Counseling For Women

Are relationship or personal issues keeping you from living your best life? Would you like to better understand your partner’s thinking about you and your relationship? Maybe you wish that your guy would open up more and express his true feelings. Perhaps you feel disconnected, and want more engagement from your partner — or you just want your partner to listen to you so you can finally feel heard.

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Many men in relationships have a difficult time connecting emotionally. Their default is trying to fix or solve the issue when you may just need validation of your feelings. You may not be getting this from him, and the more you try to connect, the further he seems to push away.

Do you deal with other personal challenges such as anxiety, self-esteem, family issues or creating better life balance? You might be feeling anxious or overwhelmed by taking care of everyone else in your life, and be neglecting your own needs in the process. You might be taking on too much work at home, without the support you need from your partner, husband or family, which leaves you feeling burned out, overwhelmed and frustrated.

If you’re looking for relationship therapy, and your husband doesn't want to come in, you can get started on your own. If you need help working through individual issues, counseling for women can give you the support and guidance that you need to work through these things.

Many Women Feel Like Their Needs Go Unheard

It’s understandable if you’re struggling in your marriage or relationship, and don’t know where your husband or boyfriend is coming from. Common struggles include a relationship disconnect, a communication disconnect, and a constant pattern of fighting. If you’re feeling desperate, if you’re longing for a connection from your partner and not getting it — you’re not alone.

There are societal and family expectations that women will handle everything on their own, including holding a job, marriage and family, and doing it effortlessly. Women are expected to have all of the answers, handle things on their own and be strong, confident and all-knowing spouses and mothers. Big events in your life, such as having a child or moving to a new city, may be furthering your anxiety.

We also offer counseling for women to help them feel better about themselves and be comfortable in their own skin. Negative self-criticism can get in the way of how you talk to yourself, which creates problems with mood, anxiety and feeling good about yourself.

We understand women’s needs and can help you communicate them so you can be heard and validated with your partner and others.

Counseling for Women Improves Relationships and Personal Issues

Whether you’re currently in a relationship, or working on separate issues, we can help you create a better life for yourself through counseling. We’ll work together to help you connect on a deeper emotional and physical level with your boyfriend or husband. You’ll learn how to communicate effectively together, lessen destructive conflict, and work to feel like you’re on the same team again — not working independently from or against each other.

Couples therapy or marriage counseling. Woman hugging man's hand on couch during a psychotherapy session. Psychologist, counselor, therapist, psychiatrist or relationship consultant giving advice

Counseling for women can help you to feel more loved and cared for in your relationship and to develop a stronger voice with your mate and in life. You can learn to better confront your guy’s bad behaviors, whether that be alcohol, other women, lying, shiftlessness or other issues, and discover the best ways to get through to him. You can heal from the fallout of cheating or infidelity if this has impacted your marriage or relationship.

You can find more balance between your home, career and family lives, and stop constantly feeling overwhelmed or burdened with life and responsibility for others. We will also work to lessen or resolve the anxiety and depression that might be related to these issues. We’ll work with you to set healthy personal boundaries and develop stronger self-care habits. You’ll become more assertive, and communicate more effectively while also listening more closely to yourself.

We have decades of experience working with women like yourself, and would like to help you too.  We understand what you’ve been going through. We’ve helped women respond to personal and relationship challenges for over 25 years. With the right guidance and support through women’s counseling, you can discover what your deepest needs are and ensure that you get them met. I understand how men work in marriage and relationships, and I want to empower you to get the relationship or life that you want. While we can’t change your partner, we can work toward helping you develop more trust, intimacy and connection with them. We can also work on helping you feel better about yourself and your relationships once again.

“You mainly work with men. Can you help women like me?”

Yes we can. We work individually with women and men, and have both a male and female therapist available to work with you, depending on your preference. We counsel women on a variety of different issues, such as depression, anxiety, overwhelm, self-esteem, creating balance and more. And if you are having relationship or marriage issues, we can bring a unique male perspective to help you better understand your guy’s thinking and behavior and more easily get through to him.

“What can I do if my partner doesn’t want to come in for couples counseling?”

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Often times, caring wives and girlfriends know there is an immediate problem, but can't convince their husband or boyfriend to seek counseling for themselves, or entertain the thought of marriage or couples counseling. We can help you individually if your guy doesn’t want to come in for counseling with you. As a therapist working with men, I have found that, at times, it is really difficult for guys to admit that there is a problem going on in their relationship or marriage — let alone seek out a men's counselor or a couples therapist to get help. Many don’t think there’s a problem to fix, or they want to ignore or avoid the problems, or think that it can be fixed within the relationship without professional help. Your spouse or partner may join you once they see the benefits that counseling has provided for you.

“My husband doesn’t want to work on our marriage. Can it be saved?”

While we will do what we can to help improve your relationship, sometimes a relationship or marriage doesn’t work out, no matter how much energy and willingness you have to put in.  The problems may have grown too large or lasted too long, or your husband or boyfriend doesn’t want to get the help that you want for the relationship. This can be disappointing and painful, but therapy can help deal with these feelings, and also help you get on with your life.

You can feel more confident and valued in your life and relationships.

We’d like to talk with you about your situation and needs for counseling. Contact us through our site, or call us directly to talk more about your situation. If you’re ready, you can also schedule an appointment online.


Counseling for Women Phoenix

4501 N. 22nd Street, Suite 110
Phoenix, AZ 85016

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