Josh Hammer
Newsweek Senior Editor-at-Large And Host,
"The Josh Hammer Show"

Welcome back! I was off last week for the Passover holiday, so I've missed a lot of ground here in our newsletter. Let's not waste any time, then, and dive right in.

For weeks, American university campuses—especially at our purported "best" or most "prestigious" schools—have been overrun by boisterous, venomous infestations of virulently anti-Semitic, Hamas-supporting thugs. What seemingly started at Columbia University in New York City as a reaction to the contemporaneous congressional testimony of university president Minouche Shafik quickly morphed into something much broader—and much darker. The level of sophistication and coordination across many of the on-campus "encampments" that have sprouted up nationwide in support of a U.S.-recognized Foreign Terrorist Organization suggests that certain organizations or individuals are collectively orchestrating the chaos. Regardless, what is now happening on campuses is beyond despicable: This is a second coming of Hitler Youth. It's time for immediate, drastic action to restore order by any means necessary. For details, read my most recent column.

We've had three episodes of "The Josh Hammer Show" since our last newsletter two weeks ago. First, I hosted the great Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), whom I have known for a long time, for a wide-ranging conversation about his evolution from conservative firebrand to bipartisanship-minded statesman, the 2020 book we wrote together on the U.S. Supreme Court (One Vote Away), the Democratic Party's total abandonment of Israel, and more. Second, Jeremy Carl, a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute, joined me to discuss his controversial new book, The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart. Finally, in a brand-new episode just out this morning, I blasted the mini-jihadist thugs running roughshod on American university campuses, provided an update on the state of President Donald Trump's many legal proceedings, called out those on the Right who seem to be rooting against America, and more. You can listen to all episodes of "The Josh Hammer Show" at the Newsweek website, on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Some other recent highlights of mine from the past two weeks include my live event in NYC with Tangle News, media appearances with Megyn Kelly, Stu Burguiere, Jenna Ellis, Steve Deace, Mark Reardon, Ross Kaminsky, multiple TV hits on Newsmax, and much more. To keep up with everything I'm doing, make sure to follow me on Twitter/X, Instagram, and Facebook. As a reminder, I also launched a second (legal-themed) show, "America on Trial with Josh Hammer," with The First; you can subscribe and listen to my daily episodes on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Also, here is a very important additional update: Newsweek Voices is now live! I am now putting out fresh bonus audio content every weekday, which we are calling "Josh Hammer Premium." This content is paywalled and only available for paying Newsweek subscribers. So make sure to subscribe to Newsweek here if you are not already doing so!

Our additional highlighted Newsweek op-eds from the past week include selections from Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.), Aviva Klompas, Brooke Rollins, and Ellen Fantini.

Thanks as always for reading and subscribing to this newsletter! We'll see you next week.

Restore Order and Crush the Campus Jihadist Thugs

In his 1790 letter to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island, President George Washington reached a stirring conclusion: "May the Children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while everyone shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid."

Washington is rolling in his grave right now at Mount Vernon.

Jews are so "afraid" at Columbia University that an Orthodox campus rabbi recently urged students to "return home as soon as possible." The situation at many purportedly "elite" universities is dire, as jihadist mania supplants Black Lives Matter as the vogue, faux-moral cause rotting the minds of impressionable Gen-Zers.

Listen to the latest episode of
The Josh Hammer Show Here

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