysics involved in eclipses, including the use of gravitational lensing to study background objects, from NASA’s Universe of Learning.

Learn how the coronagraph instrument on the Nancy Grace Roman Telescope will allow the spacecraft to peer at the universe through some of the most sophisticated sunglasses ever designed. | Watch on YouTube

Solar Eclipse Lessons and Projects

Use these standards-aligned lessons, plus related activities and resources, to get your students excited about the eclipse and the science that will be conducted during the eclipse.

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Eclipse Info

Eclipse Safety


Citizen Science

Facts & Figures

NASA's Universe of Learning materials are based upon work supported by NASA under award number NNX16AC65A to the Space Telescope Science Institute, working in partnership with Caltech/IPAC, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

TAGS: Solar Eclipse, Eclipse, Annular Eclipse, K-12 Education, Lessons, Classroom Resources, STEM Resources

  • Lyle Tavernier

Icons and overlays showing an orbital path, heat map, and cat's heart rate are show over an image of an orange tabby cat laying on a gray couch and looking intently off to the side.

Find out how the now famous video beamed from space, showing a cat chasing a laser, marked a milestone for space exploration, and find resources to engage students in related STEM learning.

You may have seen in the news last month that NASA beamed a cat video from space. It was all part of a test of new technology known as Deep Space Optical Communications. While the video went down in cat video history, the NASA technology used to transmit the first ultra-high-definition video from deep space also represented a historic advancement for space exploration – the potential to stream videos from the Moon, Mars, and beyond.

Read on to learn how this new technology will revolutionize space communications. Then, explore STEM learning resources that will get students using coding, math, and engineering to explore more about how NASA communicates with spacecraft.

Why did NASA beam a cat video from space?

Communicating with spacecraft across the solar system means sending data – such as commands, images, measurements, and status reports – over enormous distances, with travel times limited by the speed of light. NASA spacecraft have traditionally used radio signals to transmit information to Earth via the Deep Space Network, or DSN. The DSN is made up of an array of giant antennas situated around the globe (in California, Spain, and Australia) that allow us to keep in contact with distant spacecraft as Earth rotates.

When scientists and engineers want to send commands to a spacecraft in deep space, they turn to the Deep Space Network, NASA’s international array of giant antennas. | Watch on YouTube

Although sending transmissions using radio frequencies works well, advances in spacecraft technology mean we're collecting and transmitting a lot more data than in the past. The more data a spacecraft collects and needs to transmit to Earth, the more time it takes to transmit that data. And with so many spacecraft waiting to take their turn transmitting via the DSN's antennas, a sort of data traffic jam is on the horizon.

This interactive shows a real-time simulated view of communications between spacecraft and the DSN. Explore more on DSN Now

To alleviate the potential traffic jam, NASA is testing technology known as optical communications, which allows spacecraft to send and receive data at a higher information rate so that each transmission takes less of the DSN’s time.

The technology benefits scientists and engineers – or anyone who is fascinated by space – by allowing robotic spacecraft exploring planets we can't yet visit in person to send high-definition imagery and stream video to Earth for further study. Optical communications could also play an important role in upcoming human missions to the Moon and eventually to Mars, which will require a lot of data transmission, including video communication.

But why transmit a video of a cat? For a test of this kind, engineers would normally send randomly generated test data. But, in this case, to mark what was a significant event for the project, the team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory worked with the center's DesignLab to create a fun video featuring the pet of a JPL employee – a now famous orange tabby named Taters – chasing a laser. The video was also a nod to the project's use of lasers (more on that in a minute) and the first television test broadcast in 1928 that featured a statue of the cartoon character Felix the Cat.

This 15-second ultra-high-definition video featuring a cat named Taters was streamed via laser from deep space by NASA on Dec. 11, 2023. | Watch on YouTube

How lasers improve spacecraft communications

The NASA project designed to test this new technology is known as Deep Space Optical Communications, or DSOC. It aims to prove that we can indeed transmit data from deep space at a higher information rate.

To improve upon the rate at which data flows between spacecraft and antennas on Earth, DSOC uses laser signals rather than the radio signals currently used to transmit data. Radio signals and laser signals are both part of the electromagnetic spectrum and travel at the same speed – the speed of light – but they have different wavelengths. The DSOC lasers transmit data in the near-infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, so their wavelength is shorter than radio waves, and they have a higher frequency.

Each type of wave on the electromagnetic spectrum is represented with a wavy line. Each wave – radio, microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma ray – is between a range of wavelengths that get shorter (from >100,000,000 nm to <.01 nm) and frequencies that get higher (from <3x10^9 to >3x10^19 Hz) from left to right. Visible light makes up a relatively tiny portion of the full spectrum.

This chart compares the wavelength and frequency range of each kind of wave on the electromagnetic spectrum. Note: The graphic representations are not to scale. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech | + Expand image | › Download low-ink version for printing

Since there are more infrared than radio wavelengths over a particular distance, more data can be sent over the same distance using infrared. And since the speed of infrared and radio waves is equal to the speed of light, this also means that more data can be sent in the same length of time using infrared.

As a result, DSOC’s maximum information rate is around 267 megabits per second (Mbps), faster than many terrestrial internet signals. At that high data rate, the 153.6 megabit cat video took only 0.58 seconds to transmit and another 101 seconds to travel the 19 million miles to Earth at the speed of light. Instead, if we had sent the cat video using Psyche's radio transmitter, which has a data rate of 360 kilobits per second, it would have taken 426 seconds to transmit the video, plus the same speed-of-light travel time, to get to Earth.

Here's how DSOC aims to revolutionize deep space communications. | Watch on YouTube

This kind of spacecraft communications isn't without its challenges. Accurately pointing the narrow laser beam is one of the greatest challenges of optical communications.

DSOC consists of a "flight laser transceiver" aboard the Psyche spacecraft – which is currently on its journey to study the asteroid 16-Psyche – and a receiving station on Earth. The flight transceiver is a 22-centimeter-diameter apparatus that can both transmit and receive signals. Its maximum transmitter strength is a low 4 Watts. For the December 2023 test, a 160-Watt beacon signal was transmitted to the DSOC flight transceiver by a 1-meter telescope located at JPL's Table Mountain facility near Wrightwood, California. This beacon signal was used by the Psyche spacecraft as a pointing reference so it could accurately aim the DSOC transceiver at the Earth receiving station – the 5-meter Hale telescope at Caltech’s Palomar Observatory near San Diego.

This animation shows how DSOC's laser signals are sent between the Psyche spacecraft and ground stations on Earth - first as a pointing reference to ensure accurate aiming of the narrow laser signal and then as a data transmission to the receiving station. | Watch on YouTube

When the DSOC laser beam encounters Earth, it is much narrower than a radio signal transmitted from the same distance. In fact, the laser beam is only a few hundred kilometers wide when it reaches Earth, in sharp contrast with an approximately 2.5-million-kilometer-wide radio signal. This narrow beam must be pointed accurately enough so it not only intersects Earth, but also overlaps the receiving station. To ensure that the beam will be received at Palomar Observatory, the transmission must be aimed not directly at Earth, but at a point where Earth will be in its orbit when the signal arrives after traveling the great distance from the spacecraft.

What's next for laser communications

Engineers will do additional tests of the DSOC system as the Psyche spacecraft continues its 2.2-billion-mile (3.6-billion-kilometer) journey to its destination in the asteroid belt beyond Mars. Over the next couple of years, DSOC will make weekly contacts with Earth. Visit NASA's DSOC website to follow along as NASA puts the system through its paces to potentially usher in a new means of transmitting data through space.

How does the cat video relate to STEM learning?

The DSOC project provides a wonderful opportunity to help students understand the electromagnetic spectrum and learn about real-world applications of STEM in deep space communications. Try out these lessons and resources to get students engaged.

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TAGS: K-12 Education, Educators, Students, Learning Resources, Teaching Resources, DSOC, DSN, Deep Space Network

  • Ota Lutz

Spikes of light extend from the Sun shining above the glowing blue limb of Earth, as shown from space.

Leap day, Feb. 29, happens every four years because of a mismatch between the calendar year and Earth's orbit. Learn how it works, and get students engaged in leap day STEM.

You may have noticed that there's an extra day on your calendar this year. That's not a typo – it's leap day! Leap day is another name for Feb. 29, a date that typically comes around every four years, during a leap year.

Why doesn't Feb. 29 appear on the calendar every year?

The length of a year is based on how long it takes a planet to revolve around the Sun. Earth takes about 365.2422 days to make one revolution around the Sun. That's about six hours longer than the 365 days that we typically include in a calendar year. As a result, every four years, we have about 24 extra hours that we add to the calendar at the end of February in the form of leap day.

Without leap day, the dates of annual events, such as equinoxes and solstices, would slowly shift to later in the year, changing the dates of each season. After only a century without leap day, summer wouldn’t start until mid-July!

But the peculiar adjustments don't end there. If Earth revolved around the Sun in exactly 365 days and six hours, this system of adding a leap day every four years would need no exceptions. However, Earth takes a little less time than that to orbit the Sun. Rounding up and inserting a 24-hour leap day every four years adds about 45 extra minutes to every four-year leap cycle. That adds up to about three days every 400 years. To correct for that, years that are divisible by 100 don't have leap days unless they’re also divisible by 400.

If you do the math, you'll see that the year 2000 was a leap year, but 2100, 2200 and 2300 will not be.

Have students learn more about leap years with this article from NASA's Space Place, then have them do the math for themselves with this leap day problem set. You can also have students write a letter or poem to be opened on the next leap day or get them learning about orbits across the solar system.

And since we've got an extra 24 hours this year, don't forget to take a little time to relax!

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TAGS: K-12 Education, Math, Leap Day, Leap Year, Events, Space, Educators, Teachers, Parents, Students, STEM, Lessons, Earth Science, Earth

  • Lyle Tavernier

Collage of resources and offerings from JPL Education, including education events, webinars, Teachable Moments, and lessons

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  • NASA/JPL Edu

A spacecraft with a cylindrical body topped by a flat rectangular solar panel is shown among a starry backdrop interspersed with fuzzy blobs representing dark matter.

Learn about a new mission seeking to understand some of the greatest mysteries of our universe, and explore hands-on teaching resources that bring it all down to Earth.

Scientists may soon uncover new insights about some of the most mysterious phenomena in our universe with the help of the newly launched Euclid mission. Built and managed by the European Space Agency, Euclid will use a suite of instruments developed, in part, by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory to explore the curious nature of dark energy and dark matter along with their role in the expansion and acceleration of our universe.

Read on to learn how the Euclid mission will probe these cosmological mysteries. Then, find out how to use demonstrations and models to help learners grasp these big ideas.

Why It’s Important

No greater question in our universe promotes wonder in scientists and non-scientists alike than that of the origin of our universe. The Euclid mission will allow scientists to study the nearly imperceptible cosmic components that may hold exciting answers to this question.

Edwin Hubble's observations of the expanding universe in the 1920s marked the beginnings of what's now known as the big-bang theory. We've since made monumental strides in determining when and how the big bang would have taken place by looking at what's known as cosmic background radiation using instruments such as COBE and WMAP in 1989 and 2001, respectively. However, there's one piece of Hubble's discovery that still has scientists stumped: our universe is not only expanding, but as scientists discovered in 1998, that expansion is also accelerating.

This side by side comparison shows a constant rate of expansion of the universe, represented by the expanding sphere on the left, and an accelerating rate of expansion of the universe, represented by the expanding sphere on the right. Each dot on the spheres represents a galaxy and shows how galaxies move apart from each other faster in the universe that has an accelerating rate of expansion. | Watch on YouTube

How can this be? It makes intuitive sense that, regardless of the immense force of the big bang that launched all matter across the known universe 13.8 billion years ago, that matter would eventually come to a rest and possibly even start to collapse. Instead, it's as if we've dropped a glass onto the ground and discovered that the shards are flying away from us faster and faster into perpetuity.

A sideways funnel that fans out at one end encapsulates an illustration of the history of the universe starting with the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago through the first stars, the development of galaxies, and accelerated expansion.

An illustrated timeline of the universe. Credit: WMAP | + Expand image

Scientists believe that answers may lie in two yet-to-be-understood factors of our universe: dark matter and dark energy. Dark matter is unlike the known matter we experience here on Earth, such as what's found on the periodic table. We can't actually see dark matter; we can only infer its presence. It has mass and therefore gravity, making it an attractive force capable of pulling things together. Amazingly, dark matter makes up roughly 27% of the known universe compared with the much more modest 5% of "normal matter" that we experience day to day. However, dark matter is extremely dilute throughout the universe with concentrations of 105 particles per cubic meter.

This animated pie chart shows rounded values for the three known components of the universe: visible matter (5%), dark matter (27%), and dark energy (68%). Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center | › Full video and caption

In opposition to the attractive force of dark matter, we have dark energy. Dark energy is a repulsive force and makes up roughly 68% of energy in the known universe. Scientists believe that the existence of dark energy and the amount of repulsion it displays compared with dark matter is what's causing our universe to not only expand, but also to expand faster and faster.

Dr. Jennifer Wiseman, a senior project scientist with the Hubble Space Telescope mission, explains how the mission has been helping scientists learn more about dark energy. Credit: NASA Goddard | Watch on YouTube

But to truly understand this mysterious force and how it interacts with both dark matter and normal matter, scientists will have to map barely detectable distortions of light traversing the universe, carefully measuring how that light changes over time and distance in every direction. As JPL Astrophysicist Jason Rhodes explains, “Dark energy has such a subtle effect that we need to survey billions of galaxies to adequately map it.”

And that's where Euclid comes in.

How It Works

The European Space Agency and NASA each contributed to the development of the Euclid mission, which launched from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida on July 1. The spacecraft consists of a 1.2-meter (48-inch) space telescope and two science instruments: an optical camera and a near-infrared camera that also serves as a spectrometer. These instruments will provide a treasure trove of data for scientists of numerous disciplines, ranging from exoplanet hunters to cosmologists.

Light waves get stretched as the universe expands similar to how this ink mark stretches out as the elastic is pulled. Get students modeling and exploring this effect with this standards-aligned math lesson. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech | + Expand image

This infographic is divided into three sectionss. The first describes how wavelengths increase over time, shifting from blue to yellow to red as objects in space get older and farther away. The second shows how light stretched by the expansion of space becomes redder and enters the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The third shows how telescopes like Roman use infrared detectors to see this ancient light and learn about the early universe.

This graphic illustrates how cosmological redshift works and how it offers information about the universe’s evolution. Credit: NASA, ESA, Leah Hustak (STScI) | › Full image and caption

As Gisella de Rosa at the Space Telescope Science Institute explains, “The ancillary science topics we will be able to study with Euclid range from the evolution of the objects we see in the sky today to detecting populations of galaxies and creating catalogs for astronomers. The data will serve the entire space community.”

The cameras aboard Euclid will operate at 530-920 nanometers (optical light) and at 920-2020 nanometers (near infrared) with each boasting more than 576 million and 65 million pixels, respectively. These cameras are capable of measuring the subtle changes to the light collected from celestial objects and can determine the distances to billions of galaxies across a survey of 15,000 square degrees – one-third of the entire sky.

Meanwhile, Euclid's spectrometer will collect even more detailed measurements of the distance to tens of millions of galaxies by looking at redshift. Redshift describes how wavelengths of light change ever so slightly as objects move away from us. It is a critical phenomenon for measuring the speed at which our universe is expanding. Similar to the way sound waves change as a result of the Doppler effect, wavelengths of light are compressed to shorter wavelengths (bluer) as something approaches you and extended to longer wavelengths (redder) as it moves away from you. As determined by a Nobel Prize winning team of astronomers, our universe isn’t just red-shifting over time, distant objects are becoming redder faster.

Euclid will measure these incredibly minuscule changes in wavelength for objects near and far, providing an accurate measurement of how the light has changed as a factor of time and distance and giving us a rate of acceleration of the universe. Furthermore, Euclid will be able to map the relative densities of dark matter and normal matter as they interact with dark energy, creating unevenly distributed pockets of more attractive forces. This will allow scientists to identify minute differences in where the universe is expanding by looking at the way that light is altered or "lensed."

The multi-dimensional maps created by Euclid – which will include depth and time in addition to the height and width of the sky – will inform a complementary mission already in development by NASA, the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. Launching in 2026, this space telescope will look back in time with even greater detail, targeting areas of interest provided by Euclid. The telescope will use instruments with higher sensitivity and spatial resolution to peer deeper into redshifted and faint galaxies, building on the work of Euclid to look farther into the accelerating universe. As Caltech’s Gordon Squires describes it: “We’re trying to understand 90% of our entire universe. Both of these telescopes will provide essential data that will help us start to uncover these colossal mysteries.”

Teach It

The abstract concepts of the scope and origin of our universe and the unimaginable scale of cosmology can be difficult to communicate to learners. However, simple models and simulations can help make these topics more tangible. See below to find out how, plus explore more resources about our expanding universe.


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NASA's Universe of Learning materials are based upon work supported by NASA under award number NNX16AC65A to the Space Telescope Science Institute, working in partnership with Caltech/IPAC, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

TAGS: K-12 Education, Teaching, Teachers, Educators, Resources, Universe, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Euclid, Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, Universe of Learning

  • Brandon Rodriguez

Collage of images and graphics from the InSight Mars lander mission. Links to full images and descriptions in caption.

As NASA retires its InSight Mars lander, here's a look at some of the biggest discoveries from the first mission designed to study the Red Planet's interior – plus, how to make connections to what students are learning now.

After more than four years listening to the “heartbeat” of Mars, NASA is saying goodbye to the InSight lander as the mission on the Red Planet comes to an end. On Dec. 21, 2022 scientists wrapped up the first-of-its-kind mission to study the interior of Mars as dust in the Martian atmosphere and on the spacecraft’s solar panels prevented the lander from generating enough power to continue.

Read on to learn how the mission worked, what it discovered, and how to bring the science and engineering of the mission into the classroom.

How It Worked

The lander is showin on the surface of Mars with a cutaway view of the Martian interior and core below the spacecraft. SEIS and HP3 are resting on the surface in front of the spacecraft and attached to InSight with long leash-like teathers. RISE juts out like a speaker from the flat top of the spacecraft between its two wing-like solar panels.

The locations of InSight's three main science tools, SEIS, HP3, and RISE are labeled in this illustration of the lander on Mars. | + Expand image | › Full image and caption

The InSight lander was designed to reveal the processes that led to the formation of Mars – as well as Earth, the Moon, and all rocky worlds. This meant meeting two main science goals.

First, scientists wanted to understand how Mars formed and evolved. To do that, they needed to investigate the size and make-up of Mars’ core, the thickness and structure of its crust, the structure of the mantle layer, the warmth of the planet's interior, and the amount of heat flowing through the planet.

Second, to study tectonic activity on Mars, scientists needed to determine the power, frequency, and location of “marsquakes” as well as measure how often meteoroids impacted the Red Planet, creating seismic waves.

Engineers equipped InSight with three main science tools that would allow researchers to answer these questions about Mars.

SEIS, a seismometer like the ones used on Earth to record earthquakes, measured the seismic waves on Mars. These waves, which travel through the Red Planet, can tell scientists a lot about the areas they pass through. They even carry clues about whether it was a marsquake or meteorite impact that created the waves.

InSight captured these images of clouds drifting in the distance, visible just beyond the dome-like top of the SEIS instrument. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech | + Expand image | › Full image and caption

InSight's Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package, or HP3, was an instrument designed to burrow 16 feet (five meters) into Mars to measure the temperature at different depths and monitor how heat flowed out toward the surface. However, the self-hammering probe, informally called the "mole," struggled to dig itself in due to the unexpected consistency of the top few inches of Mars regolith at the landing site. Using full-size models of the lander and probe, engineers recreated InSight’s environment here on Earth to see if they could find a solution to the issue. They tested solutions that would allow the probe to penetrate the surface, including pressing the scoop attached to InSight’s robotic arm against the probe. While the effort serves as a great real-world example of how engineers work through problems with distant spacecraft, ultimately, none of the solutions allowed the probe to dig past the surface when attempted on Mars.

In 2019, InSight mission scientist/engineer Troy Hudson shared the game plan for getting the mission's heat probe digging again on Mars. Ultimately, the team wasn't able to to get the "mole" working, but the effort is a great real-world example of how engineers work through problems with distant spacecraft. | Watch on YouTube

InSight’s third experiment, called RISE, used the spacecraft’s radio antennas to precisely measure the lander's position on the surface of Mars. The interior structure of Mars affects the planet’s motion, causing it to wobble. Measuring InSight’s position as the planet wobbled helped scientists gain a better understanding of the core and other layered structures that exist within the interior of Mars.

What We Discovered

A cutaway view of the interior of Mars shows a crust that is 0-25 mi (0-40 km) deep, an upper mantle that is 25-630 mi (40-1,015 km) deep; a transition zone that is 630-970 mi (1,015-1,560 km) deep, and a Core that is 970-2,105 mi (1,560-3,390 km) deep. Meteor impacts are shown as the sources of seismic activity. A separate inset shows InSight on the surface of a cutaway view of Mars' interior with lines representing Direct P, S waves extending from the upper mantle, through the curst, to SEIS on the surface.

Using its seismometer, InSight gained a deeper understanding of the interior layers of Mars, as detailed in this graphic. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech | + Expand image | › Full image and caption

InSight’s instruments enabled the mission science team to gain an understanding of not only the depth of Mars’ crust, mantle, and core, but also the composition of those features. They also learned just how active Mars really is.

The Structure of Mars

Working our way from the surface to the center of the planet, scientists found Mars’ crust was thinner than expected. Seismic waves detected by SEIS indicate that the crust is made up of three sub-layers, similar to Earth’s crust. The top-most layer of the crust is about six miles (10 kilometers) deep, while the denser layers of the crust, which contain more felsic, or iron-rich, material extend downward to about 25 miles (40 kilometers) below the surface. As seismic waves from a marsquake or a meteorite impact spread across the surface and through the interior of the planet, they can reflect off of underground layers, giving scientists views into the unseen materials below. Measuring how the waves change as a result of these reflections is how scientists unveiled the underground structure of Mars.

Like Earth, Mars has a lithosphere, a rigid layer made up of the crust and upper mantle. The Martian lithosphere extends about 310 miles (500 kilometers) below the surface before it transitions into the remaining mantle layer, which is relatively cool compared with Earth’s mantle. Mars’ mantle extends to 969 miles (1,560 kilometers) below the surface where it meets the planet’s core.

The InSight lander is shown on the surface of Mars, where circular lines radiate out from a central point. The interior of Mars is shown with lines flowing left and right from the same central point and extending from the crust into Mars’ mantle down to its large central core. In the background, a cutaway shows the interior of Earth with more interior layers and a smaller core. Full problem text is available on the lesson page.

In this lesson from the "Pi in the Sky" math challenge, students use measurements from InSight along with pi to calculate the density of Mars' core. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech | + Expand image | › Go to the lesson

Scientists measured the core of Mars and found it to be larger than expected, with a radius of 1,137 miles (1,830 kilometers). With this information, scientists were able to estimate the density of Mars' core, which turned out to be less dense than anticipated, meaning it contains lighter elements mixed in with iron. Scientists also confirmed that the planet contains a liquid core. While we know that Earth has a liquid outer core and solid inner core, scientists will need to further study the data returned from InSight to know if there is also a solid inner core on Mars.

As scientists continue to study the data returned from InSight, we could learn even more about how Mars formed, how its magnetic field developed, and what materials make up the core, which could ultimately help us better understand how Earth and other planets formed.


InSight discovered that Mars is a very active planet. A total of 1,319 marsquakes were detected after the SEIS instrument was placed on the surface. The largest, which was estimated to be a magnitude 5, was detected in May of 2022.

Unlike Earth, where the crust is broken into large pieces called plates that continually shift around causing earthquakes, Mars’ crust is made up of one solid plate, somewhat like a shell. However, as the planet cools, the crust shrinks, creating breaks called faults. This breaking action is what causes marsquakes, and the seismic waves generated by the quakes are what help scientists figure out when and where the quakes occurred and how powerful they were.

A target symbol representing a marsquake appears on the other side of Mars from InSight. Pink and blue lines representing different waves extend around Mars from the left and right, respectively, of the epicenter. A green line extends from SEIS all the way around Mars and back to the instrument. An inset appears on top of SEIS that shows a recording of the wave measurements.

In this math problem from the "Pi in the Sky" series, students use pi to identify the timing and location of a hypothetical marsquake recorded by InSight. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech | + Expand image | › Go to the lesson

Nearly all of the strongest marsquakes detected by InSight came from a region known as Cerberus Fossae, a volcanic region that may have had lava flows within the past few million years. Volcanic activity, even without lava flowing on the surface, can be another way marsquakes occur. Images from orbiting spacecraft show boulders that have fallen from cliffs in this region, perhaps shaken loose by large marsquakes.

This seismogram shows the largest quake ever detected on another planet. Estimated at magnitude 5, this quake was discovered by InSight on May 4, 2022. Listen to a sonification of this seismogram. | + Expand image | › Full image and caption

Conversely, InSight didn't detect any quakes in the volcanic region known as Tharsis, the home of three of Mars’ largest volcanos that sit approximately one-third of the way around the planet from InSight. This doesn’t necessarily mean the area is not seismically active. Scientists think there may be quakes occurring, but the size of Mars’ liquid core creates what’s known as a shadow zone – an area into which seismic waves don’t pass – at InSight's location.

Meteorite Impacts

On Sept. 5, 2021, InSight detected the impacts of a meteoroid that entered the Martian atmosphere. The meteoroid exploded into at least three pieces that reached the surface and left behind craters. NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter passed over the impact sites to capture images of the three new craters and confirm their locations.

A direct overhead view of a light-gray-colored cratered surface is interrupted by three black splotches of increasing size from left to right. At the center of each dark scar is a royal blue splotch. The surface around the blue center looks as if it's been sprayed with a dark material that extends farther on the right side of each crater than on the left.

This image, captured by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, shows the craters (in blue) formed by a meteroid impact on Mars on Sept. 5, 2021. The impact was the first to be detected by InSight. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona | + Expand image | › Full image and caption

“After three years of waiting for an impact, those craters looked beautiful,” said Ingrid Daubar of Brown University, a Mars impacts specialist.

Mars’ thin atmosphere, which is less than 1% as dense as Earth’s, means meteoroids have a better chance of not disintegrating in the heat and pressure that builds up as they pass through the atmosphere to the planet’s surface. Despite this fact and Mars' proximity to the asteroid belt, the planet proved to be a challenging location to detect meteorite impacts because of "noise" in the data created by winds blowing on SEIS and seasonal changes in the atmosphere.

With the confirmation of the September 2021 impacts, scientists were able to identify a telltale seismic signature to these meteorite impacts. With this information in hand, they looked back through InSight's data and found three more impacts – one in 2020 and two in 2021. Scientists anticipate finding even more impacts in the existing data that might have been hidden by the noise in the data.

Three overhead images of a brown cratered surfaces with a bright blue-colored crater at the center. Surrounding the crater in each image is a splotch of different colored material sprayed out in all directions.

This collage shows three other meteoroid impacts on Mars that were detected by the seismometer on InSight and captured by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Image credit: Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona | + Expand image | › Full image and caption

Meteorite impacts are an invaluable piece of understanding the planet’s surface. On a planet like Earth, wind, rain, snow and ice wear down surface features in a process known as weathering. Plate tectonics and active volcanism refresh Earth’s surface regularly. Mars’ surface is older and doesn't go through those same processes, so a record of past geologic events like meteorite impacts is more apparent on the planet's surface. By counting impact craters visible on Mars today, scientists can update their models and better estimate the number of impacts that occurred in the early solar system. This gives them an improved approximation of the age of the planet’s surface.

Learn how InSight detected the first seismic waves from a meteoroid on Mars and how the lander captured the sound of the space rock striking the surface. | Watch on YouTube

Why It's Important

Before InSight touched down, all Mars missions – landers, rovers, orbiters and flyby spacecraft – studied the surface and atmosphere of the planet. InSight was the first mission to study the deep interior of Mars.

Even with the InSight mission drawing to a close, the science and engineering of the mission will continue to inform our understanding of the Red Planet and our solar system for years as researchers further examine the data returned to Earth. Keep up to date with the latest findings from InSight scientists and engineers on the mission website.

Teach It

Explore these lessons in geology, physics, math, coding and engineering to connect student learning to the InSight mission and the real-world STEM that happens at NASA.

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TAGS: K-12 Education, Classrooms, Teaching, Teachers, Resources, Teachable Moments, Mars, InSight, Missions, Spacecraft, Marsquakes

  • Lyle Tavernier