From the course: Learning JIRA Service Desk

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✓ Solution: Create a new Service Desk project

✓ Solution: Create a new Service Desk project - Jira Tutorial

From the course: Learning JIRA Service Desk

✓ Solution: Create a new Service Desk project

- [Narrator] Were you able to do it? Let's give it a shot together. So to create a new project, what we're going to do is select the administration cog, and then we'll select "Projects". After that we'll click the "Create project" button. We want to make sure that we're utilizing the Service Desk project section. And we're creating a customer service project inside it. Remember, these entry points are basically determining what kind of elements you're going to start with. It's important that you select them under the Service Desk project for these exercises, as you're not going to have access to the advanced features of Service Desk outside of these three different project types. So I'll select "Customer service", and I'll name it "Challenge", and then I'll submit. Okay, so now the project's created. I'm going to go ahead and click this cog to go into the project administration section, and I'm going to wait for the Request Type page to load. Okay, now that the Request Type page…
