Karen Washington

Honoree Profile

May 10, 2011

Karen Washington

Karen Washington


Year: 2011

Karen Washington has been a passionate and dedicated advocate in her community for over 25 years. An active member in her Bronx community, Ms. Washington has made a second career out of serving as a leader and grassroots activist working to make New York City a better place to live. As a community gardener and advocate, Ms. Washington has worked with  neighborhoods to turn empty lots into community gardens. She has stood up and spoken out for garden protection and preservation and the need for fresh vegetables. As a member of the La Familia Verde Garden Coalition, Ms. Washington launched a City Farms Market, bringing garden fresh vegetables to her neighbors in the Bronx. She currently serves as the President of the New York City Community Garden Coalition, a group that was founded to preserve community gardens, and is on the Board of Directors of the New York Botanical Gardens.

In addition to her passion for neighborhood revitalization, Ms. Washington is actively involved with the organizations, Why Hunger and Just Food. Both of these civic food organizations work tirelessly to provide New York City communities with healthy foods. Always willing to lend a helping hand, Ms. Washington also serves as a Just Food Trainer, leading workshops on growing food and food justice to community gardeners all over the city.

Along with a litany of community endeavors, Ms. Washington works professionally as a Physical Therapist, demonstrating that it is possible to have a successful career and be dedicated to community service. Ms. Washington has been an inspiration for the residents of New York City and those who seek to bring healthy food to people throughout the country, especially in low-income or urban areas.

All Women of Distinction Honored by Senator Gustavo Rivera