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NAMM Music Education Advocacy D.C. Fly-In

Save the Dates: May 5-8, 2025

NAMM Advocacy Fly-In

Learn | Engage | Advocate for Music Education

On November 15, 2023, 84 NAMM members and partner organizations gathered in the U.S. Capitol to represent their association’s vision and mission to assure that people of all ages and abilities have opportunities to learn and grow with music. Delegates from 41 states represented their businesses by meeting directly with 147 Members of Congress and their staff to ask for funding to allow for equitable access to music education. Of those meetings, 52 were held with with offices that have members on crucial committees or subcommittees. In addition, delegates dropped off 281 Best Communities for Music Education packets to notify Representatives of designees in their districts. Your collective voice as leaders in the music industry makes an impact and can influence how elected representatives vote. Together, we keep music education strong!

namm executive committee stands in front of the u.s. capitol
From left to right: NAMM Chair Tom Sumner, Vice Chair Chris White, Secretary Whitney Grisaffi, CEO John Mlynczak | Photo by Eman Mohammed

NAMM members are making a more musical world by advocating for music education in schools - from kindergarten to college.

The 2023 D.C. Fly-In

The first member of Generation Z to be elected to Congress Maxwell Frost represents the people of Central Florida (FL-10) in the House of Representatives. Congressman Frost inspired NAMM Fly-In delegates on November 14 with his journey to Congress as well as with personal anecdotes from growing up in a musical household. 

Read About Rep. Frost

In the weeks leading up to the Fly-In, NAMM staff presented webinar training sessions, built a comprehensive materials website, and made themselves available to delegates every step of the way as we prepared to meet in D.C. 

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The NAMM D.C. Fly-In starts with a day of service where members lend their time and expertise to students in music - from kindergarten to college - to help them discover the many pathways for having a career in music. Training and briefing on issues related to NAMM's "ask" of Congress prepare delegates for meetings with Members of Congress and their staff. Constituent meetings are high value and make a difference in how Congress ranks federal funding for music and the arts. 

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Anna Huthmaker, Owner, Huthmaker Fine Violins
“Music education for all children is a fight worth climbing Capitol Hill for, and we gladly join NAMM in this cause!”

Fly-In FAQs

How do I register for the Fly-In?

Registration is now closed, but stay tuned for information on the next Fly-In.

Can I attend if I am not a NAMM member?

Representatives from NAMM partner organizations may register to attend the Fly-In by invitation. We do request those eligible for membership join NAMM before registering for the Fly-In. Learn more about the benefits of NAMM membership.

Can I bring a guest or spouse?

Please note that the Fly-In is a music industry business event. However, guests may attend select meals and special events with a registration fee.

Participation in briefing day on and Congressional visits are limited to delegates.

Does NAMM cover travel?

Fly-In participants are responsible for their own round-trip travel to and from Washington, D.C. as well as ground transportation to and from the hotel and meetings with Members of Congress. 

What is the nearest airport?

We suggest Reagan National Airport (DCA) or Dulles International (IAD).

What is the dress code for the Fly-In?

The dress code for all Fly-In events is business attire. 

Please remember to bring business cards, phone and laptop chargers, warm outwear/raincoat and umbrella, cash for tips, medications and comfortable walking shoes.

Is there anything I can do to prepare before meeting with Members of Congress?

Virtual and in-person training will prepare you for your meetings, and NAMM Fly-In team leaders will coordinate communication between delegates and Senate and House education staffers. Since NAMM delegates often share the same representatives, outreach coordination is necessary to avoid duplicate requests.

Is there a Fly-In app?

Yes! All Fly-In training videos, materials and information will be accessible via our app. 

How do I leverage social media?

When posting about the Fly-In, please use the hashtag #NAMMFlyIn. More assets and templates can be found here.

Have a question we didn't answer?

Please contact us.