Taylor Swift Style

Fashion inspo, red carpet recaps, and exclusive blog content

  • 441 posts

Digital outlet Taylor Swift Style pioneered the celebrity fashion genre. Since 2011, founder Sarah Chapelle has been publishing exact designer information, attainable fashion similars, and insightful commentary unique on all things Taylor Swift's Style.

Through the blog, a tight-knit community of TSSers has formed. TSSers know the origins of The Incident, the pros of Blondes In Yellow, and that you can't mention "green" in Sarah's presence without inducing a swoon.  TSSers have shown their support over the years in a variety of ways. Comments, likes, reblogs, messages, and insightful discussions. After a lot of consideration (and encouragement from this amazing community), there are new avenues opened up to support the content you've loved for years. From individualized styling, early access to TSS content, or just offering a tip — thank you for being there for TSS. 

