Toltec Teachers


don Jose Ruiz

Don José Ruiz intertwines fresh revelations with age-old wisdom, shaping a life devoted to sharing the deep-rooted Toltec teachings. His mission? To demystify these timeless philosophies and turn them into relatable, everyday concepts that stir personal evolution. Through the lens of truth, love, and good old common sense, José paves the way for transformative journeys, shedding light on the paths less traveled.


Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

Don Miguel Jr. didn't just learn from his family's teachings – he lived them, applying these lessons to his everyday life. It's through this practical application that he gained a deeper understanding of these teachings, fueling his desire to spread this knowledge. It’s this flame that now shines through his books, helping readers around the world embark on their own journeys to freedom and well-being.


Barbara Emrys

Barbara crossed paths with the renowned don Miguel Ruiz, igniting an apprenticeship that would reshape her life. Through her extensive shamanic training and years of dedication as a Toltec Dreaming teacher, Barbara has cultivated an exceptional understanding of human behavior and forged a distinctive, artistic lens to view life. Her ongoing collaborations with don Miguel, whether in the classroom or the writing process, continually kindle her inspiration and drive her intellectual growth.


Aaron Landman

I first met don Miguel in 1997 while earning a Master’s degree at the American Film Institute. At the invitation of a fellow artist, I attended a small and private gathering where I had an instant connection with Miguel‘s vibrant and fierce presence. Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to develop a close friendship with the Ruiz family, including a beautiful friendship with Jose that goes back to when we innocently stood by a river and laughed like two flowers feeling the light of the sun for the first time. Whether playing music, making art, playing sports, or speaking in public – I’ve learned to embrace the power of self-trust and allow the silent and thoughtless passion to flow through me like an endless meandering river. 

Aaron is a painter, writer, and filmmaker in Los Angeles, and lives with Karla and their 6 year old son Adrian and dog Ella. He leads workshops and small gatherings in Mexico and Southern California


Karla Ruiz

Karla Ruiz is a passionate advocate for women, utilizing a potent blend of spiritual, mindset, and energetic practices firmly grounded in Toltec and Feminine Power traditions. Through the profound teachings of The Four Agreements and the timeless wisdom of feminine energy, Karla empowers women to tap into their inherent power. She guides them in crafting new stories, embracing their authentic selves, and aligning with their deepest values, aspirations, and desires.

Karla also runs all the behind-the-scenes at as our online programs coordinator.