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Military Personnel Applying for a Louisiana Massage Therapy License

The LBMT rules have a special section dealing with educational requirements for military personnel.   R.S. Title 46, Part XLIV, Chapter 11 §1101 (B) provides:  “An individual with military training and experience will be considered to have completed the educational requirements for this Section when the service member has been awarded a military occupational specialty and performance in that specialty is at a level equal to or exceeding the requirements of this Section.”   In addition, the Louisiana Statutes governing the practice of massage therapy, specifically R.S. 37:3556 (B) (2), recognizes reciprocity for persons holding a current license from another jurisdiction that substantially conforms to the licensing requirements of Louisiana and military spouses are included in that classification.

    If the application paperwork is properly completed, the processing time from date of application to issuing a Louisiana Massage Therapy license is normally less than 30 days and is often completed in 8-10 business days when the application is based on reciprocity. When an individual is seeking licensure based on reciprocity, the application maybe filed before the person actually moves to Louisiana as there is no requirement that the applicant be a resident of Louisiana in order to be licensed.

    In accordance with La. 37:3651, if the applicant identifies they are military or a military spouse on the application form, that application will be placed on a priority processing list to make sure that the application is processed and a license issued as quickly as possible while at the same time honoring the board’s obligation to ensure the public health and safety. Evidence of military service can be established with a current military ID card or a DD Form 214 which documents veteran status.

    The LBMT is committed to support and assist military families stationed in Louisiana.   If you have additional questions, please contact us at [email protected] or 225-756-3488.

Click here for the “Louisiana Application for License”