Yield Book Integrated Solutions

Yield Book is a trusted and prominent source for fixed income analytics products and solutions. Our products enable market makers and institutional investors to measure the value and risk of individual securities and perform complex portfolio analysis and risk management for portfolios relative to their benchmarks.

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Solutions to complement your business

Our integrated solutions initiative is dedicated to working with companies that provide services to institutional fixed income investment professionals.

Integrated solutions engagements begin with assessing your requirements and understanding the potential to address these specific needs. We then initiate a collaborative effort to design solutions to integrate Yield Book analytics into your product offerings.

Your requirements

Your requirement Our solution
Fixed income analytics We provide powerful analytical capabilities such as calculation of projected cash flows and risk measures along with an extensive warehouse of data that includes indices and terms and conditions. This solution is suitable for the needs of partners such as investment management platforms, ALM providers, ratings services or automated trading systems.
Yield Book analytics feed We provide tools to allow our partners to integrate Yield Book analytics into their platforms through several delivery options.
Interface to Yield Book products We offer partners seamless interfaces to a variety of Yield Book products.
Redistribution of calculated values We tailor data redistribution solutions that focus on the delivery of specific calculated values that are relevant for our partners.
License of structured securities analytics Together with our partners, we offer unique and innovative data and analytics solutions by providing specific analytics such as projected cash flows.

Comprehensive delivery options

Yield Book products offer analytical insight into an extensive range of fixed income securities including Governments, Agencies, Corporates, High Yield, Emerging Markets, Mortgages, ABS, CMBS, CMOs and Derivatives. We work with partners to provide the product set that best meets their need for speed, capacity and cost.

Products and Services Description
Yield Book
  • Analyse portfolio positions, quantify risk and identify drivers of performance delivered through a complete portfolio analytics solution
  • Base your analysis on up-to-date information: automated overnight processes to update portfolios, analytics and reports
  • Meet time sensitive deadlines by reducing the time needed for calculations such as partial durations and other risk measures
Yield Book API
  • Integrate for use in real-time front office analytics, enterprise-wide risk processing, back office calculations and more
  • Communicate securely with Yield Book servers 24/7
  • Use XML format in your preferred programming environments
Yield Book Add-In
  • Leverage Yield Book calculations along with Microsoft Excel® functionality
  • Customise a template created by Yield Book analysts, or design your own worksheet
  • Create charts and graphs in your worksheet based on Yield Book analytics
Yield Book Calculator
  • Analyse single securities with this easy-to-use tool
  • Utilise Yield Book models to examine bond characteristics and risk measures, scenario analysis results, projected cash flows and historical trends

Current solutions

We work with partners to assess their client's needs and provide optimal solutions using Yield Book analytics.

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Telephone: +1 646 989 2200
Email: [email protected]

Telephone: +1 888 333 5618
Email: [email protected]

Help desk
Telephone: +1 888 333 5617
Email: [email protected]