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Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

How do I sign up?

Membership is free and open to anyone with a valid work e-mail address. Site members can contribute to the forums as well as product reviews and ratings. Site members can privately contact each other directly to discuss specific questions and categories.

Why are tech vendors required to identify themselves?

The site facilitates discussion and sharing ideas in a vendor-neutral environment. However, we recognize that it is in a vendor's interest to win over potential customers, and thus, contributions of a vendor can be inherently biased. Thus, we require employees of tech vendors to identify themselves during registration. We feel that it is important that site visitors be able to distinguish between information contributed by vendors versus that contributed by tech professionals.

Can tech vendors rate products or vendors?

No—Employees of tech vendors are not allowed to review their own products or products of their company's competitors. Only real users who have used the product/service, or evaluated it in order to use it, in the past year are permitted to submit a review. Vendors are allowed to respond to reviews of their products in order to provide constructive feedback (e.g. bug has been fixed, new pricing model, missing feature on roadmap) . These comments by employees of tech vendors are clearly marked in the site with a vendor badge and the name of the vendor. We do permit employees of tech vendors to review products and services in categories in which the vendor does not have an offering. For instance, a marketing employee from HPE that uses CRM software may review a CRM product but may not review any product in a category in which HPE plays.

How do you verify the information is from real users?

We require new users to register either with their LinkedIn profile or their company email address. This requirement enables us to prevent vendors or other non-users from posting fake reviews. This verification process allows us to put measures in place to identify suspicious users and/or fraudulent posts. The validation process combined with active community moderation and our commitment to review every post, allows us to have confidence in our information. See the PeerSpot Review Authentication Policy and Process.

What if I had a bad experience with a product or vendor? Can I say something negative?

The community can benefit from hearing all of your experiences including the good, the bad, and everything in between. Be sure to include all the relevant facts and details, and don't embellish your story for effect. We enthusiastically advocate freedom of speech, but beware the legal consequences.

Do you publish your ranking methodologies?

Yes, you can learn more about our ranking methodologies here.

How do you make money?

PeerSpot is 100% committed to offering an open platform for real users to share opinions with their peers. We don't accept banner advertising on our site and there is no "pay to play" at PeerSpot - any vendor can be listed as long as it offers an enterprise-class solution with real customers.

We don't charge money for people to read reviews, so in order to support ourselves, we provide a service to vendors in which we personally interview customers and write it up as a review based on a transcript of the conversation. The vendor may provide custom questions to include in the review questionnaire. Less than 10% of our reviews are collected in this manner and we are fully transparent about our process - you'll see at the bottom of each review a disclosure that states how the review was created. Customers who provided a review in this manner may have been offered a gift card as a thank you for participating. As with all reviews published on PeerSpot, we require the reviewers to testify that they are real users of the solution, and we then validate their identity using LinkedIn and other web resources.

When we publicize new reviews across the web and on social media, we will give extra publicity (e.g. more tweets, more LinkedIn posts) to these vendors. On our comparison pages, if we add a suggested 3rd product we indicate it with a label that says "Sponsored". We offer 100% opt-in lead generation to match interested buyers with relevant solutions; this means that unless a user gives us explicit permission to do so, we never share the email, name or other personally identifiable information of our members. We sell buyer intent data subscriptions to technology vendors, financial institutions, and other companies. We do not include personal identifiable information in our intent data offerings.

Using PeerSpot

How do I edit or remove my post?

To edit or remove previous posts, simply sign-in and click My Profile. From there you will be able to see all of your previous posts. If you would like to edit a post, click the Edit link next to that post, make the necessary changes, and click Save. If you would like to remove a post so that it is no longer available on the site, simply edit the posting and click on the Delete button.

How are titles chosen for reviews?

PeerSpot believes that everything’s got its plusses and minuses. We encourage reviewers to include a balanced perspective in all posts (offering pros & cons). Reviews are submitted without titles and PeerSpot editorial staff writes the title after reading the review and following these guidelines:

  • For reviews with a reviewer rating of 8-10 (out of 10), the title is based on positive information from the review.
  • For reviews with a reviewer rating of 4-7 (out of 10), the title is based on both valuable features and room for improvement from the review.
  • For reviews with a reviewer rating of 1-3 (out of 10), the title is based on areas for improvement.
  • For reviews without a reviewer rating, the title will be based on editorial discretion.

Reviewers have complete control over the contents of their published reviews and can edit or delete them at any time. If you would like to change your review's title, simply click the Edit Posting link on your review.

Why can't I find my post on the site?

To maintain data quality and ensure each post is within our guidelines, we review every post before it appears on the site. This means it may take as long as 3 business days for a member of our team to review and approve your post (and sometimes longer if you posted for a company that we didn't already have in our system). If you're still not seeing your post after a few days, it may mean that your post was not in compliance with the Community Guidelines and was not approved for display on the site.

How do I get a post or comment removed?

If you see a post that you feel is inconsistent with our Community Guidelines and Terms of Use (it's not enough to simply disagree, it has to have crossed a line), please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]. A member of our team will look into the issue and take appropriate action.

Can I directly contact another user without posting on the public forums?

Yes—the site includes a private messaging capability that allows registered users to directly contact other users without revealing their email address or identity.

Which browsers are supported on this site?

Our site currently supports Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari. For all browsers, we require cookies be enabled to create an account and ensure uninterrupted access to the site. If you've already checked that your cookies are enabled and you're still seeing an error message that your browser's cookie functionality is turned off, try opening a new browser window or clearing your cache and deleting your cookies.

How do I terminate my account?

To terminate your account, edit your profile by clicking on any green pencil on your profile page. On the bottom right side of the edit profile page, click on the Delete My Account link. If you delete your account, you will lose all reviews, ratings, and messages associated with this account. You can also send email to [email protected] and include your username or the email address for the account. Please allow up to 3 business days for us to process your request.

Tech Vendor FAQ's

My company's product/service is not listed. How do we add it?

We include only products and services that are customer-proven within the enterprise market. So our inclusion criteria is that the vendor must have at least 50 employees, and the product or service must have at least 10 enterprise customers. We define an enterprise as an organization that has at least 1,000 employees or at least $250M annual revenues. If your product/service meets that criteria, send email to [email protected].

Can I delete a review or remove my entire company from the site?

No, you cannot delete a review or remove your company from the site. But if you see a post that you feel is inconsistent with our Community Guidelines or Terms of Use and should be removed, please let us know. Simply click the "Inappropriate?" link below the post or send an email to [email protected] explaining why you feel the review should be removed (if sending an email please provide a link to the individual review). From there a member of the team will look into the issue and take appropriate action.

Can I respond to a review or comment?

Yes! We encourage you to participate in the discussion, especially if you would like to answer user questions, talk about product enhancements relevant to the discussion, etc. Please refrain from using promotional language, spreading FUD, dissing competitors, or other actions that violate the Community Guidelines or Terms of Use.

What prevents my competitors from abusing the rating system or forums?

Our team reviews every rating, review and post that is submitted and investigates suspect or inappropriate submissions. If you believe there has been abuse of the site, or postings that are inconsistent with our Community Guidelines or Terms of Use, please let us know. Simply click the "Inappropriate?" link below the post or send an email to [email protected] explaining why you feel the review should be removed (if sending an email please provide a link to the individual review). From there a member of the team will look into the issue and take appropriate action.

What can I do to get more reviews for my company?

We're happy you asked. The easiest way to get more reviews is to invite your customers to post their own reviews and comments. This can be done by sending an email to your customers, including a link to this site in your customer newsletter, or encouraging prospects to review your company and product as part of their evaluation process.