This cookie policy refers exclusively to the website www.missonistore.com (hereinafter, the 'Site') and should be understood as an integral part of the Site's Privacy Policy available at the following link.


A "cookie" is a small text file that may be stored in a dedicated space on the hard drive of the device used by the user (e.g., computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when visiting a website through their browser and may be subject to the user's prior consent before being installed.  

Some operations could not be carried out without the use of cookies, which in certain cases are therefore technically necessary for the site to function.  


According to the applicable legislation, the use of cookies does not always require the express consent of the user. In particular, consent is not required for so-called "technical cookies", i.e., those used for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication on an electronic communication network or to the extent strictly necessary to provide a service explicitly requested by the user. In other words, these are cookies that are indispensable for the functioning of the site or necessary to carry out activities requested by the user. Among technical cookies, which do not require express consent for their use, the Italian Data Protection Authority also includes: 


  • first party and third-party analytical cookies, if tools are used to reduce the identifying power of the cookies and the third party does not cross-reference the information collected with other information it already has, used to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site. 
  • navigation or session cookies (for authentication purposes), the deactivation of which compromises the use of services accessible by login
  • functionality cookies, which allow the user to navigate according to a number of selected criteria (e.g., language, products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service provided to the user. 


On the other hand, for "profiling cookies", i.e., those aimed at identifying the user's preferences and improving the user's browsing experience, as well as for third-party analytical cookies, if no tools are adopted to reduce the identifying power of the cookies and the third party cross-references the information collected with other information it already has, the user's prior consent is required. 


We inform you that the Website uses the following cookies, first and/or third party, which can be deselected, even individually (as specified below in the section on "Cookie settings"): 

  • strictly necessary, 'navigation' or 'session' cookies; 
  • functionality cookies; 
  • analytical cookies; 
  • Profiling/marketing cookies. 

It should be noted that these third parties, listed below with the relevant links to their Privacy Policies, are typically the independent data controllers of the data collected through the cookies they serve; in this case the user gives or withholds consent directly to the owner of the cookie in question to which the Website merely refers. The management of the information collected by "third parties" is governed by their privacy policies, which you are kindly requested to refer to and which are linked below for your convenience: 

Google Analyticshttps://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

In detail, the cookies installed through the Website are set out below:  

Cookie settings 

The user can select/deselect the cookies to be authorised by clicking the following link:

You may also authorise, block, or delete (in whole or in part) cookies through the specific functions of your browser. If you wish to disable these cookies or have more information on how to set your preferences on the use of cookies through your browser, you can consult the relevant instructions: 

Internet Explorer 




Warning: The User is informed that not authorising technical cookies may make it impossible to use the Website, view its contents and use its services. Inhibiting functionality cookies may mean that some services or certain functions of the Website are not available or do not function properly, and the User may have to modify or manually enter certain information or preferences each time he visits the Website.  

However, failure to authorise other cookies, including third-party cookies, does not affect the operation of the Website. 

The choices made by the User in relation to the Website’s cookies will in turn be recorded in a specific technical cookie, with the characteristics set out in the relevant cookie table.  

Your cookie preferences will need to be reset if you use different devices or browsers to access the Website.