Technical Notes

All COMET® Program lessons use JavaScript for navigation, animation, and/or presentation of multimedia elements. Ensure that you have enabled them in your web browser.

Before publishing a lesson, we test it on the latest Apple and Microsoft operating systems using most common web browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or greater). With these technologies constantly evolving, we cannot guarantee that all of our lessons will work on future browser releases or updates. We recommend that you always run the latest version operating system, browser, and plug-ins in order to avoid security and stability issues.

Enabling Pop-Up Windows

Some lessons may link to external sources, which may open in another tab or pop-up window. If your internet browser blocks pop-up windows, some of these links may be blocked.  Exceptions can be configured within your browser to allow these pop-ups from and other trusted domains. Refer to the “Help” of your specific browser to configure these settings.

If you are viewing this on a downloaded copy of the lesson, our most up-to-date technical support information is available at