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The Public Employee Retirement Commission (PERC) was abolished by Act 100 of 2016, and the former commission’s duties relating to municipal pension reporting and analysis under Act 205 of 1984 and Act 293 of 1972 were transferred to the Department of the Auditor General. Effective August 1, 2016, the duties were fully transitioned to the newly created Municipal Pension Reporting Program (MPRP) within the Department of the Auditor General’s Office of Budget and Financial Management.
Contact MPRP at  833-852-4335, or by email: [email protected]

Reports, data, and documents for municipalities formerly located on the PERC website are now available through this website.

NOTE: The manner of preparing the filings and reports required by the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act" and the method of delivering and submitting those filings and reports to the Department of the Auditor General are located under “Forms” and described on the PDF e-filing user guides.