Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
Last Updated: October 23, 2023


K Brand, Inc. is committed to explaining how we gather and use your information, keeping it secure and handling it in accordance with our legal obligations. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) is designed to help you understand how we use your data. It also explains your rights and choices.

This Policy applies to these services (which we call the “Services” in this Policy):

• the K Brand, Inc. website and our online store;
• our social media pages; and
• anywhere else we gather information about you and refer to this Policy.

How we handle your information depends on which Services you use, and how you use them. This Policy is grouped into these sections:

about us and this Policy;

information we collect;

how we use information;

when we disclose information to others; and

your rights and controls.

We encourage you to read this Policy carefully. If you have questions, please contact us.

About us and this Policy

Who we are

K Brand, Inc. operates the Services and is referred to in this Policy as “K Brand”, “we”, “our” or “us”. This Policy supplements and is governed by our Terms of Service (“Terms”). Capitalized terms that are used but not defined in this Policy are defined in our Terms. The Terms describe how the Services works in general, and establishes a contract between you and us governing your use of the Services.

Contact us
If you have any questions or feedback about this Policy, email us at [email protected] or write to us at: K Brand, Inc., 3578 Hayden Avenue, Suite N1, Culver City, CA 90232.

When this Policy applies
This Policy applies to you when you use the Services, effective as of the Last Updated date above. However, some collection and use of information falls outside this Policy:

• Third-party services: Third Party Materials (as defined in our Terms) are not part of the Services, so this Policy doesn’t apply to any information you may exchange with providers of Third Party Materials or other third parties. If you follow a link to a third-party website, your use of that website is governed by that website’s privacy policy, and is not covered by this Policy.

• Our personnel: If you are a current or former employee or contractor of ours, this Policy does not apply to you. Reach out to your human-resources partner or supervisor with any inquiries about your personal information.

• When we don’t control your information: If we receive your information in our role as a service provider to another business, our agreement with that business governs our use of your information. We will refer any questions or concerns of yours to that business.

Because the Services changes often, this Policy may change over time. Anytime we modify the Policy, we will post a revised version on the Services and update the Last Updated date above. If K Brand intends to use your personal information in a manner materially different from that stated at the time of collection, we will notify you before the material changes take effect, so you have time to review them. We will notify you via email (if you have given us your email), by posting a notice on the Services and/or by any other means to the extent required by law.

We encourage you to review the Last Updated date periodically to ensure you’re aware of the current Policy. By using or accessing the Services, you signify that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by this Policy and the Terms.

Location-specific sections

The Services operates from the United States, but this Policy applies worldwide. Our practices generally do not differ based on your location, but your rights and choices depend in part on the law where you live. For example, you may have rights under: (1) “GDPR”: implementations of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679; or (2) U.S. state data-privacy laws like the California Consumer Privacy Act, as amended (“CCPA”).

As a result, certain sections of this Policy apply to you only if you reside in a particular location:

• Residents of California and other states with similar consumer data privacy laws should consult the Rights under U.S. state laws section. If you reside in a U.S. jurisdiction that has enacted a data privacy law similar to CCPA or GDPR, we extend the same rights CCPA grants to California residents to you, except where we specify otherwise.

• Residents of jurisdictions where GDPR applies – such as U.K., EU and Swiss residents – should consult the Rights under GDPR and International Data Transfers sections.

If those location-specific sections apply to you, those sections override any contrary descriptions elsewhere in the Policy as they relate to you. If you have questions about your rights under other data privacy laws, please contact us.

Information we collect

Information you provide

To provide you with many of our Services, we need some of your personal information. Without it, we may not be able to provide all services requested. For example, your personal information is necessary to establish an account, make a purchase, submit content, subscribe to our newsletters or communications, or participate in contests or promotions. This information may include:

• Contact and account information, such as your first name, last name, phone number, postal address, email address, date of birth, and profile photo, some of which will depend on the features you use and many of which are personal identifiers.

• Payment information, such as the last four digits of your payment card and other verification data (your full card number and security code are submitted to and processed by our payment processor, which in turn sends us this limited payment information)

We ask that you not provide us with any sensitive personal information. If you provide sensitive personal information to us, we use it only for our operational business purposes, and we do not disclose it to others for any other purpose. We attempt to limit the amount of sensitive personal information we collect. For instance, make a purchase through our Services, your payment information, like your full credit card number and any payment-related security information, is only collected and processed our payment processing partners.

Information automatically generated when you use the Services
As you use the Services, cookies and other technology we use will generate technical data about which features you use, how you use them and the devices you use to access our services. This information may include:

• [Commercial Information about your orders of products or services from us and interactions with store products.]

• Device Information related to the devices you use, which may include devices’ IP address, advertising identifier(s), browser and operating system, internet service provider and settings.

• Geolocation Information. Such as precise or approximate location determined from your IP address, your device’s GPS, or other information you share with us, depending on your device settings. We will only collect your precise location with your consent, and we will never share it for advertising purposes. We may also collect this information when you’re not using the app if you enable this through your settings or device permissions.

• Internet Activity related to your use of the Services, such as the pages you visit, the sites you use before or after visiting ours, your actions within the Services, the content or advertisements you interact with, general location information, time stamps and performance logs and reports.

• Inferences. We may infer new information from other data we collect, including using automated means to generate information about your likely preferences or other characteristics.

Much of this information is generated by cookies and other technology embedded on our Services. You can control your cookie settings when you visit the Services through the automatic notification that appears on every page until you action it. We and certain of our contractors and other third parties, like our analytics and advertising partners, use ‘cookies’ and other website technologies to collect information about your online activity over time and across different services. We may use both session cookies (which are deleted from your device when you exit the Services) and persistent cookies (which remain on your device for longer or until you delete them manually). A session cookie disappears after you close your browser. A persistent cookie remains after you close your browser and may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to our Services.

How we use information

In general

Here is a detailed overview of the reasons we use personal information, together with practical examples:

To provide our content, services and products to you

» Create and manage your account
» Provide you with customer support and respond to your requests
» Complete your orders
» Communicate with you about our services

To manage your account or fulfill product orders

» Register you on the services to allow you to purchase goods or services
» Administer your account and tie your Account to purchases and shopping carts

To develop and improve our Services

» Administer focus groups, market studies and surveys
» Review interactions with customer teams to improve our quality of service
» Develop new content and services

To operate advertising and marketing campaigns

» Administer sweepstakes, contests, discounts or other offers
» Text you, after you have given your consent and only until you withdraw it, with marketing communications and offers, including on a personalized basis.
» Perform and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns on our services and marketing campaigns off of the Services
» Communicate with you about products or services that we believe may interest you

To prevent, detect and fight fraud and other illegal or unauthorized activities

» Find and address ongoing, suspected or alleged violations of our Terms
» Better understand and design countermeasures against violations of our Terms
» Retain data related to violations of our Terms to prevent against recurrences
» Enforce or exercise our rights; for example, those in our Terms

To ensure legal compliance

» Verify copyright or IP claims
» Assist law enforcement
» Comply with legal requirements, including in connection with any change of ownership or control of our business


We rely on the following purposes to collect and use your information as described in this Policy:

• Commercial purposes: At times, the reason we process your information to advance your economic interests or our economic interests. These purposes include performing the contract that you have with us, as embodied by our Terms, which advance our economic interests and yours. For instance, if you order products from us, we use your information to complete your payment and provide your product to you.

• Business purposes: Most often, we process your information for operational reasons, in a reasonably necessary and proportionate manner (i.e., for business purposes under CCPA). For instance, we analyze users’ behavior on our services to continuously improve our offerings, we suggest offers we think might interest you and promote our own services, we process information to help keep our members safe and we process data where necessary to enforce our rights, assist law enforcement and enable us to defend ourselves in the event of a legal action.

• Comply with applicable laws and regulations: We also process your information for purpose 6 above where it is necessary for us to comply with applicable laws and regulations and evidence our compliance with applicable laws and regulations. For example, we retain traffic data and data about transactions in line with our accounting, tax and other statutory data retention obligations and to be able to respond to valid access requests from law enforcement.

• Consent: From time to time, we may ask for your consent to collect specific information, such as your precise geolocation, or use your information for specific reasons, like messaging your email address or phone number for direct marketing purposes. In general, you may withdraw your consent by changing your settings (such as browser or device settings) or following instructions provided with information we send you on a consent basis (such as clicking ‘unsubscribe’ in any email or replying ‘STOP’ to any text we send you). You may always withdraw your consent at any time – just contact us.


K Brand has implemented technical, administrative and physical security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Still, no data transmission over the Internet is 100% secure, so we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you provide, and you do so at your own risk. We cannot promise that your information will remain absolutely secure in all circumstances. We are not responsible for the circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures we may provide.

Our disclosures of information to others

Since our goal is to help you discover great products, like our Offerings, the principal reasons we disclose your information are to enhance your experience of the Services for all users and to advertise our Offerings and Services.
This section describes how and why we exchange personal information with contractors and third parties. It also describes exchanges made for certain purposes, like advertising, legal reasons and consensual direct marketing. We may also disclose deidentified and/or anonymized data for these purposes.

Functional disclosures

In addition to the use of trackers described above, we contract with companies or individuals to provide operational services related to the functionality and features of the Services, which may include payment processing, email and hosting services, software development, shipping and fulfillment, data management, and administration of contests and other promotions. We refer to them as “contractors.”
We may disclose information about you, such as Personal Identifiers, Commercial Information, Internet Activity and Device Information, to contractors as necessary for them to perform their services. Contractors are not permitted to use information about you for any other purpose. In the past twelve (12) months, we have disclosed these types of information to the following types of contractors:

• Analytics providers, namely Google Analytics, to tell us how the Services are doing, such as which parts interest visitors and how long they visit before leaving. Among other data, they may receive your IP address.

• Various hosting services and data processors to provide the infrastructure of the Services, such as Cloudflare, which ensures that traffic is from real people, not computers. Among other data, they may receive your IP address.

• Payment providers, namely Shopify and its subprocessors, to process payments between you and us, such as for subscriptions or products. These providers receive information about your order in order to tie your payment process to your order. We don’t receive all of the information you may provide to them as part of that process (for instance, we don’t receive full payment-account numbers).

Direct marketing

We only exchange information about you with third parties for direct marketing purposes if you opt in, and will only do so until you opt out.

We may share information about you with third party sponsors or partners who will use it for marketing purposes but only if you opt in to such sharing or do not opt out when prompted. We will never share information in this manner without giving you one of these two options. The above excludes text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.

For personalized ads

We share information with advertising partners to make the advertising presented to you more relevant to you. We also market the Services to you through ads facilitated by marketing vendors.

• For example, we use Google to serve ads on the Services and we may market the Services to you on third party services through Google. Google uses cookies or unique device identifiers, in combination with their own data, to show you ads based on your visits to our webpages and to other sites. You can opt out of the use of the Google cookie by visiting the related Google privacy policy.

• We try to limit how our third-party advertising technology vendors use information they collect from you. Most providers require us to enter contracts that allow them to optimize their ad services and products. Essentially, they combine any information they may gather about you through our Services with information they receive from their other clients. This helps them target ads to you on behalf of their other clients, not just us.

In the past twelve months, we have shared these categories of personal information with third parties to personalize advertising

• Device Information (including Personal Identifiers)
• Commercial Information
• Internet Activity
• Geolocation (imprecise)
• Inferences

For legal reasons

Finally, we may disclose personal information:

• In response to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process; to establish or exercise our legal rights; to defend against legal claims; or as otherwise required by law. In such cases we reserve the right to raise or waive any legal objection or right available to us;

• When we believe it is appropriate to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal or suspected illegal activities; to protect and defend the rights, property, or safety of our company, our users, or others; and in connection with the enforcement of our Terms and other agreements; or

• In connection with a corporate transaction, such as a divestiture, merger, consolidation, or asset sale, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy.
With your consent or at your request

We may periodically ask for your consent to disclose your information to third parties. Whenever we ask your consent for this reason, we will summarize the purpose and scope of the disclosure. For example, we may offer discounts to you if you consent to join our mailing list or participate in a promotion involving direct marketing communications.

• In those cases, the Services will display a tickbox near an email-entry field explaining that by submitting your information, you agree to share your email with the content provider.

• To be clear, we only exchange information about you with third parties for direct marketing purposes if you opt in, and will only do so until you opt out.
How long we retain your information

We retain your information only as long as we need it for the purposes described under How we use information, except when longer retention is required by our compliance policies and efforts toward applicable legal, tax, accounting and regulatory requirements.

How long we need information for those purposes varies by category, and even within categories. These retention determinations always consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal information, the potential risk of harm from its unauthorized use or disclosure, whether we can achieve those purposes without using the personal information.

For example, we delete some Internet Activity at some soon as you exit the Services, whereas we may retain records of your orders for services and products for several years as required by law or contract, such as agreements with our payment processors or under our accounting standards.

Your rights

In General

As a user of the Services, you have rights and choices about your personal information. We want you to be in control of your information, so we want to remind you of the following options and tools available to you:

• Content opt-outs: you may opt-out of any newsletters or promotional communications from us by following the unsubscribe instructions in the communication you receive. You may also opt-out of receiving newsletters and/or promotional communications through our Opt-Out Request Form. We may continue to send you communications regarding the Services, such as notices about administrative updates, transaction reports, and changes to the Services, this Policy or the Terms.

• Exercising rights: If any of the location-specific rights listed below apply to you, see Requesting information.

• Disallowing Location Data Collection. Your browser or device likely offers controls over whether websites and web services like our Services can receive your approximate and precise geolocation.

• Personalized ads: For more about targeted advertising, and how to opt out with your specific browser and device, go to the DAA Webchoices Browser Check and NAI Opt Out of Interest-Based Advertising. You can download the AppChoices app to opt out in mobile apps.

Rights under GDPR

This section applies to you only if you reside in a jurisdiction where GDPR applies.
For GDPR purposes, the data controller is K Brand, Inc., 3578 Hayden Avenue, Suite N1, Culver City, CA 90232.

Lawful bases

If we are aware that you reside in a GDPR jurisdiction, we only collect, use or share information about you when we have a valid reason. This is called a ‘lawful basis.’ Our lawful bases generally map to the Purposes above, but specifically include:

• The consent you provide to us at the point of collection of your information
• The performance of the contract we have with you
• The compliance of a legal obligation to which we are subject, or
• The legitimate interests of K Brand, Inc. or a third party.

We have a legitimate interest in gathering and processing personal data, for example: (1) to ensure that our networks and information are secure; (2) to administer and generally conduct our business; (3) to prevent fraud; and (4) to conduct our marketing activities.

GDPR rights

Depending on your jurisdiction’s enactment of GDPR, you may have these rights:

• Request access (commonly known as a ‘data subject access request’). This enables you to receive a copy of the personal data we hold about you.

• Request correction. This enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate data we hold about you corrected, though we may need to verify the accuracy of the new data you provide to us.

• Request erasure. This enables you to ask us to delete or remove personal data where there is no good reason for us to continue to process it. You also have the right to ask us to delete or remove your personal data where you have successfully exercised objected to processing (see below), where we may have processed your personal data unlawfully, or where we are required to erase your personal data to comply with local law. We may not always be able to comply with your request of erasure for specific legal reasons. If so, we will notify you at the time of your request.

• Object to processing where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a third party) and you object to particular processing due to a perceived impact on your fundamental rights and freedoms. You also have the right to object where we are processing your personal data for direct marketing purposes. In some cases, we may demonstrate that we have compelling legitimate grounds to process your information that override your rights and freedoms.

• Request restriction of processing during the following scenarios: (a) if you want us to establish the data’s accuracy; (b) where our use of the data is unlawful, but you do not want us to erase it; (c) where you need us to hold the data even if we no longer require it as you need it to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims; or (d) you have objected to our use of your data, but we need to verify whether we have overriding legitimate grounds to use it.

• Request the transfer of your personal data to you or a third party. We will provide to you, or a third party you have chosen, your personal data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format. This right only applies to automated information that you initially provided consent for us to use or where we used the information to perform a contract with you.

• Withdraw consent at any time where we are relying on consent to process your personal data. If you withdraw your consent, we might not be able to provide certain products or services to you. We will advise you if this is the case at the time you withdraw your consent. For clarity, withdrawal is not retroactive.
We do not charge for access to your personal data or to exercise any of the other rights. However, we may refuse to comply with your request or charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive, or excessive.

International Data Transfers

If you reside outside the United States, we transfer information about you for processing in the United States. By providing your information to us, you consent to the processing of the information in the United States. The transfer of this information to the United States is necessary for the performance of our contract for use of the Services.

When we transfer personal data subject to GDPR outside of K Brand, we use standard contract clauses approved by the EU for this purpose, or another appropriate transfer mechanism.

Note that U.S. law is not equivalent to GDPR. As of the Last Updated date, the U.S. has not been deemed an ‘adequate’ jurisdiction under GDPR for the purposes of international data transfers. However, the EU and the U.S. are negotiating the terms of an adequacy determination that may go into effect in the years to come.
Rights under U.S. state laws

This section applies to you only if you reside in California or another U.S. state where applicable law provides for some or all of these rights, or substantially similar rights. Except as noted in this section, we extend these California rights to residents of those states regardless of whether applicable law in those states includes all of these rights. Please contact us if you feel that you are not able to exercise your rights under your state’s law.

Rights under CCPA

The California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) provides California consumers with additional rights regarding their personal information (as defined in CCPA). When we use terminology defined in CCPA in the California-specific sections of this Policy, that terminology has its meanings under CCPA.

The categories of personal information we collect depend on how you use the Services. The categories are generally described in Information We Collect. For clarity, we have collected personal information for these CCPA categories of business and commercial purposes in the last twelve months :

• Advertising and Marketing
• Error Management
• Internal Research
• Provide Products or Services
• Quality Assurance
• Security
• Short-Term Transient Use
• We also "share" and "sell" (as defined in the CCPA) personal information for commercial purposes, including to advertise and market our products.
The disclosures under Purposes describe with business purpose or commercial purpose for those disclosures of information. The categories of third parties to whom we disclose and sell or share personal information are under for personalized ads and with your consent or at your request above.

Under CCPA, California consumers have the following rights:

Rights to Know, Access, Correct and Delete.

You have the right to request that we disclose, correct and delete personal information about you that we have collected. Your right to know includes the personal information we have sold or shared or disclosed for a business purpose or a commercial purpose.

Finally, we may deny deletion requests, in whole or in part, with respect to information we reasonably need to:

• comply with legal obligations;
• allow you, other consumers, or us to exercise free-speech rights or other legal rights;
• complete an obligation that you have requested (for instance, if a product you purchased carries a warranty or could reasonably be subject to recall under applicable law); or
• if we use the information only for internal purposes reasonably aligned with consumer expectations.
Rights to Limit and Opt-Out of Sharing/Sale

You also have the right to direct us (1) not to share or sell your personal information and (2) limit our disclosure and use of your sensitive personal information to purposes necessary to provide the Services to you.

To opt out of the sharing of your information, please use our Data Request Form or the ‘Do Not / Share My Personal Information’ link on our homepage. We do not currently offer a mechanism to exercise the right to limit our disclosure of sensitive personal information, as we always limit our use of any sensitive information to necessary uses consistent with the purpose you consented to when you disclosed the sensitive information to us.

As of the Last Updated date, we have no knowledge of any use of personal information we collect from individuals under the age of 16 for ‘sale’ or ‘sharing’ purposes.

Right of No Retaliation

CCPA prohibits us from discriminating against you if you exercise rights under CCPA, except when you opted in to a financial incentive involving certain of your personal information, and subsequently restrict our use of that personal information through a CCPA rights request.

• For example, if we offer you a discount code for consenting to receive marketing emails, and you then require us to delete your email address, we may not honor that discount code.

Your right of no retaliation doesn’t need to be exercised. We never retaliate against anyone exercising their rights under this Policy or CCPA.
Preference signals

The Services are designed to automatically honor any global opt-out preference signal sent from California IP addresses to the Services through browser or device-level settings, provided the signal complies with CCPA’s requirements. At this time, the Services is configured to honor Global Privacy Control signals in a frictionless manner.

Please Contact us if you believe the Services collected or processed your information in a manner inconsistent with your opt-out preference signal.]
Request process for CCPA rights

To submit a CCPA request relating to the foregoing rights, please use our Data Request Form or contact us with ‘California Privacy Rights Request’ in the subject line of your email or the beginning of your letter. The process described under Requesting information generally applies to requests to exercise CCPA rights.

However, in addition:

• A California resident’s authorized agent may submit CCPA rights request.

» Requests submitted by an authorized agent will still require verification of the person who is the subject of the request in accordance with the process described below. We will also ask for proof that the person who is the subject of the request authorized an agent to submit a privacy request on their behalf.

» An authorized agent that has power of attorney pursuant to California Probate Code section 4121 to 4130 must submit proof of statutory power of attorney, but consumer verification is not required.

• We will acknowledge your request within 10 days, and our goal is to fulfill your request within 45 days. However, we may you that we will require up to 45 further days to fulfill your request, along with an explanation of why our response is delayed.

• We provide responses in the manner we receive your request (i.e., with an email response to an email request).

Other California law

Because we only give your information to third parties for direct marketing purposes with your consent, and always allow you to opt out of direct marketing communications after opting in, we believe we are not currently required to comply with California Civil Code Section 1798.83.

Requesting information

Submitting requests

To exercise any rights described in this Policy, please use our Data Request Form or contact us. Your request must:

• provide sufficient information to identify you and the law that applies to you, such as your name, e-mail address, home or work address, or other information we maintain.

• not include social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, third-party account numbers, credit or debit card numbers, or health information.
Verifying requests

We verify requests by first confirming the source of the request and then by matching the information submitted to the information we maintain. If your request is unclear or we are unable to authenticate your identity, we will respond with direction on how to remedy the deficiencies, in accordance with law that applies to you.

If we cannot verify the identity of the individual making the request, we may deny it, in full or in part.

Responses to requests

We will respond to your request as quickly as we can, taking into account the nature of your request and the volume of pending requests. The content of our response will vary with the nature of your request, but will always respond in accordance with any deadlines or requirements specified by the laws that applies to you.

Under certain circumstances, we may be unable to provide responsive personal information, such as when disclosure would create a substantial, articulable and unreasonable risk to the security of the information, customers’ account with us, or the security of our systems or networks. We do not disclose account passwords or any other non-personal information that enables access to an account.

Please understand, however, that we reserve the right to retain an archive of any deleted information, to the extent permitted by law. We may also retain deidentified or aggregate data derived from information about you.

Use by minors

The Services are intended for adult users. We do not knowingly collect information from anyone under the age of 16, and we do not share or sell information about anyone under 16 without affirmative authorization. If we learn that we have collected information from a person under age 16, we will delete that information as quickly as possible.

• If you are under 16: sorry, but please leave the Services. If you’ve already sent us information, please contact us first so we can delete it.

• If you are a parent or guardian of a person under 16 years of age and you believe that person provided information to us, please contact us.

Cookie Policy

Last Updated: October 5, 2023

This Cookie Policy helps to explain the occasions when and why Cookies are used in connection with visits to the Services. By using or accessing our Services (as defined in our Privacy Policy) , you agree to K Brand’s use of Cookies as outlined below.

By using the Services or providing information to us following such changes, you will have accepted the amended Cookie Policy.
What is a Cookie?

Cookies are text-only pieces of information that a website transfers to an individual’s hard drive or other website-browsing equipment. Cookies allow the Services to remember important information that will make your use of the Services more convenient. A cookie will typically contain the name of the domain from which the cookie has come, the “lifetime” of the cookie, and a randomly generated unique number or other value. Certain cookies will be used on the Services regardless of whether you are logged in to your account or not.

We use cookies, web beacons, pixel tags, and similar technologies (collectively “Cookies”) to collect information about your browsing activities and to distinguish you from other users of our Services. To be precise:

• Cookies are small files of letters and numbers that we store on your browser or device. We may also employ cookies so that we remember your computer when it is used to return to the Services to help customize your experience. We may associate Personal Data with a cookie file in those instances.

» Session cookies are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the Services. We use session cookies to track the total number of visitors to our Services.

» Persistent Cookies remain in the cookie file of your browser for much longer (though how long will depend on the lifetime of the specific cookie).

• Pixel tags and web beacons are tiny graphic images placed on web pages or in emails that allow us to determine whether you have performed a specific action. When you access these pages or open or click an email, the pixel tags and web beacons generate a notice of that action. These tools allow us to measure response to our communications and improve our Services.

Why we use Cookies

Cookies improve your experience when you use our Services and aid our improvement of the functionality of our Services. In many cases, the information we collect using Cookies and other tools is used in a non-identifiable way, without any reference to personal data. We may use Cookies to make our Services usage more efficient and to tailor your browsing preferences and improve the functionality of our Services. Cookies can be used for performance management, collecting information on how our Services are being used for analytics purposes. They can also be used for functionality management, enabling us to make the user’s visit more efficient by, for example, remembering language preferences, passwords and log-in details.

Types of Cookies

Below is an overview of the types of Cookies that we and third parties may use to collect Personal Information.

• Strictly necessary cookies. Some Cookies are strictly necessary to make our Services available to you. We cannot provide you with our Services without this type of cookie. For example, these cookies allow us to provide the login functionality.

• Functional cookies. These Cookies are used to recognize you when you return to our Services. This enables us to adapt our content for you, and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region). uses cookies to help keep track of items you put into your shopping cart including when you have abandoned your cart and this information is used to determine when to send cart reminder messages via SMS.

• Analytical or Performance cookies. We also use Cookies for Services analytics purposes in order to operate, maintain and improve our Services. We may use our own analytics Cookies or use third party analytics providers such as Google tag manager, to collect and process certain analytics data on our behalf. These providers may also collect information about your use of other websites, apps, and online resources. You can opt out of Google tag manager without affecting how you visit our Services by going to or via Google’s Ads settings.

Where required by applicable law, we obtain your consent to use Cookies.

How to block Cookies

You can block Cookies by setting your internet browser to block some or all the Cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block all Cookies (including essential Cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our Services. By using our Services you consent to our use of Cookies and our processing of information collected through such cookies, in accordance with this Cookie Policy and our Privacy Policy. You can withdraw your consent at any time by deleting placed cookies and disabling Cookies in your browser, or as explained below. You can change your browser settings to block or notify you when you receive a Cookie, delete Cookies or browse our Services using your browser’s anonymous usage setting. Please refer to your browser instructions or help screen to learn more about how to adjust or modify your browser settings. If you do not agree to our use of Cookies or similar technologies which store information on your device, you should change your browser settings accordingly. You should understand that some features of our Services may not function properly if you do not accept Cookies or these technologies. Where required by applicable law, you will be asked to consent to certain Cookies and similar technologies before we use or install them on your computer or other device

Cookies we use

The Cookies in use on the Services vary, depending on your settings, your location, your browser and the availability of the Cookie itself. As of the Last Updated date, the Services generally deploys these cookies:

We use the cookies listed below for the purposes outlined.

Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched off in our systems.They to allow you to browse the website and access certain pages. Necessary cookies are required for the website (or certain functionality on the website) to work properly, and we do not use these cookies to collect personal data about you.

You can set your browser to block or alert you about these cookies, but doing so may mean some parts of the website will not work.

Performance Cookies

We use performance cookies to collect information to count visits and monitor traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of oursite and map out our customer’s journey through the site. They help us to know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site.

Disabling or removing these cookies generally does not interfere with the functionality or performance of the Services.

Type: Performance Cookies

Cookies used: _gid, _gat_UA-nnnnnnn-nn, _shopify_y, _ga, _ga_FB40M4FWKG, _gclxxxx, _shopify_s, IR_PI, testTLD, qcSxc
More information: These are a mixture of session and persistent cookies.

These cookies assist with the performance of the website.

Some of the cookies are Google Analytics cookies, which distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier.
Functionality Cookies

We use functionality cookies to remember information that you have provided or choices you have made on the website, such as saving your logged-in status, site preferences, or the contents of your shopping cart. This allows us to provide a more personalized and convenient browsing experience.

Disabling or removing these cookies may make browsing the website less convenient or may prevent certain functionality (such as the shopping cart or store) from working correctly.

Type: Functionality Cookies

Cookies used: _dyid_server, _dy_toffset, __attentive_id, _dyjsession
_dy_csc_ses, dy-variation-cookie, __attentive_pv, _dycnst, __attentive_cco
__attentive_ss_referrer, dy_fs_page, _dycst, _attn_, __attentive_dv, _dy_soct
_dy_c_att_exps, _dyid, _dy_c_exps, _dyfs, __attentive_ss_referrer, __attentive_dv, _shopify_y, _cs_same_site, _shopify_s, __attentive_cco, _cs_id, visitor, __attentive_pv, _cs_c, _cs_s, dy-variation-cookie, _attn_, _dyid_server, __attentive_id, DYID
More information: These are a mixture of session and persistent cookies.

These cookies assist with the performance of the website.
Targeting or Advertising Cookies

We allow third party advertisers, including advertising providers and ad networks, to place and/or activate cookies, pixel tags, and/or other tracking technologies designed to enable advertising on your device and deliver it to you across the Internet.

These services may collect information and data about your activities online, both on the website and across third-party pages or platforms to build a profile of your interests and show your elevant adverts on other sites. These ad networks, in connection with cookies, pixel tags, and other tracking technologies: (i) help deliver online behavioral advertisements, either by us, our affiliates, or third parties; (ii) may prevent you from seeing the same advertisements too many times; and (iii) help us, our service providers, and/or our other partners (as further described below) understand the effectiveness of the advertisements that have been delivered to you.

Disabling or removing these cookies, resetting your advertising identifier, or opting out of online behavioral advertising altogether (as applicable) may result in advertising that is repetitive and is less targeted to you.

Type: Targeting Cookies

Cookies used: _cs_root-domain, IR_10056,
_cs_same_site, _cs_id
_cs_c, _dy_df_geo, _uetsid
_dy_geo, __kla_id, __qca, _cs_s, tatari-cookie-test, t-ip, _li_dcdm_c, tatari-session-cookie, _lc2_fpi, _tt_enable_cookie, _ttp, tatari-cookie-test, tatari-session-cookie, uuid, _ttp
More information: These are a mixture of session and persistent cookies.

These cookies usually store the geographical location of browsers and targets ads.
Third-Party Functionality

We do not have access to or control over cookies or other features that advertisers and third party websites may use, and the information practices of those advertisers and third party websites are not covered by our Privacy Policy or this Cookie Notice.

For example, we provide social media buttons on the website that enableyouto share our content with your friends and network. They are capable of tracking your browser across other sites and building up a profile of your interests. We do not control how those platforms collect information about you, nor whether or how they may track you or may activate their own cookies on your computer.

For more information about how third parties collect and use information about your activities, please review their applicable Terms of Use and Privacy Policies.

Type: Third party cookies

Cookies used:, YSC, CONSENT, Lidid, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, test_cookie, __kla_id, mc
__kla_id, IDE, MUID, _fbp,
_pinterest_ct_ua, _ttp
More information: These are a mixture of session and persistent cookies.

They are a mixture of strictly necessary, targeting,

The third-parties placing these cookies are After Pay, Google and its group companies,, Quantcast, Microsoft, Facebook, Pinterest

Managing Cookies in the UK and EU

We will ask for your consent to place cookies or other similar technologies on your device, except where they are essential for us to provide you with a service that you have requested, please see the ‘Necessary Cookies’ in the table above.

You can withdraw consent to the use of cookies, or manage any other cookie preferences, by click COOKIE SETTINGS at the top of the page and clicking the toggle switch, or by following your browser's method for clearing cookies (usually found in the "Privacy" and/or "Security" settings). It may be necessary to refresh the page for the updated settings to take effect. This may cause the cookie preferences banner to reappear, letting you update your preferences.

Please note, if you do not want to accept cookies, you may lose some of the functionality of our website.