
New York Fed Web Series on Culture: Shifting Norms? The Intersection of Technology and Culture in Financial Services

July 06, 2022

As part of its initiative to draw attention to culture and conduct in the financial services industry, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York hosted a Culture Web Series. Our latest installment, Shifting Norms? The Intersection of Technology and Culture in Financial Services, took place on July 6.

The role that technology and digitization have played in disrupting financial services is well documented and much discussed. We have learned a great deal in recent years about how new entrants are impacting the business models of traditional financial services firms. However, less has been said about how increased digitization is impacting norms and behaviors within traditional financial services firms, and how that influence manifests. Among other topics, panelists considered how technology can affect norms and behaviors, how technology can be used to assess and address culture, how the digitization "gold rush" might influence behaviors in traditional finance, and how the norms of Silicon Valley could have an effect on banks.

For a more in-depth preview of the discussion, read this primer.

watch the event

Event Details

Date & Time
July 6, 2022
9:00am – 10:15am EDT

9:00am-9:05am Welcoming Remarks

John C. Williams, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
9:05am-10:10am Panel: Shifting Norms? The Intersection of Technology and Culture in Financial Services

Moderator: Susan Ochs, CEO, Ochs Advisory Group

Brandy Aven, Associate Professor of Organizational Theory, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship, Carnegie Mellon University Tepper School of Business

Nathanael Fast, Associate Professor of Management and Organization, University of Southern California Marshall School of Business

Sameer B. Srivastava, Ewald T. Grether Chair in Business Administration and Public Policy, University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business

10:10am-10:15am Closing Remarks

John C. Williams, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York


This virtual event was open to the public and the media. All remarks were on the record.

For media inquiries, please contact [email protected].


Brandy Aven
Associate Professor of Organizational Theory, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Carnegie Mellon University Tepper School of Business

Nathanael Fast
Jorge Paulo and Susanna Lemann Chair in Entrepreneurship, USC Marshall School of Business

Sameer Srivastava
E. T. Grether Professor of Business Administration and Public Policy, University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business

Susan Ochs
CEO, Ochs Advisors

Visit the New York Fed's page on Governance and Culture Reform.

Inquiries may be directed to [email protected].


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