
Kaytee is a psychotherapist and author with a passion for working with survivors of relationship and family trauma and the LGBTQ+ community. Her work focuses on assisting survivors and educating clinicians and the public about the effects of psychological trauma. She has published several books and contributed to many others on the topics of family and relationship trauma. Her first two, Invisible Bruises: How a Better Understanding of the Patterns of Domestic Violence Can Help Survivors Navigate the Legal System, and It's Not High Conflict, It's Post-Separation Abuse, shed light on the ways that the legal system can perpetuate the cycle of domestic violence by failing to recognize patterns that would otherwise hold perpetrators accountable and protect survivors. Her book Breaking the Cycle: the 6 Stages of Healing from Childhood Family Trauma, quickly became a number one best seller on Amazon and has since been the recipient of several awards, including being a finalist for the Book Excellence Award.

Her next book on the topic of healing from neglect and abandonment, will be available early 2025 for preorder!

Kaytee has been featured on Sirius XM’s Doctor Radio, TIME Magazine, BBC World News, The Dr. Wendy Walsh Show, CP24 News, and other outlets sharing awareness and insight for survivors and those who care for them. She is a regular contributor to Psychotherapy Networker and writes the popular column Invisible Bruises for Psychology Today. An avid traveler, Kaytee enjoys trying the local coffee wherever she goes. She lives with her partner and two fur children in Michigan.

