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Orders and delivery

How long does it take to receive my order?

Usually your order will be shipped the same day or 1-2 business days after placing your order. Delivery options include home delivery or pickup at nearest service point, based on your location's availability.

Also, depending on your location and shipping option, your delivery times may vary. The expected shipping times and available shipping options can be found on the Product page.

Once you have placed an order we will send you a confirmation email. After your package has left our warehouse and begun the delivery process, we will send you another email with a final confirmation and tracking number. After you have received your tracking number, you can follow the stages of delivery on the shipping companies website for an estimate on when your product will arrive.

If you need help with your order, please contact us.

Why was my Order Canceled?

Our sincere apologies if your order has been canceled and you did not specifically want us to cancel it.

There are various reasons why an order may be canceled, the most common reasons are:

Payment issues or insufficient funds

Most common issue is that your bank or payment provider has stated to us that you do not have sufficient funds. Please check your account and try placing a new order.

Risk of fraud

We are using a fraud protection system to automatically detect high-risk purchases. This could, for example, be that you use an incorrect email address, purchasing multiple orders frequently, paying with a credit card belonging to someone else, that you reside in another country than where the credit card was issued or where you want to ship the product etc.

Risk of re-selling

We reserve the right to reject and/or cancel orders that are assumed to have an intent to re-sell, so if you as a consumer have ordered multiple products the order will be cancelled automatically in our systems.

Read more about our Terms & Conditions here.

My order was canceled, when do I get my money back?

In case of a cancellation, a full order refund has been initiated to the card of payment or bank account. It will appear in your bank account within 3 to 5 business days depending on your bank.

Can I change the shipping address?

Our team is committed to processing and shipping orders as fast as we can. However, due to the rapid nature of our fulfillment process, we regret to inform you that it is not possible to make changes to an ongoing order since it has already been handed over to the shipping company. If you need to change the delivery address we advise you to contact the shipping company once you receive their delivery notification.

Once you received a UPS tracking code you can go to the UPS My choice page and sign in. Select you package and click delivery options. Follow the prompts, here you can reroute you package to a different location.


Once you receive the delivery notification from DHL (SMS or email) click the link in the message. It will lead you to a DHL webpage where DHL provide a service for changing delivery address.

Tracking information says Shipment has been delivered, but I haven’t received my product

If your tracking information is saying the shipment has been delivered but you have not received your order, we advise you to first hand contact the shipping company. They will be able to provide faster and more specific details about where or who they delivered the package to. 

If you require further assistance with shipping issues, please to contact us.