Nephrology Social Worker Certification (NSW-C) Program


Recognizing the need for nephrology social work to be acknowledged as a specialty in the field, the National Kidney Foundation Council of Nephrology Social Workers (CNSW) developed the Nephrology Social Worker Certification (NSW-C) in 2009. The certification program will establish an industry standard defining what qualifies a nephrology social worker. This is the first national credentialed classification for nephrology social work.

Obtaining an NSW-C will distinguish you as a social worker who meets uniform, high standards of excellence within the field of nephrology social work practice and ethics; authenticate that you have the required advanced skills, knowledge and experience beyond that of a Master of Social Work education; and classify you as a social work professional who is committed to nephrology social work.

Applicants need to have a minimum of two (2) years' experience within a nephrology practice setting to apply for the NSW-C. If approved, the certification will be in effect for three (3) years, at which time the applicant will need to re-apply.

Download Brochure (*PDF 340kb download)

How to Apply

To apply for NSW-C the following documentation is required:

  • Applicants and renewing applicants must be current CNSW members in good standing
  • Current resume/CV (in .doc or .pdf format)
  • Copy of current license/certification in the state(s) in which you are practicing (in .pdf or .jpg format)
  • Three completed Competency Summaries Download
    You will need to download, complete and save on your computer. Three completed forms will need to be uploaded with your application.
    • Two Summaries must be completed by nephrology social workers
    • One Competency Summary from any member of your nephrology team who has a clear understanding of your role on the nephrology team and your current skill sets associated with this role. Letters of recommendations are not sufficient.
  • Completed CEU Record Download
    You will need to download, complete and save on your computer. The completed form will need to be uploaded with your application. Need more CEUs? We've got you covered at
    • First-time Applicants are required to show a total of 20 hours within a two year period. Ten hours must be nephrology related and three hours must be in ethics.
    • Renewing Applicants are required to show a total of 30 hours within a three year period. Ten hours must be nephrology related and three hours must be in ethics.
    • The online form provides areas to list Name of Activity and Type, Sponsoring Organization, Description of Content, Dates Attended and CEU Hours Earned


FIRST TIME Applicant $75.00
RENEWING Applicant $50.00
Incomplete applications will be returned, minus the initial application fee.
Please note – application fee is non-refundable.

Applicants will be notified by email within six to eight weeks. Applications that do not meet qualification criteria will be returned with a letter explaining why the application was denied and applicants will have 30 days to appeal the decision. The appeal process will be outlined in the denial letter.

Apply Here Login to NKF Member Hub to renew

If you have a question, please contact the NSW-C Board prior to submitting an application at [email protected].

NSW-C Chair: Jessica Zeman, APSW, NSW-C

Frequently Asked Questions about the NSW-C Program